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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Honest to God ABC006, would you stop spamming....you make fun of NYM06, but you are getting just as bad. Two posts in three minutes in here...and you do that all the time....we get it...the site isn't real...your joke isn't funny.
ok, a couple of things to sort out:

first of all, i love this site, it's one of the greatest. not only does it create absoloutely amazing mods for my favrotie game, it's also a whole community of people who just love baseball, and i'd like to be a part of this great community for a long time.

second of all, i'm sorry if it was seen as a "spam". The first time was just a little fun, i was bored. i never thought it was funny to begin with. then i accidentally deleted my post with my thoughts. i didn't want it to go to waste. so, "foolishly" if you want to call it that, i repated it. now that i look back, i probably should've just left it alone, or at least edited the post i just did. but still, i think people are making too big a deal of some minor so-called "spamming". so somebody makes a "stupid" mistake and posts like two "stupid" posts. i think we shouldn't be wasting our time arguing, which seems to be becoming more and more popular, and focusing on what we love best. It just seems that we all go through a "phase" in which we work our butts of making something, and then it all goes to waste. this is very common for a windows '95 user, but also to just everybody in general. what i'm trying to say is, i think people should just give a couple of people a break when they make a small mistake.

not to instigate another argument, but i defenitely didn't try to insult or make fun of any members, if you mean the "fake" apologies with kraw and NYM06. again, although they can make mistakes like every other human being in the world, they are still very valuable parts of the mvpmods "chain", so i wouldn't want to insult anybody.

so just basically, i'm sorry for whatever i did wrong, but we shouldn't be wasting our time on "trivial" things like this. let's do some real and valuable modding, ok?

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not to instigate another argument, but i defenitely didn't try to insult or make fun of any members, if you mean the "fake" apologies with kraw and NYM06. again, although they can make mistakes like every other human being in the world, they are still very valuable parts of the mvpmods "chain", so i wouldn't want to insult anybody.

Both very valuable eh? kraw is like the freakin MVP of this site (other than trues) and considering theres bets on $10,000 being raised for nym's ban, i wouldnt exactly equate them in value to this site....

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by order of value to this site I would list these modders

Kraw, Hory, the roster team (too many to name), Kccitystar, Pirate, and Sean O, Bodhiball, Uncle Mo

i believe without these modders interest in MVP 2005 for the PC would dwindle

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by order of value to this site I would list these modders

Kraw, Hory, the roster team (too many to name), Kccitystar, Pirate, and Sean O, Bodhiball, Uncle Mo

i believe without these modders interest in MVP 2005 for the PC would dwindle

i see you took the liberty of inserting your own name in there. :)
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ok, a couple of things to sort out:

first of all, i love this site, it's one of the greatest. not only does it create absoloutely amazing mods for my favrotie game, it's also a whole community of people who just love baseball, and i'd like to be a part of this great community for a long time.

second of all, i'm sorry if it was seen as a "spam". The first time was just a little fun, i was bored. i never thought it was funny to begin with. then i accidentally deleted my post with my thoughts. i didn't want it to go to waste. so, "foolishly" if you want to call it that, i repated it. now that i look back, i probably should've just left it alone, or at least edited the post i just did. but still, i think people are making too big a deal of some minor so-called "spamming". so somebody makes a "stupid" mistake and posts like two "stupid" posts. i think we shouldn't be wasting our time arguing, which seems to be becoming more and more popular, and focusing on what we love best. It just seems that we all go through a "phase" in which we work our butts of making something, and then it all goes to waste. this is very common for a windows '95 user, but also to just everybody in general. what i'm trying to say is, i think people should just give a couple of people a break when they make a small mistake.

not to instigate another argument, but i defenitely didn't try to insult or make fun of any members, if you mean the "fake" apologies with kraw and NYM06. again, although they can make mistakes like every other human being in the world, they are still very valuable parts of the mvpmods "chain", so i wouldn't want to insult anybody.

so just basically, i'm sorry for whatever i did wrong, but we shouldn't be wasting our time on "trivial" things like this. let's do some real and valuable modding, ok?

You sir are a spammer....and don't worry yourself with Kraw and NYM06...Kraw knows how to deal with him. I am sure your a nice guy...but 9 times out of 10, your posts are meaningless dribble....until you realize that, you will be stuck in the darkside.

