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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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My random thought was going to be about this very thing. Thank you for noticing at least one individual in particular. I hope you spot the other two on my mind. I'm sick of it. SICK. OF. IT.

Makes me want to stay away from threads they are actively involved in. I know what a spammer is by reading their posts. NYM06 is a normal member around here compared to what I've been seeing the past few weeks.

...Another thought. I'm tired of the sissy fights back and forth. That, WITH the spammers, make me get tired of this site. Who do we think we are, really? This is just a video game and we're going to be cussing each other out of a video game? People are more important. Not our egos. Not our mods. Not this game. People.

...Note to self. Shute up, Mo. You sound like a nerd softy sissy wuss. Note over.

...Considering all of the mods I've done and the lack of desire for anyone to have them in the MVP 06 total conversion, I guess I'm relieved that I have no desire to have anything to do with modding in general right now or for the 07 mod since my crap work won't be desired by the masses anyway. I'm better of actually playing the game (for once).

I know exactly who you are talking about...they are taking over the site. Used to be able to come in here and get really good conversation...it's starting to get harder now, because these guys are driving up their posts counts, cause they think it's cool.

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lol kraw, i apologize for my giant lol in the thread where i found out you were releasing the 07 beta in a few weeks... in all honesty, i totally thought you were being sarcastic, as i was under the impression you were taking a hiatus from modding for a little while... that was my fault, and im sorry if you took it the wrong way... but i think you took it in stride as you promptly reminded me im a lazy bum (see my custom title) and seemed to joke about it... .anways, my apologies...

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I don't condone NYM's actions, but there are alot of Noob's here that have been dumping on him, and they are borderline spammers themselves. NYM cause his own problems, and Kraw has every right to demand an apology from him...but these noob's are like a mob...and they all jump in where they are not wanted.

I know exactly who UncleMo is talking about, but wouldn't want to cause embaressment by saying their names here...I am sure the admins will take the appropriate actions that are needed.

And Kraw, your the man...lookinh forward to the 07 beta...pm me if you need a tester again.

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I know exactly who UncleMo is talking about, but wouldn't want to cause embaressment by saying their names here...I am sure the admins will take the appropriate actions that are needed.

>_> Whatever happend, I didn't do it.

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You know since the 49ers havent done well in a while, people always ask me if im embarassed to be a Niners fan and i say no, They have won 5 superbowls. Unfortunately none in 12 soon to be thirteen years.

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I'm pretty sure I still won though, the player i'm facing has like 4 people on bye.

You weren't playing me, were you? I forgot to adjust my lineups, but my teams are usually so awesome that I don't have to. :lol: I was able to snag the Bears D in the 9th round and players like Bush in the 6th and Cotchery in the 15th. Yay, Cotchery is becoming a really good WR.

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