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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Random thoughts;

The cold is really starting to set in now. I don't mind that as much as the driving rain and gale-force winds, but it's not good for the fuel bills.

2 tracks for you hip-hop fans to check out - "Watch How It Go Down" by Termanology and "It's All Real" by Pitch Black - both produced by DJ Premiere. Something about the way Primo cuts tracks up is just too good.

For the first time in quite a while, I'm weighing in at 11 stones exactly - that's 154lbs for you zany North Americans. :D In the last 2 months, I've lost 12lbs in weight (that's an average of 1.5lbs per week) and gained a good amount of muscle in the arms and abdomen. Feeling fitter and stronger than ever these days. With my body type, I'm guessing my weight could go down to around 10-10.5 stones (140-147lbs) if I really wanted to get totally thinned out, but the extra weight is good for some things, so I'll hover around the 11 mark.

If anyone is interested in radio communications, pick up a hand-held scanner. You can find some really interesting and unusual things. Not all are particularly legal to listen to, however, but there really is no excuse for using phone systems that broadcasts your conversations over the airwaves to be heard by anyone with some basic equipment.

Anyone else find themselves laughing at the new exploits discovered in various Office products last week, as well as Microsoft doing their best to avoid discussing it (until they release a "security fix" and proclaim that it was never a problem in the first place) and explain why they haven't actually fixed it yet?

Oh, and the operating system to power the future, ( :lol: ) Microosft Vista, dies when the user attempts to wake it from hibernation. Same ****, different day in the Microsoft world. :lol:

On the topic of corporate stupidity, telephone company Verizon aparently can't tell the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars. These are the people in charge of your telephone bills, folks! Doesn't that make you feel great? ;)

Article of the week goes to The Things Code Doesn't Do In Real Life.

R.I.P. to James Kim, who died whilst attempting to save his family after they were stranded on a weekend outing last week. He was a reporter for CNET.com, who have an article on him here.

I still haven't heard the new 2Pac album - and I'm still not sure if I want to.

Piece of advice for any of you creative minds out there - if you have a girlfriend, write her a poem every once in a while. Just make sure they're good and that they're your words - no stealing from Google! My girlfriend loves them. ;):D

Have a good week, everyone. :)

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a bit late...

...on Wednesday, my school bus was driving throuhg a seemlingly pretty safe neighborhood, when all of a sudden, i hear this loud POP! like a huge balloon when off. i look around, and i see glass on my jacket, and realize some kid threw a rock at our window. luckily there was only like five people on the bus at that time, so no one was hurt, but still, that was just weird. And we have no idea who did it, the people just said "clean up the glass, and we'll fix the window", so the idiot gets of scott-free...

...i'll be getting back to "The Curtis Files" very soon, i just haven't had a lot of time, though I might update it sometime today...

...you "meet" alot of strange people on forums. And not just weird, but real jerks too, it's like do you actually do this in real life to other people? (i'm not necessarily talking about people on this forum, forums in general.)

...If i don't become a musician or sportswriter, I'm going to create a whole new baseball game for PC, just because i want to punch those 2k people in the face. what's so wrong about releasing it on PC?! Won't it just get them more profit? And no, i'm not just going to buy a console. I prefer PC's much much better, not sure why, i just like it like that. And besides, PC's are so much more easy to mod, which is part of the fun...

...I'm getting really annoyed that i can't get on the admin board on baseball maniacs inc... i'ts a long story, but it means i haven't been able to do things with the site, so it's been pretty stale lately, but hopefully that'll change soon...

..THANK YOU so much to whoever put the :cyclops: emoticon on the smileys. thank you thank you thank you...

...i'm pretty sure this is probaly my favorite thread on this whole site, one of them at least...

...wal-mart went back to saying "merry christmas" instead of "happy holidays. it's not extremely insulting saying "merry christmas", but it is insulting when they go back to saying it. what kind of a crappy name is wal-mart anyway? boooring...

