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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Random thoughts on a Sunday evening;

Damn, it's hot. I think this is the warmest it's been all year - it hit 29°c in my room earlier. It's now down to 26°c, but that's still 4°c over the normal temperature. Add to that some serious tension from the Thunder game, setting this new PC up in it's new home (it's rather large and heavy, for some reason) and the fact that we can't open any windows without being infested by flies means that I've spent most of the day sweating like a marathon runner. Well, rather that than being too cold, I guess.

Why is it that some baseball games just have that effect of draining all of your energy? Too many highs and lows to keep track of, and I just end up tired as all hell after the game - like I am now. And I still have a Linux distro to test on this PC.

If anyone's ever seen the film "Sphere" with Sharon Stone, Samuel L. Jackson and Dustin Hoffman, you should check out the book as well. I read around two-thirds of it yesterday (346 pages out of 500) before succumbing to tiredness, and I'll probably have finished it before going to sleep tonight. It's written by Michael Crichton and is ISBN number 0-330-30127-6. "Black Ice" by Matt Dickinson is pretty good as well, although I'm only 64 pages into that. That's ISBN 0-09-179521-4.

For any hip-hop fans, check out Ice Cube's new album, "Laugh Now, Cry Later". It's the best album I've heard this year. It's good to hear some lyrics that make sense and have good points or feelings behind them rather than the usual breed of crap that's being released as hip-hop today.

Good to see ThePirateBay.org back up again, with a new image taking a shot at Hollywood. It's a shame that these morons are still getting away with attempting to close down these websites.

Anyone know where to get one of those brain implants that removes the need to sleep? Hook me up with a link. ;)

Have a good week. :)

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Damn, it's hot. I think this is the warmest it's been all year - it hit 29°c in my room earlier. It's now down to 26°c, but that's still 4°c over the normal temperature.

Mark, what does that mean in English? 29 celcius is what in fahrenhiet?

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Little late...

-84? Here, it's 95. Try playing a baseball game in that. ...I'm always on the team that is on the field in one inning longer than most games last. =(

-Before I had so much stuff to do, and now, I'm bored to death. That means it's time for another blog post...

-I'm losing interest in baseball.

-Dad's birthday is today. Anybody got any ideas for a quickie present? Maybe something to do with his website?

-Developed an ad style - looking at a spot on Pixel2life.com...

-Planning on getting and Apple laptop this summer...don't know which kind yet


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you know, i'm starting to think the reason why i hate florida is where i am. for those who don't know (everyone), i live in loxahatchee (not on many maps), that's about 20 miles from downtown west palm beach, which isn't flattering for any kind of fun or life, its boring. and that is about 45 minutes away from me. every other town within a half hour's drive are all bedroom communites. it's just so depressing nothing is around and i feel so isolated, and so that means walking twoards fun and stuff is out. i'm kinda used to that small village like town like pacific beach in san diego and i loved it. i'm starting to think the true reason why i hate it was becuase i live in hick town, where my parents love to settle down. i pacturally don't. i have to be near a big city (like within a half hour), and miami is considred a road trip for us, since it's about two hours away. ugh. i'll expand on this in another thread.

i like my wirless keyboard and wireless mouse, they ahve been awesome for me so far, expect my mouse seems to be sometimes glitchy, but that's probaly due to ipod interfernce.

my friend, sean walker is with roger clemens in lexington. he's a nice guy and his son who i met in march is fun as well. i have both of their signed balls in my room displayed. good luck to all of them.

the nba finals will be starting at 10 pm this year...and you thought world series times were insane. if the nba was smart, these games would be starting around 8:30 et, considering that netheir team is on the west coast. i'll be taping them and watching them in the morning.

looks like no traveling for me this summer...it seems like my parents are forever busy and can't leave their house for more than a day, and don't desire to go to miami for any reason. i guess they have become the country type...i don't want to. i'm going on vacation right after i graudate in december for sure. haven't taken a vacation since i started college in 2003.

i'll watch the world cup and give it a try.

i'll try to get in better shape. i'm tired of looking at my pitiful self and moping for the past few years. i need to erase my past and get on...

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My random thoughts:

- I wish I had neighbors like MarkB that steal my trash.

- It's funny to me an admin is an open advocate of ThePirateBay.

- The Sopranos finale sucked.

- The Phillies pick the weirdest times to get hot.

- I'm tired.

- Grey Goose is the champion vodka.

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My random thoughts:

- I wish I had neighbors like MarkB that steal my trash.

- It's funny to me an admin is an open advocate of ThePirateBay.

