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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...gotta admit, I've been a bit bored since I finished Total Classics Madness; so, I've been laying the foundation for my next dynasty - just waiting on the new URP and I'll be ready to go.

...after finally being cleared to resume working out after 2 years, I started back up Monday. I've been sore as hell all week and I'm sure it will take a few before I get used to it again; but man is it great to be back lifting again.

...I'm with drbeep - I've never missed baseball as much as I do now. Absolutely can't wait for the season to start.

...After my first month on the new job, it's fantastic. Been putting together my first media guide and I'm very happy with how it's looking right now. InDesign is a pretty neat program when you figure out the basics and start playing with things.

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i've been a bit busy and forgot about this place the last few weeks.

i was glad to see my saints finally get so close to the promised land...then they get screwed in the championship game and lose. darn it.

at least my mavs are doing well...i hope they don't choke like last year.

apparently, me and my brother are having a bit of a debate about what season is more boring, now or july when only baseball is on. i argue now, since it seems like in febuary, nothing goes on at all, but in july, there is alot of stuff happening. from reading some of the thoughts, it seems like it's now, and it is. i can't wait till baseball starts again and i start touring the spring training sites.

talking about that, i'm going to dodgertown this year. with them moving out in 2009, i better visit the historic place before they leave town.

over one month with the mac, and it's everything i expected out of it and then some. his name is chipper and he's doing fine. i'm so glad i went with the mac rather than with windows vista.

and also on the mac, i bought a new external 19" montior for both of my computers, with a dual output. i can use the monitior as my pc base or as an extension to my mac, depending on what output i use. it's so sweet.

i haven't played mvp in such a long time...i need to start playing again when a 07 mod comes out.

vista looks like it will be a distaster...

it is so cold all the time now...my friend thinks it's polar shifting...i didn't buy it at first, but now, i think he's on to something...read up on it.

as you know, i graduated from college about six weeks ago. since then, i went to school a few times, as i thought the graduation cermony was an aprudt way to end college, especally with most of my friends graduating in three months. on thursday's visit, i felt out of place, trying to be a student when i was really done. people asked me that if i was graduating in may, when i graduated already. i knew i was out of place. i'm not going to try to live in the past anymore. i'm looking forward to getting a job soon (prehaps as a teacher, since science teachers are in high demand in public schools) to pay off loans.

i went back to school friday, when we finally got a library for my college, right after i graduated...liars, they said it would be done before i graduated...yeah right. but our old library the worst ever, it was noisy, dirty, old, unstable, cramp, and not a library. in other words, nobody studied there. i stayed away from that place as much as possible, only going there when i needed to get books and some other chores. it was really nice, and i feel proud that future students get to study there. i may just go there once and pretend to study to get the feel to what it was to study there.

i may come up with more things later, but not now.

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its monday, but who cares

some idiot pulled the firealarm this morning at 8 am

i know most of you are like, thats not so bad...

its a college campus.... 90% of everyone is asleep...

that guy deserves some punishment... i lost an hour of sleep

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its monday, but who cares

some idiot pulled the firealarm this morning at 8 am

i know most of you are like, thats not so bad...

its a college campus.... 90% of everyone is asleep...

that guy deserves some punishment... i lost an hour of sleep

wheneve i play Bully on my xbox i pull the fire alarm to wake everyone up. then i fire something from my slingshot at them as they run for the door

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Updated to 2-4

...I know it is Super Bowl Sunday, but all I've been thinking about is Spring Training, which is now a little more than a week away.

...Ok, for tonight's game which is going to drag on with all the commercials, I am going for the Colts. Only because I work with a big Bears fan that has not shut up once since September about them. If they lose tonight, he won't say a word.

...I wonder how much the commercials this year are going to be for this game?

...Expresso is admittedly an acquired taste, but I love having it every chance I get.

...Where I live, the people that have no problem with all the snowfall we get are the ones that don't have to deal with it.

...I'm getting my taxes done on February 6th. Wish me luck.

...Four more weeks to go and I am going on vacation. You all have no idea how geared up for that I am.

...There is nothing worse than watching something on the Lifetime Network.

...Y4L tip of the week: if you can't sleep, turn on the 700 Club. Works every time. :)

...*&%$ OFF Roger Clemens.

