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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...I need a girlfriend. Tired of living the single life. Well, not really, but I'd like to experience companionship once more. However, women always bring Kccitystar problems, because they carry one of the big three. I'll talk about this later. I have a somewhat decent track record with girls but even though they broke up with me be it some stupid circumstance, I always find ways to at least update my taste in women. Now, I'm going to list about....three girls or so and let you know my deal with them in a few sentences.

I'm not going to pull out a banjo and recite names for any of you because I don't really have that many girlfriends seeing as I distance myself from girls that I know aren't digging me for me. Anyway, here are a few.

Yeisy = This chick is real cool peoples, and she's more like a sister to me than anything. We had a little brief summer stint or whatever you want to call it, but in that timespan we kicked it pretty decent, and I enjoyed her company. She was real cool with anything and laughed at my stupidity because after all, I am a goofball.

Tasha = She was from my neighborhood, and things kicked off kind of good in the first few weeks but her mind was kind of frail. She'd let her friends influence what WE had together, and it became a total nightmare. It was her who really made me step my selection game up because she was just a waste of my time. I realized after we broke up that I was basically her rebound guy and she still had feelings for the dude she went out with before me. The kicker? She said when we kissed that she thought of him. Harlot.

We're still cool peoples though but there's a glass ceiling none of us want to break EVER again.

Ashley = Me and Ashley went out for a brief minute, but she was real fun to be around. I joked around alot and you know, just did me. She wasn't having that, and I started to feel distant with her. However when we were on good terms, she was great to kick it with. I learned alot from her and even though we broke up, I still feel she's worth going out with again. I haven't really kept contact with her though but eventually I will, seeing as she is looking for ME to fix her computer. HaHa.

I mean, I'll gladly remain single than to pick up some junk, and yes, that girl will really love to have me by their side, as my female friends have. Oh, and did I mention female friends?

I keep them female friends because they always come with some off the wall stuff that I don't really care to hear like what their man does on the low, what they think is going on between another couple, you know, soap opera crap.

It seems some of us are good to go but a lot, and I mean a lot of us people seriously either have commitment problems, an identity crisis or are just some bitter *** person who just can't seem to let go of the past.

What do I mean when I say Commitment Problems?

Well a lot of people won't admit to it but you are hoes, male or female. A lot of you don't have or never will have the discipline to be with one person and not cheat or have any type of loyalty to the assumed girl/boyfriend whoever it may be. These are the types who luck up and actually meet some one with Wifey/Hubby credentials and know they got a really great companion who would be down for them in the long run; who sincerely wants a long term relationship and the whole nine, but you always have to be a stupid, dumb, retarded, crazy, imbecilic (If that word doesn't exist, consider it a KC-ism) guy/girl and screw up a good thing, thinking you can do better or "the grass is greener on the other side", so you hurt the person who cares for you by cheating and/or any other foul play, thus turning a perfectly good man/woman into a bitter, fed up, non-trusting, insecure person, and the cycle repeats itself.

What do I mean by Identity Crisis?

Just like the name sounds. An identity crisis. A lot of people seem so unsure of who they are or want to be and will conform to whatever image is popular to get noticed by members of the opposite sex. It's really pathetic...some people don't even know they do it, thats the messed up part, because most of the time it's subconsciously embedded in the back of your mind.

An example: Guys used to think all females want that flashy, flamboyant , Hot-boy type of stuff...you know, super expensive cars, rims, all that superficial, materialistic BS. So you go out and splurge for this stuff all in hopes of getting recognition from a female, it will make you look like a lame. Not for buying, but the reason behind why you're buying.

If you are a casual-dressing guy, be a casual dressing guy. Women also, because you like to wear all this super provocative crap, like it's just normal. You don't even leave anything to the imagination anymore. If you're looking for a good man, stop dressing like a prostitute, because the perception you give off detremines what type of man you will attract. I'm not BSing, this is pure fact.

Instead of pretending to be something else, it never killed anybody to be your damn self, because if you don't you're always gonna attract the wrong guy/girl....because they're not going to love you for you, they will love you for the person you pretend to be, ya dig? Be yourself and stay true to yourself...that way you know why a person loves you for you.

Last but not least, as far as the bitter people are concerned,

I don't know what to tell you, except to get over it. You can spend countless days and countless nights being mad at the world cause you got burned by your ex but it ain't gonna change jack squat...You might as well find another area of focus to take your mind off them and get back into the dating game. There isn't any need in putting so much energy into being so livid about your ex...'cause while your're sittin there with HIM/HER on your mind, he/she is fornicating with someone else and you are just being an afterthought...no need in developing tumors over a girl/guy, is it? Just do your thing and time heals all wounds. Just learn from your mistakes. All the stuff from the past, charge it to the game, and use that experience as reminder of what not to do .....cause if not so...you'll be headed for a dead end.

