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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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My random thoughts for this Sunday,

Barry Bonds does **** me off. I think he had all the talent in the world, but always was a basket case ( I used to live in Prince William County where he played in Single A Ball for the Prince William Pirates, now the Potomac Nationals). Then, I moved to Erie, Pa., and saw the whole deal he had in Pittsburgh, such as calling Andy Van Slyke the Great White Hope, etc.

The Pirates need to get rid of Dave Littlefield. For example, he left Shelton, Jose Bautista, and Frank Brooks off of the 40 man roster, so they get taken in the rule V draft. Shelton is looking like one of the better players in the league at the moment. Jose Bautista and Frank Brooks we traded for to get them back, only to let Frank Brooks go again. Jose Bautista, meanwhile lost a year basically of development sitting on the benches of the Orioles, and Devil Rays respectively for the year. Also, his trade of Aramis Ramirez is not a lovely one. Who did the Pirates get but Bobby Hill. As you can tell, I'd much prefer Ramirez than Randa at third for the Bucs this year.

Anyhow guys, sorry about the rambling on about this, but year after year I see the Buccos make promises, and year after year they keep losing. I love the Pirates, and will always support them (hell, I even supported them when they had Sammy Khalifa at short), but I am fed up with the front office mistakes. If we had the right GM in place, we could at least come up looking halfway decent.



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Wow... You are an embarrasement to Royals fan everywhere.

Yeah, Jeter doesn't get his due, right? :p

Baseball has spitballs and corked bats throughout the history of the game. You can't treat those things like you would steroids.

Agreed, it's one thing to cheat and get caught, it's another to transform your body and flat out morph into a more efficient human. Steroids are sick.

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Away we go...

...Smallville was okay this week. A litlle to much like "Saw" for my liking...

...Barry jit his forst homer of the season yesterday...oh boy! Let us all rejoice. I think Bonds' body is breaking down from the 'roid use...

...Y4L, I too enjoyed Quantum Leap. Does that dtae us as old guys??? On a related note, there has been talk about a t.v. movie to tie up the loose ends. I always liked the way they ended the series. Sam sacrificed his returning home, and now is leaping all over the place with no contact with Al...

...The Rangers got off to a horrible start in the NHL playoffs yesterday. God how I hate the New Jersey Devils...

...Been enjoying the MVP Online League. Was a fun first week...

...Hoopz27 podcast for the league was also very entertaining. Great job Hoopz...

...Is it me, or are all the members on here all new?

...Stilll looking forward to the MVP '06 final version coming out soon. Can't wait to see the finished product...

...Beautiful weekend here in New Brunswick, Canada. Summer is in the air...

...that's all for this week...

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Away we go...

...Smallville was okay this week. A litlle to much like "Saw" for my liking...

I didn't see that movie because those kind of movie I avoid but my wife did and she said it reminded her of Saw.

...Y4L, I too enjoyed Quantum Leap. Does that dtae us as old guys??? On a related note, there has been talk about a t.v. movie to tie up the loose ends. I always liked the way they ended the series. Sam sacrificed his returning home, and now is leaping all over the place with no contact with Al...

Maybe for me, but not for you. But I wish they would have a movie about this. It would be great.

...Been enjoying the MVP Online League. Was a fun first week...

...Hoopz27 podcast for the league was also very entertaining. Great job Hoopz...

I do miss not being on that. I wonder if there is any way I could here that podcast?

...Is it me, or are all the members on here all new?

Sure seems so. I welcome them all, but not the ones who have become too demanding about things.

...Beautiful weekend here in New Brunswick, Canada. Summer is in the air...

Great, rub it in. All we had was rain.

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Sorry, remember, I'm a stupid and embarassing Royals fan. I was wrong to infer that he was bought out. You are correct in your statement that he was acquired by the Yanks via trade. However, he did take a rather large pay increase to go to the Rangers. Guess what? If I were ARod, I'd have taken it too. After all, it's just a game, and you may as well get all you can, when you can.

