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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Its monday and I missed it! O well its only a half hour in.

- As much as I hate school and love being off in the summer, I'm kind of glad school is starting up again. Get to see a whole bunch of friends I didn't see over the summer. Also means its starts up the football games in the park after school. It's the best in October-November when its about 30-40 degrees and it gets dark at around 4-4:30. You go home from school put some sweats on, play football from 3-5 and play under the lights (if you can call three lights "under the lights". I look foward to doing this every winter, and this one is no exception.

- As you may have sensed from my last post, I'm not a fan of hot weather. I like it and all, but when late August comes rollin around, I can't wait for the colder weather to come around. I'm a big fan of 30 degree weather. I love the cold. Air feels so fresh and smells so clean.

-Shootin for a 95 average in school this year. It should be no problem. I'm smart, and the school work isn't that hard. I just suffer from laziness. I slacked off in the end of the year last year, and I ended up with a 85 average. I was dissapointed because the works not that hard. Lookin to get some good grades, you got to start thinking about college sometime.

- I don't know what to expect from the Jets this season. As long as there over .500 I'll consider it a success. I wish the would get rid of Pennington. I just don't see him as a reliable QB.

- Mets are doing above and beyond this year of what we (mets fans) expected. Yes we expected to go to the playoffs, but a double digit lead in the division is great.

- Hockey starts soon. I hope the rangers make the playoffs this year. They should, Lundquist is a great goalie. He reminds me of Richter in a lot of ways. He seems confident, and in control. Now what to do with the devils.

- Getting NHL 07 for the 360. Looks like a great game.

Guess thats it.

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jhath, im guessing youre at a smaller university (you don't have to tell me the name though) with the size of the class.

actually its about 18,000 and theres only a two sections of my calc class. The reason being is that it is primarily an architecture/business/theatre school, so those people dont need the calc... they take other math classes...

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Its monday and I missed it! O well its only a half hour in.

- As much as I hate school and love being off in the summer, I'm kind of glad school is starting up again. Get to see a whole bunch of friends I didn't see over the summer. Also means its starts up the football games in the park after school. It's the best in October-November when its about 30-40 degrees and it gets dark at around 4-4:30. You go home from school put some sweats on, play football from 3-5 and play under the lights (if you can call three lights "under the lights". I look foward to doing this every winter, and this one is no exception.

- As you may have sensed from my last post, I'm not a fan of hot weather. I like it and all, but when late August comes rollin around, I can't wait for the colder weather to come around. I'm a big fan of 30 degree weather. I love the cold. Air feels so fresh and smells so clean.

-Shootin for a 95 average in school this year. It should be no problem. I'm smart, and the school work isn't that hard. I just suffer from laziness. I slacked off in the end of the year last year, and I ended up with a 85 average. I was dissapointed because the works not that hard. Lookin to get some good grades, you got to start thinking about college sometime.

- I don't know what to expect from the Jets this season. As long as there over .500 I'll consider it a success. I wish the would get rid of Pennington. I just don't see him as a reliable QB.

- Mets are doing above and beyond this year of what we (mets fans) expected. Yes we expected to go to the playoffs, but a double digit lead in the division is great.

- Hockey starts soon. I hope the rangers make the playoffs this year. They should, Lundquist is a great goalie. He reminds me of Richter in a lot of ways. He seems confident, and in control. Now what to do with the devils.

- Getting NHL 07 for the 360. Looks like a great game.

Guess thats it.

I like the colder weather also...means winter, hockey, and Christmas is coming...

I hope you are right about the Rangers, and I hope Shanny brings some offense to the team! Lundqvist is a great young goalie, let's hope he doesn't hit the sophmore wall!

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Updated to 9-10

...This was one of the toughest weeks of work I've had in a long time. I've been so tired with all the overtime that I hardly had a chance to do other things, like be on here. But at least I have the next two days off.

...Saw a movie called "Barnyard" last night, a computer animated movie. It was good. Don't laugh. :lol:

...I wonder if there is any Yankee fan out there who is comfortable when they see Kyle Farnsworth come into a game?

...Don't know why, but I've been making a lot of audio CD's lately.

...Damn that Vida Guerra is hot.

...And so are the two girls on the YES Network's "Ultimate Road Trip." If any of you have the YES Network you will know exactly what I mean.

...I'm glad my wife doesn't read the Random Thoughts on a Sunday Morning thread. :wink:

...The first Raider game of the year is on Monday night and it starts at 10:00 pm east coast time!!!! Thank you NFL for being so fan friendly!! :evil: :evil:

...I see Christmas stuff up at the department stores. Great.

