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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Away I go...

...Having trouble with my internet connection...my alert light keeps coming on, which in turn refuses my connection to the internet, but Windoes XP still says I am connected...have an appointment on tuesday to have it looked at...

...Saw Superman Returns the other day. Simply amazing. I loved the story, and visually, it was a masterpice...thank you Bryan Singer!

...Went away for the Canada Day week-end, just got home this afternoon. Was a good couple of days, lots of food, drinking, swimming, and such...

...The Jays look fantastic! I am looking forward to the second half of the season. Burnett was off today, but they can't win them all...

...Not much else is going on, so I will keep this short and sweet! Have a great 4th of July all you crazy Americans!

...See you next week.

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braves stink...really bad. 13 games under halfway through the season, but this is the month where they have turned things around in the past. we'll see.

i know i don't have to go to grad school or be in science to be susseful for my bio degree. being a scientist wasn't going to make me happy as i thought it was a year ago. i wasn't going to be happy. i'll talk to a career cousler about what i should go into as a career.

i hate cingular, every time you get a new contract, new phone number...grr. that's why i've been relucant to change numbers. i like my number, and i don't want a gereiatic phone number and someone selling me lots of medications becuase of my cell. hopefully i can get miami area code to make me look younger (im 20) than what a palm beach number would have me (over 60). but my phone is going whack, and i'll problay change phones soon. like i'm going to be in san diego in the near future anyway. i'm probaly moving to atlanta if i move within the next year or so.

found out andruw, brian mccann and renteria are all in the game. great job boys, and nice win to start the second half of the year.

i may go to the shuttle launch on tuesday, but i'm not sure yet. i'll try to get into it.

and why is espn showing the espy's taped now? it's stupid. show it live, during the most boring sports night of the year.

hmm...nothing else for now.

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braves stink...really bad. 13 games under halfway through the season, but this is the month where they have turned things around in the past. we'll see.

The Drays have a better record then them...

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Ahh more to add.....

Congradulations to David Wright, Jose Reyes, Carlos Beltran, Paul LoDuca, Pedro Martinez, Tom Glavine, and Nilly the kid Wagner for making the All-Star team.

Also Congrats to Wright for making the Home Run Derby.

I'm sittin on top of the world, just movin along.....................

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i'm doing a friday thing again, i am so swamped since i moved out here it's nuts right now.

ESPN makes ME SICK!- almost to the point that i am afraid to watch sportscenter any more. ok i don't want to see owen wilson on the hot seat, when all they're really doing is plugging "CARS". and i don't want to see frigging disney owned studio trailers tied in with team highlights. it's sickening! anyone else notice that whenever there is a world cup game on ABC inevitably one of the top 1 or 2 plays in the nightly top ten is a soccer highlight? gimme a break noone in the US likes soccer. well not enough to make the top 10!

so busy- 17 week webmaster contract for adult video distribution company and studio. sound glamourous? it's not. just work. night gig helping develop an architectural / interior design 3d automated software app. plus set work for a soon to be released dominos pizza commercial. miscellaneous side pc repair jobs including photoshop retouching for a large cookware company in burbank. LA's starting to be very good to me. TOO GOOD- i'm exhausted!

plus- just bought a full sized 1990 bronco- excellent condition that i am restoring to original condition. replaced power window motor wednesday it was hell! the looks i get cruising my gas guzzler around LA!

giants vs. dodgers- should be exciting i'm hoping to go catch my giants sunday at dodger stadium but, i'm so tired.

new lcd- finally after 1 year of my blurry 17 inch crt i bought a 19 inch lcd 2 ms response time what a difference!

thriller sighting! - up close this time! ran into sears to buy some tools and there outside is thriller (see previous posts in thread)! tattooed head to toe. arms are tattooed totally BLACK! weird...

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....Damn Y4L, why you gots to be hatin on us people with pools? Trust me it isn't that great. I have a 18' x 4' (or the other way around) pool. It is amazing, but it is annoying when people you hardly know or people who hardly talk to you suddenly start acting like your best buds...but it's only to get in the pool. Anyways, I had alot of friends over in my pool today, it was nice, fun, and refreshing. Maybe you should get one.

I read this a few days ago and I didn't understand what you were talking about. Then I forgot about it for a bit and after RAM made his post in here and I read it, I was reminded of what you said about this.

Now, here is what I said:

...Any of you guys with a swimming pool out there I envy you! Man, it's been hot here.

Please tell me how I hate people that have pools??? I said I envy the people that have them. As in it's nice you have one so you can use it any time you wish. Anyone who read that correctly could see what I mean. I have no reason to hate a person because they happen to own a swimming pool.

