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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Keith Hernandez took a beating by the politically correct crowd this week after he said that women do not belong in the dugout after he saw a female member of the Padres staff in the dugout. Well, you know, he's right. I don't care if she has a job on the Padres, but she should be on the field before the game starts and not when it is going on.

you're right. it's a matter of curtosey and deceny about women being in the dugout, not sexist issues. there are places women should just not be allowed in becuase it's just not decent. i don't care if they are working for the same people. i don't want to see women in a place where men can be naked. i bet if it was a man in a womens locker room, the man would get blasted. this isn't a issue of women's equality here, but an issue of curtosey and deceny.

Well, the NFL draft is done. Now what will the football junkies do?

i don't know. they think this is the start of football season. it's annoying about the mock drafts or something like that...boring. btw, my saints got reggie bush.

Cince de Mayo is coming up. It marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today, that celebration is about seeing how many Corona Extras you can empty.

intersting point. in mexico, they don't really celebrate it anymore, it's almost like another day. it's just an excuse to drink now.

Man, those NHL playoffs last long. They won't be done until June. Same as the NBA, but I ignore them anyway.

nba more than nhl, nba drags out their playoffs so they can all be on tv or something stupid like that. it just becomes very annoying over time. at least the nhl plays every other day like they should.

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You guys are amazing with this thread. I love to see what direction this will go each week because like the topic has it, they are random thoughts and we can just about cover anything in here. Thank you.

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no,no,i was serious. i wasn't joking.

my neighborhood really is filled with thugged out canadians, and a lot of really thugged out greek kids also but not as bad as canadians.

Forest Hills, NY and East Elmhurst got it the worst with these white kids who think they're tough cookies.

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I have no idea if you are playing around here or not since you have the habit of making everything out to be one big joke.

do i now.

notice that there should be a question mark at the end of that sentence, but since I'm not looking to have you "answer back", i've excluded the question mark from the sentence and ended it with a polite period.

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do i now.

notice that there should be a question mark at the end of that sentence, but since I'm not looking to have you "answer back", i've excluded the question mark from the sentence and ended it with a polite period.

Well, I answered back because it's my right too. You do seem to make everything a joke and if you were not joking about this, then I was 100% wrong and I apologize.

no,no,i was serious. i wasn't joking.

my neighborhood really is filled with thugged out canadians, and a lot of really thugged out greek kids also but not as bad as canadians.

Forest Hills, NY and East Elmhurst got it the worst with these white kids who think they're tough cookies.

Now I see here that you backed up what you said earlier today. What makes them (the thugged out canadians) be that way? Are they a gang or what?

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to be honest with u, the greeks are more of a gang but the canadians around here get along real well with yugoslavians and relate a whole lot more to KC's story.

They tend to be low-class and rob and vandalize everything.

I'm not stereotyping, but this is what it's like around here for some reason. The same thing that happened to KC would have def. happened here, but it would have been some crazy canadian doing it.

Greeks tend to be more of a gang kind of thing, but nowhere in a sense where they'll go upto you and rob you but if they see you looking at them the wrong way or if you walk through them, greeks get rowdy.

Like i know a Canadian around here, just for sake of example, his name is Zecko and this dude thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to ask a teenager for the time and then take his watch? I don't think its funny but I'll laugh along with him while he's there.

The reason why i responded in the first place is because KC linked me to it.

This sunday thread is actually pretty cool.

That's all i have to say for one sunday.

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to be honest with u, the greeks are more of a gang but the canadians around here get along real well with yugoslavians and relate a whole lot more to KC's story.

They tend to be low-class and rob and vandalize everything.

I'm not stereotyping, but this is what it's like around here for some reason.

Both the Canadians and the Greeks sound like bad news to me. I hope they don't give you any trouble.

Like i know a Canadian around here, just for sake of example, his name is Zecko and this dude thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to ask a teenager for the time and then take his watch? I don't think its funny but I'll laugh along with him while he's there.

Why would you laugh along with that? If there were witnesses to this, they would accuse you of being an accomplice to the crime.

The reason why i responded in the first place is because KC linked me to it.

This sunday thread is actually pretty cool.