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...it's superbowl sunday, which can only mean one thing. Pitchers and Catchers report in a couple of weeks. To me, there is no better feeling than the anticipation of spring training and just baseball coming back in general.

...I sold off my XBOX360 in exchange for money, a Zune and a couple of other DVDs. It may not be a wise decision now, but I sold it off because well, I only had ONE game for the XBOX360 and I don't want to build an entirely new library at the moment when a majority of all XBOX360 titles are shooters this year. Crackdown is looking good, but when I get enough money I'll purchase an XBOX360 from a retail store instead of second-hand like I did with the previous system. I'm not even sure really if I want to get an XBOX360 or purchase the PS3 system.

If I choose to buy the PS3, I'll be able to play almost all of my PS2 titles, saving me money at the expense of having no friggin rumble. :( In case you were wondering, fsck no I'm not buying the 600 dollar PS3. It's just too much. Gamestop is running a promotion where if you trade in your PS2 with a controller and all required cables, they subtract 100 towards your PS3 purchase, so in a sense I'll get the 20GB PS3 for the same price as an XBOX360.

Then again, I'm not getting the console now...maybe around easter or whatever. By then things will unfold as they should.

...I'm starting to come to a conclusion that Selig should send a memo to all ballclubs in regards to uniforms. Cut them down from like 5 to just 3. Home, Road, and an Alternate. Can't stand clubs that have like 5 or 6 alternates when they only will wear them about 10 out of the 162 games on the season. It's a waste. Maybe it's just me being angry at modding uniforms, but whatever

...I lost my cell phone on a bus this week because I didn't have the phone properly clipped to my belt and it fell out on the bus. I realized it once I got off the bus and I shouted in the street a solid "WTF!" before calling my insurance company (yes, my phone is insured). All that's left is to fax in my incident report and I'll be getting a new phone in a few days, however the past 3 days have sucked without it.

...Valentine's day, err Single People Awareness Day is going to be awesome, well at least for me. I plan on getting my loved one a bear from the build-a-bear workshop and shipping it out to her dorm room in Albany. Even though she's been a friend to me, she's an awesome person inside and out...and I've been getting pressure from my buddies that I should just go out with her and that's it but I don't know what to do, lol. She's great though man, like, she can photoshop with the best of them, I showed her how to do tons of stuff on the computer, we hang out and it's a blast, everything is great. Not calling her in the past 3 days has been torture lol.

....Chicago, the band, rocks. The city? I have to check that out someday.

....The 70s - early 80s era of music is by far the best, seeing as the use of live instrumentation was more prevalent in that timespan as opposed to using drum machines and silly sampling. I don't care how people put it, when you sample a song, it just means you don't have talent. You have talent at manipulating someone else's music but you just can't make music.

....I'd rather type up a paper for English than to friggin' do a math exam, I hate mathematics. I used to love it in junior high but once high school came, I flopped harder than Sammy Sosa when he went to the Orioles

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I flopped harder than Sammy Sosa when he went to the Orioles

KC, come on man...you're killing yourself with that line. :neutral:

Not much going on this weekend. Spent yesterday repairing a few old PCs that have been gathering dust, working on the website today, and I might investigate a few hard drives later on. I think I'm becoming more of a geek every day...at least, that's the first thing I think of when I look at the random sticks of RAM, collection of case screws, CPU fan & heatsink and screwdriver set on my desk and PSU sitting on a table behind me. Hmm.

(Side note to the above - of the 40,000 members here, I bet the amount of people who have seen and used EDO-RAM can be counted in 3 digits, at most. The system I'm recovering right now has a huge 48MB of it. :lol: )

Spring Training edges closer...thank God. :D

Valentine's day...there's a tough one. Need to think about that this week.

Our call quota is increasing at work this week, so we'll be going from an average of 7 calls per day to 17-18 per day. On the plus side, however, we're focusing on Optiplex specialisation, so that means easier (and quicker) calls, more parts booked, and less negative feedback from customers. :D

For some reason, I've had literally nothing to eat since 12:30pm on Friday. It's now 14:43pm on Sunday. Lucozade, water & Coke probably isn't the best choice of fluids to recover from illness on Friday night, but it seems to be working out OK at holding back my appetite. That's probably not a good thing, however. Oh well.

This provided a decent laugh yesterday.