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i'm doing mine early.

the whole grad school dilemma is way over, and i'm not going to grad school. i'm sure i can get a job in most fields with my expernice in the past three years in leadership. don't know exactly what field it will be in though. that i hope to find out in the next month or so to start my job serach. i know that it was okay to get my biology degree and not stay in science, much less grad school. i think college opened me up to lots of oppurnties..

but now i'm in another dilemma. in december, i'm buying a new laptop computer. i was going to go pc all the way last month, but now i'm not so sure. vista comes out at the start of next year, and by the time i get my xp laptop, it will be also ran techology since vista will follow. i was looking at a mac and have been insterted in a mac for a bit now. i wanted my laptop to be a slightly diffrent experince than my desktop pc, like the laptop to be more of a fun machine. i've wanted to make a few websites and movies, and the xp programming is too lame, and i'll have to buy alot of stuff just to get it. i'm wondering if i can do that on an xp labtop, especally when techology will dump it in a couple of years.

talking about vista, things aren't pretty for it. they said only the high end pc's can take it on, and it's full of bloatware and just an os x ripoff to begin with. my parents say vista will be awesome, but i'm doubting that. most of the reviews of the betas from vista have been negative, and will probaly be just as bad as me. i think it will be a big bust, and will send microsoft out of the os buisness like ram said several times.

the braves have played better this week. maybe we will win the wild card instead this year...lol.

his name is dan uggla and he is going to the all star game. awesome work fishies. also dontrelle and his grand slam was something.

i hate living in the country sometimes. it takes over an hour to get to anywhere decent. and the interstate is like 30 minutes away, so we took the country backroads to the city today, took like only 10 minutes more than usual.

i will probaly live in miami after next summer, there are like squat jobs here in palm beach county. it's just retirment homes, and downtown is like nothing. too small town, and that means no jobs. i think my brother will have to also move closer to the big city to get a job. i have living in hickville.

bought surge protectors, so fpl won't be a problem for us with thier innate habit of cutting power off at the dumbest times.

i think that's it.

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get the mac bro. vista should require no less than 1 GB or RAM, and a P4 chip, essentially sending anyone without those specs (and there are many) into obsolesence. well, that's if it ever comes out.

the revolution is starting and mac will take over. i'm thinking of building myself one last PC. a nice water cooled jobbie, then picking up a imac laptop myself. here in LA it's essential to be mac friendly as the PC is already becoming obsolete in certain industries.

i feel your pain about country life- i did it for so many years i can't remember. i did enjoy the peace and quiet but, even little things like running to the store for a coke was a 30 minute ordeal. on one hand i loved it on the other i hated it. not only that but my friends would rarely drive out unless i threw a massive BBQ or promised a dove or quail hunt.

try the big city life for a bit- you can always go visit home. make a ton of money then retire to 100 acres when you're 50...

that's my plan.

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I'm starting to agree with you on Vista, RAM. The more I hear about it, the more I dislike the sound of it. It looks like there is going to be a massive amount of bloatware in it. Bah, XP suits me fine.

Immortal Technique's "Revolutionary Volume 2" album has enourmous replay value. Every time it hits my CD changer, it doesn't come out until I have a serious need to hear a specific track, which is usually a few weeks later. Great album.

It's hot and humid again. If the heat doesn't get you, the humidity will. If it's not hot and humid, it rains. Lots. I hate this country!

After a 0-10 start, the Trenton Thunder are now 47-41. I don't think they played very well last night, but the fact that they've played so well to even get to this point is amazing. 6.35pm start today.

Talking of the Thunder, ex-Thunder pitcher Kris Wilson is starting tonight for the Yankees.

I wish MLB would make their mind up with what they want to do with the All Star Game. If it's an exhibition, make it an exhibition and remove the whole "Now it counts" crap. If not, get real and stop starting big names over guys who've had better seasons. Utterly crazy.

From a headline I read on MLB.com earlier in the week, Bud Selig is to hold a live chat. "Live". Yeah, right. The translation of this will be that 10,000 people go to the Flash-filled, bloated site that is MLB.com, 3,000 or 4,000 will send him questions, he'll answer what's been deemed acceptable, which will be...what? Maybe 10? 20? Of those, he'll give decent answers to maybe 5. Oh, and expect multiple steroid questions. (Bear in mind I didn't read the article and it might already have happened.)

Thank God the World Cup final is tomorrow. I'm sick of it. Yeah, yeah, once every 4 years, blah, blah, blah. I don't care. Stop force-feeding the masses with your soccer-infested mindset simply because it suits you to have everyone like one damn sport. And, you know, it's funny. When England were in the World Cup, it was the biggest thing since the news that Earth wasn't the only planet in the solar system. Now that they're out of it, the World Cup has been relegated to a page or two back in the sports pages and the latest chapter of some English "star" has taken over the front page again.