If you're ignorant enough to throw out a perfectly working system, then why shouldn't someone with the knowledge to make the software work take it? You throw it out into a communal area, it's fair game.

Why is that funny to you? I don't understand. Are we not allowed to have opinions or something? ;)

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If you're ignorant enough to throw out a perfectly working system, then why shouldn't someone with the knowledge to make the software work take it? You throw it out into a communal area, it's fair game.

Why is that funny to you? I don't understand. Are we not allowed to have opinions or something? ;)

I think you're missing the point. Most normal people don't appreciate people digging through their trash and taking whatever they find... even if it's trash. Most people would call you a filthy rat. I wonder what your neighbor thinks.

What's funny to me, is that we have one post that had nothing illegal about being closed down, a thread with leaked ESPN Insider articles that still withstood until recently, and a moderator that advocates what the first thread stood for. I wasn't talking about opinion, I was talking about irony. The irony is, we use bittorrent but if you talk about and you don't have a Moderator tag, you did something in the wrong. That is a fact, so where are you bringing up opinions all of a sudden? Speaking of being vocal of your opinions, I could say something along the lines of your wink face was a lame attempt at being clever, but you wouldn't like that, now would you?

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JDK has been on this board for over two years now and has 58 total posts. I just checked out all his posts and most of them deal with insults towards someone else in here. He doesn't post much, but he makes his potshots count.

Now JDK, don't post in this thread ever again. And if you ever want to see post 59, I suggest you show a bit more respect to Mark.

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I think you're missing the point. Most normal people don't appreciate people digging through their trash and taking whatever they find... even if it's trash. Most people would call you a filthy rat. I wonder what your neighbor thinks.

What's funny to me, is that we have one post that had nothing illegal about being closed down, a thread with leaked ESPN Insider articles that still withstood until recently, and a moderator that advocates what the first thread stood for. I wasn't talking about opinion, I was talking about irony. The irony is, we use bittorrent but if you talk about and you don't have a Moderator tag, you did something in the wrong. That is a fact, so where are you bringing up opinions all of a sudden? Speaking of being vocal of your opinions, I could say something along the lines of your wink face was a lame attempt at being clever, but you wouldn't like that, now would you?

It's probably better if you know the facts before you start making posts about it. No digging through anything was involved - it was left outside, beside the bin, on the concrete. No different than if someone had dumped it outside in the middle of the street.

I wasn't talking directly about Bittorrent - I was discussing a news item related to a site that provides Torrent links. Do you not see the difference between saying "You can get this game for free at [insert preferred destination here]" or "Here's a link to get the game free..." and discussing an item of news that is being reported around the world, and stating your opinion on it? That's where I'm bringing up opinions from - I was stating mine. You're perfectly entitled to say what you want along the lines of my use of the winking emoticon, but it wasn't intended to be clever - it was intended to let you know that I didn't intend to disrespect your post.

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I am not afraid of being banned. I just felt I had the right to answer and justify my opinions in this thread about random thoughts. Please, please... PLEASE.. I beg you. I want you to actually read what I have written in the past.

I don't get it. I posted my random thoughts, someone asks me a question and I answer it. Now I get threats? I gave you my opinion on what someone who digs through trash is. A filthy rat. I'm sorry if you take offense to that, but I'm not a little 10 year old girl, and that type of language doesn't incite riots where I'm from. I do not have it out on Mark, but he had a point and I had a counterpoint. I sincerely apologize for doing the right thing.

On the issue of respect to the moderators. Am I the only one in the camp that moderators are there to moderate the rules, and not wield their power? In fact, Yankee.. here is something you have written yourself:

The next time you talk crap like this, this "Ban Squad" member is going to boot you the hell out of here. That was uncalled for.

Forum rules: MVPmods Reserves the right to terminate or ban an account at any time, for any reason, without warning, notification, or explanation.

Consider that the only warning you will get.

So, your warning is "I'll ban you just because..." That is a great quality in a moderator/admin to have. I know, I know... you like the "Anything I say goes" mentality, but let's try to be fair. Instead of seeking reasons to ban people, let's understand what is NOT bannable first.

