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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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ok, update on my random thoughts: NO SCHOOL!!!! hehe, I'm happy.

oh, and as promised, I watched approxamitely the first 5 minutes of the superbowl and saw exactly 2 commercials. Then I went and played some MVP and decided I like baseball a lot better. :)

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.....(Sorry Rog)....I finally got a Wii this past week, actually I bought 2 of them. It was definately worth the purchase, and even worth the 2 1/2 hours I had to stand in line to get it.

.......Thank God the Colts won. Maybe now the Bears fans will shut up about their over-rated team.

.......School isn't all that bad this semester except for all the reading. But my online English 102 class is a pain in the butt.

.......I've taken over 100% of the finances in my relationship. My fiancee couldn't manage money to save her life and has since agreed that I control 100% of the finances. She can't even buy a pack of gum w/o my permission. This may seem controlling and drastic....but trust me it's not.

.......Spring Training 3 weeks away....*drool*...

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Fair enough. Now some thoughts...

...Glad the football season is over. More college basketball and ST, please...

...My teen years are officially over at 2:05 pm tomorrow, as I turn 20...

...Glad Favre is coming back, although it was no shock, really. Also happy the Bears lost. I didn't care who won, as long as the Bears lost. ;)

...I've decided Guitar Hero 2 is my favorite game of all time. I love riding my exercise bike while playing it. Jordan and Six are my favorite songs. Talk about having fun while exercising...

...I'm not even 20 yet, and I have terrible knees already. I don't know whether it's because I'm 6'7" or what, but I hope they don't get any worse. It's painful walking up and down the stairs in the morning. I can't even play basketball at the YMCA 2 days in a row without a lot of pain in both knees. I have tons of empathy for people with chronic knee or leg problems. I'm going to school to be an athletic trainer, so hopefully I'll be able to fix myself...

...it is damn cold here. -15 degrees, -30 degrees wind chill...

And on a last note, I'd like to thank Trues and everyone that makes this site possible. MVP is my biggest hobby, thanks to this site. I love doing work with this game and contributing to the community.

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Also, over here, In America...where I live, in Connecticut, it is pretty damn cold. Since it snowed yesterday.

WTF is wrong with you, do you even know what the news is? If you had you'd no that Western Europe is getting the worst storms in its history. Winds blowing at enormous speeds and you're talking about snow? **** man, try living here in Canada.

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My lazy ****? I walked home from my friends house on friday which was more than 5 miles...and that house was closer.

Also, over here, In America...where I live, in Connecticut, it is pretty damn cold. Since it snowed yesterday.

Also, I am the most respectful to my mother. You're acting like I am a damn 19 year old living without a car. I am only 13...without a bike and a car. How the hell should I get around Connecticut. It isn't like New York where there is transportation everywhere.

5 miles, wow, you must be super-fit! :alright: Maybe my standards are too high, but I was running upwards of 10 miles per day when I was 8 - spring, summer, autumn or winter. Walking 5 miles is a cake-walk.

Here's a newsflash - it's the middle of winter in a good chunk of the world. You are aware it's the 6th of February, yes? That explains the snow in Connecticut. As Fred said, western Europe has some rather large weather problems right now in addition to the standard unfriendly weather for this time of year. As for pretty damn cold, try solid ice on the streets here in Glasgow. -4°c isn't an unusual temperature right now, and it's a hell of a lot better now that it was in December and January. You want to complain about the weather, at least have a reason.

"Only 13"...give me a break. If you haven't lost that attitude by the time you hit 16, God help you. You don't have a bike or a car, so what? Neither do I, and I'm 21. Use your legs, or get a bike, a skateboard, anything, but lose the "I'm only 13, I need my mommy to ride me everywhere" sympathy trip, please.

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Updated to 2-11

...Mvp Baseball 2007. Nothing more to say than that. Thank you one million times over to Krawhitham and his team of modders for this.

...All I need now is Total Classics Phase 7 and will compliment this mod perfectly.

...Very good Bernie Williams, don't accept that minor league contract from the Yankees. In fact, don't take anything and stay home. You are finally realizing what everyone else has known for awhile, and that is your time is done.

...Pitchers and catchers report this week. Man I feel good! And the first game is on March 1st against those *&%^& from Minnesota, and it will be on YES.

...Re-read "To Kill a Mockingbird" recently. One of my favorite books, and it was a pretty good movie too.

...A record 1,000 people watched the Pro Bowl yesterday. :)

...Does anyone realize that we got through all of last week without hearing one thing about what Roger Clemens is going to do in 2007? How did we survive?

...Anyone ever try smoked oysters? They look terrible but they aren't so bad.

