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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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ok I'm in this discussion...random thought: who in the heck in Dan Uggla? I picked this guy up in my fantasy bball team a couple of weeks back b/c of his stats and he's continued to impress. I haven't had a chance to see the Marlin play this year but am looking forward to it just b/c of Uggla

He was a Rule 5 pick from Arizona. He was never thought to be anything special, but he's proving that he might end up being a solid player. He's got a ton of power for a smaller guy. Obviously he's only a rookie, but time will tell. If you're impressed by him, you'll absolutely love all the other young talent they've got.

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ok my last post (11:57 pm - Sunday's almost over)... Matt Kemp is my favorite new Dodger. Now don't get all crazy and think Gagne isn't my favorite, but Kemp is my favorite of the new rooks up this year. This guy is 21 and getting all sorts of praise - he's been up a little over 2 weeks and already has 6 HR's (2 today). He's a 5-tool player that will be around a long time!

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yep. it's monday but i was swamped all weekend:

i'm slowly adjusting to life in los angeles...

had another "thriller" sighting yesterday (see previous post for thriller info)- i think i'm obsessed with him. my first thoughts on him were that he was homeless but, he always has different clothes on. the latest sighting had him arguing with an "agua fresca" he's definitely moving up in the world...

my goal of getting out of the PC repair business is slowly gaining momentum:

i interviewed and was offered a job at take 2 (2k sports) in westlake village friday for the quality analysis department. i turned them down. the pay is minuscle especially when compared with commute time and of course the fact that LA has the highest gas prices in the country. those factors outweighed the "foot in the door" attitude i had about getting in there. if any of you guys want jobs in the video game industry head west...

i've been offered a job managing an *cough* adult *cough* website. the pay is good but, i'm having a slight moral dilemma right now about it. don't get me wrong naked women rock! just don't know if i'm the man for the job. the real positive is that it's almost within walking distance from my front door in north hollywood- 1.69 miles to be exact. i have until next friday to make the decision...

i'm with Y4L i hate espn- the only thing good about them is baseball tonight and their high def MLB games. i just wish they would broadcast some different teams other than - the yanks, bosox, chisox and cards. there's a whole bunch of other teams out there... i especially hate steve phillips and jeff brantley though.

speaking of high def- i love it! i just wish directv had more high def channels...

what's up with dodger fans? - the games are rarely crowded and they don't broadcast games in high def...

another HATED dodgers note- i've never been a nomar fan- to me i can take or leave the guy. but, he is having a strong season- i'll give him that. if only the giants would just get it over with and start rebuilding.

i'm happy to see the rangers are fairly strong this year. also the reds. we'll see how it all plays out in the back 1/2 though...

i'm compiling a list of players i have long suspected of steroid use - prepare for hot debates on mvpmods...

i've started the "official" mvp mods fantasy football season. 13 slots left- if you're interested PM me...

what the hell is the deal with hair gel nowadays? i wear my hair short- between a crew cut and flat top. my favorite gel used to be dippity do sport gel in strength "7"- and dep strength "7" as my backup. now all i can find is this strength "10" stuff that turns your entire head to concrete...

TLC offered me a spot starring on a new reality show called "resoultions" they wanted me on their stop smoking spot. I SWEAR ON MY MOTHER'S EYES. however they wanted to invade my life and home for a month for a measly $500. PLEASE- i'm not some desperate wanna be celebrity, show me the MONEY... anyhow if you ever see the show i would have been on it had they coughed up the correct amount of cash...

my girlfriend is slowly giving into my pleas for a gas powered lawnmower...

hey bigbully! remember that time i thought your wife had that disability? :lol:

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I guess I'll start it off this week @ 6AM:

-Damn, adware and spyware sucks. It is really, really annoying. Has anyone here been infected with the ZLOB Trojan? That's one of the most annoying trojans ever. 5 pop-ups every 2 minutes while I'm trying to type something up in Microsoft Word. I read a little about the virus, and it's supposed to be really hard to remove. Neither Norton Antivirus nor Lavasoft Ad-Aware can remove it.