...Finally, another thank you goes out to the firefighters and everyone else that helped out on September 11, 2001. Tomorrow's already the fifth anniversary for this terrible event.

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Hello from Calgary...

I am in Calgary until November...as beautiful out here as always! The air is clean, but the heat is horrible.

Doing consulting work for a company out here...big catering company. My wife and son are still in New Brunswick. That's rough, but we are making do.

I would love to move here, but my wife is dead set against it...there isn't any decent work in New Brunswick...

Went and saw World Trade Centerwhile I was out here, second time I saw it...puts life in perspective.

Like Y4L said, thanks to all the men and women who gave their lives for 9/11.

See you all next week.

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Updated to 9-17

....Hopefully with the Yankees winning a few more games, they can wrap up the division this week. I never assume anything anymore since the '78 season.

...It was sad to learn that Jim Kaat retired from broadcasting. I thought he was one of the best ones in the booth on YES. Al Leiter is good too. Also, it's been nice not listening to Michael Kay for awhile. I don't know where he's been.

...What the heck is the attraction to myspace?

...I have never been in any fantasy league for anything in my entire life. I've been asked many times, but I have no desire to do it.

...With the Mvp 06 mod out and TC6 coming out soon, I'm all set for the winter. And since I will be laid up for about a month sometime in January for my knee surgery, this will be great.

...One thing about the Mvp 06 mod, I played a few games with the modders and Forum Fanatics and I am going on record right now in front of the entire community to say I have it in for Trues. Every ball hit to him he catches! Either he dives for it, runs back 100 feet and pulls it in, starts a double play, etc, etc. And don't get me started when he's up to bat. Have him hit a ball in the gap and watch him coast into third base or get a single and steal second on the next pitch. Something's got to be done. I think I did get him out once. I should have got a screen capture of it.

...Isn't it amazing how David Ortiz has tried to spin his way out of what he said about Derek Jeter?

...I love it when someone you know is getting married and you find out you are not invited to the wedding. I'm serious here, no sarcasm intended. I hate going to weddings.

...It's nice to see gas prices around here go down a bit. I hope it is the same for you guys wherever you are.

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the marlins are amazing, most said 100 losses (i wasn't one of them), but they shocked me by staying in the race this long, but they blew it today with a good 5 run 10th by my boys.

talking about the braves, yes, the run is over, and it's sad. a tribute to 14 years of greatness is needed. i was just a little one when the run started, and now, grown up and three months from graduating college.

and as an early graduation present, i'm getting a macbook sometime before then, most likely mid-late october, but if core 2 is put in macbooks next week, i'll be buying it first week of october (no, not using it for schoolwork, it's for my other stuff that i'm working on, i'll tell you that in due time)

my parents want me to get a job this winter...that's going to be next to impossible to pull off here, in a farm town and no car or driver's license and no public transporation (forget about walking or biking on these roads, wild animals and not a smart idea ethier), 5 miles to civilized life from my house, and even further for the decent stuff. i'm likely going to leave for atlanta sometime next year (after easter at the earliest, summer/fall more likely), since there is nothing to do where i live. it's the same old boring every day, and plus, cost of living is getting too high, it's starting to get like san diego and those places.

the new nanos look tacky, i liked the old look better, although the battery life i can dig. the mini look seemed too immature and teenagy (no offense to our teenage users), the shrunken ipod was alot of a classy and go all look.

too much work to do...i'm spent. i'm going to take a vacation in january i hope for more graduation goodness. i'm thinking about a long weekend in the keys, since it's not too far, like 2 hours to largo.

october is going to be boring...sigh. all my teams i like will be out (if the padres end up choking) and alot of teams i don't like will be in. i hope we dont' see another subway series, last one was terrible, and i lost a bet.

and i just lost another bet, i have to wear a mets hat now since they won the east (or going to any day now).

lsu and tennessee were both cheated out of their wins yesterday, stupid refs. and coker could go.

windows vista gets worse and worse by the day...glad i'm not getting it.

i think that's it for this week. hopefully my saints go 3-0 in the superdome reopening...

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...Hey from Calgary...

Went from beautiful summer weather, to blustery, winter weather in the span of 24 hours...I thought I left the maritimes???

Saw the Chili Peppers play last night...what a hell of a show! Wow! I have tickets to Elton John, which is a different kind of music, but just as excited for!

Bought tickets to see the Calgary Flames play Vancouver tuesday night...can't wait! It's only exhibition, but still the NHL.