I really didn't mean to "put down" Jeter. I said he was overrated. This would imply that he has a baseline in which to measure him by, and Jeter's baseline is higher, than say, oh, Fred Patek. I simply think (this is opinion on my part, and a random observation) Jeter's perceived value above his "baseline" is higher than what I would consider appropriate. Keep in mind, that I, as a Yankee hater, will have a slightly colored opinion in the negative of a Yankee. I believe that being a fan, can make one 'slightly' biased, and I'm certainly not immune to the temptation. My aim in not to make the Yankees apologists mad, I'm simply throwing out my two cents, for what it's worth. That's what I mean by overrated. If I said "Jeter is no good, and contributes nothing", THEN I would agree that I 'dismissed' him. I am, however, a not so bright Royals fan, with no room to 'dismiss' players. I DO KNOW THIS.

Baseball has spitballs and corked bats throughout the history of the game. You can't treat those things like you would steroids.

Agreed. If my comment suggested that all cheating was the same, then shame on me for making such a statement. There ARE degrees of cheating. You and I are quite possibly in agreement here.

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OK here we go. It's sunday, and on friday, I had my phone stolen by some petty thug. An black male at that. Well, I was basically robbed. This guy, who is familar to me only by face, as I have seen him on repeat occasions due to the fact that I hang out with his cousin, approached me and wanted to see my phone. Apparently someone must have told him that I had a Motorola i930, a phone I heard out on the streets that he wanted to buy off of someone. Apparently he wanted to see my phone, and because I was cool with his cousin, I let him. Yes, I know, I shouldn't have given him my phone, but the guy gave me a handshake and everything giving me this false friendship....so he looks at my phone, checks out the features, he asks me how much do I want for the phone, and so he pulls out a wad of money out of his pocket, and he says he'll buy it off me right now. I said my phone was not for sale. So he decides to close it and walk away with my phone. He has an accomplice with him, so I cannot really beat him down to a pulp, but my pride was shattered that day. To everyone, it looked like I gave him the phone, but all of this happened in a store, and in retrospect I could have just stood at the entrance and he would have returned my phone, if not I coulda kicked his ***. God I'm such a dumbass.

However after that day, I've come to realize that no matter how cool you are with someone, it will never amount to anything because everybody will backstab you at one point in your life. You can never trust anybody, and if you do, you cannot trust them at a level in which you can trust yourself, meaning if you trust yourself 100%, keep your friends at a 25% trust. I might sound confusing but that's how I am. I don't give a hoot about anything and anyone right now, and I'm frustrated as hell with the african-american community.

Why the fsck is it that they do this? Why is it that most black males turn out to be drug-dealers and thieves? What makes them do this? Are they the only race that embraces everything other races consider a no-no? Is it because they think it's ok to be hood, broke, violent, uneducated, etc.?

Now, don't call me a racist or anything like that, because I am a minority also. I'm just sick of seeing blacks complain about how the white man does this etc, how cops harass them, how they can't sell weed, how even with affirmitive action, negro funds, etc., they still can't work for a better future...it annoys me. I'm sick of seeing blacks complain about things like it's expected to be handed to them.

Seriously, asians, indians, mexicans and every other non-white race came here to this country to be somebody, they lived in the same ghetto and not only did they have to endure the racism of the white man but also black people who didn't want them "in their neighborhoods". I was one of those people. My family were those kinds of people. I never felt and I still don't feel comfortable living in a predominantly black neighborhood, for the sole fact that I'm hispanic and that I don't speak in ebonics, although I do, but I mastered a method called code-switching, in which I speak a certain way amongst my peers, but amongst strangers I keep things professional and avoid slang. I don't feel comfortable knowing that every single time I go out to buy something with the money I worked hard on earning, there's somebody out there that is always jealous of what another person has and instead of working hard to reach that level of whatever it is, they want to steal it because they find it easy. I don't feel comfortable coming outside with something I know I paid alot of money for, and having somebody plot and scheme on taking that away from me. For example, I don't want to settle for a Honda, when I got the money to pay for a Ferrari, just because somebody might want to steal it. That's a blow to my pride, big time.

I don't get why people wonder why a high percentage of arrests and robberies and all sorts of misdemeanors come from blacks. It's because they put all of this on themselves.