The myth that most of my posts deal with me hurling insults... I guess it all started when people didn't get the joke that I wanted to be paid for my work. Somehow, that spiraled into me being an asshole. Despite everybody else in that jersey thread showcasing the exact same sentiments you think I was. It's really crazy that for everything I said (which you would construe as being rude), there were 10 others posting things just as equal. Over jersey textures. I want you to hear me out on this: I speak the truth, unless it's a joke. I said something TRUE about kccitystar's work, and people got outraged. What a joke. Let me elaborate:

In my jersey thread, it was interrupted by KC posting his own work out of no where. Did you happen to see that? I don't know what his reasons were, but what I do know.. and that is the truth.. is that this isn't something someone does in another person's thread. I don't understand how people can say "good work" to a default EA template and pass it off as the best thing they've ever seen. I want you to really read everything I said and I want you to give me explanations and examples of where I went over the line to the point of being a degenerate and causing "unlawlessness" among the community.

I know if I say something to the effect of "I'm not afraid to being banned.", somehow that is justifications for a ban. This holds true most of the time, especially with people such as myself who are labeled as "problems". Whatever, man. I'm going away soon to a sandy place with no beaches and people who think the U.S. sucks. I'm not going to be enjoying baseball, or even enjoy taking a crap in a real toilet for quite some time. I come here to this place for a release, and yet I have never.. EVER had an explanation for the allegations you've brought towards me. I don't understand that. I don't understand either if I try to comprehend the rules correctly and try to make the proper adjustments and justifications, then I am being out of hand. OK?

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It's probably better if you know the facts before you start making posts about it. No digging through anything was involved - it was left outside, beside the bin, on the concrete. No different than if someone had dumped it outside in the middle of the street.

I wasn't talking directly about Bittorrent - I was discussing a news item related to a site that provides Torrent links. Do you not see the difference between saying "You can get this game for free at [insert preferred destination here]" or "Here's a link to get the game free..." and discussing an item of news that is being reported around the world, and stating your opinion on it? That's where I'm bringing up opinions from - I was stating mine. You're perfectly entitled to say what you want along the lines of my use of the winking emoticon, but it wasn't intended to be clever - it was intended to let you know that I didn't intend to disrespect your post.

TORRENT FILES AREN'T ILLEGAL. How can you say that there are 2 sides of the BT angle? There is only ONE.. .JUST ONE. If you want to say there is a difference in the way you say it, then that's just being picky to the point you want to find ways out of your own rules. "You can get this game for free at..." and "Here's a link to get the game free" are the same. How are they different, honestly? C'mon... what? You can get a burger at McDonalds... McDonalds is a place you can get burgers. Yeah, I can tell the difference, bro.

My tip of the day - never underestimate trashing. I went downstairs to throw some trash out earlier and saw one of my neighbours had thrown away a PC.

I'm not going to interrogate you. This is what I read. That you found a computer ithrown away in the trash. You said "TRASHING". I didn't read it was conviently placed outside, not even in the trash. Maybe you should've got some type of confirmation from your neighbor before you start taking his stuff. That's just me. I'm sorry I don't share the same aspects of just taking stuff off the ground like you. I'm different, 'kay? :(

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Hey JDK why don't you go to the Bahamas. I think Y4L can arrange it for you.

Stop being mean. I never did anything to you! God, that joke was so bad it hurts.

See, the difference between you dishing out "hate" and me is... I'm not sure yet.

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yo, just wanted to throw this in here.

if the trash is on the road it is not owned by anyone. it is not illegal to take it, you may think whatever you want about someone digging through trash. i myself would not do it but there is nothing "legally" wrong with it. the post just shows how wasteful people can be, we throw out so much stuff that we take for granted in america. ever heard of good will?

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Hey JDK why don't you go to the Bahamas. I think Y4L can arrange it for you.

Your like a whole different person since your last "vacation"! I now think you are my new God NYM06...yes, yes I think you are! I have read nothing but quality posts from you all week...All hail Lord NYM06...


...and yes I am serious....I can't believe how much you seem to have changed...not serious about the God thingy though...don't get a complex... :D

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TORRENT FILES AREN'T ILLEGAL. How can you say that there are 2 sides of the BT angle? There is only ONE.. .JUST ONE. If you want to say there is a difference in the way you say it, then that's just being picky to the point you want to find ways out of your own rules. "You can get this game for free at..." and "Here's a link to get the game free" are the same. How are they different, honestly? C'mon... what? You can get a burger at McDonalds... McDonalds is a place you can get burgers. Yeah, I can tell the difference, bro.

Show me at which point I said anything even similar to "BitTorrent files are illegal." Go for it. Try to find even the smallest morsel of a post that I made saying that - you won't. I know BitTorrent files aren't illegal, that's why I made the original post mocking the MPAA and their cronies for raiding yet another organisation that was using them. I also didn't say there are two sides "of the BT angle", as you put it. I pointed out that there are different ways to discuss it. If you can't see the difference, then you're an idiot. I'll agree with you on one thing, though.