...click on sig, please join. :D:D :D

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"If anyone is interested in radio communications, pick up a hand-held scanner. You can find some really interesting and unusual things. Not all are particularly legal to listen to, however, but there really is no excuse for using phone systems that broadcasts your conversations over the airwaves to be heard by anyone with some basic equipment."-You'll have to explain sometime. Sounds interesting. All of it.

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Article of the week goes to The Things Code Doesn't Do In Real Life.

Ah yes, the Hollywood OS.

- That article is funny b/c well, most of it is true. For instance, a Hollywood OS is able to download like 6 gigs in mere seconds. The OS also gives you error messages in the form of a huge red screen with white text. Gotta love cliche's.

Anyway, as for me, let's see. I'm having girl troubles.

- I've been speaking to a certain someone, well many people these past few months, and things are kinda creepy but in a good way. Catching up with people can be fun, and you kind of rediscover things, emotions, whatever, things you sorta knew but never really acted upon. It's crazy though.

There's this one girl I'm really diggin but I don't know if what I am feeling is definitely it, or if it's just a phase. Our conversations are great, they are always comprehensive, I am able to speak to her about anything my mind wishes to touch on, and our conversations only go as deep as we both choose for them to go. I'm happy for that, as I can't touch base with a lot of other females, but she is one hell of a woman. Her train of thought is somewhat incredible considering the amount of myspace loosies on there. I like the way she thinks on a lot of things because most of the things she goes through in her life, I have probably experienced a variation of it and we can always discuss and relate to many things. However, I am confused, like, is this really it? Could she really be you know, it?

In boxing, a fighter often has about 3 great memorable fights in their lifetime. For a guy, it's similar. There are about 3 memorable women that a man will always encounter in their life. Everybody else that comes along will always be a good companion but will never be as good as the 3 memorable ones that came along into your life. I might have encountered my first one, and it would totally be like catastrophic if I were to let it pass. How long would it be to find #2? Who knows, but it won't be now.

I mean, I'm 19 years old, I'm a big boy, I'm mentally capable, I'm smart, but I refuse to act upon my building emotions. Deep down in my heart, my knowledge on long-distance relationships is that they never seem to work out, no matter what the circumstance. Things may look all cotton candy and rainbow-ish in the first year or so, but eventually your insecurities will always get the best of you. However, the more I get to thinking, especially with a woman of this caliber that I have encountered, I keep thinking to myself that it might work, but I am not willing to make that leap. I'm not willing to make that sacrifice, knowing that while I am in New York, cold as ice, wishing for someone to cuddle with, she could be in Chicago or something partying hard, getting drunk, having a blast with her friends or ultimately with someone else.

Life is all about risks, but this is one that I am thinking of potentially not taking.

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Better late then never...

Been working alot lately. It's that time of year in the Hotel/Restaurant business, where you can go days without seeing your family. Hard thing to do, but it is part of my job. The money will be good, and will help out here, especially with Christmas right around the corner.

I am a happily married man, with an 8 year old boy. Why is it, a ring on your finger seems to attract women? Why is it that they probably wouldn't give you the time of day, if you were single? it is like a sport to them, and seeing as I would never cheat on my wife, I find the attention mildly entertaining, but it makes it hard to work with these individuals.

"Rocky Balboa" starts on December. 20. I have my ticket purchased for opening night. The reviews I have read online say it is amazing, and quite comparable to the original. I love Sly ,yes he has made more then his share of bombs, but I have a feeling this is going to be vintage Rocky. Who doesn't love a story about an underdog, or a comeback?

We chopped down our Christmas tree on Saturday. It was decorated last night, while sipping eggnog, and watching "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation". I love decorating the tree with my wife and son. The fact Vacation was on, made it all that more festive.

The Jays bombed at the winter meetings last week, and part of me is glad for that. There is something about J.P. Riccardi that I can't stand. He has an ego, and a way about him, that rubs me the wrong way. Yes, I want the Jays to succeed, but I wish it were a different General manager. I have a feeling he is going to give Vernon Wells a low-ball offer when it comes to a long term deal, and then blame Wells when they trade him. He just reminds me of a slimy used car salesman. Not my favorite person on the Jays team. I miss Pat Gillick.