Now, I don't respect black people who believe that stealing and doing things the illegal way is what's right just because it's hard growing up or whatever. If an asian or mexican man who came to America with 20 bucks with a wife and 2 kids manages to work himself up to live in a good neighborhood, can have a nice house makes a decent amount of money and send his kids to go study at the best universities, any minority can do the same. I can't stand living in the conditions that I'm in, i.e. always coming outside fearing someone might try to rob something else I have, always fearing for my life whenever I walk towards territories where there's heavy drug traffic, you know? Stuff like that....so I'm planning on moving...where to? I do not know. All I know is that I can't stand living here.

Now, I know after you all read this you can consider me a racist, whatever label, but I do not care. I don't hate a race, I just hate stupid people who can't help themselves and put the blame on others. If it's a majority of a certain race or whatever, so be it, but I'm at a point now where I don't give a hoot about anything or anyone for that matter. I lost my phone in the most embarassing matter anyone has ever seen.


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and Canadians man. u gotta add them to that bunch.

but im with KC, im no racist or anything.

Canadians in my neighborhood, -- Queens, NY, for some reason, they are extremely thugged out and i don't get it. Hip hop is ruining these local candians man, but u know, i've never been robbed by a canadian so I'm not in the same boat as you.

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Why the fsck is it that they do this? Why is it that most black males turn out to be drug-dealers and thieves? What makes them do this? Are they the only race that embraces everything other races consider a no-no? Is it because they think it's ok to be hood, broke, violent, uneducated, etc.?

Now, don't call me a racist or anything like that, because I am a minority also. I'm just sick of seeing blacks complain about how the white man does this etc, how cops harass them, how they can't sell weed, how even with affirmitive action, negro funds, etc., they still can't work for a better future...it annoys me. I'm sick of seeing blacks complain about things like it's expected to be handed to them.

Seriously, asians, indians, mexicans and every other non-white race came here to this country to be somebody, they lived in the same ghetto and not only did they have to endure the racism of the white man but also black people who didn't want them "in their neighborhoods". I was one of those people. My family were those kinds of people. I never felt and I still don't feel comfortable living in a predominantly black neighborhood, for the sole fact that I'm hispanic and that I don't speak in ebonics, although I do, but I mastered a method called code-switching, in which I speak a certain way amongst my peers, but amongst strangers I keep things professional and avoid slang. I don't feel comfortable knowing that every single time I go out to buy something with the money I worked hard on earning, there's somebody out there that is always jealous of what another person has and instead of working hard to reach that level of whatever it is, they want to steal it because they find it easy. I don't feel comfortable coming outside with something I know I paid alot of money for, and having somebody plot and scheme on taking that away from me. For example, I don't want to settle for a Honda, when I got the money to pay for a Ferrari, just because somebody might want to steal it. That's a blow to my pride, big time.

I agree 100% with you on that. Most african-americans just don't want to work. Most think that they're they only group that's been discriminated against. You should see how hard immigrants from countries like India and Mexico work. I'm sick of this whole hip-hop culture crap. It's very stupid, and very pointless. And I doubt it will get any better anytime soon.

I don't dislike all blacks, just the ones that don't want to work.

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Now, I know after you all read this you can consider me a racist, whatever label, but I do not care. I don't hate a race, I just hate stupid people who can't help themselves and put the blame on others. If it's a majority of a certain race or whatever, so be it, but I'm at a point now where I don't give a hoot about anything or anyone for that matter. I lost my phone in the most embarassing matter anyone has ever seen.


No, I don't consider you one at all. All that I took out of this post is that you are frustrated and upset that someone took your phone. From what you've told me about this phone, it costs a pretty good chunk of change and you got a right to be angry. The good thing is that you know who has it and you can go find him and ask for it back. Maybe he won't be as brave if he is all alone. I hope you get it back and have nothing to do with him again.

Fuzzone wrote:

and Canadians man. u gotta add them to that bunch.

but im with KC, im no racist or anything.

Canadians in my neighborhood, -- Queens, NY, for some reason, they are extremely thugged out and i don't get it. Hip hop is ruining these local candians man, but u know, i've never been robbed by a canadian so I'm not in the same boat as you.

I have no idea if you are playing around here or not since you have the habit of making everything out to be one big joke.