-I'm still pissed about yesterday's Yankees loss. How the hell do you give up a 7 run lead? And aren't the Yankees supposed to have the best players? They do have the highest payroll.

-Whatever happened to Def Leppard? I haven't heard much about them recently, until I found out the're playing at Jones Beach. I'm seeing them next Saturday.

-Speaking of Jones Beach, I'm going to a few concerts this year. I'm seeing Def Leppard, The Allman Brothers, and Roger Waters do a full run-through of Dark Side of the Moon. I can't wait.

-A couple of days ago, I had to proctor a Spanish final. I caught two kids passing papers to each other. I mean, come on. If you're going to cheat, don't make it that obvious. Or better yet, don't cheat. Get some integrity. Maybe study?

-Please Joe Torre, STOP BATTING JETER 3RD!!!

-Anyone read Last Night of the Yankees Dynasty? Pretty interesting.

-That new game NFL Head Coach is out. Anyone buy it yet? Is it worth buying? I love Madden, and this game seems pretty cool.

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Updated to 6-18

...Just want to start this off by saying how worried I am. I am worried because I have been reading about rumors that the Yankees are looking to re-acquire Alfonso Soriano. I don't know why the Yanks want this waste of space back, but the good thing is Washington is demanding way too much in Phillip Hughes or Chien-Ming Wang.

...I just love my JAX Yankee sunglasses. Now I can honestly say I see the world through Yankee colored glasses. Here's a picture of the glasses, although this picture features Orioles glasses, you can try and picture what the Yankee ones look like. I couldn't find a Yankee one anywhere, but I am sure after I post this four people will.

...My God I just had another terrible thought about Soriano. You see all the hustle that Cano and Cabrera show? If Soriano gets back on the team I guarantee you'll see those two play like they are sleepwalking within a month.

...For anyone that uses the Box Score Extractor that is available on this site and you want to edit the html in it, you can give Web Notepad or Ultra Edit a shot. I use this because EA at times does not know how to keep score.

...It was hot as hell yesterday (over 90 here) and I still saw someone walk around wearing a coat.

...I saw the Davinci code last week. Great movie. When I left the theater I wondered to myself how much was fiction and how much was truth?

...The next movie I have to go and see when it comes out is Adam Sandler's Click. The previews at least looked good for that movie and Sandler's previous movie (The Longest Yard) was pretty good. So I hope this is ok. Just as long as Ben Stiller or Will Ferrell isn't there, it should be fine.

...Card dealers are *&^&*. I went to a card show recently not really looking for anything in particular to buy. I ended up getting some mid 70's Yankee cards. But one thing I saw was the Kirby Puckett stuff they were pushing. Now around here in upstate NY, Puckett didn't get that much attention, even when he was playing. He got some, but not a lot. But now these guys, because he is dead, have jacked up the prices on him. Sometimes the American way is as tastless as it comes.

...Unconfirmed reports state that everytime Alfonso Soriano steps in an elevator he has to have someone push the buttons for him because he's too lazy to do it himself. I believe it.

...Hey, happy Father's day to all you fathers out there. Kick back and take it easy, you all deserve it.

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Eating L.I. Cinamon Raison Bagel while reading MvPmOds and wondering:

- if Isiash Thomas does awful as a coach this year, will he get fired?

- wouldn't it be ironic if Larry Brown coaches another team to the finals this coming up year.

- about the Yanks blowing that lead. I thought the Nats weren't any good.

- what will happen tonight in the Heat - Mavericks series. Can the Heat pull of the upset of winning the series?

- can't wait for the upcoming Jets to produce only 4 wins this year.

- i don't think Soriano is coming to any NY team. His defense sucks and as Y4L said, he'll cost too much.

- i shouldn't have worn that coat yesterday. it was too darn hot (about 90).