Some people are thick-headed on this site. I wonder if they are like this in real life, which leads me to wonder how often some of them get the crap kicked out of them.

Petite back to the Yanks is a good signing, but stay away for Clemens. The man has an ego bigger then New York.

See you next week.

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I've already changed the date on the random thoughts thread because I won't be here this Sunday until later on in the day. I got to go out of town to deliver Christmas presents to relatives. It's cheaper to do that instead of mailing every one of them.

So, whomever wants to do this on Sunday, please go right ahead. It really is your thread after all.

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Well it's Sunday here, so why not:

Sitting here watching Saturday Night Live...been kind of funny, but I do not understand the appeal of Justin Timberlake. He is geeky looking, and his music stinks...but then again, I am a guy.

It mystifies me how certain people on this site refuse to curb their penchant for spamming. Is it because they don't realize they are doing it??? Is it because they don't care??? Between them and the ones who enjoy causing trouble, it makes for some interesting reading...I just don't understand the spammers...The troublemakers I can kind of understand, because they are probably like that in real life, but spammers, I can't figure out. Are they lacking something in the real world, which makes them live online and post 52 times daily???

Rocky Balboa starts on Wednesday...again I cannot wait to see Balboa go at it one more time.

Christmas next week. Wow, time flies...next it'll be Spring Training.

Nice to see a certain member back. His mods are invaluable here...hopefully things work out better this time.

Wal-Mart is open 24 hours here until December 24...who in their right mind are going shopping at 4 in the morning?

Vernon Wells signed a HUGE contract with an out clause....he'll be gone before the contract is up. Mark my words.

See you next week.

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-I'm embarrased to be a Knicks fan, not just because they can't handle the cap, not cause they suck, but if anyone saw that brawl today, it's a joke.

-Mets, you gonna go after Zito?

-Another Rocky movie, now I'm curious, wanna see it...

-Vernon's back, and with a monster contract.

-Lets go Jets.

-I hate McGwire, if I were a writer, no way I'd vote for him.

-Tired, should sleep.

-One of the funniest things I've heard in a while. Probably cause I don't understand German, but still, this is quite funny, even a German person told me they had a long chuckle at this.


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...Rocky Balboa is definitely on my list. I watched Stallone on Conan the other night and it was a very good interview...and the clip from the movie seemed to have a touch of the original Rocky to it. Made me very excited to see the new one. Can't wait.

...Nothing else really on my mind - except that I'm 26 now. And that the Giants off-season is depressing me. But that's cool...

Wish me a happy b-day here.


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There have been a lot of positive reviews about "Rocky Balboa" online. Says it stays true to the original. Stallone has been quoted as saying, he wishes he would have made the original and then made this one 30 years later. They are great bookends for a series of good movies.

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-Lying is a bad trend to get in. Not really lying, but omission. I found out the hard way this morning after trends going in my lies. I need to stop them.

-If you make friends with a girl's friend who is trying to knob block you, you have a better shot at getting the friend

-The Eagles better take care of the Giants today

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....You all have no idea how happy I am to be back home. I spent a weekend down at the inlaws and I felt like I was Marty Mcfly going back in time to 1955. Where my wife's family comes from, no television cable has gone before.

...My back is killing me. I actually had to sleep on the floor Friday night because the bed was that uncomfortable. I got a rug burn on my elbow when I was trying to move around down there at night and I had the dog look at me like "what the hell are you doing here?"

...What did I miss here over the weekend? You guys got to know I would have rather been here reading anyone's posts instead of watching TV all day Saturday. It was watch TV or go and watch a three year old have his picture taken with Santa. Remote control anyone?

...I start work again tomorrow for the first time in over a month. I've been out all this time because I was not feeling well. It'll take me awhile to get back in the swing of my daily routine.

...If any of you are near the Syracuse, New York area, go by the lake and take a look at the "Lights at the Lake" Christmas lights display that they have there. It's well worth it.

