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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Still in Calgary, coming home on the 27th.

...My wife miscarried our baby last wednesday...the Lord works in mysterious ways, and I know she will get pregnant again. I feel horrible for her...not so much for myself, but I can't imagine what a woman goes through emotionally when it happens. She seems to be okay now, I think it was atleast good it happened out here, and she is around all of her family.

...It is frigging hot out here, I just want to go home. Thankfully my sister-in-law has the internet...

...Went to the West Edmonton Mall...WOW! I have been there once before back in 1999, but I had forgotten how big it was. Rode the go-karts, and bought a new Jays ball cap...very nice!

...Not much else is going on, so I will see you next week.

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Damn, that's terrible, DJ. Best regards to yourself and your wife. A female friend of mine miscarried a few weeks ago and she's still not over it. That must be incredibly traumatising.

My random thoughts on this Monday morning (although it's still Sunday in the U.S., and they're really minor compared to DJ's);

Got my first radio scanner last Saturday. Still working around the bands, checking out what's happening. So far, I've caught various sections of amateur radio broadcasts (I refuse to call it "ham radio"), quite a few local taxi broadcasts (mostly simplex, just 2 duplex), a broadcast from a fire service controller (I'm surprised it hadn't been switched to the TETRA system yet, which is digitally encrypted, but I haven't heard it since Tuesday night. Other various things are what I suspect to be a limousine or chauffeur service, a roadworks frequency and a few public broadcasts, such as BBC Radio 2 (48.4750) and a audio broadcast straight from Scottish Television, which is 2 seconds ahead of the TV broadcast. The broadcast office is just a mile or so away from my house, so I have a pretty decent audio reception of it. I need to do some experimenting during the day, as I've only scanned during the night so far.

I've been playing Dream Match Tennis for the last few weeks, and it's the best tennis simulation I've ever played, and that's going back to the early nineties on the SNES and Sega Master System.

As I'm in a sporting mood these days with the warm weather, I've been trying my hand at a little time-waster at work. Basically, buy a small sponge basketball from a local 99p store, set up a box of crisps (the ones with the circular hole at the top) across the room, and follow the general theme of basketball - put the ball in the hole. Made me want to try my hand at some real basketball again. Damn, I wish my knee wasn't all but blown out. I'll maybe get one of those portable baskeyball hoops and stick it up somewhere, see if I can still hit my jumpers and 3's. Screwing up your knee really messes with your balance and your agility, even if it's not that bad. I tried a crossover last week, and failed miserably - that was my vintage move in school and when I was playing reguarly. Hit your marker with the fake crossover, run the cross over, then take the jumper. 3 easy points. Bah. I think God must have given me the wrong body.

As I mentioned the hot weather, it's crazy. It's almost 3 in the morning now and it's actually getting warmer - it's 26.7°c right now (that's 80.06° in fahrenheit). It's not unusual to see 32°c (89.6°F) during the day. Looking at the world temperatures, it doesn't seem that hot, but considering that for at least 8 months of the year Scotland is lucky to reach 15°c (59°F), it's rare to find a Scot that's acclimitised to the recent heatwave.

I've been listening to STV on the scanner as I'm typing thi, and the recent influx of "Call this number, get a stupid question correct and win lots of money" shows that come on at around 2am have really started to bug me. The presenters are almost incapable of actually presenting anything, the contests are obviously rigged and the telephone rates are an absolute ripoff. I'm surprised this crap is legal. Well, better than crazy Christian nut-jobs preaching hell to everyone who doesn't donate their life savings to a "Christian" organisation which just happens to have enough money to broadcast on TV for 5 hours per night.

A letter I sent a while back was printed in an international publication this week, as the new issue came out. It was pretty strange to see my name in print, knowing that I'd typed the letter out. Cool, in a way, as well. It was an informative piece as opposed to a general letter, so it's good to know that the information contained was obtained by lots of people. (Now, good luck finding which magazine it was. ;))

1 minute before 3am, and I think that'll do. I need to go anyway - this QuizMania guy is driving me nuts. He sounds as if his vocal chords have been molested by a rabid sheep. Ah well.

Have a good, fruitful and happy week - if possible, people. :)


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Thanks MarkB...

My mother-in-law is waiting for my wife to have a breakdown, which, when it happens will be understandable. My wife is an amazing woman, who likes to keep her emotions in check...she is due for a good cry, and I believe it will happen when we get back home next week. I worry about her and my son, but of course that is my job...Stuff like this puts life into perspective...