...Reading a book about Ty Cobb recently was a real eye opener. For example, I didn't know that this multi-millionaire, towards the end of his life, had two homes. Both had no electricity or telephone service. What the hell?

...One final thought, this one to sports giant EA Sports. You people are a bunch of stupid *&$%*&. I would have loved to try out NCAA 2007, but you only made it for the PS2. Nice move, real nice.

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...It's great to be back. I like to think the release of MVP07 was to compliment my return.

...Drew Brees's injury yesterday once again proves why the Pro Bowl is worthless.

...Who the **** is going to play 2B for the Braves next year?

...Manchester United "Football" is the greatest.

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..Mvp Baseball 2007. Nothing more to say than that. Thank you one million times over to Krawhitham and his team of modders for this.
Amen to that.

...Re-read "To Kill a Mockingbird" recently. One of my favorite books, and it was a pretty good movie too.
I've read that book too, that's a great book. The movie is also good, they did well of adapting it.

...Spring Training is in the air! Even though there's about 4 inches of snow on the ground...

...Anderson Verajao hair watch count: 3

...mlb.com's fantasy player rankings just came out:


Seems like a decent list... until you realize Wang isn't in the top 20. No, not the top 30, either. NUMBER 36 behind people like Randy, Brett Myers (who's ranked #21 - what's up with that?), or Kelvim Escobar. He's not going to have a 2006 again, but the season was not a total fluke! And the same with Jeter ranked ahead of Rollins. Rollins is an exciting power-speed player, but Jeter is better all-around AND fantasy-wise.

probably add a bit more later...

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...I've had a butt load of home work this week....college sucks.

...Football is now officially over for the season, it sucks. But at least the Bengals were well represented at the Pro Bowl and at the skills challenges.

...The Reds have finally realized what they need to do to win, and signed Arroyo and Harang to exentsions. Thank God. Harang I know will be consistent, but Arroryo I'm concerned may have been a "career" year for him last year. The Reds got suckered like that before in '99 when almost everyone has a career year and they thought they were set for a while. Anyone remember the "untradeable" Pokey Reese?

...I can't wait for Baseball to start, to help get geared up I recently watched the game were Pete Rose broke the all time hits record against San Diego. It was recorded onto a VHS tape and I copied it over to DVD to help preserve one of the greatest records ever being broken by one of my favorite players.

...Did I mention baseball starts soon? lol...

...MVP 2007 mod is absolutely amazing. The new graphical changes look tremendous, and I thank everyone who put any work at all into it a million times over...

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...mlb.com's fantasy player rankings just came out:


Seems like a decent list... until you realize Wang isn't in the top 20. No, not the top 30, either. NUMBER 36 behind people like Randy, Brett Myers (who's ranked #21 - what's up with that?), or Kelvim Escobar. He's not going to have a 2006 again, but the season was not a total fluke!

Its not that he's a bad pitcher, its just that he doesn't help that much fantasy-wise because he doesn't get strikeouts or shutouts.

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...MVP 07 - wow. It's amazing how the modders here can keep a game that should have passed it's prime two years ago fresh and enjoyable. It can't be said enough how talented these guys are.

...the Pro Bowl was yesterday? Well, anyway, thank god football's officially over. Zito and Cain will officially be teammates in five days! This season could be ugly at times, but I've never been more ready than I am this season.

...actually saw my first live baseball game of 2007 on Friday afternoon - the Rice/Vanderbuilt game. All hail MLB.tv - after watching old broadcasts all winter, it was very refreshing to watch it unfold live.

...just gotta throw this in - Go Gators! Still #1 - North Carolina is looking mighty tough though...

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Away I go:

The MVP 07 Mod is truly amazing. Thanks to all who worked on this! I love Trues' new overlay, and the new camera work, really makes this feel like a new game.

Two games into my 2007 Dynasty, I have lost 5 -0 with Halladay, and won 10-7 with Burnett. B.J. Ryan gave up to monster homeruns in the ninth to Detroit...the pitching is HARD! I love it though....

Bought my wife a Dishwasher for Valentine's Day. Honest to God, that's what she wanted. $900 later, and a dozen roses ordered for Wednesday, makes my wallet alot lighter.

Smallville is really doing a great job of building up to the season finale. really top notch work the past few episodes. Great television viewing.

Anyone amped to see "300" and"Ghostrider"? Both look enertaining, with "300" looking like a work of art. I believe "300" is the last good graphic novel by Frank Miller before he went off the deep end.

Keep those submissions for the "moderator contest" coming in. They have all been very well written. Great work so far.

See you next week.

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The MVP 07 Mod is truly amazing. Thanks to all who worked on this! I love Trues' new overlay, and the new camera work, really makes this feel like a new game.