Friedman wrote:

I agree 100% with you on that. Most african-americans just don't want to work. Most think that they're they only group that's been discriminated against. You should see how hard immigrants from countries like India and Mexico work. I'm sick of this whole hip-hop culture crap. It's very stupid, and very pointless. And I doubt it will get any better anytime soon.

I don't dislike all blacks, just the ones that don't want to work.

I know what you mean here man, and I agree as well. You made an honest and truthful point here and there is no way anyone can dispute this. Now let me tell you what is going to happen. Someone in here is going to twist your words around and accuse you of being racist. It's going to be someone who doesn't know what the hell he is talking about and that's what will happen. This is the sorry state of this country today. You can not say anything about anyone without risk of being labeled as politically incorrect or racist. Never mind what you say is true, if they don't like what is said, they will attack the words being said and not the truth behind it.

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You know what annoyed me the most out of all those posts....is Fuzzy's Canadian hating, only because I don't know if he is joking or not. But I will take the high road and say, welcome back, haven't seen you around here lately,because I am not one of the "Thugged out Canadians", I have class. Word. :wink:

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Updated to 4-30

....Keith Hernandez took a beating by the politically correct crowd this week after he said that women do not belong in the dugout after he saw a female member of the Padres staff in the dugout. Well, you know, he's right. I don't care if she has a job on the Padres, but she should be on the field before the game starts and not when it is going on.

....Anytime I watch a Yankee game on YES and Michael Kay is not announcing it, I am happy.

...I went for a MRI this week on my left knee. I need arthroscopic surgery.

...Mod of the week: The Custom Organ Mod that someone made. This thing is wonderful. To fully appreciate it, turn off Kuiper and Krukow and just listen. What a great mod.

....Well, the NFL draft is done. Now what will the football junkies do?

...Cince de Mayo is coming up. It marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today, that celebration is about seeing how many Corona Extras you can empty.

...What would any random weekly thought be without thinking of those great Yanks? Big deal they scored 17 runs yesterday. I want them to be more consistent. And get rid of Bernie Williams while you are at it.

...The Yankees go to Fenway for a two game set starting tomorrow. Poor Johnny Damon. Nothing is as loud as a crying Red Sox fan and they won't like him wearing the best uniform in baseball.

...Man, those NHL playoffs last long. They won't be done until June. Same as the NBA, but I ignore them anyway.

...Nothing's as nice as coming home from work or anywhere else and having your dogs happy to see you.

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You can never trust anybody, and if you do, you cannot trust them at a level in which you can trust yourself, meaning if you trust yourself 100%, keep your friends at a 25% trust.

I sorta live life like that, but I pretty much have to give my full trust to my family. Who else can I trust? Sounds like you have been burned many times in the past, but what the hell do I know.

Why the fsck is it that they do this? Why is it that most black males turn out to be drug-dealers and thieves? What makes them do this? Are they the only race that embraces everything other races consider a no-no? Is it because they think it's ok to be hood, broke, violent, uneducated, etc.?

It's because of whitey. I'll let you in on a secret. Us white guys plot and plan to keep the black man down. We have constructed an entire system that ensures the self-destruction of the black race, all because we are all racist capitalist pigs. We are constantly making sure we put blacks in a disadvantageous situation, just so generations of blacks can never advance themselves. The only way to solve this is giving up to the welfare state, you can trust the government. /end liberal professor talk

Seriously, there is no answer to that question, only tons of opinions on that. In my opinion, Americans breed a culture of laziness and self entitlement. When you start out ahead with some money, you are less likely to fall into the bullshit. When you don't, it seems like that you will. America's foundation is the fact that people immigrate here, bust their ***, and keep the system working. Of course, I must add that the fact that people in urban areas having less respect for education and authority happens to be a huge problem. If you are going to get ahead, you are going to have to work with the system and not against it. It is not like teachers and police officers are born just to **** you off.

Lastly, it's just sickening that an entire culture can admire crime and the 'thug life'. The only thing that I had experienced that comes close to that is the whole Italian boner for the mafia. Every Italian loves mob movies, and thinks they know a made man. (Despite the fact you have to be 100% Sicilian to be a made man.) There's even people are try to pretend, a "Johnny Bag of Doughnuts". Well, at least around where I live. But of course, instead of being unemployed on the streets the whole life of crime is a fantasy rather than something that is replicated. It's a huge problem and it really is not going to get better unless the excuses stop and the self-betterment starts. Bill Cosby lashed out for a good reason if we all remember.