And with that, see you next week, another week closer to baseball season.

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.....the current temp. outside is 6 degrees but feels like -9. Monday and Tues. forecast looks the same. http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USOH0269_f.html

Im wondering if school will be canceled because its just to cold to be outside. It is college so I can chose not to go but I would rather not get behind in my notes and what not.

.... the SuperBowl is on tonight. I can really care less. I have a feeling Rex Grossman is going to lay an enormous egg. He's due. Forecast in Miami calls for rain. I wonder if Prince cares if he gets wet?

....OSU basketball continues to roll on. Theyve lost at UNC, FL, and Wisc. 3 teams that will probably be #1 seeds in the tourney. I think Greg Oden should stay one more year. Next years class is loaded again. Jon Diebler, Kosta Koufos, and Evan Turner are among the recruits for next years class.

....can't wait for baseball again. I feel like a part of my soul is missing. I hate winter.

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...I'm pumped for tonight's game, finally Colts get the chance to show what they can do on the big stage.

...And as a bonus, Billy Joel is singing the national anthem, he's always been one of my favourite singers and I might actually get a chance to see him perform live as he'll be in Toronto in April.

...My second semester of school is going to be waaayyyy better than the last one, boy that was a rough ride.

...March break is going to be the ****, first I'm going to Miami to visit my dad (he lives there because of work), then we're going to drive to Dunedin and check out the Blue Jays in action. I've ordered tickets to see the Red Sox, Indians, and Tigers, I'm counting the days.

...Man is it cold here, it kinda sucks because I was hoping for a mild winter, we didn't actually get snow until about 3 weeks ago and since then its just been freezing. yesterday was something like -30 celcius with the wind chill and all.

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Away we go.

Colts are going to run rampant over the Bears tonight, and I have to work. Thank God there is a big screen there, and I can watch it in the dining room.

Can't wait for spring training. I love this time of year. First games start in three weeks. Been craving some baseball since Christmas.

8 weeks in, and my wife's pregnancy is going good. I am not a spiritual man, but I have found myself praying a lot lately. Been trying for four years to get pregnant again, so hopefully this all goes well, and we have another little boy or girl come the fall.

Looking for to the '07 mod. It amazes me how much I still play MVP Baseball, and it still feels like a new game.

If anyone has the chance, watch "The Last King Of Scotland". Forrest Whittaker deserves the oscar. What a powerful performance.

Short and sweet. See you next week.

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Hey, congrats on the baby. Fingers crossed. Maybe a new Mr. October?

....I am going for the Bears just because living in NY I have learned to hate the name Manning. To bad Eli didnt become a trader like older brother Cooper. Here is live proof about breeding:


.... Baseball is so close, I can smell it. Im watching the Caribbean world series just for a taste of it on Fox Sports en Espanol. Or on ESPN's El Ocho.

.... Should be a great year!!!!

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...am back in my home town for the weekend - am drinking way more than I should. But hey, I drink maybe three times a year, so I guess it's not too bad.

...March is approaching. Which means the college basketball games are actually starting to mean something. Florida's seems to be getting stronger as the tourney approaches - let's keep this train rolling boys!

...just like a few posters before, all Super Bowl Sunday means to me is that Spring Training is only a couple weeks away. And now with an actual job in baseball, I'm that much more pumped for summer to arrive!

...gotta agree with DJ as well - can't wait for the MVP 07 mod. It amazes me everyday how damn good the modders here are; whether it's the Total Classics guys or kraw and the others working on the 06 and 07 mods, there's a lot of stellar talent on these boards.

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...Today, I most likely will be at home, doing crap, watching the superbowl with my step-dad who has been a complete **** lately. So it won't be much fun. I was going to my friends house to chill with him and stuff, but my mom is too lazy to drive me up there.

What, you don't have legs? You don't have change for a bus or a cab? Maybe, just maybe, your mother has more important things to do, or simply wants to relax, than be your personal chauffeur service.

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...church gotta new interim pastor today... he's crazy... i love it...

...school season starts in 4 weeks... gonna be sweet...

...hopefully the superbowl will be a good game... and the commercials will hopefully be good... i'm neutral for this one...

...flyers won yesterday... nittymaki (sp) is amazing... when he feels like it...