As you can see, this goes on every Sunday. These guys that come in here have some pretty good things to say. KC's thing this morning was upsetting because I don't want anyone to go through something like that.

You are more than welcome to come back, but it's your choice.

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you're right. it's a matter of curtosey and deceny about women being in the dugout, not sexist issues. there are places women should just not be allowed in becuase it's just not decent. i don't care if they are working for the same people. i don't want to see women in a place where men can be naked. i bet if it was a man in a womens locker room, the man would get blasted. this isn't a issue of women's equality here, but an issue of curtosey and deceny.

Uh... dude... if a guy (player or otherwise) was naked in the dugout, I think you might have some legal issues involving the thousands of fans who might tend to call that indecent exposure. I guess you meant locker room, which is not where this incident took place - it was in the dugout.

Now, with that clarified: I couldn't disagree with you more. She's one of the trainers. The trainers are often in the dugout. You know - in case a player needs a trainer. You have a problem with women in the dugout? How about with female reporters in the locker room? I can see the second one being more of a problem for people - but in the dugout? How can that be a problem?

I don't know if you knew this - but a large percentage of the mascots are females under those Fredbirds and Philly Phanatics. <gasp!> I guess they shouldn't be allowed down there around the players anymore. (Sarcasm).

Man, I guess you're really going to crap in your pants when a female finally makes a minor league baseball team somewhere. It's gotta happen some day - I'm fairly shocked it hasn't already. There've been 2 college football teams with a female on the roster already (both were kickers - but still).

I'm honestly shocked that anybody would take issue with a female being some place as public as the dugout. What? Should we ban them from the stadium too? I don't like them being so close to such a manly sport. (Once again, sarcasm).

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Like i know a Canadian around here, just for sake of example, his name is Zecko and this dude thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to ask a teenager for the time and then take his watch? I don't think its funny but I'll laugh along with him while he's there.

Hold up.

So you don't think the fact the this teenager had his watch taken is remotely funny, but you laugh anyway, just to impress (or avoid having your *** beat by) the person who took the watch?

Maybe it's just me, but that, to me, sounds like something a punk would do.

Maybe the teenager who had his watch taken should, in turn, take yours to replace his, and see if you're laughing then.

My not-so-random thoughts for this Sunday are short and not-so-sweet.

Got fired last week.

Been sick.

Had too much stuff to do, but couldn't do it due to sickness.

Trenton are on their way back. 7-14 after an 0-10 start to the season.

Have a good week, everyone. Except people who take watches. And others who laugh at it for no reason who are obviously punks.

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...And away we go...

...Little under two months until "Superman Returns"...going to be the movie event of the summer. Going to go see MI:III next weekend. That should be excellent also, even though "Crazy" Cruise is the star...

...Smallville was alright this week...can't wait for the final couple epsisodes of the season...ZOD is coming...

...The Jays are really an up and down team so far....but they are atleast entertaining, and their offence is scary...

...Beautiful weather here...spent the day cleaning out our pool to get it ready for the summer. I can't wait...

...My 7 year old boy came home from school and told my wife and I he has three girlfriends...souns like a Jerry Springer episode waiting to happen...

...Mario Williams...wow, just...wow!

...I'm lost, whatever happened to Tom Arnold on "The Bast Damn Sports Show Period!"?

...Went and saw "RV" yesterday, was a pretty funny movie. Good family show, and Robin Williams had his moments...

..."Thugged out Canadians"...what's the difference between them and "Thugged out Americans????" C'mon...


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oh, she was a trainer? sorry, as long as she wasn't going to any locker rooms with naked men or something, that's okay.

i think herandez should have been fined and/or suspended, not fired.

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You know, in every race, you're going to find people who are lazy bums, and others who really work hard. It's unfair to say that all african-americans are bad, because they're not. It just seems that in certain races, there is a large part of people that don't work hard, and who are bad, african-american being one of those.

Anyway, I respect all african americans that work hard, like bravesj858. I respect everyone of any race who work hard, for that matter. It just seems like there are a lot of African Americans who are bad. It's probably mostly because of this who hip-hop culture thing.