I really have been enjoying the mod, and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I haven't really noticed any new camera work other than the fielding cam is a bit different. I was wondering what all has been modded, I'm guessing I probably just installed it wrong.

Thanks, good work guys!

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-Why did no one tell me that the pro bowl was on yesterday? I was set to watch it today (J/K)

-MVP 07 is the king on PC

-I haven't heard much about this thread in a couple of weeks, but now I got the email telling me that someone posted, so I'm back.

-I thought Arenas was gonna put up 50 today? With 4:55 left in the 2nd quarter, he is still being shutout.

-The NBA is getting more exciting now that I'm playing basketball at a higher level again since I tore the sole of my foot.

-Why will the Mets not sign actual picthing (yeah, I mean you Chan Ho)

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-another week down, another week closer to opening day.

-I think Boston Market sounds good for dinner.

-I have a stupid presentation to do tomarrow.

-Not much else. I hate this time of the year as far as sports go. NCAA basketball will hold me over, I guess.

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-I have hated basketball for a while now, but I just bought NBA 2K7 and I'm loving it and actually getting into bball

- I wish my parents would actually pay me my allowance

- I originally bought 2K7 used from Blockbuster, but the game wouldn't even start. Another reason to hate Blockbuster(I had to go to Best Buy to get it), I've lost interest ever since they got rid of late fees, but made the rental price two dollars more.

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Updated to 2-18

...Baseball's back! Just check all the new articles in your favorite team's newspapers and you'll see. The NY Daily News and Post have a ton of Yankee articles now.

...Randy Johnson kindly explained to everyone in an article that the New York writers were to blame for his struggles in New York over the past two years. It's nice to know it was them instead of all the home run balls he was giving up.

...I wonder if Britney Spears shaved her head because she was sick of all the lice in it?

...Whenever I buy a DVD movie I go by what kind of extras are included on the disc. It's not enough for just the movie to be on it.

...No one, besides Joe Torre of course, has more pressure on him this season than Lou Piniella. The Cubs spent 317 million during the off season and they won't settle for another 96 loss season. Sure, it'll be funny if it happens, but that's another story.

...Last week around these parts in the terrible Northeast area of the states we had a storm. Some areas got up to two feet of snow in one day. My area just missed it by a few inches. [sarcasm on] Boy, we really got lucky. [/sarcasm off]

...Fuzzone, please release Total Classics 7. :)

...Someone should start a pool to pick the day Ken Griffey Jr. gets hurt this year for the first time.

...I don't care it was just the NBA team for that city and not the baseball team, but I enjoyed watching the Boston Celtics lose 18 games in a row.

...Again, only for those who are interested, there are only ten more days to participate in the moderator contest.

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...Baseball's back! Just check all the new articles in your favorite team's newspapers and you'll see. The NY Daily News and Post have a ton of Yankee articles now.
Yes! I picked up the New York Times and baseball was on the front page of the Sports section! But I picked up Sporting News, and yes, Baseball was on the front, and yes, there was a 20-page baseball preview, but football is over, yet they have a combined 30 pages of NFL and NCAA Football.

...I was all set to do a big set of screens for MVP, only to realize they where all in the wrong aspect ratio...

...I'm thinking of possibly buying a domain name and server for BM Inc. (see sig.) I think only if I upgrade some stuff it'll become a lot more popular and better...

...I'm hungry. I think I'll go have some peanut butter. Might add a bit more thoughts later...

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Here I go...

Spring Training is here...WooHoo! I really like John Thomson's attitude. I think if he has his injuries behind him, he may be a help to the Jays starting rotation.

Frank Thomas worries me. What does he have to play for? I sure hope he doesn't coast through the season, but something tells me he may.

Don't forget to submit your "essay" to the Moderator Contest. A fine idea for the site.

I have been working a couple of cyberfaces for UncleMo and BigRog, and having little luck. Man, I have the utmost respect for you Modders. it's hard, hard work! I have been working on some jerseys, which I find funner, and a little easier to do.

What is it with people and driving in the snow????

See you next week.

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...FINALLY! Best Valentine's Day ever - Zito and Cain officially became teammates.

...Speaking of Zito, yet another example of the media getting ahead of themselves. A non-story turned into one because they heard what they wanted to hear.

...Bought an iPod yesterday. Haven't played with it much yet, but so far I'm happy with the purchase. The headphones are a lot clearer than any I've used before.

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I can't believe it, but I'm getting ready to go buy a new washer and dryer. 25 years ago, when my beautiful bride and I said, "I do",,,who woulda thunk this would be a Sunday afternoon highlight. I mean, really, think about how the colors in our clothes are just going to "pop" right out at us...... amazing.

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