Gary McKinnon, the hacker accused of hacking into U.S. security networks is to be extradited to the U.S. to stand trial. Sure, the guy's a nerd, and maybe a little naive for thinking he'd get a fair trial after trying to expose the shortcomings in the U.S. military networks, but cases like this one show just how the legal systems definition of "justice" and "law" are so far apart. It's nothing short of pathetic. The guy is quickly becoming a scapegoat, or a "message" to other future hackers who might want to tery the same thing. As Phiber Optik said before being jailed in the mid-'90s, "I wish I could send a message to jail for me." (Paraphrased, but the general idea is there.

Scottish politician Tommy Sheridan has apparently admitted going to some sort of twisted sex club, which has been dominating the mid-news this week. Here's a newsflash: Nobody cares. The guy's a politician, not a priest. Give him a break. I've met the guy and he's really decent. Compared to a lot of other politicians in this damn country, this guy is a saint. It's funny, people's sex lives are a taboo topic until it suits the media in general, or a few people in high places want someone exposed. After that, it's fair game. Pathetic.

That's all for today. Turned into a bit of a rant, didn't it? Oh well. :D

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Updated to 7-9

...Either I am slow this morning or everyone else has been up hours before I was. Bravesj, RAM and Mark started the ball rolling this week already! :lol: Hey, suits me fine. Besides, I just woke up at 9am and I still got to try and get going here. It's also the first day of my vacation so I really wasn't in a hurry anyway.

...Actual conversation I heard when I was at a 7-11 on the July 4th holiday when I was in line waiting to pay: A customer came in and asked the clerk at the register if they were open today. The clerk responded "for only 24 hours sir."

...One more final thing about July 4th. I went to our town hall for the get-together they have each year. They have booths set up to sell things and food and drinks. I wore my sunglasses so I could appreciate the finer things there without being bugged by the wife. Good thing I did. I've been kicking myself for not bringing a camera phone.

...Got any All-Star predictions? I don't. I just don't want any Yankee player to get hurt. Oh yeah, and I hope the American League wins.

...Pretty soon the hype is going to start for the release of Madden 2007. I guess it's still a month away or so. On every forum I am on I read each year about how excited people are about this and then after they have it how disappointed they are once again in EA. And this happens each year without fail.

...Please keep Alfonso Soriano away from the Bronx. Don't we have enough problems? And no, I haven't read any rumors lately. It's just that the trade deadline is July 31st and the Yankees still have lots and lots of time to do something stupid. Let him stay in Washington. He's as lazy as the politicians they got there.

...Other Yankee thoughts I've been wondering about. Is Chacon on his way out? I don't want them to get Bobby Abreau. Where's he going to play when Matsui and Sheffield get back? Being more consistent is the key in the second half and it would help if Johnson actually pitched good too.

...By the way, I'm still on vacation. I like to say that.

...It's almost a blessing I have this time off because last week I was working in the yard and I did more than I should (as I put a lot of pressure on the knees) and the last four days I have been walking around has been, well let's say not fun. So a lot of ice on it this week and better judgement on my part.

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...my friend has got to be the dumbest person ever. He wants to purchase a Sidekick 3 and switch to T-Mobile, however he has had Nextel service for a couple months now. To cancel his contract with Nextel he'd have to pay a termination fee of $200. He says the sidekick 3 is the best phone ever etc etc. but IMO it's overrated. You don't get good signal, and the speaker-phone feature is horrible. The battery life? Don't even get me started on that. The phone doesn't work on WiFi either.

...I've been drinking Dasani water for the past month now and playing some baseball, and I'm not stopping. Right now I weigh about 240 something, and I'm looking to shoot for 220 or around that area this summer. I'd like to look good in suits.

...I was at the beach yesterday and I guess it's because I haven't gone to the beach in a while that I got a crazy tan and body aches. I woke up, I didn't want to get off my bed, simple as that.

...Not so sure if I want to continue Total MLB anymore. I've been too busy with other things outside of the MVP world that I'll be keeping TMLB on hold for the time being.

...I downloaded, excuse me, I "saw" the movie Major League once again. I've come to the conclusion that if I ever become a major league reliever, I will come out to the entrance theme of Wild Thing. Rick Vaughn = GOAT.

...Stupid weather. It's supposed to rain all week because of the weather from Florida is coming up the east coast.