Now, don't call me a racist or anything like that, because I am a minority also. I'm just sick of seeing blacks complain about how the white man does this etc, how cops harass them, how they can't sell weed, how even with affirmitive action, negro funds, etc., they still can't work for a better future...it annoys me. I'm sick of seeing blacks complain about things like it's expected to be handed to them.

Exactly, ******* exactly. Self-entitlement + no money = you go nowhere.

Seriously, asians, indians, mexicans and every other non-white race came here to this country to be somebody, they lived in the same ghetto and not only did they have to endure the racism of the white man but also black people who didn't want them "in their neighborhoods".

The Irish, Italians, and other Eastern Europeans were not considered 'white' at first, it is as if they had to 'earn' it. As weird as it sounds. If you bust your *** you'll be respected despite what the hell you are.

Now, I don't respect black people who believe that stealing and doing things the illegal way is what's right just because it's hard growing up or whatever. If an asian or mexican man who came to America with 20 bucks with a wife and 2 kids manages to work himself up to live in a good neighborhood, can have a nice house makes a decent amount of money and send his kids to go study at the best universities, any minority can do the same.

As idealistic as it sounds, it's true. Know of too many people who came here from another country, with jack-****, and now are living perfectly comfortable upper-middle class lives. And this is in the same generation. You know, parents could also work hard to help provide their children a better life. That's a working mindset.

I don't hate a race, I just hate stupid people

Me too. :lol:

Great post KC, great post.

I had random thoughts before this, and now all I'm thinking about is Rochester... Man that place is a dump.

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You know what annoyed me the most out of all those posts....is Fuzzy's Canadian hating, only because I don't know if he is joking or not. But I will take the high road and say, welcome back, haven't seen you around here lately,because I am not one of the "Thugged out Canadians", I have class. Word. :wink:

That's what I thought too. I don't know if he was serious about what he wrote or if it was just another insult at carter. Either way, I don't care what he says.

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Lastly, it's just sickening that an entire culture can admire crime and the 'thug life'. The only thing that I had experienced that comes close to that is the whole Italian boner for the mafia. Every Italian loves mob movies, and thinks they know a made man. (Despite the fact you have to be 100% Sicilian to be a made man.) There's even people are try to pretend, a "Johnny Bag of Doughnuts". Well, at least around where I live. But of course, instead of being unemployed on the streets the whole life of crime is a fantasy rather than something that is replicated. It's a huge problem and it really is not going to get better unless the excuses stop and the self-betterment starts. Bill Cosby lashed out for a good reason if we all remember.

I'm 100% Sicilian. What do you think of that? Mob movies to me are just movies, simple as that. I won't go into anything else.

Soriano wrote:

I had random thoughts before this, and now all I'm thinking about is Rochester... Man that place is a dump.

Why do you say that? I bet you are thinking about Henrietta where the Marketplace mall is. I hate Henrietta.

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'm 100% Sicilian. What do you think of that?

I wouldn't know, I don't know you. :lol:

Anyway, everytime I have to go to Rochester for some reason I always to go some god forsaken shitty part. Though the waterfalls are pretty nice, but overall I'm not a fan. I guess I'm used to bigger cities.

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I wouldn't know, I don't know you. :lol:

Anyway, everytime I have to go to Rochester for some reason I always to go some god forsaken [naughty word] part. Though the waterfalls are pretty nice, but overall I'm not a fan. I guess I'm used to bigger cities.

The waterfalls are in the city, and I never go there. That area sucks. I live north of that in Irondequoit.

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You live in Irondequoit? Thought you lived more out of the way than that. I guess that's why you are closer to Toronto than NYC.

*Now hordes of people are hunting down Y4L.

I've always said where I lived, but it hardly comes up when things are talked about. The closest person that lives near me on this board is YankeexDev, who lives in the town next to Irondequoit. I've never met him.

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I'm 100% Sicilian. What do you think of that? Mob movies to me are just movies, simple as that. I won't go into anything else.