...Reading DJ's random thoughts, I got to comment on his Walmart one where they are staying open 24 hours until December 24th. DJ, to answer your own question, if you have time this week, drive past Walmart at 3 or 4 in the morning. You'll be shocked at how many cars are there.

...Hmm, looking at the football scores now....Oakland lost again....moving on.

...If there is any Yankee news that happened from Friday afternoon until Sunday night, I haven't heard it yet. I just have been hearing about them maybe dealing with Pittsburgh for some slug and Melky is involved with the deal. No way, I say.

...Thank God this is the last full week we have to listen to Christmas songs. Yeah, I like them, but over and over?

...I'm glad I have the NFL Network.

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only one thought today:

...watch out for weighted dreidels. My sister spun about twenty straight gimels the other day... I practically hit my head on the table in frustration, it's just impossible. And what annoys me more is that it was pink, a pink dreidel. Aren't pink dreidels illegal? Whatever...

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...It's getting to the point where I'd rather shove rusty nails into my skull than going to school, thank god there is only one week left until the break, and then guess what, it's back to school and studying for exams, sounds like fun.

...I'm happy Vernon signed, he seems sincere in saying he likes Toronto, I just hope he doesn't pull a Vince "I'm so lame, I don't try on the team that did so much for" Carter, good to see him getting booed friday night even when he wasn't on the court.

...Jose Calderon went down with a back injury today, with only 30 seconds left to play. First time I've ever seen someone carried off a strethcer in the NBA.

...NHL 07 is an uber fun game. I've practically finished an entire season in only 2 weeks.

...Leafs are finally pulling it together after that skid. Maurice seems to be a much smarter coach than Quinn so far. Looking forward to the future.

...I've hardly played MVP since the season ended. Madden, NHL, Tiger Woods, NBA Live and homework seem to be taking up most of my PC time now.

...Watched this movie today called Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. It came out last year, its pretty decent. It has Val Kilmer and post-druggie Robert Downey Jr. in it. I recommend it to anyone who has access to 18-A movies.

...Christmas music has infiltrated every aspect of my life right now, and unlike most people, I love it. Its in stores, on the radio, on my PC, and in my Ipod. It always makes me feel better, even on the ride to hell (i.e. school) in the mornings.

...I was supposed to go to Miami over the break to visit my dad (he works there), but instead I'm saving to go in march break. I'm gonna fly down there and then drive to Dunedin and watch some Blue Jays spring training. I'm counting the days, Its going to be so much fun.

...Like everyone else, I will fall into the trap of spending 11 dollars to go see the new Rockie movie. Movies are good and all, but com on, It seems like theater prices go up every month and people still throw money at them like its nothing. I just hope its not a let-down like 007 or Miami Vice was.

...This week's Sports Illustrates is pretty good. There's are review of media and sports in there that's really interesting. Its good to have my subscription back.

...What's better, Sports Illustrated or Rolling Stone? I don;t think I could decide.

...I think I have too many random thoughts

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-just one more week of school... YES!

-looks like my HS hockey team is going to win another state title, as they have already beaten every team in D1, but there's still half the season left to go

-my schools talent show (the holiday holla) is on friday. i've heard it's 2 1/2 hours long, and mostly bands (because about 30 tried out, only 10 made it)... i hope the MC's don't suck, but hey, if they do, that means me and a few of my friends will have a shot to do it next year (maybe)

-does it make sense to do projects on a book after you have already taken the test for it? cuz that's what my english teacher is doing and it doesn't make sense to me

-i started using the analog hitting system on MVP 06. I LOVE IT!!!

-i'm happy with the eagles win over the giants today

-the flyers really need to stop sucking... it's getting rediculous

-i love youtube... it has everything

-my friend failed his permit test... hopefully i'll do better than he did when i take it next week

-went caroling tonight... some 7th grade girl was giving me a hard time about "not singing" (which was total BS)... how am i s'posed to respond to that? i didn't know... kinda jus' shrugged it off

-i wonder what the 76ers are going to get for AI... i wonder if the eagles would ever trade mcnabb

-i love arbys!

