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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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My thoughts:

...Pretty bored today...Double click on the MVP 06 icon...

...Ill travel to Tucson from friday to tuesday... The Mexico/US border of Nogales,Sonora/Nogales,Arizona is gonna suck :huh:...

...Griffey's RBI single in the 11th inning and the reds win against another wildcard contender... 8)

...Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (Candidate for president of Mexico...Well Excandidate I think) continues with his stupid protests :protest: camping in the most important street of Mexico city called El Periferico because all the votes wont be count only a part...So everyone is getting late to their works...When he will stop??...Mexico is tired of him...STOP ANDRES, CALDERON WON AND YOU MUST ACCEPT IT!

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I wonder what happens if you freeze a water bed?.......

5 bucks is nothing....

if kraw's surge protector didnt work, will mine go out also if there's a power outage?......

why must the good die young?.....

speaking of Young, was Eric Young just signed by the Rangers? His name should be Eric Old.......

I better hurry up and post this before it's not Sunday anymore, oh wait, it's only 10:30

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okay, if airline waits get up to one day, we're going to see more people drive the road with their own cars, more global warming...i'm defintley getting my license now...i can plan my own trip and enjoy the road. if i go to new york in october, i'll probaly just carry my wallet and wear miminal clothes, get new cothers in new york, and air mail them all back home before coming back home. i see a complete ban on airline travel in 5 years.

i also thought of the scary thought...the world turning into a lockdown state, where nobody leaves their houses ever. i would hate that life. i need to get out, and not be a prisoner.

i'm always depessed now, it just seems everything is so bad, nothing good ever happens...maybe i need to move to an actual city...that should help.

i'm probaly just going to buy a car, and hope gas prices don't skyrocket, otherwise, it's going to be a really isolated world, where the internet is the only place people can talk...thats kinda creepy.

maybe seeing old friends should keep me from being depressed.

it's just so awful for me now....it's been a bad year. only thing that can make it worse is if our house gets destroyed by a cat 5 hurricane, which i can see.

but i apprecate everyone in my life...it could be a lot worse...i guess this is for the best...all is for the best of possible worlds, according to pangloss (candide).

one more thing, i hate fpl, it took out my bro's computer with their stupid surges...ugh.

maybe i'll have better thoughts next week.

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bravesj, first you can take steps to end your depression. Become a Mets fan.

- first of all, your allowing the world to own you. stop letting things affect you. you have to play out life like theres no tomorrow. i live my life to the fullest, and I make sure i enjoy every day to the fullest extent. That doesnt mean I'm doing something 24/7 but I always enjoy stuff.

- We won't go on lockdown that extreme. It can't happen in todays society.

I mean look at it this way, there some island off the coast of Africa that can cause mass destruction to the Eastern Seaboard of the USA. Part of the island might collapse when an eruption happens (dont worry this might not happen for hundreds of years) and send a Mega Tsunami right into my neighborhood. **** it. I'm not gona worry about that. If it happens, then I'll worry, but you no what, it's not happening right now, so i won't worry.

I'm not joking here seriously consider moving to Manhatten. I love it. I'm not there every day, but I go there a couple times a month, just havin fun. Great atmosphere always going, plenty of people just tremendous.

I live by this:

bad medicine, bad medicine is what I need by bon jovi. song kicks *** and i think of that line as:

don't let bad things control you, let that **** make you enjoy life more

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bravesj, first you can take steps to end your depression. Become a Mets fan.

- first of all, your allowing the world to own you. stop letting things affect you. you have to play out life like theres no tomorrow. i live my life to the fullest, and I make sure i enjoy every day to the fullest extent. That doesnt mean I'm doing something 24/7 but I always enjoy stuff.

- We won't go on lockdown that extreme. It can't happen in todays society.

I mean look at it this way, there some island off the coast of Africa that can cause mass destruction to the Eastern Seaboard of the USA. Part of the island might collapse when an eruption happens (dont worry this might not happen for hundreds of years) and send a Mega Tsunami right into my neighborhood. [naughty word] it. I'm not gona worry about that. If it happens, then I'll worry, but you no what, it's not happening right now, so i won't worry.

I'm not joking here seriously consider moving to Manhatten. I love it. I'm not there every day, but I go there a couple times a month, just havin fun. Great atmosphere always going, plenty of people just tremendous.

I live by this:

bad medicine, bad medicine is what I need by bon jovi. song kicks *** and i think of that line as:

don't let bad things control you, let that [naughty word] make you enjoy life more

I do agree with some of what you are saying NYM, but in reality you are a teenager, and have your whole life in front of you. Now wait 10 years when you are an adult, and have to face reality everyday. I am not saying life is depressing, but an adult, and a teen-ager....your 14 or 15 right, They have two totally different outlooks in life.