Now that I have this information, please don't hurt me because of my negative posts on the Yankees. I've been watching those movies too.

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Why the fsck is it that they do this? Why is it that most black males turn out to be drug-dealers and thieves? What makes them do this? Are they the only race that embraces everything other races consider a no-no? Is it because they think it's ok to be hood, broke, violent, uneducated, etc.?

Now, don't call me a racist or anything like that, because I am a minority also. I'm just sick of seeing blacks complain about how the white man does this etc, how cops harass them, how they can't sell weed, how even with affirmitive action, negro funds, etc., they still can't work for a better future...it annoys me. I'm sick of seeing blacks complain about things like it's expected to be handed to them.

Seriously, asians, indians, mexicans and every other non-white race came here to this country to be somebody, they lived in the same ghetto and not only did they have to endure the racism of the white man but also black people who didn't want them "in their neighborhoods". I was one of those people. My family were those kinds of people. I never felt and I still don't feel comfortable living in a predominantly black neighborhood, for the sole fact that I'm hispanic and that I don't speak in ebonics, although I do, but I mastered a method called code-switching, in which I speak a certain way amongst my peers, but amongst strangers I keep things professional and avoid slang. I don't feel comfortable knowing that every single time I go out to buy something with the money I worked hard on earning, there's somebody out there that is always jealous of what another person has and instead of working hard to reach that level of whatever it is, they want to steal it because they find it easy. I don't feel comfortable coming outside with something I know I paid alot of money for, and having somebody plot and scheme on taking that away from me. For example, I don't want to settle for a Honda, when I got the money to pay for a Ferrari, just because somebody might want to steal it. That's a blow to my pride, big time.

I don't get why people wonder why a high percentage of arrests and robberies and all sorts of misdemeanors come from blacks. It's because they put all of this on themselves.

Now, I don't respect black people who believe that stealing and doing things the illegal way is what's right just because it's hard growing up or whatever. If an asian or mexican man who came to America with 20 bucks with a wife and 2 kids manages to work himself up to live in a good neighborhood, can have a nice house makes a decent amount of money and send his kids to go study at the best universities, any minority can do the same. I can't stand living in the conditions that I'm in, i.e. always coming outside fearing someone might try to rob something else I have, always fearing for my life whenever I walk towards territories where there's heavy drug traffic, you know? Stuff like that....so I'm planning on moving...where to? I do not know. All I know is that I can't stand living here.

i'm black, and we're middle upper class. my family has worked hard to get to where they are now. i belive the arguments have gone the way of the 60's. mabye they thought the goverment was going to give them slack all the time after the 60's and told them the goverment was going to take care of them...they belived it instead of working off their own bums. much of my extended family are in trouble now due to the same general black attidue. i think black people have depended on the goverment to do everything for them and when they don't do what they want, they complain. here's what you do...stop being a bum.

also, black people tease other blacks if they are smart, don't listen to violent rap music or disagree with anti-socical movements. most of my friends are white, partly becuase i go to a predomintley white school. but the black places were the places you didn't want to be in, becuase the blacks put them in those places...so i got more white infulences than anything else..and some people say i'm a wanna be white (i don't really care). but i work hard and i don't want to end up being a bum. i find myself doing almost none of the so called "black things", becuase many of it is really dangerous for anyone. i wish they can realize it is bad....part of the reason i rarley listen to rap/hip hop (too violent).

good job, kc.

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school is crucial right now, i need to crack down and study but being a good student can be difficult especially since my sleep schedule is all out of wack.

i hate doing the whole room mate situation, I do not know where I will live this summer or next year. Hopefully I can get something together with my buddies. unknown room mates can never be trusted, I had to learn the hard way.

the weather sucks right now, it needs to clear up for a couple days so i can clean my baby. anyone know how to get sap off a car without damaging the wax or clear coat?

A's lost to the royals last night.......wow another weak April for Oakland

Havent been able to make it to a 2 dollar wednesday game yet, hopefully soon

Sometimes I wonder if my brain is/will be fried

My high school alma mater had prom yesterday and the graduating class is coming to Santa Cruz for a night of partying. It will be fun to see some of the old kids from high school. I will show them how we do it santa cruz style.

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