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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Florida's senior quarterback that, for four years now, has crumbled like a woman. He gets hit once in a game, he's scared the rest of it. It's time for the freshman Tim Tebow to take the reigns.

I hate Tim Tebow. I saw him play in person in high school..he looks better at the college level, if you can believe that.

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Well it's Tuesday, better late then never...

...Anybody else find the leader of N.Korea, a creepy looking little fellow????

...Tigers made the World Series! Who saw this at the start of the season??? Not I.

...RIP Cory Lidle. Still shocking to think how he passed on...

...Lost has been excellent so far. The first two episodes were great, with the Red Sox reference at the end of last weeks a great ending...

...Just over 2 months until Christmas, and my 7 yeard old boy has a list the size of my arm...LOL! Good thing there is a Santa Claus...

...Halloween is in 2 weeks, I always enjoy it...the candy is a good thing. I always eat more then I pass out, which makes my wife mad...

...Don't forget to hug your CTS creator today...LOL!

...See you next week...

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Updated to 10-22

...I only watched three minutes of the opening game of the World Series last night because I was waiting for a movie to start on the Encore channel. Sour grapes Y4L??? You bet.

...It gets me nervous each time Boo Selig says that the labor-management talks are "amicable" because that usually means the opposite.

...I wonder why no one in here was gloating when the Mets lost the NLCS but when the Yankees lost, it was a cause for celebration? Double standards.

...I read this article last night on CNN and I still don't get it. Why wouldn't he want to leave? Unless maybe he gets free satellite and Internet service there.

...Anyone ever watch a show called "The Wild, Wild West"? I've been watching season one of it for the past week. I used to watch the reruns of it on TBS not to long ago.

...The late W.C. Fields once said "I never vote for anybody, I vote against them." Which is exactly how I'll approach this year's voting.

...Ted Lilly, please come back to New York. You never should have left in the first place.

...I got the Thanksgiving week off, but only you guys in here know this. No one in my family does as of yet. Because if they do, something will get planned or we'll have to go somewhere "since you are home anyways" at the last minute.

...Shopping carts hurt. Damn, they hurt. Especially when someone doesn't watch where they are going. And I've had this happen before!

...MTV sucks. I know it has been years since I watched it, but it is even worse then I imagined.

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...Away I go...

...I like how all the Mets fans just kind of kept quiet after they lost in the NCLS. Some talked like they were owed the World Series this year...was nice to see them lose...

...Wow, the Tigers looked bad last night. We may actually have a series. I am not a fan of either team, so whoever ends up winning is good enough for me...

...I am watching "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" on TBS. I just have to say that Selma Hayek is the best looking actress in Hollywood. Growwwllll!

...I read that article also Y4L. The food must be great on the inside...

...Halloween next week. My wife refuse to buy junkfood for the house, but then goes and spends $20 on bars to pass out to the neighbour kids. Then has the nerve to rag on me when the said bars go missing...I may have eaten two or three...

...Smallville has been okay this season...I miss Pa Kent, he was the one clear voice on the show...Lana Lang is pissing me off...but the chick that plays Lois Lane is dang hot...

...See you all next week...

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Go Jets! Hey, I woke up so late it's already 7-0 Jets.

Sad about the Mets, but watcha gonna do?

The only thing that annoyed me was the Jose Jose Jose Jose chants that the Cardinals were mockingly doing. That really annoyed me to no extent.

Go Tiggers even though they are down 1-0, but weren't they down 1-0 on the Yankees?

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you're telling me... i wonder how many people will get drink themselves to death this year. :roll: hope my house doesn't get burned down...

anyway, here goes:

...chicago has very nice buildings, the architecture is really amazing. but it's kind of windy...

That's why it's called The Windy City. :whistle:

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Not done this for a while.

I can't wait to start at Dell. I mean, I have moral issues with working for Dell in the first place, which had me really contemplating if I wanted the job or not, but at the end of the day, it's a no-brainer. 6 weeks training (much of which I hope I won't need, as I scored 83% on the competency test), then onto the floor, probably dealing with the people who get new Dell systems for Christmas and don't know how to use them/have fucked them up already/just want someone to ***** at.

Speaking of Christmas, they're starting the whole festive season crap again now. That and Halloween. Jesus, spare me. First, we have a pathetic excuse for getting free candy (Hey, why don't you kids go across the bridge and give the candy to the people who are sleeping in a doorway and haven't eaten in days rather than stuffing your faces and throwing up the next day?), then we have the annual ****-fest knows as Christmas. It's so pathetic that it's not even funny. If you're Christian and are celebrating the supposed birth of a certain J. Christ, excellent. Go for it. But the cold, hard fact is that 90% of the people celebrating it haven't been to church since infancy, and just use it as an excuse to get free **** while devouring an animal and being "merry". Do what you want, just don't expect me to sing along with the ******* carols that stores start playing half way through November, and don't expect me not to attempt to decapitate/punch/kick/generally harass the mannequins you assholes put in your damn shop windows. (Oh, and by the way, next year will be just as shitty as this year has been, so celebrate it while you can. And yes, this time next year, you'l still be a virgin. Deal with it.)