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Indeed, it does. It's hard as well, because you keep thinking "What can I do?" and never come up with a solid answer. I guess the best you can do is try to make them as comfortable as possible so that they can try to get over it in their own time. :(

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...man my stomach and my legs, and my arms hurt...stupid Diabetes.

my father has diabetes, and it just is killing him, and I can tell how hard it can get at times.... he ended up getting Neorapathy from the diabetes, so i hope the best for you.

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...Still in Calgary, coming home on the 27th.

...My wife miscarried our baby last wednesday...the Lord works in mysterious ways, and I know she will get pregnant again. I feel horrible for her...not so much for myself, but I can't imagine what a woman goes through emotionally when it happens. She seems to be okay now, I think it was atleast good it happened out here, and she is around all of her family.

that's the absolute worst man. just be supportive because it is hard fo us guys to ever realize what it must be like. about 3 years ago my sister was carrying identical twins. to make a ong story short, there's some type of disease with twins in the womb where one leeches off the other. anyhow to make it short- one of the twins died before birth and was still born, the other died about 3 weeks later. she still hasn't gotten over it. the good news was that she did have a son 2 years later that was totaly healthy.

good luck.


my thoughts -minuscle in comparison. but, on a monday....

i've been so overworked as of late i'm totally exahusted. and underpaid. i'm still doing the web gig, an architectural software gig (HATE IT), and miscellaneous repair jobs- have a big one this coming saturday. last week i did a dominos pizza commercial set job and worked 32 hours in 2 days. damn it was hot- TEXAS hot. i would get up at 4am and get home around midnight. i was a total wreck for days after that. but that at least pays well...

my girlfriend is pretty cool. she saw the toll my recent workload has put on me and demanded i go to dodger stadium tonight. of course i obliged, she's right, i need to get out and away from working constantly and just see a ball game. it's my favorite thing to do in the world (well, almost) so, i'm going to the pads vs. dodgers game this evening. can't wait.

i don't understand california yet. ok it's been pretty hot. at times almost as hot as back home in texas. but, they are having power blackouts here and are even talking of rolling blackouts. which to those who don't know what that is they alternate peoples homes and businesses by cutting off their power. ok how in the hell does this happen in the 3rd largest state in america? and what's the bet that warner bros and disney studios down the street won't be without power? this never happend in texas which has a much hotter temperature for way longer each year. if they cut our power and my 3 dogs (one of which is 13 years old and very sensitive to the heat) are forced to suffer; while some fat *** at disney is still nice and cool, blood will spill. ever see that movie "FALLING DOWN"?...

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My God. DJeagles, I just logged on right now and I read the news about your wife and the baby. I'm very sorry because I remember how excited you were when you told us the news. It's more important now for you to be there for her at this time. Your wife needs all the support she can get now.

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Updated to 7-30

...Going to get my computer upgraded this week. Tomorrow I got to bring it in and the processor is going to be a bit faster and I'll add some RAM. Maybe that will help me play games like Tiger Woods 2006. I'll still be able to be on here while the computer is getting dolled up since I got a laptop.

...Can't wait until 4 pm tomorrow when this trade deadline is over with. Here's hoping the Nationals hold onto Soriano with both hands and also the Yankees hold on to their good young players. Now's the time I get nervous.

...I can't stand having Canadian coins given to me when I get change. That's because they don't go into any vending machine, or newspaper box or anything else you got to insert coins into. I actually separate the Canadian coins when I want to get rid of them before I go into a store to buy the paper. So when I plunk down the fifty cents for the USA Today, the 7-11 guy gets my Canadian stash. Tell me I don't have things covered.

...Either we've been getting the heat and humidity in the 90's around here or we've been getting days with the damn rain that never lets up. I won't complain that much, it's better than winter. Thank God for central air.

...I've been so busy these past two weeks with work that I have not played one game of Mvp. In fact, I've played zero games in two weeks. I don't like it when work takes over your life like that.

...There's a family picnic that is going on today that I am not going to. I'm not spending another day outside then I have to. Besides, some relatives will be there that I don't have to see until the obligatory Christmas how-you-doing-how-you-been-nice-to-see-you handshake that happens every December.