Work is good out here...miss my wife and son, but I will see them in November...

...Speaking of November...Can't play the final 06 mod until then! Dang, been waiting to see the forum Fanatics and Mod Squad teams!

See you all next week.

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Updated to 9-24

...This is the last full week of the baseball season. It just flew by again, didn't it? :huh:

...How many people got the money to buy "Official Division winning gear" and then, if your team gets that far, "Official Division Series winning gear" and "Official LCS winning gear" and "Official World Series winning gear" that MLB is hawking?

...Nice arcade area we got here now at the site. But I'm avoiding that baseball game. What the hell? :mad:

...The Raiders will not lose this week. They have a bye week. Thank God.

...I wonder how long this Karma/Smite thing will last in here?

...Maybe we should make a poll about that? I've got a good one in mind but I better not do it.

...Now you see it, now you don't. That's what happened to MLBXpress. :razz: Trues decided to bring the best of that forum over here and now everyone can have their own team discussion area. That solves that issue that has come up every so often.

...Gary Sheffield has not looked bad at first base. He'll be playing every day this final week.

...I just love that 06 mod more and more each day.

:popcorn: <------What the hell is that smilie for????

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Should I go to the Jays/Red sox game today? Only if I can find a friend to go with me.

I might buy NHL 07 for the PC today

Y4L, that al east gear, etc is so expensive, especially with shipping to Canada. Hopefully they could have some of it in Buffalo next time I go there.

I also hope Sheff continues to impress at 1B, because if he doesn't, I think his time is up.

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my thoughts:

-anyone else watch nd last night? what an amazing game... there was a point in the third quarter, when carlson caught the tipped pass, that i knew, theres no way on earth we lose this game... i know troy smith is the hot heismann pick now, but brady quinn freakn pwned, especially the last quarter.... like 320 yards, 5td, and 1 int... wow... although, nd really needs to establish a solid running game..

-im extrremely tired, and i have so much hw... my calc prof emailed the hw to us, and the subject was "ha"... way to make ya feel excited about calculus...

-i think ive slept about 7 hours the two nights combined... women are a wonderful, wonderful thing... ;)

-i have an 8 am every week about 4 blocks from my dorm, and it sucks... imagine how fun it will be getting up tomorrow to go sit in a class that ive learned almost nothing in yet....

alright, well, i think im gonna either go sleep or do hw.. take it easy...

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...school tommorow... no... no school...

...the yanks are shut out only for the second time this year - and againts the rays?! Well, I'm not really complaining since they've clinched, but i would've like ransy to get a win, he needs it for the postseason.

...the phillies, my second favorite team, are the wild card leaders!!! And ever since that hot stretch by LA, the dodgers have been kind of slumping. but hey, that's good news for me.

...why do people leave games early? What is it really that boring? Then why'd you pay 400 bucks for a front row seat?

...how is jimi hendrix so GOOD and SCARY at the guitar?!?!?!

...recorded some nice little riffs on my guitar with my microscopic home recording "studio". (it's just a corner in a room.) :alright:

...it seems like sometimes i download so many updates for mvp 05 that i don't have enough time to actually play the game!

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Away I go...

...Bought NHL 07 for the PC. I am loving it! The graphics are nice, and the "new" controls are great!

...Anyone watch "Smith" this week. I think it was an amazing first episode. Love Ray Liotta...looking forward to this weeks. Also, Studio 60 was quite good!

...The new MVP 06 Mod is excellent...great work, finally got to play it!

...The new upgrades to the site are really great! Nice improvement! The individual team forums are a great idea also. Now everyone has a voice!

...Smallville season premiere this Thursday...Can't frigging wait. Going to be amazing!

...Baseball season is almost over, means NHL is coming up!

...Looking forward to helping moderate the site. Thanks again Trues for the opportunity to help out!

...See you all next week!

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- I haven't done much in the past few days but I'm still clowning around in my house...

- Sometimes I feel like people need a license to use the internet because they crowd tons of message boards that I visit with meaningless drivel.

- I started watching Bowling for Columbine earlier, and it answered many of my questions. Those questions I will save for another thread, another day.

- I need a car. Public transportation sucks, and even though it's evironmentally friendly, parents do not know how to keep their children under control. People don't have any form of etiquette when traveling. The only time I feel safe and secure traveling is when I am on a Greyhound bus.

- Sometimes I wish I could like mod the entire game but it's a pain in the *** to do everything.

- I need a job. I need money in my pocket.