...Stupid manager. It's about time he's doing what everybody in the Yankee fanbase has been thinking for a while now. Giving Kevin Thompson playing time and leaving Bubba alone.

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...I'm startingto agree with RAM on Vista and Macs also. I'm with you MarkB, XP is just fine.

...Damnit, I have to get new clothes today. I've been putting it off for weeks now ad now I'm stuck.

...Fianlly the all-star game is here. I can't wait for the Futures game today, should be great.

...My dog has been acting weird all week and now I have to take her to the vet, I hope nothing's wrong.

...Crap, my parent's anniversary is next Friday, I need a present. Twenty-seven long years of marriage. They've reaised one great kid, but I'm still a work in progress.

...Damnit, I have all-stars on Tuesday, better not be during the MLB all-star game.

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...Away we go...

...Gotta get my last three games of the online league done. Was hoping to do it today, but family came out for a BBQ...summer comes first, computer a distant fourth or fifth...

...Hoping to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 on monday. Love Johnny Depps' acting...really enjoyed the first one. Great popcorn flick...

...Damn I wish I could figure out how to turn my unirfomrs into .fsh files, to install in-game...very tricky stuff. Any help would be appreciated...

...Getting ready to go away next week. Leaving for Calgary, Alberta on July.13, coming back the 27th. Looking forward to it....going to the Stampede, etc....Was hoping to get to Toronto this year, but plans change...

...The Rolling Stones maybe coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a giant outdoor concert this September...gonna go if they do. Saw them in Moncton, New Brunswick last year...AMAZING...

...Well, the Jays split the series with the Royals...they need to pick it up...can't be splitting series with losing teams...

Anway, I will try And update from Calgary. If not, see you guys the end of the month. Hope you enjoy your vacation Y4L!

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Dang, I forgot about this...


-I was on vacation to D.C. last weekened and my site got hacked. =( I found this out at the Apple store at Pentagon City. While there I picked out my laptop - only a year till I get it! =p It was cool - they let me get on one of their iMacs and I tried to get the hacked page down. Forgot the passwords at home...

-Two new websites to do next week. Can't wait.

-Little league baseball season's over so no more nightly score updates!

-13th birthday was exciting - mom was away, dad was out all week, bro had camp - what a great day. =p


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Oh yeah, Joey just reminded me - my new MacBook will be loaded. Vista, Mac OSX or possibly Leopard, the new Photoshop, Flash, InDesign, Illustrator...wow.


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Updated to 7-16

....Well this was too fast of a week. This vacation of mine flew by and at this moment I as down as anyone could be. It just seems I don't have time to do anything I want. It's going to take me a few days to get back in the swing of things.

....Went to some festival in a nearby town called Webster yesterday. We didn't even know it was going on because we got lucky to find it. These festival things still look the same as all the ones I went to when I was younger. Back then all the good looking girls would travel in tight, little groups and walk around. Today, they still travel in those same tight, little groups. The only thing different is all of them are talking on cell phones. Nothing changes really.

...Couldn't find my wallet for a few hours yesterday and was almost going to call to stop the credit card and then I got lucky and found it. You almost have that feeling of helplessness when you are looking for it, almost begging it to come out of its hiding place.

...Went on a dinner boat ride cruise last night on a boat called "The Harbor Belle." It was pretty good. The food was so-so, the weather was perfect but later on I got bored. I was wishing I had my laptop with me. Of course this thought was never expressed out loud to the wife at any time.

...Sometimes the waiting for this trade deadline to be over can get to be a little to much. I just hope the Yankees don't make a dumb trade, and I don't want to lose Cabrera or Hughes or both. And no, I don't want Abreau. Start winning some games Philly and keep your players.

...The Detroit Tigers are doing the right things as they lead the AL Central now. They are beating up on the bad teams (11-0 so far against the Royals) and holding their own against the better teams. This team seems to play better against these suck teams then the Yankees do.

...Still haven't seen a ball game yet, but at least I am planning a Hall of Fame trip in mid-October.

...I wonder if other Yankee fans might think I'm not a true fan because I refuse to boo Alex Rodriguez?

...I'm willing to give Sidney Ponson a chance to prove himself. As long as he wins of course. :wink:

...Next week I can't do this "random thoughts" because I'll be out of town. I won't be able to do mine until late Sunday afternoon.

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Went fishing Saturday...gotta lotta grief, very few fish but just enjoyed being out of the city for a while.

The Mizuno Gloevs I made was my first contribution to MVP2005/MVPMods. It feels good as always to make something others can enjoy, and I hope all of you do.

Derrick Turnbow is on my sig looking very Miserable. Why? It was was taken after (guess what?) A Blown Save. Comes out his first game after all star and Blows another. Dammit Man.