...MVP NCAA baseball gets more and more fun every day... (58-2 in my second season w/ Michigan State)...

...one of my friends who had a huge fro shaved it yesterday as a promo for the basketball game... it was so funny!!!...

...our basketball team sucks... we lost by 11 to a team that had 3 sophomores and 2 freshmen for starters... terrible... atleast i had fun at the game :wink: ...

that's all for now

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Colts are going to run rampant over the Bears tonight, and I have to work. Thank God there is a big screen there, and I can watch it in the dining room.

Bear by 4, but I have been wrong on every playoff game this year

If anyone has the chance, watch "The Last King Of Scotland". Forrest Whittaker deserves the oscar. What a powerful performance.

Peter O'Toole will win

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-Again Best Buy said they would have a huge shipment of Nintendo Wiis Today. Did they have any... NO. I say **** best buy because they are a bunch of *** holes with their lies. :club:

- working at dunkin' donuts SUCKS

- for some reason my mvp wont play after i installed new audio and portraits. now im just trying to figure out which one is messing my game up

- looking forward to the super bowl and the party tonight just not prince's half time show

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...I think I might watch about 10 minutes of the super bowl tonight, which I think will be my first time EVER watching the superbowl. (If you haven't guessed already, I'm not a football fan to say the least.)

...The off-season always seems to go so fast. Pitchers and catchers report in 10 days!

...Golly gee gosh, I love baseball.

...Gee Whiz, I love sushi. Sushi is extremely good. Can't get enough of it. I love the futomaki, with some california rolls, and some salmon roe, and octopus, some tomago, and yellowtail, and the shrimp... good times.

...ohmygosh, i have a lot of homework. My stomach hurts at the thought of it... what can I put in my pocket from today's time that will help me on a westward expansion trip in the 1800s? So far, all I could really think of was Ibuprofen.

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As a matter a fact, no I do not have change for a bus or cab. Also, no. My mom just doesn't feel like taking me...those were the exact words that came out her words. Maybe you misinterpreted my post, as my tone may have came out wrong by me typing it wrong. I hold no ill will towards her in any way.

*sigh* Fixed to prevent any future "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong" episodes.

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*sigh* Fixed to prevent any future "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong" episodes.


Hey, Jay, you should just send your thoughts to KC via e-mail and let him post them for you. He'd do a much better job of it. :lol:

Until you learn to respect the woman who brought you into the world, I suggest you might want to re-consider what you post in future in order to not seem like a spoiled child who doesn't want to get off his lazy *** to walk to his friend's house. If you wanted to go that badly, you'd walk and not depend on your mother to ride you everywhere.

Hey Jay - "keep it real! k?" :laff:

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So, back to random thoughts instead of our random crazy families. The only good thing about them arguing is that it reminds me my family is not the only crazy fighting ones. On with it? Ok.

Superbowl Sunday, the day where man law states that you must watch this game. EVEN WOMEN WATCH THIS HOLY FOOTBALL GAME OF ALL GAMES. Me? Nah. I don't care. I just love baseball. And, I go to church on Sunday evenings, and I never wanna skip that for a dang football game. So, if I were to get hyped for a game, I'd still come home only to watch 50-75% of it. So anyway, that, and the fact that I'm still trying to learn football from afar, the intricicies, the positions, the defensive types of plays, just pretty much everything. This will take me a while since I want to get deep in it like I am with the real sport of baseball. Baseball, baby-that's where its at. So to me, I don't care about this game. I'm about to play a freaking baseball video game in 2 minutes instead of watching the rest of the Superbowl....


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-Again Best Buy said they would have a huge shipment of Nintendo Wiis Today. Did they have any... NO. I say **** best buy because they are a bunch of **** holes with their lies. :club:

- working at dunkin' donuts SUCKS

- for some reason my mvp wont play after i installed new audio and portraits. now im just trying to figure out which one is messing my game up

- looking forward to the super bowl and the party tonight just not prince's half time show

You told me in another thread that you had Red Sox season tickets, and that you got a Wii?

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no im awaiting nintendo wii. maybe i wrote the wrong thing. if thats the case im sorry.

edit: i went back and read the date of the post. my father went out that day. my brother told meover the phone my dad got the system. i posted that in the thread but then when they came home my dad didnt have it and my brother lied. believe me he got what was comming to him

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