- and how good it finally feels to be a Mets fan. But the loss to O's sucked.

Happy Father's Day !!!! :coffee:

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...I just love my JAX Yankee sunglasses. Now I can honestly say I see the world through Yankee colored glasses. Here's a picture of the glasses, although this picture features Orioles glasses, you can try and picture what the Yankee ones look like. I couldn't find a Yankee one anywhere, but I am sure after I post this four people will.


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...And away I go...

...Worked all weekend....uggh and of course it was sunny out...darn Mother Nature!

...Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final goes tomorrow night...should be nothing short of amazing! Go Oilers!

...MarkB's work on WaterFront Park looks great. I tested it for him earlier in the week. Has made me want to download more minor league parks. I usually just never bothered with them...

...Happy Father's Day to all you father's out there. Hope your day was as good as mine.

...Week and a half into my wife's second pregnancy...she is now almost 6 weeks...going to be a long pregnancy, but I can't wait for the end result....another little Blue Jays fan running around...or should I say anti-Yankee fan...LOL!

...Looking forward to Superman Returns. I have my tickets for opening night. Been waiting forever and a day to see it!

...See you next week!

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talking about preganices, one of my friends friends didn't really enjoy theirs. becuase for eight months, she thought she was experincing regular weight gain and getting fat. they find out like 8 hours before giving birth, becuase she took the test, oh she's pregant, 8 months or so, right? wrong, 4 hours later, she goes into labor and has to call her whole family that she was having a baby. from one day the couple go from planning a vacation to parenthood. crazy.

okay, i don't really have too much in thoughts.

first of all, braves are awful, i mean awful. enough said.

second, mavs look like it's choke job time for them. i see them losing in seven.

thirdly, i'm thinking about moving back to califorina after all. too suburban where i live, and most of south florida. i'll probaly start reading the death and life of american cities etheir this week or next, depending on what i get done.

fouthly, i am realizing that a science career could be not for me, and i'm trying to explore what i really need to do as a passion, instead of just following a path to science as my teachers were trying to.

think that's it for the week.

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Updated to 6-25

...I went to go see Adam Sandler's movie "Click" last night and it wasn't bad at all. I think the more this guy makes movies the better he is getting. While on the other hand you get someone like Will Ferrell, who's got a new movie coming out where he plays a Nascar driver and this guy get worse and worse each time out. Nothing that guy has ever done has ever been funny to me.

...I'm proud to say I have not watched one second of the 2006 World Cup. Soccer is a game that I'll play on the computer or X-box but I can't watch it on TV because I'll nod off.

...What is it with these damn pitchers? Why the hell are they so fragile? Let me just use the Yankees as an example because I know them best. Carl Pavano, who has not pitched in the Major Leagues it seems since Clinton was in office, is always just about to come back and pitch and then something else happens and he has to have another surgery. Now Octavio Dotel, who was just about to come back and help out, has elbow inflammation.

...Here's one for you in the "What the hell were they thinking" department: Not too long ago some guy was paving his driveway around here. From the look of it, he did a good job. The driveway looked fine. As you know with a job like this, when you finish you stay the hell off the driveway until it is dry. Someone must not have told him this because when he got done he blocked off the end of the driveway with garbage cans so no one could drive up the driveway but before he did that, he drove his own car up the wet driveway, parked it there and left it there while the driveway was still wet. Explain that.

...What bothers me most as working as an admin in here is not the name calling that Mark and I get, that's part of the job description. It's the assumption that we are stupid when people come back and make duplicate accounts. Here's what I mean: djm65 was suspended recently. He's done. He came back with a new name......djm1965. "Yeah", djm probably said to himself,"they'll never know it's me!"

...People that keep their dogs in the car when they are out someplace on a hot summer day really get me mad. I saw some dog panting like crazy yesterday when I had to stop and get gas. And here's something that happened around here just a few weeks ago. This lady went to go see a movie and she kept her five month old puppy in the car while she did it. It was in the 90's that day and the dog ended up dying of heat stroke. She was charged with animal cruelty. I'm not ashamed to admit that when I read this I shed some tears for that little dog. Really everyone, what makes people do things like this?