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I do agree with some of what you are saying NYM, but in reality you are a teenager, and have your whole life in front of you. Now wait 10 years when you are an adult, and have to face reality everyday. I am not saying life is depressing, but an adult, and a teen-ager....your 14 or 15 right, They have two totally different outlooks in life.

That's right. Being a teenager and an adult are two totally different things. Life was so much better when all I had to do during the week was go to school from 8-3. Now, I have to leave my house before 6 AM, and I don't get home until close to 7 PM.

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Updated to 8-20

...I can't wait for that new Yankee Stadium to be built. From all that I have seen from those artist renditions, it is going to look great. 2009 isn't far off.

...I like how Bobby Abreau is patient at the plate. Never had a chance to watch him before when he was in Philadelphia and truth be told, I didn't care to because I don't pay attention to the Phils. :lol:

...Why is every magazine out there so concerned what Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are doing? Not to mention Tom Cruise. Next time you go in a grocery store or something, just see how many times you see them slapped on a magazine cover.

...Let's also not forget Britney Spears, who continues to be a role model for every girl in the United States that lives in a trailer park.

...And a child shall lead them: I upgraded my verizon phone this week and when I got it, I didn't know how to put the phone numbers in the new phone. Whatever I did, the information did not get saved in the phone. So I had to get my ten year old niece to put them in for me. "Here you go," she said, like it was as easy as turning on the TV.

...The USA Network has some of the best shows on TV today. Now I'm starting to tivo The Dead Zone with Anthony Michael Hall.

...Like many of you guys in here, I've been reading about the latest break in the case of that little girl's death, Jon Benet Ramsey that came out this week. Now it seems that this guy that they have may not have done it at all. Why would anyone want to admit to something like that?

...I don't like when people leave you messages on Yahoo IM to ask you to put them on your buddy list there and don't tell you who they are. I can't repeat here the response I give them because then I'd have to delete my own post. :wink:

...I would't mind if the Yankees got Barry Zito next year to replace Randy Johnson. And remember, Carl Pavano has yet to show the Yankees how good he is. He can help in 2007 too.

...Art Shell is exactly what this lazy Raider team needs. I remember watching him when he was a player and I loved him back then.

...I'd like to thank the Texas Rangers for using the Angels players as pitching targets during a game in Arlington this week. Good going!

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--I'm starting to get fired up for the Yankees. In each game, we've crushed the Red Sox pitching. But our pitching did get crushed in game 2 on Friday. I just hope that the starters can improve before the playoffs.

--Did anyone here see that movie World Trade Center? How is it?

--Got a new cell phone this week. I got a Treo. I used to have a Razr, but I needed something with e-mail because of my job, so I had to get rid of it. I liked the Razr. It was a nice phone, and very thin, which is the way I like phones.

--I wonder how the Red Sox front office is feeling now, after they didn't resign Damon.

--Do any of you guys like buying stuff off Half.com? They have some really good prices. I also like newegg.com

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--NewEgg is amazing. Seriously.

--Snakes on a Plane is not. Seriously.

--I'm excited for the Braves, sure we're mediocre, but we may be playoff bound. What would this season be like if we had Baez and Wickman from the start?

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-Snakes on a Plane may not be amazing , but the internet parodies are! On youtube today someone released "All your Snakes are belong to us" , a parody of the classic internet "aybabtu" flash film a few years ago. Someone also spoofed SOAP at http://www.blankonablank.com .

- http://shop2.outpost.com/product/4751469?s...CH:MAIN_RSLT_PG

I am looking at buying this computer but someone told me the RAM stinks on that machine. Regardless , 200-300 dollars for a computer like that is a real deal , especially when similiar computers I've been looking at cost 550 - 600 dollars.

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...and so they begin building the New Yankee Stadium. I might work on the new ballpark seeing as I heard they are trying to find people from the neighborhood to try and help. I'll be looking forward to it, as I live nearby. They already started to fence around the entire area for the new ballpark, and you pretty much have a clear shot of the new ballpark when the train passes by over to 167th street instead of 161st where the original park is.

...I recently met a girl that I have not heard from in about 6 or so years and she was just as happy to hear from me as I did from her. She recently packed her things to get ready to go back to college upstate, around your territory Y4L.

...I recently completed the loading screens for MVP06 that everyone had been waiting for, and all I can say is what a relief. It took me a few days since I was on vacation to do it and now that it's done, I'm happy people like it.

...the death of Hip-Hop is near, as they decided to air the "Chicken Noodle Soup" video on BET this week. This video and the dance accompanied by it epitomizes everything that's wrong with hip-hop. New York is supposed to invent something new to reclaim the throne as the origin of hip-hop and all we can do is come out with a stupid dance and a stupid song? Honestly, this is why I quit listening to current hip-hop music.