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oh, she was a trainer? sorry, as long as she wasn't going to any locker rooms with naked men or something, that's okay.

i think herandez should have been fined and/or suspended, not fired.

Oh wow he got FIRED??? Geez that seems a bit harsh for a somewhat off-the-cuff remark.

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Oh wow he got FIRED??? Geez that seems a bit harsh for a somewhat off-the-cuff remark.

Keith was in the booth during the game on Saturday, I remember my friends and I ripping on him. Anyway, they turned such a non-issue to an issue in this case. That was more appalling than the comment in my opinion.

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OK here we go. It's sunday, and on friday, I had my phone stolen by some petty thug. An black male at that. Well, I was basically robbed. This guy, who is familar to me only by face, as I have seen him on repeat occasions due to the fact that I hang out with his cousin, approached me and wanted to see my phone. Apparently someone must have told him that I had a Motorola i930, a phone I heard out on the streets that he wanted to buy off of someone. Apparently he wanted to see my phone, and because I was cool with his cousin, I let him. Yes, I know, I shouldn't have given him my phone, but the guy gave me a handshake and everything giving me this false friendship....so he looks at my phone, checks out the features, he asks me how much do I want for the phone, and so he pulls out a wad of money out of his pocket, and he says he'll buy it off me right now. I said my phone was not for sale. So he decides to close it and walk away with my phone. He has an accomplice with him, so I cannot really beat him down to a pulp, but my pride was shattered that day. To everyone, it looked like I gave him the phone, but all of this happened in a store, and in retrospect I could have just stood at the entrance and he would have returned my phone, if not I coulda kicked his ***. God I'm such a dumbass.

However after that day, I've come to realize that no matter how cool you are with someone, it will never amount to anything because everybody will backstab you at one point in your life. You can never trust anybody, and if you do, you cannot trust them at a level in which you can trust yourself, meaning if you trust yourself 100%, keep your friends at a 25% trust. I might sound confusing but that's how I am. I don't give a hoot about anything and anyone right now, and I'm frustrated as hell with the african-american community.

Why the fsck is it that they do this? Why is it that most black males turn out to be drug-dealers and thieves? What makes them do this? Are they the only race that embraces everything other races consider a no-no? Is it because they think it's ok to be hood, broke, violent, uneducated, etc.?

Now, don't call me a racist or anything like that, because I am a minority also. I'm just sick of seeing blacks complain about how the white man does this etc, how cops harass them, how they can't sell weed, how even with affirmitive action, negro funds, etc., they still can't work for a better future...it annoys me. I'm sick of seeing blacks complain about things like it's expected to be handed to them.

Seriously, asians, indians, mexicans and every other non-white race came here to this country to be somebody, they lived in the same ghetto and not only did they have to endure the racism of the white man but also black people who didn't want them "in their neighborhoods". I was one of those people. My family were those kinds of people. I never felt and I still don't feel comfortable living in a predominantly black neighborhood, for the sole fact that I'm hispanic and that I don't speak in ebonics, although I do, but I mastered a method called code-switching, in which I speak a certain way amongst my peers, but amongst strangers I keep things professional and avoid slang. I don't feel comfortable knowing that every single time I go out to buy something with the money I worked hard on earning, there's somebody out there that is always jealous of what another person has and instead of working hard to reach that level of whatever it is, they want to steal it because they find it easy. I don't feel comfortable coming outside with something I know I paid alot of money for, and having somebody plot and scheme on taking that away from me. For example, I don't want to settle for a Honda, when I got the money to pay for a Ferrari, just because somebody might want to steal it. That's a blow to my pride, big time.

I don't get why people wonder why a high percentage of arrests and robberies and all sorts of misdemeanors come from blacks. It's because they put all of this on themselves.

Now, I don't respect black people who believe that stealing and doing things the illegal way is what's right just because it's hard growing up or whatever. If an asian or mexican man who came to America with 20 bucks with a wife and 2 kids manages to work himself up to live in a good neighborhood, can have a nice house makes a decent amount of money and send his kids to go study at the best universities, any minority can do the same. I can't stand living in the conditions that I'm in, i.e. always coming outside fearing someone might try to rob something else I have, always fearing for my life whenever I walk towards territories where there's heavy drug traffic, you know? Stuff like that....so I'm planning on moving...where to? I do not know. All I know is that I can't stand living here.