...Years ago, the trading deadline was June 15th. I liked that a lot better than the way they have it now because with the extra 45 days it gives the Yankees more time to do something stupid.

...This is the only time of the year where Baseball is the only sport playing. Football's training camp is a month away. The NHL is done as well as the NBA. For awhile this great sport has center stage. I just hope while we have the spotlight now that no new steroids news comes out.

...Watching part of the FOX game of the week yesterday confirmed to me that the FOX team of Joe Buck and Tim McCarver have adopted the Boston Red Sox as their favorite team and Jonathan Paplebon as the greatest person who ever lived, followed closely by David Ortiz.

...I know this one guy who made Chicken Noodle soup in the microwave and didn't put a lid on the bowl and the soup went all over the place in there. Ok, ok, ok. It was me. I spent a half hour cleaning the *&$&**% thing too. I had to get it done before you-know-who got home.

...I just really love the summer. It's the most relaxing part of the year for me. For you guys who live in the non-snow states, I envy you.

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....my two cents worth...

...Glad you are enjoying the summer Y4L. It has been non-stop rain here, with a sunny break inbetween...

...I started a new job recently, working with internet tech support, while continuing to do my catering weddings thing...being stuck behind a desk sucks! I didn't realize how much I would miss the freedom of cooking...

...My wife's pregnancy is going good...she is going on two months prgnant, although we have obly known for a couple of weeks or so. I am excited for this child...my son is 7, and having a new baby around will be great. My boy will make a good big brother...

...48 hours until I get to see Superman Returns...48 HOURS. Benn waiting since 1987 for a new Superman movie. Hope Singer does him justice...

...My God, BJ Ryan is a beast. Even when he is off, he's a monster. Keep this pace up, adn I would have to nominate him for Cy Young candidacy...

...On another note...hello Clemens, welcome back...enjoy the loss...

I think the person spamming my email is Snepp. Something shifty about him...mark my words, theTRUTH WILL COME OUT...LOL!

...Wow, The Calgary Flames got Alex Tanguay from the Avalanche...that's a great trade. The more fire power, the better!

...See you next week...

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i need some help from people in grad school right now. i don't want to go to grad school, but i have a bit of that thought in tact that as a bio major, i have to go get my phd to be worth something. but i hate reading research papers and breaking them down as an undergrad. i felt that looking through research papers were more of a chore than anything else. also, sucky at lab. any theories in why i feel that i have to go to grad school even though i don't want to? any way to cut this grad school feeling so that i have no regrets in skipping out of grad school (not in grad school now, never have been), instead of this lingering all my life of what could have been.

on the subject, i'm thinking about what i really want to do. i'm really taking a hard look at myself and finding my career match. this could take a few months, but it will be worth it.

that's it for now. i feel a bit better about south florida, but not too much. the suburbs aren't that bad, especally when you see the miami area...yuck. i'm probaly still moving though, becuase i'll be forced out the house.

i may do some decorating in my room to make it look a bit snazzy for the next few months. it should look awesome.

i feel a bit down...next year, i have no school, it's going to be a werid feeling. oh well, probaly a part of why i have that lingering grad school issue. school withdrawl.

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about 15 min left on thie sunday

-i hit my first grand salami today. i also had a salami sandwhich for dinner.

- theres nothing more I hate (besides the yanks) is pumpikin pickin. thats why I've been growing my own pumpkin. I gave it the steroids of the plant world, miracle grow. Problem is its too big for the pot now, and I have nowhere to put it. I didnt no it would get this big.

- i am an official sophmore!

- i think im going to become an architect. i heard they make great money, and I love designing stuff. Is there a specifics for designing stadiums? I have all these cool ideas for stadiums, but sadly there only on paper. (football, NCAAF, football, and some hockey)

thats it for now.