I hope this rant was informative, and thanks for the audience. I'll see what happens this week in my life and I'll keep you posted on Sundays. :)

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yeah Mo, that game is pretty friggin' crazy. Those graphics are awesome! You have to try the "bullet-time" slow down stuff. While every game comming out now has this option, I really think that FEAR does it best.

Take it easy. love the current generics & of course, all your audio mods.

Hey Mark B. Your country was beautiful. I can't say that I much cared for Glasgow or Edinburgh for that matter, but I am not a city person. The highlands are some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable. Glen/Ben Nevis was unbelievable. St. Andrews was amazing as well.

I know not of the UK's politics but I've never, in my life, had a better time. I realize that living there is much different (If I lived in Glasgow I'd want to kill people) but the pace of things was really very refreshing. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

Glad to hear you had a good time...outside of the cities, at least. I take it Glasgow wasn't particularly nice to you? :( I'm not surprised, but I hope it didn't ruin part of your vacation.

Which areas did you visit in this "fine" city? ;)

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I start my senior year of high school offically tommrrow not really looking forward to it since school isn't something I get too excited about or pleased about.

and Abreu got sent to the Yankees well that was bound to happen.

and the Whitesox are now 8.5 games back in the AL central but aren't too far back in the wildcard race which is good I think.

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I have a hard time believing that a country which has it's President's approval to perform illegal surveillance on any citizen it pleases - and already has performed such surveillance can still be called "free". Freer than others, sure. But free? Not by a long shot.

Oh, and is the same country which had slavery still listed as a legal ownership contract not too long ago in relative terms?

Bah, too early for a political rant.

you really dont know when to stop do you? my post wasnt political at all and all you can do is continue to bash America and its president... you dont have to like him, but do you have to incessantly voice your disdain for him on unrelated issues? my dad is in asia ministering to people who have dirt floors, thatched roofs, and walls of who knows what... and they will walk hours just to be in a 2 hour church service... that makes me grateful for what i have and what ive been blessed with... and all you can do is slam america.... dont be so shallow

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Mark, you shouldn't be complaining about the USA. I heard you have your own problem. Word on the street is that you put some kind of monster in a lake to kill people? Is this true? :-)

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I have a hard time believing that a country which has it's President's approval to perform illegal surveillance on any citizen it pleases - and already has performed such surveillance can still be called "free". Freer than others, sure. But free? Not by a long shot.

Oh, and is the same country which had slavery still listed as a legal ownership contract not too long ago in relative terms?

Bah, too early for a political rant.

There will never be an entirely "free" civilization that will last for a decent amount of years.

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Mark, you shouldn't be complaining about the USA. I heard you have your own problem. Word on the street is that you put some kind of monster in a lake to kill people? Is this true? :-)

Cut the crap.

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you really dont know when to stop do you? my post wasnt political at all and all you can do is continue to bash America and its president... you dont have to like him, but do you have to incessantly voice your disdain for him on unrelated issues? my dad is in asia ministering to people who have dirt floors, thatched roofs, and walls of who knows what... and they will walk hours just to be in a 2 hour church service... that makes me grateful for what i have and what ive been blessed with... and all you can do is slam america.... dont be so shallow

So because your post isn't political, I can't make a political comment about it? All I can do is bash and/or slam America and it's President? Wow, that's a newsflash. I could swear I've done plenty of other things during my time on this site, stadium modding, roster making, stuff like that...damn. It must have been a dream. I agree with you as far as being grateful for what we have - it's a hell of a lot more than some have, as you pointed out. However, that doesn't mean that we can't express our opinions on other matters simply because all we can discuss is how bad some people have it.

Shallow...yeah, right. Look at the wide range of topics I've discussed both here and at TPG and you'll see exactly how shallow I am.

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Updated to 8-6

...Either I am not destined to see a live game this year or what :) but everytime I have decided I'd go see a minor league game this year, the local team has always been out of town. Note to self: look at the schedule the next time.

...Once again the Yankees acted like they are afraid of a new pitcher that they have not seen as they gathered up all of one hit last night in a loss to the Orioles, who are going no place again. This time they lost to the immortal Adam Loewen. Get him in the Hall of Fame now.

...Got my computer back after it was worked on. Very happy with it.