Now, I know after you all read this you can consider me a racist, whatever label, but I do not care. I don't hate a race, I just hate stupid people who can't help themselves and put the blame on others. If it's a majority of a certain race or whatever, so be it, but I'm at a point now where I don't give a hoot about anything or anyone for that matter. I lost my phone in the most embarassing matter anyone has ever seen.


ticke d off for you. <><Mo><>

You had every right to knock him out. You're a better man for NOT doing that. Even if you would have gotten jacked by his body guard wanna be.

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Random Thoughts, earlier then usual.

- I lost hours of sleep tonight because some jackasses decided it would be funny to play with fire extinguishers. So, the fire alarms go off sending my *** outside for a while.

- Only two more days of this crap, I am going home on Tuesday.

- Yanks are finally winning games on the road this year

- wikipedia has information for almost anything, I'm suprised they keep it so well. (Anyone can write an entry for it)

- A-Rod has been slow coming out the game while Ortiz has not. But do not worry, that's why there is 5 more months of baseball.

- Giambi is having like his first hot start since I can remember

- I have a chance at a 4.00 this semester, yay for me.

- Nice to see the Rockies do well for once.

- Half my thoughts are about baseball, that's probably because it's a baseball forum. Also, it's probably because I don't share much of my personal life here.

- The Painting of the Day has been much, give someone else a turn at this point. I have nothing against the paintings, just something against 4 pages in a row by the same guy, over one of the pages being paintings. :p

- Nice to see Boston fans trying to run Seanez out of town... again. I guess he didn't suck enough his first time. I don't get Rudy, he has been effective for little spirts in a mostly journeryman and subpar career.

- When the hell is Crisp's finger going to heal?

- I must be the only baseball fan who hates fantasy baseball.

- I heard Opie and Anthony may be going back on terrestial radio in a couple of eastern markets including New York during the morning. That'll be interesting, those two always had an inferiority complex to Howard Stern and they'll probably be as funny as hell during Howard's old time slot.

- My stupid-*** cats will be happy that this time I'll actually be back for more than a week. Four awesome months vacuuming fur and cleaning litter! But hey, it's worth it.

- Not to **** off Braves fans (all you guys are cool here), but I'm loving this season. The Braves are AWFUL this season. They cannot even beat the Mets, which they always used to do. If the Braves make it out of this one, I'll have to think that Schuerholz and Cox had made a deal with the Devil. (Before you guys gets mad, remember a year ago today you guys were probably loving the mediocrity of the Yankees.)

- What the hell is Baltimore's ERA? Has Mazzone made any immediate effect? I did personally predict it would take a while though.

- Still nothing from Carl Pavano, Octavio Dotel is slated to return by early June. Since it is an one year deal, Torre can mostly do what he wishes with that arm. If he does any good, he'll want to be a closer again anyway.

- Tom Gordon, who I used to hate, has made a hell of a rebound. From behind an injury prone has been, he has turned into a work horse. Other than a game I saw on TV, Gordon has been even more dominating than he has been on the Yankees. Gordon was one of few free agents who actually overperformed, which made me like him. Now he's doing nice in Philly. I doubt he can keep this up three year, can he?

- I'm liking the Rangers' announcers. But I won't be listening to the other team's announcers for a while when I get home, since I'll have Kay, Kaat, and Singleton at home. I'll probably hear the road announcers during day games while I am at work, in the case the work I am doing happens to be on a computer. :?

- Beavis and Butthead were good. But the show is kinda tame compared to the cartoons we have today. I guess people used to be shocked a whole lot easier, hell Ren and Stimpy used be considered vile.

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Updated to 5-7

...I like going to Staples to get my "office" supplies even though I don't have an office. I mean to say I go there to get pens and paper and stuff like that. Sometimes they have good deals, and sometimes they are behind the times. Example? They are still selling MVP Baseball 2005 for $29.99

...Those guys that made the *1961 season did a great job. In fact, as soon as I get done doing this, I am going to play a 1961 Yankee game. And coming soon is the Negro League mod. I'll need a whole new computer just for these mods.