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i'm doing this today because i was busy yesterday...

the mvpmods fantasy football league is under way. we had our live draft last night it was fun. should be a tough league.

i thought i had cursed the dodgers by shelling out $71 on a 2nd row first baseline seat to watch them get hammered by florida. apparantly not. although they still lose everytime i see them in person. i can't afford to throw that jinx too much longer. the seat was the best i ever had in my life i was so close that it was actually frightening at times -especially during pregame warmups. but, after parking ($10) and a couple cokes and a dodger dog we're talking $100.

on that note even though the NL west is theoretically still up for grabs- it's over for the giants. i go through this every single year- things look good then fall apart. 2002 was the backbreaker for me though so close to the ring...

well the rangers are still in it but, we know that isn't going to happen either.

does anyone else have HDTV? i love it. especially the MLB extra innings package you get a couple games in HD a day. i just wish directv would hurry up and start adding more HD channels. after watching widescreen HD the standard def channels look like poo poo.

we went to the beach in venice and malibu saturday. venice is filthy and you better get the hell outta there by sundown as it turns into gangland but, malibu is truly amazing. too bad even the small houses run in the millions of dollars.

the rollins band is performing live at the key club down the street on sep. 2. i can't wait...

ESPN still sickens me. i WISH someone would please start a new sports network and give these guys a run. FOX net sucks. and as long as there is no competetion you're almost forced to watch baseball tonight and sportscenter on a daily basis. funny because i'm sure the execs at disney think they've got superior product. ummm no guys, we just don't have a choice. talk about microsoft being a monopoly. what about time warner and disney?

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...Sorry I'm Late...

...Just got done watching the Prison Break Season Premier...very good! Can't believe it's almost fall though...

...Looks like the Jays may actually pass the Red Sox. Wow...can't get over the five game sweep by the Yankees...

...Still looking forward to MVP '06...should be amazing...

...I suspect Vernon Wells will be moved this offf-season. What Riccardi gets in return will make or break the Jays next season...

...short and sweet. See you next week...

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Updated to 8-27

....Dark roast coffee on a Sunday morning with no one bothering you is a wonderful thing.

...I let my wife pick out the movie we went to see so she picked out World Trade Center. I didn't know if I wanted to see it because it brought back so many bad memories, but I got to say it was a very good movie. It's also hard to believe that soon it will be the fifth anniversary for this.

...Turned on the X-Box for the first time in four months two days ago. I played Mvp 06 NCAA baseball and some people liked it and some didn't. That always seems to go with the territory with an EA game, but I enjoy this game. I don't think I'll wait another four months to turn on the X-box anymore.

...Bargain bins at the game stores can be your friend. I just found two full games on one CD of Top Spin Tennis and NCAA Football 2005 there for $2.99. Yeah, they are a few years old, but if you never played them before it's ok and you also can't beat the price.

...Starting tomorrow for the rest of the year we are getting our lawn serviced from now on because I just can't do the lawn anymore. My knees won't let me. I have no advice for everyone in here except don't hurt your knees. I wish I could be more helpful.

...Did you know that there was a band from England during the 1970's called Babe Ruth?]Babe Ruth?

I never knew this. You learn something every day on the Internet.

...F&&& the Angels and everything about them.

...I'm not getting Madden 2007. It's the same thing over and over but the only thing different is they add some new unneeded feature that just takes up more space on your hard drive. Madden 2k3 still isn't bad to play and you still can get updated rosters for it.

...I picked up some advice in another thread and went to this page here for my sports news. It's from Canada and it is a lot better then ESPN. More and more stuff each day seems to be an "insider" thing on ESPN and it got too much for me. So I tried this site and it gives me what I want, and that's just the sports news. Can a Canadian friend tell me what TSN means?

....This has been a very fast baseball season again. :(

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...Her we go...

Y4L, TSN is "The Sports Network". Their website is great, but Sportscentre has turned into a joke. See ESPN has a small stake in TSN, so when they bought part of the channel everything was revaped to look like it's american counterpart. But lately, the old announcers are gone, and we now have guys who say "catchy one-liners", and try and be cool. Nothing worse then a bunch of whiteguys in suits trying to be cool...it has gotten so dumbed down, I can't watch it.

...Watched El Matador this week, Greg Kinnear and Pierce Brosnan star in it. Quite a good movie. I highly reccomend it...

...Got Madden 07 for the PC, I like it...I also played it for the 360...Beautiful...On that note, eveyone should check on Madden-Mods...

...Anyone watch the season premier of Prison Break? Excellent start to the season...but can they keep it up? I sure hope so...

...Again, short and sweet...

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good news, ernesto is probaly not headed twoards new orleans, bad news is right now it's headed towards tampa bay, which is almost as vuelnable to hurricanes. if it gets a major hit, it's going to be a giant disaster down there.

and to add, if it keeps going east, south florida (ie me) could be in this before it's over. ugh...if it's major, i'll be away from the net for a few days.

school starts tomorrow...i miss summer already.

i have a name planned for my macbook already...it's going to be so sweet.

that is all.

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