------------------------winners train, losers complain------------------------

AND NO FUZZ U CANT HAVE MY SIG!!!!!!!!!! I MADE IT FOR ME BECUASE IT IS AN EXPRESSION OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can make you one like that if you want.

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Updated to 7-2

....Lately in my spare time I have been going to youtube.com to watch videos of just about anything you can think of. It's one of my favorite sites on the web.

....I was watching the NFL Network the other day and they had a special on Bo Jackson. It's been 12 years since he last played in the major leagues and he had a lot of talent, and his football career was just as good too. This was a guy who was not all about himself. He wasn't a big talker or a bragger. He just went out and showed you what he can do and whatever sport he played he impressed. I still consider him to be the greatest athlete I ever saw.

...This current Yankee team is four games out right now and they actually should be grateful for that. They've been underachieving for the entire month of June and I don't see any signs of them breaking out of it. It makes watching their games difficult.

...I don't know about anyone else, but I hate Miracle Whip. I mean what the hell is this crap? I remember the first time I tried this stuff. It looks just like mayonnaise so I thought (wrongly) that it was mayonnaise. Never before did I spit anything out as fast as I did that sandwich. And since that time I have gone to great lengths to avoid this crap. Damn, all you got to do is feed this stuff to the captured Al-Quada terrorists every day and they'll be giving out secrets in no time.

...Short week for me this week, as I only work four days and then I am off for one whole week next week. I always like to take the week of my birthday off so I can do nothing and just enjoy it the entire day.

...I still have not attended any baseball games this year and that kind of bothers me. But when you live in a minor league AAA town you have to pick and choose if you want to watch the Yanks on YES or go out to see the local team. Maybe if they are in town next week I'll try.

...I did my part for this year's All Star voting in baseball by not voting for anyone. I may in the minority here where I believe the fans should not vote for the players. It is always a popularity contest and you'll always see someone every year getting royally screwed. So, I don't vote.

...And if you are thinking "would I have voted for any of the Yankees?" let me tell you right now the answer would be no. Just thinking about them right now gets me mad.

...Any of you guys with a swimming pool out there I envy you! Man, it's been hot here.

...Yesterday was Canada Day so I want to salute our Northern neighbors with a "Happy Canada Day" and I hope you all had a nice day.

...And for us down here, I hope you all have a safe and happy fourth of July on Tuesday.

...Happy Birthday to George Steinbrenner and Al Davis, July 4th by the way.

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Lately in my spare time I have been going to youtube.com to watch videos of just about anything you can think of. It's one of my favorite sites on the web.

It's a great site with a lot of interesting videos...the shame is there aren't much MLB telecasts on that site other than the Cabrera catch against Boston. There had ABC's coverage of Kobe's game winning shot against Phoenix , FOX NFL highlights , but they can't show Aaron Boone's Game 7 home run? :(

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...Cristiano Ronaldo can **** off...

...I'm kinda sad the World Cup is almost over...

...The Office gets better the more you watch it...

...I want to go to the pool so bad, and its only about a 10th of a mile walk, but its so damn hot outside, I don't want to walk...And I don't want to drive either, that would be a waste...

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- Who would of thought you would catch me watching the World Cup? Go Italy!

- I had such a long day yesterday. It all started 6AM. I left my house at 6:30 just to get to a game that starts at 8, and I had to be there at 7:30. I caught a double header which was 14 long innings in the heat. Thank god it was in the morning where it was cool. To cool of I went in the pool for about two hours. My friends brother made the allstar team at my old LL, so I went to watch that. After the game, me and a couple other kids who used to play there played stickball against the all star team. (no score just for fun). Then they had a BBQ cuz they lost and it was there last game. I was out there till 10.

My legs are really soar right now. I hardly catch anymore so when I do it hurts after a game, nevermind two. I hope it starts raining so I don't feel guilty about laying around the house today. :-)!

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