After doing some Uni-Modding first hand, and trying out cyberfaces, I can appreciate the work guys like Jogar84 KCCitystar, Big Shmooz, and the spungo do. All you should try that once. You'll see the crap they go thru just to bring a lil joy to us baseball fans.

The Search works. And bein polite goes a long way. You'd be amazed at what "Please" and "Thank You" can still get you. Try it sometime.

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i kept thinking about the past few days about what's going to happen if a cat 5 hurricane were to hit my area....sigh. i think i need to decide what to take with me and what stays in the house...i hope that doesn't happen, but i think it will this year.

and if my computer were to have to stay behind and get destroyed for some reason, i will probaly get a macbook before 2007, as this is more of an asap thing. i will back up my important files though before leaving...

last semester of school is coming, and i'm glad in some ways to finish up, but kinda sad that after this is the working world. although i don't hate it, it's going to be really diffrent.

i should start reading the death and life of great american cities.

why does school start so early, like in two weeks some schools start. insane. i bet within 10 years, all schools will be year round.

i'm probaly moving to miami next year if it's not destroyed. takes forever to get anywhere, and getting a job will be next to impossible in a rural town. and it's boring.

i think that's it.

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...Away I go...

...Here I sit in Calgary, ALB. Hot, very dry heat. Stealing a few minutes on my sister-in-laws pc, went to the Stampede on friday...pretty impressive.

...The trip was last minute...literally. We were going to go to T.O., but had a change of heart and came out here to visit relatives. Not to bad so far...Calgary is a great town, and hopefully get to T.O. next year.

...Just found out the Jays won to extra inning games against the Mariners. Nice wins....3.5 games out now.

...Well we are getting ready to go to Calloway Park....an amusement park or something ut here....should be fun. My son, and nephews, and niece are bouncing off the walls. We are going to check out Banff on tuesday, and travel to Edmonton so the ladies can see The West Edmonton Mall.

...Anyway, have a great couple of weeks. I look forward to posting more when I get back into New Brunswick on the 27th.

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i'm getting a macbook for my next computer! all the aches and pains of vista, the potental quick obsoletence of xp and the extiment of the mac got me to make this desicon. i would like to thank the fine members of mvpmods.com for helping me make this decsion.

no summer vacation for me. it seems like the site i work on, i can't leave for two weeks break at this time. i'll probaly postpone the trip until probaly the winter time. and doing right after finishing college is probaly a better point for me anyway. may be pushed back as late as next spring.

i need to look for new headphones...ugh, my panasonic earphones went dead in six months... :evil: i paid 20 bucks for those, and that's alot for me.

another month until school...until then, i won't see my friends, it's so lonely in the summer, but i'm going to accrepate it.

that's it for now.

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Updated to 7-23

...Just got back from being out of town for the weekend. Had to go to the inlaws. Seeing them was fine, where they live isn't.

....It's my opinion that people that drive on the NY state Thruway are just playing a cat and mouse game with the state troopers. They want to see how fast they can go before they see one up ahead. I'm doing 65 mph and it's like I am crawling at times.

...It's rare I cheer for another team, but major props to the Blue Jay organization for getting rid of Shea Hillenbrand. Now that he's with the Giants he will look like a good guy because Bonds has him beat by plenty in the a-hole department.

...I have nothing but nice things to say about Melky Cabrera. I hope he he has a long career with the Yanks.

...Actual conversation that I heard at a thruway rest stop: I went to Baskin-Robbins to get a 20 ounce bottle of water. Now for those of you who don't know, Baskin-Robbins is an ice cream place and they have a lot of flavors to choose from. 31 I believe. Some old guy ahead of me is reading the sign about the flavors and then when it was his turn to order he told the girl "you got a lot of flavors but I bet you don't have chocolate." The girl did a wonderful job of not laughing, and so did I.

...Training camp opens soon. The Buffalo Bills train 10 minutes away from my house but I have not been there to watch them yet in all the years they've been there. I just don't care too.

...Anyone watch that new show on the USA Network called "Psych"? Not bad at all.

...Got lucky last week and played miniature golf and played a good round and I sunk a ball in at the end to win a free game. But by that time I was tired as all hell so I gave it to a kid.

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...man my stomach and my legs, and my arms hurt...stupid Diabetes.

...I nearly had a heart attack when I looked at the calendar today, 2 weeks until the new semester starts.

...as much as I hate the rain, i want it to rain here so I don't have to go water the grass again.

...friends coming from Ohio this week, can't wait to shove it in their faces that we've got Wickman now and they don't.

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