...For those of us in the east, wasn't this week a tough one with the heat? Especially at the beginning of it when the heat index and humidity was over 100 degrees. It's always the humidity that gets you a lot more than the heat itself.

...Welcome Bobby Abreau, Cory Lidle and Craig Wilson. And thank you for staying right where you are Philip Hughes and Melky Cabrera.

...For the first time in a couple of years I am excited about the upcoming Raider season. Art Shell has been doing an outstanding job out there and I almost can't wait to see this team beginning next month.

...August is going to be a great month on this website. From what I have been reading, TC 6 and Mvp 06 should be out this month. And that's my problem. What do I play first??? I might just have to flip a coin or something. :?

...Thinking about that post above this, I think that everyone on here after these mods are released should PM one of those modders, be it Kraw or Totte or Hory or Fuzz or anyone on the TC team and send them a message of thanks. Especially the Mvp 06 team, a group of people that have been bugged about this mod since the very beginning.

...I got great news. I have to go to a wedding this weekend and I can't go!!! Isn't that wonderful? Seems as if I have to work (oh no!) and I won't be able to take off and attend it (son of a *(&*$) so that means I have to stay home ( :wink: :wink: :wink: ) Sometimes my friends when you work on Saturdays, it works out to your advantage.

...Anyone out there watch Cold Case?? That's one damn good show.

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--I got a new job! I think that I'm really going to miss teaching, but my new job pays a lot better. I'm now the CIO and the Network Administrator of a company that makes software based in New York.

--I'm sick and tired of the Yankees getting shut down by pitchers with an ERA over 5.00. Someone really has to teach this team how to hit sucky pitchers.

--Have any of you guys ever ate at Morton's? I had dinner there last night for my dad's birthday. I freakin' love it. Great steak. The bread that they give at the beginning is also great.

--My My, Hey Hey by Neil Young is a great song.

--I just got tickets to see The Who at Jones Beach next month! I can't wait. I've always loved that group, and I've only seen them once. The last time I saw them was in the '70s.

--I really hope it cools down in New York. At least my new job has AC unlike the school that I taught at.

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Mark, you shouldn't be complaining about the USA. I heard you have your own problem. Word on the street is that you put some kind of monster in a lake to kill people? Is this true? :)

With all due respect, that is a very stupid avatar and picture :)

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Just 2 today:

--I'm glad the Braves are probably keeping Andruw Jones. Can we get a somewhat good starting pitcher off waivers, you know, instead of Jason Sheill?

--Last night was the most amazing night of my life. I'm sad its over.

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- Way to hot in NY. Thank God it cooled down a little.

- Going to the ESPN game of the week tonight. Also going to the Mets Padres game on Tues, AKA Mike Piazza return to NY night. I'll be wearing my Piazza jersey.

- Summer reading sucks. One book read, three to go..........

- My avatar is cool Friedman, what you talkin bout?

- Our team got knocked out of the playoffs in the semis. It was horrible. The pitcher hit the batter to let the winning run cross. Now baseball is done until August 11, where our team will enter a tournament. Hurray!

- Did I mention how long my season goes for?

Jan-Mar: HS Training season (In the gym stuff, running, conditioning, etc.) Late March-May: HS Baseball season.

Late June-August: Federation League (20-25 games and a one week tournament somewhere)

August: Another tournament for federation

September-Mid Sept: HS Fall ball

September- (last year) October 31- Federation fall ball.

It seems like a lot, but I enjoy every second of it. It's not as bad as it looks either. We have about 2-3 games a week for federation. I love it!

- Sophmore year, I'm gona love it. Instead of health, I get a stduy period 4 days out of the 6th day cycle. On the other two days, gym.

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...For the first time in a couple of years I am excited about the upcoming Raider season. Art Shell has been doing an outstanding job out there and I almost can't wait to see this team beginning next month.

-I am equally excited about the Raiders but more excited about a new presentation of football on NBC. So far , it looks pretty good. As for the Raiders , I got excited early when the Raiders Radio Network played several clips of last year's action on their pregame show...I just hope their entire season does not resemble the first quarter of today's game... :wink:

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Dang its Monday...was making merry at a BBQ yesterday, so here I go...

...Watched The Descent this morning, as I am hung over, and didn't feel like getting up...What a crazy, scary movie! It came out in the UK last year, so I have my brothers DVD. I would pay to see it in the theatre for sure...

...The Jays finally won one yesterday...to little to late. What a frigging free fall. Riccardi should be disgusted with himself, and Gibbons, a good manager, leaves his startes in far to long when they are struggling...

