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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...FOX Blows. Playoffs are always painful on FOX. (Remember the Braves-Astros 18 innings last year, torture) Who to root for in the playoffs? The Yankees! Screw you Mets!...

And gas is 2.11 here.

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Well, here goes nothing...

The whole Grimsley situation, OH EM JEE!!! Why couldn't they wait til after the playoffs and let people swallow this? Oh boy, bad timing. I was just starting to get over the whole roids thing and now this happens. What a bummer.

I am debating whether or not to get a new iPod Nano or a new graphics card. My current card can run all of my games at maximum efficiency, even NBA Live 07. The only reason this is possible is because my computer is so clean and I have a kick *** processor. In maybe two years I will need a new one to run them at full efficiency. So, the question is, can I wait a few years for a new one?

I am supposed to go to a party tonight, one of those Bar Mitzvah things. Actually, I think its a Bat Mitzvah because its for a girl, but what ever. The girl is a close friend of my girlfriend, but I really don't like her that much. Typical thirteen year-old girl, moody, bitchy, and extremely cruel. ME and her never have really seen eye to eye, but ten she invites me. Of course my girlfriend says she has nothing to do with it, but I can't see her inviting me with out a little help. I'm just waiting for all of this to blow up in my face.

I almost got my first F in my life on anything. I am a real perfectionist and I have never gotten lower than an A on anything, but this time it was a pop quiz. Took us all by surprise and thank God it was easy, but I found it so ironic that the one time I don't read the whole chapter in the science book, there's a quiz. Karma I guess.

With today being the last day of the regular baseball season, I look forward to seeing who will be crowned in the AL Central, NL West, and NL Central. Of course, there is a possibilite of a make-up game featuring the Cardinals and Giants, so who knows, maybe we'll see some extra baseball. I really would like the Tigers to win the Centeral so the A's can play them in the first round, not the Twins. Out of my Giants, all I want is for them to spoil it for the Dodgers.

Today is Sunday, so I get to feast and sleep all day while watching sports. Best day of the week in my opinion.

I really need to work on my bike. I went off a little jump down a pretty big hill a few days ago and broke the gear shifter. It was only a $180 dollar bike, and its about three years old, but I still don't think it should have broken that quickly. I am hoping I can fix it so I don't need a new bike too.

Women can be the best and the worst thing in the world. Its been a little rocky with my girlfriend lately and this Bat Mitzvah might tbe the breaking point. I really hope I don't do anything stupid tonight so nothing bad happens, but I have a really bad feeling about it. We're both pretty busy right now and she has problems dealing with stress, so its been pretty rough. I hope we can pull through it, but if we don't, I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Well, off to watch some games and raid the fridge. Peace!

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...not at all morning anymore. suuuny.

...hey! it is sunny! i haven't see sunlight for like a week it seems!

...i'm working my butt off my new dynasty. but it's worth, it's gonna be sweeet. <insert advertisement here>

...randy johnson's... i don't want to talk about it. never mind. skip it... errgh.. ARGH!!! eh-heh, hiya, what' goin on?

...i'm listening right now to big brother and the holding company's version of summertime, and i'm noticing that they have 2 lead guitarists. it's almost as good as the gershwin... but of course, i don't think anybody here knows what i'm talking about.

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How old are you Joey to get your first F right now?

Never lower then an A?

This is the random thoughts thread, not the lying thread.

I kid, lol :lol:

Hey, my 512th post. My birthday is 5/12. w00t.

How much RAM do you have in your PC? ;)

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Away I go...

To expand on Fuzzy's thought: "Total Classics, The Answer To World Peace!"

Joey, you have no idea what women are like...write again in 10-20 years, then you'll understand...LOL! At the age of 13, they are girls...

The Jays finished second! The Jays finished second! Still not a playoff berth...

NHL season starts this week...and the Country of Canada goes crazy in anticipation, while all 4 fans in the U.S. celebrate quietly...

My pick for the Wirld Series: Jays over Mets in 7 games, with Josh Towers pitching a 1 hit shut-out...figured since us Jays fans are do "happy" with second place, they should be given a playoff spot, and automatic bye into the WS. If you can claw your way into second place in the East, then that is a feat in itself...

Red Sox in third thiugh, just doesn't sound right...

See you all next week.

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1 B).....it is just a game, it is just a game, it is just a game.....

This game is about passion, contention, and overcoming even when you're down by several runs. Anything can happen in baseball. Sometimes, nothing happens. This is not just a game. Baseball was there at times no one was. Then again, basball will never be there for you. You sometimes exist for IT. It is just a game.