...It's been so bad this week that I have not watched one Yankee game this week. For me, that's almost unthinkable.

...My wife went to see "You, Me and Dupree" with a friend of her's from work. I can't watch crap like that because that Owen Wilson is almost in the category of not being remotely funny just as that idiot Will Ferrell is.

...All e-mail spammers should rot in hell. Yeah, I'm talking about you people who send me mail telling me my mortgage "has been approved" when I didn't apply for anything. And that they've been "trying to contact me for days" about winning something. And why are they always trying to sell Rolex watches "real cheap"?

....Again everyone in here has to realize that using the complaint e-mail address does not mean writing to us telling us how to install Ultimate Rosters 7.1. That's not a complaint, that's an issue with yourself when you can't read Totte's simple and easy directions.

...Mvp the league, let's keep it going.

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...I've been so busy these past two weeks with work that I have not played one game of Mvp. In fact, I've played zero games in two weeks. I don't like it when work takes over your life like that.

I second that statement, except for the fact that I'm a teacher, so I can play as many games of MVP as I want during the summer. But once the school year starts, I play maybe 1 game per month.

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..Echoing what Y4L said about Canadian Coins - It's rare that I get them around here, but when I do, I do to them what I do to the pennies when I find them... I throw them away.

..I can't believe we got rid of Wilson, and I can't believe that all of a sudden the Mets own us. This is bullshit.

...Were only 6.5 games out of the Wildcard...******* great.

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--I'm still pissed about the crappy game that Randy Johnson pitched yesterday. I never wanted this trade to go through, and I'm pissed that we lost Navarro over this.

--I hope that Mussina can win 20 games this year. I really do. He has come close many times, but has never been able to win 20.

--Total Classics *61 is one of the best mods on this site. Mad props to Fuzz and his people for all the great work that they do. I know that if it weren't for TC, I probably wouldn't be playing MVP as much as I do now.

--As Y4L said, I can't wait until the trading deadline is up. I am crossing my fingers that Cano, Wang, or Melky don't get traded.

--I just planned out my summer vacation, and I can't wait. I'm going to Cleveland to see the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. To me, this is a lot better than going to the Carribbean, or some crap like that.

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Carlos Lee got Traded this week...and the world didnt end..sky didnt fall either, true brewer fans will understand in the end its all about money and what can you do for me? After all, we did get a solid all-star closer in Codero and a couple extra bodies...they may not equal out what Carlos did for the team but they are under .500 with Lee...they couldnt do any worse. Really.

Shoes are freakin hard to make for mvp2005...a lotta times its because I cant find a decent back shot of a shoe and have to make one..that blows.

Ironically I got a chance to Carlos Lee in action before he was traded, I was at the Brewers Pirates game, took a few pics, watch the bullpen give the game away, and thought to myself.."they're not gonna keep him(Lee) How do you pay him $13-15million when you dont even have a bullpen?

I dont make Unis/Accessories for "accuracy" or "purists" I just have fun with it all..If you like it and have fun, then my job is done.

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...My girlfriend is bugging me. Of course, the way for other girls to hurt another is to gossip, this is what happened to me. A nice class ***** told me crap, now I wonder about my girlfriend. I'm sure it's nothing, she just didn't want to hang out fo rone day. I mean, I just spent a whole night at her house during a family friends party where I was introduced as her boyfriend. Women, the only unsolved mystery.

...The trade deadline is almost here and I would love to see Soirano in an A's uniform. I know the A's aren't looking to make any deals, but it's still nice to think.

...I'm heading off to the A's vs. Blue Jays game in a minute here and I'm very excited. Vernon Wells (don't ask why) is one of my favorite players ad I have never seen him play live.

...My fantasy baseball league is coming to an end soon and I'm cruising along in first place. I just made a deal to pick up Manny, Miguel Cabrera, and some other guy I can't remember. I gave up Ordonez, Damon, and Dunn to make this deal. I think it will benefit me well.

...My controller is almost dead and I need to go buy a new one. I will most likely get a Logitech Cordless Rumblpad 2 again. I've gotten very used to that one.

...I haven't run Virus Scan or Ad-Aware lately, probably should do that soon.

I'm heading down to San Diego to see my sister next Thursday, should be a very fun trip. Even though my cousins (all girls) are coming, it should be nice to see her again.

...I'm off to the game guys. Another day of baseball, ahhh, I can't wait. See ya all next week!