"You can get this game for free at..." and "Here's a link to get the game free" are the same.

Yes, totally. However, look closer, that's not what I said in my last post. What I actually said was this;

Do you not see the difference between saying "You can get this game for free at [insert preferred destination here]" or "Here's a link to get the game free..." and discussing an item of news that is being reported around the world, and stating your opinion on it?

Read this: the "or" indicates the I was giving multiple examples of essentially the same thing, while the and indicates that I was making a different point. Read it again. The red text indicates part 1 and the blue text indicates part 2, the rebuttal text that goes against part 1.

Do you not see the difference between saying "You can get this game for free at [insert preferred destination here]" or "Here's a link to get the game free..." and discussing an item of news that is being reported around the world, and stating your opinion on it?

Try reading posts rather than skimming them - it leads to much better communication.

I'm not going to interrogate you. This is what I read. That you found a computer ithrown away in the trash. You said "TRASHING". I didn't read it was conviently placed outside, not even in the trash. Maybe you should've got some type of confirmation from your neighbor before you start taking his stuff. That's just me. I'm sorry I don't share the same aspects of just taking stuff off the ground like you. I'm different, 'kay? :(

The phrase "trashing" is commonly used to indicate the collection and/or use of items that have been discarded by their previous owner, whether they actually put it in the trash or left it in the middle of the street. Again, it helps to know the facts before posting. The neighbour works nights, so I don't think she'd have been too happy if I banged on her door at 3pm, while she's sleeping, to ask if I could take a PC that she had left outside. Having worked nights previously, I sure as hell wouldn't be happy if it happened to me.

Now, is there anything else you wish to say before disappearing for another few weeks, or maybe a month or two, then posting another of your jersey samples?

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The way I look at it, If I left my house, or drove by a computer tossed on the street, I would probably pick it up. I enjoy trying to get old things to work again, and it's not like MarkB was picking through garbage bags looking for morsels of food. ALthough after the rice he ate a few weeks back, I wouldn't blame him...LOL!

Just Kidding Mark.

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Show me at which point I said anything even similar to "BitTorrent files are illegal." Go for it. Try to find even the smallest morsel of a post that I made saying that - you won't. I know BitTorrent files aren't illegal, that's why I made the original post mocking the MPAA and their cronies for raiding yet another organisation that was using them. I also didn't say there are two sides "of the BT angle", as you put it. I pointed out that there are different ways to discuss it. If you can't see the difference, then you're an idiot. I'll agree with you on one thing, though.

Backtrack here... "It's funny to me an admin is an open advocate of ThePirateBay." My point was how can there be a thread closed about BT, when apparently you agree that there was nothing wrong with that thread in the first place? There still isn't an explanation at all for this. Tell me why that ESPN Insider thread stayed open for as long as it did when it clearly violated rules. Tell me why you (as in all moderators and admins) pick and choose to regulate the rules however you see fit.

The phrase "trashing" is commonly used to indicate the collection and/or use of items that have been discarded by their previous owner, whether they actually put it in the trash or left it in the middle of the street. Again, it helps to know the facts before posting. The neighbour works nights, so I don't think she'd have been too happy if I banged on her door at 3pm, while she's sleeping, to ask if I could take a PC that she had left outside. Having worked nights previously, I sure as hell wouldn't be happy if it happened to me.

Now, is there anything else you wish to say before disappearing for another few weeks, or maybe a month or two, then posting another of your jersey samples?

Oh.. OK. So, you're saying in order for me to give my thoughts, I have to do a background check on all aspects of someone else's words. The fact that they said in a generic manner that they found their neighbor's PC along with the trash, that still does not entitle me to an opinion on the matter. I should've had the foresight to ask you the following:

- Where exactly was the PC located in relation to the dumpster?

- What was the temperature outside at the time?

- Were the neighbors home?

- Do the neighbors know?

- What shifts do the neighbors work?

Why are you acting like I should've had some inside information? "It wasn't in the trash, stupid!!" My bad, I apologize for not knowing every aspect of your life. Any information that wasn't present is your fault, not mine. I may not have known the hard facts, but that doesn't mean what I said was wrong. Nor does it mean it was right. It was my random freaking thought, which this thread suggests you post.

As a matter of fact, I will be on quite a long hiatus shortly... possibly over a year. I hope during that time you manage to actually answer the few questions that I've asked over and over again, which keep getting ignored.

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