Now, on another rant-free subject, if anyone is looking for a cheap laugh, pick up the latest copy of The Source. It has an advertisement for Jeep inside, which plays a sample from the KRS-One track "Steady Bounce" when you open the covers. The sample is actually from Nine's track "Whatchu Want", which hardly anyone has heard of.

Being 21 really isn't much different from being 20. Thus why I wasn't particulaly excited about celebrating it. Hey, I can see the future. You may call me "Prophet Mark B". No? Fine, die.

"Scarface" should be required viewing for children at the age of 14. Yes, screw the age ratings. It's an exceptiuonally good film. I watched plenty of films rated 18 when I was below 10, and I'm a perfectly normal human being. What, having a Glock 9mm in your pocket at all times isn't normal now? Pffft.

I'm looking forward to the DVD relase of 2 movies - Click and Crank. Yes, ironic illiteration in the titles. Click just looks like one of the films I would like, and Crank looks like a kill-fest with a slight tinge of revenge. Bring it on!

There's a huge debate in the U.K. right now about Muslim women who choose to wear veils. I have no idea why I'm even mentioning it, because if I start to express my opinion on it, I'll be typing for the next hour. I'll keep it short and say that, in my (humble or not-so-humble, take it as you please) opinion, Jack Straw is a ******* clown, and anyone who thinks making veils illegal should be extradited to Antarctica naked, and chained to the polar ice caps with a magnifying glass over their genitals.

Anyone else pissed off by the whole Madonna adoption thing? Sure, the father couldn't take care of him - he's broke, works all day, every day to earn the little money he has and can't read or write. Does that mean he should be placed in that situation? Pathetic.

Lil' Wayne has been banned from performing at a university for throwing money at a crowd at a concert he was performing in. People on stage while he was performing tossed £20, $10, $5 and $1 bills into the crowd. Excuse me, but how does this warrant banning him from the university? Reports also state he might face criminal charges! 2 women suffered leg injuries and one fainted as they were rushing to grab the cash. How can this be construed as his fault? I don't particularly like Wayne as a rapper, or as a person, but come on! Criminal charges? Get the hell out of here.

Firefox 2.0 is scheduled for release this Tuesday, according to Slashdot. I've not tried I.E. 7, and I don't intend to.

Finally, England is starting a new system of fingerprinting users of bars in order to cut alcohol-fuelled crime. Yep, this is another one for the "Get the **** out here" department. Jesus, why not just install biometric scanners and rename the continents Eurasia and Oceania while you're at it?

Catch you guys next Sunday...maybe. ;)

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NYM06 is a moron and has me 2nd guessing myself for defending him in the past

getting 2 hours of sleep a night this past week was not enough

I have to find where the boy put my max drive disc

I have the hitters for 2006 updated in the hist.dat file (with correct teams)

What the hell was on Rogers palm in the 1st inning, maybe he laid his hand on a bat before he started pitching

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NYM06 is a moron and has me 2nd guessing myself for defending him in the past

getting 2 hours of sleep a night this past week was not enough

I have to find where the boy put my max drive disc

I have the hitters for 2006 updated in the hist.dat file (with correct teams)

What the hell was on Rogers palm in the 1st inning, maybe he laid his hand on a bat before he started pitching

What did he do now???

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Kraw, GET OVER IT. I TOLD YOU, THAT YOU CAN HAVE THE PROJECT. What is it going to take to make you shut up.

Whats up with the Rangers this year? Lundquist getting that sophmore slump? I hope not.

School is going damn good this year. I'm in first honors. Thats an upgrade from second honors last year. I'm hoping to get into the National Honors Society.

My HS hockey team is going to be decent this year. We play 11 games, and I think we have the potential to win about 5 or 6 games. It's better than out 0-10-1 season last year.

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By the way, has anyone checked out theabosloutely amazing site i mentioned earlier? it's really great.

Honest to God ABC006, would you stop spamming....you make fun of NYM06, but you are getting just as bad. Two posts in three minutes in here...and you do that all the time....we get it...the site isn't real...your joke isn't funny.

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Honest to God ABC006, would you stop spamming....you make fun of NYM06, but you are getting just as bad. Two posts in three minutes in here...and you do that all the time....we get it...the site isn't real...your joke isn't funny.

My random thought was going to be about this very thing. Thank you for noticing at least one individual in particular. I hope you spot the other two on my mind. I'm sick of it. SICK. OF. IT.

Makes me want to stay away from threads they are actively involved in. I know what a spammer is by reading their posts. NYM06 is a normal member around here compared to what I've been seeing the past few weeks.

...Another thought. I'm tired of the sissy fights back and forth. That, WITH the spammers, make me get tired of this site. Who do we think we are, really? This is just a video game and we're going to be cussing each other out of a video game? People are more important. Not our egos. Not our mods. Not this game. People.

...Note to self. Shute up, Mo. You sound like a nerd softy sissy wuss. Note over.

...Considering all of the mods I've done and the lack of desire for anyone to have them in the MVP 06 total conversion, I guess I'm relieved that I have no desire to have anything to do with modding in general right now or for the 07 mod since my crap work won't be desired by the masses anyway. I'm better of actually playing the game (for once).

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