...God, the summer is flying by. Pretty soon September will arrive, my son will start Grade Three, and my wife and I will have to start our Christmas shopping...

...A little over a month away until EA Sports release NHL 2007. My second favorite sports title...

...The MVPMods Online League Draft seems to be going well. It is actually alot more fun then I thought it would be...Looking forward to starting the season...

...See you next week...

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...I need a girlfriend. Tired of living the single life. Well, not really, but I'd like to experience companionship once more. However, women always bring Kccitystar problems, because they carry one of the big three. I'll talk about this later. I have a somewhat decent track record with girls but even though they broke up with me be it some stupid circumstance, I always find ways to at least update my taste in women. Now, I'm going to list about....three girls or so and let you know my deal with them in a few sentences.

I'm not going to pull out a banjo and recite names for any of you because I don't really have that many girlfriends seeing as I distance myself from girls that I know aren't digging me for me. Anyway, here are a few.

Yeisy = This chick is real cool peoples, and she's more like a sister to me than anything. We had a little brief summer stint or whatever you want to call it, but in that timespan we kicked it pretty decent, and I enjoyed her company. She was real cool with anything and laughed at my stupidity because after all, I am a goofball.

Tasha = She was from my neighborhood, and things kicked off kind of good in the first few weeks but her mind was kind of frail. She'd let her friends influence what WE had together, and it became a total nightmare. It was her who really made me step my selection game up because she was just a waste of my time. I realized after we broke up that I was basically her rebound guy and she still had feelings for the dude she went out with before me. The kicker? She said when we kissed that she thought of him. Harlot.

We're still cool peoples though but there's a glass ceiling none of us want to break EVER again.

Ashley = Me and Ashley went out for a brief minute, but she was real fun to be around. I joked around alot and you know, just did me. She wasn't having that, and I started to feel distant with her. However when we were on good terms, she was great to kick it with. I learned alot from her and even though we broke up, I still feel she's worth going out with again. I haven't really kept contact with her though but eventually I will, seeing as she is looking for ME to fix her computer. HaHa.

I mean, I'll gladly remain single than to pick up some junk, and yes, that girl will really love to have me by their side, as my female friends have. Oh, and did I mention female friends?

I keep them female friends because they always come with some off the wall stuff that I don't really care to hear like what their man does on the low, what they think is going on between another couple, you know, soap opera crap.

It seems some of us are good to go but a lot, and I mean a lot of us people seriously either have commitment problems, an identity crisis or are just some bitter *** person who just can't seem to let go of the past.

What do I mean when I say Commitment Problems?

Well a lot of people won't admit to it but you are hoes, male or female. A lot of you don't have or never will have the discipline to be with one person and not cheat or have any type of loyalty to the assumed girl/boyfriend whoever it may be. These are the types who luck up and actually meet some one with Wifey/Hubby credentials and know they got a really great companion who would be down for them in the long run; who sincerely wants a long term relationship and the whole nine, but you always have to be a stupid, dumb, retarded, crazy, imbecilic (If that word doesn't exist, consider it a KC-ism) guy/girl and screw up a good thing, thinking you can do better or "the grass is greener on the other side", so you hurt the person who cares for you by cheating and/or any other foul play, thus turning a perfectly good man/woman into a bitter, fed up, non-trusting, insecure person, and the cycle repeats itself.

What do I mean by Identity Crisis?

Just like the name sounds. An identity crisis. A lot of people seem so unsure of who they are or want to be and will conform to whatever image is popular to get noticed by members of the opposite sex. It's really pathetic...some people don't even know they do it, thats the messed up part, because most of the time it's subconsciously embedded in the back of your mind.

An example: Guys used to think all females want that flashy, flamboyant , Hot-boy type of stuff...you know, super expensive cars, rims, all that superficial, materialistic BS. So you go out and splurge for this stuff all in hopes of getting recognition from a female, it will make you look like a lame. Not for buying, but the reason behind why you're buying.

If you are a casual-dressing guy, be a casual dressing guy. Women also, because you like to wear all this super provocative crap, like it's just normal. You don't even leave anything to the imagination anymore. If you're looking for a good man, stop dressing like a prostitute, because the perception you give off detremines what type of man you will attract. I'm not BSing, this is pure fact.

Instead of pretending to be something else, it never killed anybody to be your damn self, because if you don't you're always gonna attract the wrong guy/girl....because they're not going to love you for you, they will love you for the person you pretend to be, ya dig? Be yourself and stay true to yourself...that way you know why a person loves you for you.