-jurassic park was an amazing book

-my health teacher gave out a 60 point extra credit assignment thursday... tests aren't even worth that much

-baseball season needs to come faster. i can't wait

-my school's baseball team only has 2 seniors this year... i should be able to break into the varsity line-up...

-the JV and freshmen coaches left. that sucks... they were freakin awesome

-i'm thinking about asking a girl out... if i do before christmas and she says yes... do i have to get her a christmas gift?


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sorry this is so late, but i've been busy with school and stuff.

but i am done with college. graduated saturday with a bs in biology, 3.41 gpa. and only in seven semesters, so i didn't get to see most of the friends that i started college with. and all those shirts that proclamied me class of 07 need to be changed to class of 06.

and i got my new macbook on monday and shocked that i was up and running after only a few minutes of set up. usually on the windows machines, it would take a few days before it is usuable. still got to put in alot of the programs and tweak some settings before having some real fun with it. got the core 2 duo system with the 2 gb ram upgrade as well. this is going to be fun. thanks for all of your guys help on the mac issue from way back in summer.

what to do for the rest of the year? i don't know....

with college now over, i feel really werid. i'm going to look for some kind of job once the new year starts, i'm going to kick it and relax for a bit before finding a job. i think i'll eventually find one, but i'm not ready for a career yet, since i want to do traveling and the rest before settling down for a career.

catching up playing some games i haven't gotten to for a while. part of my relaxation.

that's it for now.

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but i am done with college. graduated saturday with a bs in biology, 3.41 gpa. and only in seven semesters, so i didn't get to see most of the friends that i started college with. and all those shirts that proclamied me class of 07 need to be changed to class of 06.

congrats man - good luck in the future! :wtg:

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Random rant on a Thursday night;

Why are there so many complete and utter assholes in the world today? I don't mean the type of people who are just rude, or what the everyday Joe would call a "jerk", I mean the real, sewer-dwelling scumbags that roam our streets. I mean the type of loser who would rob 3 women out alone, one of them being my girlfriend, for their mobile phones, with no men present, then run away. Yes, run.

Whatever happened to honour? Whatever happened to being civilised? I'm not exactly what most would consider a perfect example of law and order in society, I'm done my share of screwed up things in my life, but not once have I ever done something like rob a woman. I'm lucky enough to remember the old days where people who did dirt did it on others who actually deserved it, or who could match them if something started. Watch the old black and white movies, read any books on crime, and most of the time, it would be one guy robbing another in equal standing with him. Now, somewhere along the line, that's become twisted. It's suddenly expected, if not acceptable, for men to go out and steal from anyone - man, woman or child. Old cowboy films, what do you see there? Shoot-outs at dawn, both guys with an equal chance at winning the battle, with only themselves to blame if they don't. Old Al Capone films, the "gangster" films, what's in those? If someone was hurt in the old days, you know they did something to deserve it. Now, it seems to be "kill at will" and do whatever you want as long as the end justifies the means - and most of the time, even that isn't true.

And you know what? there are 2 things that make it even worse. One is that it's supposed to be the "festive" season. Now, I don't **** with the whole Christmas thing, personally, but I'd put money on the fact that whoever did this has said, or will say "happy Christmas" at some point this year. How can you say that knowing what you've done? The second is that my girlfriend is pregnant - and noticeably so. It's bad enough that you're going out to rob someone. It's even worse on top of that that you're going to rob a woman - or 3. But robbing a pregnant woman? You have got to be ******* kidding me. I'm only 21, but in the "old days", this clown would have his head jammed so far up his culo that he'd be looking at the world through his nostrils. Even his "friends" would look at him bug-eyed. And if he was questioned about it, I'd put money on the fact that he'd be singing names quicker than Sammy The Bull with a gun in his face.

Honour. It even feels wrong typing it these days. Say what you want about the criminal element in society today, but know one thing - not everyone sees the world with the same skewed vision of what's "right" and "wrong". There are still some of us left.

Merry Christmas, MVPMods. Ho, ho, ******* ho.

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