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-NHL07 rules, to piggy back on a couple of you.

-New PSP developments and me being at firmware 1.5 is the awesomest.

-This thread was a great idea.

-KC, be happy you are in NY, cause public transportation could be worse, believe me, I'm on it 3 hours a day, atleast.

-I can't believe I never noticed this thread earlier.

-The Jets are beating the Bill 14-10 at the half, come on, pull this one out for me.

-To agree with KC, money is good and I want it for this among other things, more necessary; http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/drives/8714/

-I can't the Mets season is almost over, it didn't really hit me until reading this thread.

-How long is this karma thing gonna last?

-I want a NLEast champions patch to get sewn onto my hat. I don't wanna pay the $24.95

-Mexico out :mexican:

Hey another thought, 400th post.

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I hope the Colts win. I don't know how the Jags were 12-4 last year. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks to our amazing, aruably the best in the league, defense, and an easy schedule.

And by that are you suggesting we suck? We beat Dallas, Pittsburgh, and gave Indy hell.

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Thanks to our amazing, aruably the best in the league, defense, and an easy schedule.

And by that are you suggesting we suck? We beat Dallas, Pittsburgh, and gave Indy hell.

I am not suggesting that you suck, I just didn't see the Jags as a 12 win team. 12 wins means that you are in about the top 4 in the league, and I saw them as about the 6th or 7th best team in the league last year. I saw them as more of a 10 win team.

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Yes, that smilie is called tongue, and it represents when I yammer on for a while like this. :tongue: When I first saw that one, I was wondering if such vulgar things were allowed on mvpmods, but then I realized, its not vulgar, its just for people who talk a lot. Also the popcorn one is for a situation like this.

G2G, going out, guess where. :popcorn:

Did you get where?

A popcorn convention.

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Updated to 10-1

...Even though I am happy that the playoffs start Tuesday, it's still a little sad knowing the season ends today. For me it marks the official end of summer.

...And before we get into it, I'd like to give the people at FOX a :soap: :soap: for the next two weeks of their baseball coverage. Thank you for extending the games past midnight. Thank you for the endless commercials and FOX TV show plugins you are going to give us. Thanks for making me look at Jeanie Zelasko again on an every day basis. This is the worst network ever.

...I don't know why, but the phrase "East Jesus" has always made me laugh. This one guy I work with lives far from work and he needed a ride home and some other guy said he couldn't give him a ride home because he "lived all the way out in East Jesus." Don't ask me why, I just think it's funny.

....What the hell is it with crazy nuts, guns and high schools in the state of Colorado??

...How do they determine the price of gas? I mean how is it one day $2.89 and 24 hours later it can be $2.83? Who sets this?

...People that insist on stopping ten feet past the stop sign at an intersection *&^$ me off.

...I have always liked browsing used bookstores. You never know what you can find there. My wife doesn't like me going there because I'm a speed reader. :roll:

...Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Randy Johnson has his back hurting right now? You never know what you get out of this guy when he gets on the mound.

...Am I worried about the playoffs?? Hell yeah.

...I have yet to watch a NFL game this year.

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i'm with y4l on this one, fox coverage sucks. it's like the yuppie actors and singers are the main attraction to the broadcast, or other things besides the game. and games should start way earlier, like before 8 pm during the week, and some day games during the weekend...that's not too hard. i don't want to talk about justin timberlake's latest yuppie single or what ben affleck had for lunch when i'm trying to watch a baseball game. if i wanted that, i would watch mtv.

i really wish there was two channells, a channel for the die hards like us and the casual fans would have all the yuppie movie and music talk on theirs.

great job by my saints, 3-0, and they are for real this year. everyone that thinks last weeks' win was emontion only is kidding themselves.

it looks like clemens did cheat and use steroids. i kinda suspected for a bit, but the thing is i have a link to clemens, as my friend, sean walker, in the astros system was all buddy buddy with him and his son koby, and it's just the thought that he was taught by tainted pitchers....creepy.

saw this movie "facing the giants" last night, one of the best movies i've seen in a while (i don't go to movies much).

did i mention i hate the mlb playoffs soley becuase of fox and their ilk? i wish i could listen to the games via local radio to avoid the yuppie talk that fox will have. didn't watch the world series last two years becuase of it (last year we were out of power due to wilma so we didn't get to see it.)

i've been taking the wrong approach at things lately, thinking badly and the worst, but if i look at it postively, more will get done. i'm going to look at things postvley and then everything else will fall into place.

thats it for now.

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