Last but not least, as far as the bitter people are concerned,

I don't know what to tell you, except to get over it. You can spend countless days and countless nights being mad at the world cause you got burned by your ex but it ain't gonna change jack squat...You might as well find another area of focus to take your mind off them and get back into the dating game. There isn't any need in putting so much energy into being so livid about your ex...'cause while your're sittin there with HIM/HER on your mind, he/she is fornicating with someone else and you are just being an afterthought...no need in developing tumors over a girl/guy, is it? Just do your thing and time heals all wounds. Just learn from your mistakes. All the stuff from the past, charge it to the game, and use that experience as reminder of what not to do .....cause if not so...you'll be headed for a dead end.

I hope this rant was informative, and thanks for the audience. I'll see what happens this week in my life and I'll keep you posted on Sundays. :)

That last bit was amazing. KC :hail:!

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Updated to 8-13

...Damn man is this summer flying by fast once again. :( It's my favorite time of year and the time from June to September are gone in a flash. On the other hand, January seems to last six months.

...I love how the YES network has the special features now for Directv users that show you a bonus cam, lineups, stats, scores and more. I'm hitting those buttons so much I'm missing part of the game.

...When's this *&$( with these terrorists going to stop? All this is going to do is make travel time even more of a pain. I hear now that people are required to have four hour waits. How the hell is that going to help?

...My wife got a new phone recently. A verizon Razor phone that has a thing on that gives out directions on how to get somewhere when you are driving. She'll still end up getting lost.

...Who else besides me loves French Onion soup?

...Thank you Kansas City Royals. Now go away.

...Here's an example of people I have to deal with, not on a daily basis, but occasionally. Yesterday I went to a corner store to buy a Pepsi before going to work. Well, when I got there all they had was Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Vanilla, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Jazz flavor (whatever that is) and Cherry Pepsi. "Where's the regular Pepsi?" I ask the kid at the counter. He told me he thought that flavor had not come out yet. :?

...I don't like that guy from the Angels, the one they call K-Rod because he likes to rub it in when he gets a save and he taunts the opposition. He'd be a perfect fit in Boston, where they breed people like that.

...What to play first.....Mvp 06 or Total Classics Phase 6?

...My new video card make my game look a lot better. Now I just need time to actually play a few games.

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...Who else besides me loves French Onion soup?

Me. I love French Onion soup. I had one of the best bowls of French Onion Soup ever at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. By the way, that is one of the nicest hotels that I have ever stayed at.

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OK, here are my thoughts:

--I'm going on my first business trip with my new company on Thursday. I'm going to Atlanta, and I have to leave my house at 4:30 AM because of all the crap with those ******* terrorists that's going on.

--I'm also going on vacation the week after next. I'm spending a week at the Mohonk Mountain Resort. All I've got to say is this: It better be good, because it's mad expensive.

--Jered Weaver is pitching against the Yankees today. This reminds me of how much I couldn't stand Jeff Weaver.

--Does anybody else here use an IBM AS/400?

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My random thoughts,

Flying home tonight, from US to Canada, Airports gonna suck.

I totally forgot today was Sunday...

No longer have to watch baseball on ESPN, thank god for that one

Almost bought a new video card yesterday, but I'm probably just going to buy it in Toronto

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...Away we go...

...Looking forward to getting my hands on MVP '06. Many sleepless nights ahead...

...What's with the Blue Jays. All of a sudden the pitching looks top notch, making the Twins look like a mediocre team. I hope they can keep it up....

...Watched some of the NFL pre-season yesterday. Bush showed some flashes of brilliance. I am looking forward to the regular season. Vince Young also had some good moments on the field yesterday...

...I still say Mario Williams is going to be a bust for Texas...

...Y4L, you sure are right about summer. We had some drinks and a bon fire here last night, and it felt way to much like fall...and I am going camping next weekend...going to have to pack my wnter jacket...

...but atleast that means Christmas is coming...my favorite time of the year...

...See you next week...

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Updated to 8-13

...My wife got a new phone recently. A verizon Razor phone that has a thing on that gives out directions on how to get somewhere when you are driving. She'll still end up getting lost.

lol y4l, my girlfriend is terrible with directions, and its not that shes too dumb to figure it out... she just doesnt care... she wants to be lost... which i cannot understand at all... im totally the opposite... ive always got to know where i am, where im going, and how im getting there... and she doesnt even care... and what sucks is i have to drive all the time cause she knows how to get to like.... 5 places... lol

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...went to a Braves game today...amazing

...spent a month of pay or something on a francoeur t-shirt and an andruw jones jersey along with the tickets and parking...it was worth it

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