...Anyone ever go to a flea market? I've gone to a few. It's 90% junk that you would throw out to the curb and 10% not so bad stuff. The trouble is, it is hard to find the good things. I saw one guy have for sale last year at a flea market in Avon, New York rusted spoons. No kidding.

...Some guy paid $30,000 to play wiffle ball with David Ortiz. That I just can't believe.

...I went to a Catholic High School and the other day I found out that the tuition there was almost $5,000 a year. If that was like that when I was there, I'd of had to go to public schools. Even by today's standards they are overcharging.

...I missed Smallville this week so I downloaded the episode and then this morning I accidentally deleted it. I didn't realize I did that until a half hour went by. Oh well, I'll be sure to watch the season finale this Thursday.

...I hope KC comes in this thread today to give us and update on his phone and that it is good news.

...If any of you guys don't know, this website has a MVP 05 baseball league going. This is my shameless plug to promote it. A lot of people are in it, along with djeagles, who is a regular poster in this thread. I'm not in it because I just can't. But if anyone wants to be in for the next league, go sign up.

...The White Sox signed Jeff Nelson to a minor league contract the other day. He always was a favorite of mine. I wonder why the Yankees didn't keep him after he returned to New York in 2003? He would have helped a lot.

...Took a look at the X-Box 360 the other day. And it is a good as advertised graphic-wise. The guy who owns the X-Box has MLB 2k6 from 2k Sports and that game just doesn't look right. The online rosters are up to date as of March 22nd. For a company that has the corner market on baseball games, this is inexcuseable.

...I don't care for Philadelphia fans that much but they really gave it to Barry Bonds this past week, so that was ok. And when Bonds passes Ruth it will be a crime.

...The collective bargaining act ends this year. That is what I am paying attention to as much as the Yankee season.

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-My city is really starting to rebuild...a completely new, multi-use baseball field/sports complex is being built, which will host local sports as well as the AAABA (All American Ametuer (?) Baseball Association) Tournament. Good stuff. They also built these sweet new lofts/apartments, and there are plans to build a new complex with office buildings, a rooftop fitness center, apartments, and a swimming pool.

-Baseball's getting to be boring. I hope nobody gets mad at this. I don't even want to play baseball this year, even though it's my final year in little league...

-[groan] All of the sudden, things got busy. I'm not even 20% finished with my site for Simplicity Designs, I got a newsletter to design for my dad, a Flash (should be done in PowerPoint but I hate that thing) story due Thursday, and not to mention the daily updates to the little league site I'm in charge of.

-I suspect all the business mostly becuase of this article in the paper last week. I even pushed Lynn Swan back to page 7...

-Sorry about my lack of time for sig making...just don't have the time. If you PM me about a sig, I'll try to get to it, but I can't promise it will be right away.

-Dad's calling me for my "computer expertise"...probably needs help doing the flyer of his for today...laters


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They are still selling MVP Baseball 2005 for $29.99

True, but since it is the only baseball game for PC they can pretty much charge anything they want.

...Some guy paid $30,000 to play wiffle ball with David Ortiz. That I just can't believe.

I bet Ortiz shown off when he hit a 100 foot homerun off of a 'slider'

...The White Sox signed Jeff Nelson to a minor league contract the other day. He always was a favorite of mine. I wonder why the Yankees didn't keep him after he returned to New York in 2003? He would have helped a lot.

Becausen he doesn't throw strikes? He'll probably crack that awful White Sox bullpen.

...The collective bargaining act ends this year. That is what I am paying attention to as much as the Yankee season.

This scares me as well.

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Updated to 5-7

...Took a look at the X-Box 360 the other day. And it is a good as advertised graphic-wise. The guy who owns the X-Box has MLB 2k6 from 2k Sports and that game just doesn't look right. The online rosters are up to date as of March 22nd. For a company that has the corner market on baseball games, this is inexcuseable.