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You sir are a spammer....and don't worry yourself with Kraw and NYM06...Kraw knows how to deal with him. I am sure your a nice guy...but 9 times out of 10, your posts are meaningless dribble....until you realize that, you will be stuck in the darkside.
again, no offense djeagles, and not to start anything, but maybe i just have a different sense of humor, or i think on different terms, or something but when i post i don't just post for the heck of it - i have something to say, but maybe you just think what i say might be useless. however, personally, i don't think it's useless, because then i wouldn't be saying it. i don't try to say things just to say things, get more posts, get respect, become popular, become happy, get rish, hack servers, whatever - but maybe what i say is just not what you'd consider something 100% needed in the forum. most of the time, neither do i - i'm sure whatever discussion or mod or something i'm commenting on will flourish fine without me, but i think what i'm saying is useful enough to post, and so would most other people. And please don't label me a spammer - say what you want about me, but don't call me the s-word. :)

i shall not post in this thread again till sunday.

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Updated to 10-29

...It drives me nuts when I can't find something that I just set down three seconds ago. I look around, move stuff, pick things up, and then you find it, like it was waiting for you all this time.

...I wonder how low the ratings were for this year's World Series?

...Now it's time for Joe Frontrunner to put away his White Sox hat next to his Red Sox hat and wear his Cardinal gear, because after all, he's a "lifelong" Cardinal fan.

...The day can't come soon enough that Gary Sheffield is traded by the Yankees.

...I just love the smell of a wood burning fireplace.

...Pittsburgh Steelers vs. the Oakland Raiders today. Years ago that really meant something.

...The toughest part about going to work each day is hearing that alarm clock go off.

...I like eggs Benedict for breakfast every once in awhile. If you've never tried them, give it a shot. The first time I ever had them was when I was in Texas six years ago.

...You see, now I'm thinking of them and I might go to my closest breakfast place to get some.

...This baseball season, heck, even this year, has just flown by. I just went back and looked at some of our threads at the beginning of April. Everyone was so happy that the season was under way. And just like that six months went by. :(

...I'm glad the MLB and players agreement is done. One less thing to worry about.

...Clocks back one hour here in the east today. Have a good week.

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-Teaching middle school is becoming less and less fun, I miss the Navy

-Local news shows suck

-Election ads are more about what the other guy has done wrong and less about what you will do right

-I wonder how Castro would have done against Ted Williams

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...and Florida is back in the picture. Which means if they win out, as well as win the SEC championship in Hotlanta, they have to get serious consideration for a title shot.

...the Penguins are surprising everybody (if I had room, they would also be in my avatar/sig). :D Maybe it's because I haven't gotten the NHL package yet like I have in years past, so I haven't cursed them by watching them play.

...it's true that I miss baseball at this time of year, but it's nice at the same time. It gives me the opportunity to watch Baseball's Best on MLB.tv as well as catch up on movies or TV episodes that came out on DVD during the season.

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The Redwings are starting to dominate

I hate homework too

Temple ended a 20 or 21 game(not sure) losing streak(football)

I wish it was summer vacation so I could work on sigs a ton more

My soccer team went undefeated, I wonder if the league will split us up, I hope not.

I found a great website for tuts on sigs, but I'm not ready to share it yet.

I love pizza

I also love pool, that is so fun to playk

I wish I could afford a labtop.

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I am hoping that Bubba Crosby comes back to the Yankees.

I hope Gary Sheffield gets sent to the Japan League in exchange for Daisuke Matsuzaka.

If only I had a laptop...the school couldn't block the websites I go on. Sometimes when they block a website it says "Access Denied: The website you are trying to view is being blocked (entertainment)."

I wish that I could get a car. Free.

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...Had to go to a University open house and a costume party yesterday...

...which means I'm pretty screwed for homework today...

...which means maybe I shouldn't be on here right now...

...jeez I'm like a crack addict

...I hope I'm not one of those spammers djeagles was talking about, If I am, someone please tell me so that I can change...

...Colts playing Denver today, I really dont care about the regular season that much, I'm just scared they'll mess it up in the playoffs again.

...Congrats to the Cards...

...I still cant comprehend how a team that one less games than my Blue Jays gets to win a championship...

...See you next Sunday...

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Go Jets!

Go Mets! in 07

I'm kinda drowsy, these clocks screwed me over.

No one cares about Kenny Rogers anymore.

This was the worst WS in a very long time.

This was the lowest rated series in a very long time.

I found it sooo hard to watch, even though I can't get enough baseball.

No baseball for months upon months.

Why can't a Tigers pitcher field a ball???

Congrats Cards (as much as it pains me to say) :wishes:

Bye bye baseball.

I LOVE CHEESECAKE! It's the best combination since peanut butter and chocolate. I don't particularly like cheese, and last time I had cake it made me do something I don't wanna do again. I don't get it, but I want more. :D

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