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its monday, but what the heck

as much as i love women, i hate them... this has been a very very bad woman weekend for me... very bad...

i second the whle fox sucks thing... but i think its more than just fox. Like last nite at the bears game on nbc, michaels and madden spent most of the time talking about random stupid stuff, and nbc was so slow coming back from a commercial break that we missed a play and a half, the latter being an interception for a touchdown that got called back... i hate tv...

joey, i take it your still in middle school... you think its bad now because you didnt read the science chapter... im a physics major in college and i havent read a complete chapter of a science textbook for at least 3 years.... (i think junior year ap chem...).. but pop quizzes do suck... and they dont exactly help your calculus grade too much :)

edit: didnt have time to finish earlier so i will now...

my ravens look dang good right now... im not a big mcnair fan, but at least he's winning... the bears and colts look good too.. nice to see the bears offense come around...

finally, driving back to campus last nite, i saw gas for 1.97!!!!!!! one freakin ninety seven!!!! i was so excited, i tried to take a pic with my cell phone but the light turned and i had to go.... you know gas prices suck when you get that excited about gas under $2...

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Updated to 10-8

....As much as I try, all my random thoughts today seem to revolve around the Yankees and how they blew it yesterday in Detroit.

...Well, so much for the lineup that was "going to score 1,000 runs" crap!

...Yes, Detroit deserved it. But as Alex Rodriguez said, you get tired of giving the other team credit.

...As soon as the last out was made yesterday I immediately thought about what was going to be happening for the Yankees this off season. Because I really feel we are going to see some shakeups that are going to surprise a few people.

...And I don't know what this means for Joe Torre.

...I know he did not affect anything in this series, but I would really like to see Kyle Farnsworth off the team. I hate that guy. There's a reason why the Cubs, Braves and Tigers got rid of him and now I know why.

...Same for Randy Johnson.

...I also think it is time for Bernie Williams to hand in his bat and take his guitar and go home.

...I really feel bad for Derek Jeter. He was the only Yankee that played with any heart in these four games.

...One final thought about Jeter: I wonder what he really feels about this team of overpriced SOB's as compared to the Yankee champions he played on?

...Oh well, for me, it's on to 2007. God knows what that will bring.

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...Away I go...

...The Yanks are gone from the Play-Offs. No, I am not a Yankees fan, but what happens to the Yanks, usually sets the tone for the off-season...

...Torre as the Jays manager...makes my heart skip a beat...a man can dream can't he?

...I don't see Johnson, and A-Rod in pinstripes next season...for all the on-field troubles A-Rod has had, there isn't a team in the league that wouldn't want him...

...Bernie Williams is a class act, he would make a great coach. Something I hope he realizes and strives for next season. His playing days should be behind him...

...I suspect we will see Zito in pinstripes...or Ted Lilly...scares me being a Jays fan...Losing just makes the George madder...

...Anybody watch the new Showtime series, "Dexter"....amazing, and creepy...

...Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians....enjoy your turkey and football...

...See You Next Week...

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Guest JWClubbie

I am going to AZ for a really good opportunity in my career for the next month and a half. Kind of nervous, anxious, stoked, all at the same time. I need a good book and gotta buy an ipod for the flight.....

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...it's fantasy football focus week for me, no Bengals game means the only interest I have is for my fantasy league...

..I'm sick of hearing about TO this TO that, I'm sick of a news conference everytime the guy takes a poo..

...while I'm not a Yankee fan, and never will be I still give them credit for at least getting to the postseason. Something my team (Reds) didn't do, yet again this year. But I'm hoping for a good offseason for them especially with the new ownership that started at the begining of the season. Hopefully they will finally get some decent free agents...

..I'd like to see Zito in a Reds uniform, but I have a strange feeling both him and Jason Schmidt will end up in NY...

..It's fall break from school this week! No classes makes me happy...

...I like seeing Sean Casey on the Tigers finally getting a chance to be in the playoffs and do something. When Casey was with the Reds the closest he ever got was a 1 game playoff with the Mets, where the Reds simply got spanked. He's good ballplayer, and a world class guy...

...Because the Yankees got knocked out of the playoffs after an ugly game, it makes me excited for the off season and what kind of changes will be made. Maybe Hory's dynasty will come to real life!...

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I am going to AZ for a really good opportunity in my career for the next month and a half. Kind of nervous, anxious, stoked, all at the same time. I need a good book and gotta buy an ipod for the flight.....

DaVinci Code...it simply is amazingly well written.

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For a good book, read anything by Michael Crichton, my favourites are Jurrasic Park and Sphere (80% of his books have been made into movies you've most probably already seen, none of them do justice to the books).

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...And I don't know what this means for Joe Torre.

...according to espn this morning, it apparently means he will ride his 11 straight postseason appearances out of town and be replaced by lou pinella. from the yankees side, i don't see how you let a guy like that go but, from torre's side, i'd get out fast before i kicked george in the face.

...the gators are now the number two team in the country, despite what the polls may or may not say. if they get through the next two games (at auburn and neutral vs georgia), they are number one. usc hasn't played anyone the level that florida has and has barely beat those that it should have dominated and ohio state, after taking down iowa last week, plays absolutely nobody until michigan comes to their home turf.

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...I'm so tired, just got up, it's a bit late.

...I'm so happy the Mets swept those Hollywood's out in LA.

...I think the Jets might just squeak a win out against the Jags.

...Bama will be angry with what I just said.

...I will explain to him how the Jets are not as bad as people think.

...There will probably be no shouting match cause his team is superior.

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