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...Away we go...

...My wife seems to be doing better this week, since we got home on Thursday. Thanks to all who expressed their condolences...It was much appreciated.

...There is an article floating online this morning. J.P. Ricccardi is telling Jays fans not to expect any trades by tomorrow. Jeez. Thanks for bailing on us J.P.! Great Job!

...Watching the Yankees and D'Rays on YES right now...(Rogers Sportsnet) in Canada, and I love Derek Jeter! I am a HUGE, HUGE Jays fan...but I love Derek Jeter, in a man-love sort of way!

...This is for all the owners and officials of MVPMods: Online League. C'mon boys, we have to pull together for the sake of the league!

...Have I mentioned I have a man-crush on Jeter?

...Heading to the beach this afternoon with my wife, son and niece. Bringing the dog along also. Looking forward to it...going to BBQ and jump off the dock....always a good time!



Pay no attention to the mess of my desk!

Bought this yesterday. ! We needed a new television, and with the impending world domination of HDTV, ,y wife and I crumbled and bought it. Very Nice...have my pc hooked up to it...good fun. Moving it to the television room in a few days, but right now I must enjoy the PC experience!

See you next week!

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How biased is the New York post?

-The Mets crush the Braves, again, and Randy Johnson and the Yanks get annialated by the D-Rays I might, and who gets the back page? The Yanks. Unbeliveable.

- Mets are winning the NL East this year. No bout a dout it. :-)

- Beltran! Third Grand Slam this year. And in the words of WFAN broadcasters, he is the salami king.

- I can go for some salami.

- Saved up for the 360!

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How biased is the New York post?

-The Mets crush the Braves, again, and Randy Johnson and the Yanks get annialated by the D-Rays I might, and who gets the back page? The Yanks. Unbeliveable.

- Mets are winning the NL East this year. No bout a dout it. -)

- Beltran! Third Grand Slam this year. And in the words of WFAN broadcasters, he is the salami king.

- I can go for some salami.

- Saved up for the 360!

Like a sore Braves fan:

"The division is bullshit anyway. You really want the wildcard. And guess what, the Mets aren't going to win it [the wildcard], we are...you guys lose, we win again, Go Braves"

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ive never really done this before but here goes...

-just started played battlefield 42 again... hadnt played for months... i used to be a excellent pilot and a plus sniper (go figure... baseball scouting jargon lol) but my skills have gone way down! my infantry skills and tank skills just plain suck tho...

-anxious to get a decent roster update for nba live... i love phoenix... and i cant wait to trade marion for howard and reddick in my dynasty... will be quite a team

-it sucks being a cubs fan... my second team is cle, but they suck this year too...

-i really dont care to go to college... im entering as a sophmore cause of ap testing... so i go straight to the middle level of calc (im a physics education major) and im sorta worried about that class... the physics classes are easy.... ive heard the ed classes are jokes... but calc... ive heard its crazy hard... i was the best in my class in high school, but the teacher was retiring and didnt care, so i dont feel like i really learned it... oh well... ill make it

and finally,

-as easy as it is to get discouraged with all the parts of life that arent pleasant at all, god has still been good to me and i am so grateful that he has blessed me... we take living in america for granted so often, and I am very thankful that i was born here, in a great free country... like a song we sing in church... god is good... all the time!


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I have a hard time believing that a country which has it's President's approval to perform illegal surveillance on any citizen it pleases - and already has performed such surveillance can still be called "free". Freer than others, sure. But free? Not by a long shot.

Oh, and is the same country which had slavery still listed as a legal ownership contract not too long ago in relative terms?

Bah, too early for a political rant.

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....I'm so hungry...

...Played FEAR for 10 minutes for the first time- WOW....

yeah Mo, that game is pretty friggin' crazy. Those graphics are awesome! You have to try the "bullet-time" slow down stuff. While every game comming out now has this option, I really think that FEAR does it best.

Take it easy. love the current generics & of course, all your audio mods.

Hey Mark B. Your country was beautiful. I can't say that I much cared for Glasgow or Edinburgh for that matter, but I am not a city person. The highlands are some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable. Glen/Ben Nevis was unbelievable. St. Andrews was amazing as well.

I know not of the UK's politics but I've never, in my life, had a better time. I realize that living there is much different (If I lived in Glasgow I'd want to kill people) but the pace of things was really very refreshing. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

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