Yup, I played MLB 2K6 on my friends XBOX 360, and it's not that great. I still think MVP 06 (mod) for the PC is still tops! Even though the 360 has the super-powerful graphics, they weren't taken advantage of. The faces weren't great, and the names on the jerseys were pathetic (so small). Madden 06 isn't bad on the 360 graphics-wise, but it doesn't have any good features (dynasty/franchise mode).

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it is so good having finals overwith. one more semester left...then i have to get a job...eww. and i'm not doing lab work, i aldedy had to send one person to the hospital, in real life labs, they could have died....

anyone have ideas on what else i can do with a biology degree besides stinky lab work? i also like writing, so i may try to jump start my science writing career within the next few weeks.

i'm just unlocking the power of my ipod nano now...it's so awesome. i have put my contacts on the thing, but still having problems putting certian things in it. i'm also having trouble with calander configuration though. if i can get those two things fixed, my ipod will be a one stop shop for my notes, instead of carrying messy notes.

on ipods, podcasts are awesome, esepcally angels baseball rants and raves. those guys are awesome. and they flip out if you send them the right email like the other day.

i'm not letting my summer go to waste this year...i have lots of things on my to do list, some of them inculde mvp stuff though. i doubt modding is in my future though. but sig making might be.

i hope the braves don't get sold to more corporations. they ruin everything and treat the team as just another asset in their big buisness. i hope arthur blank gets the team, he's going to do us well. here's a good argument of why coprations suck for sports teams: Corprations Suck.

my mouse sucks and my desk is in shambles. i'm getting one of the three hopefully in the next week or so. a. a new desk (very expensive and tedious to reorganize my room), b. fix the sliding bench on my current desk (probly free, but it may be hard to reassemble the parts to it's previous state, and warranty is probaly up) or c. get a wirless keyboard and wireless mouse. i will probaly go with c, since it's probaly the easiest and cheapest option, plus i like to type stuff on my bed instead of my chair, which is the worst in the world to sit on, can't be on it contrablly for more than mabye 20 minutes at a time. so i don't have to be on my chair as much, and just get cushions for it while i'm on it. also, my mouse likes to act up on me with the double clicking and clicking errors, etc and my keyboard is broke. this is one i'm looking at: Keyboard and Mouse. okay?

i'm hoping to learn how to make a web site so i can get a couple of projects up and running by the end of the summer. if anyone knows about building websites, pm me.

also, i'm not going to the marlins games this week. braves and marlins both suck, and its too far and way too much for the games. i'll just watch them at home. i may see the devil rays at the end of june, but if the braves turn out to be awful, i may change my mind. not wasting my money on stinky teams...i'll wait till texas rolls in or someone good.

i miss watching tv on my computer. it was so awesome, you can save screen caps and everything, and i heard that these newer cards are just off the hook. i may have to buy one again. this will do me good when i'm off on my own. fyi, i had to ditch the old one becuase when i put in my new hard drive (long story from last summer, my old drive got whacked with a nasty virus, slowed way down, learned alot about computers then). my old drive had windows 98 info on it even though xp was the current operating system, which the tv card operated on, but my new drive only had xp info on it without 98 info, as it was a brand new drive. i wanted to get a new tv card since, but since the summer was winding down, i decided to put it on the back burner. i'm looking at this one now: TV Card. like it?

that's it for now.

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Well, my phone was insured and I've recieved a new one. However, a buddy of mine that knows the jerk who took my phone decided to negotiate and come to a compromise. Turns out, the thief sold my phone. However, I got paid 300 dollars by him because my friend told him my mother called the police.

I don't care though. When I catch him in the street, I'll make sure he doesn't steal again, but because the situation is still a hot topic around my neighborhood, I don't plan on taking action until people forget all about it (i.e. around september or whatnot).

I finally had a day where I could just hang out and have fun, and that was yesterday. I spent all night partying and just having a good time. Silent Hill is an awesome movie if you got friends that joke around to make it funny as hell. I basically broke night with my boys and we still haven't slept yet. Well, I did. I got home around 7:15AM EST, hit the bed at like 7:25, and woke up around 4 this afternoon. Now my sleeping cycle is all screwed up. and I'll need another day of rest to "reconfigure my settings" so to speak.

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