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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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What is it with people and driving in the snow????
I got stuck when we accidentally left the headlights running for 45 minutes, and it drained the battery... we where stuck there for like half an hour until we found someone with jumper cables. However, I can't imagine how the snow is up north there. But then, as we where finally driving back, we saw a guy trying to start his car and a tow truck in front of him, and we thought "Thank god that's not us."
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Updated to 2-25

...Now it's really starting to hit me! This week will be the first televised spring training game on Thursday, March 1st as the Yankees take on the Twins. It's at 1:00 pm on YES and the replay on at 7:00 pm.

...This will be a slow week for me because all I'll be doing is anticipating my vacation which will begin next week. I have a lot of activities planned next week for me and they all consist of doing nothing at all. I believe I can handle that.

...I'm really bored with this so called A-Rod and Jeter thing. So what they don't hang out as much as they did years ago? Do the writers realize that maybe one of the reasons now is that A-Rod is married now and has a kid? Before, both of them were single. Of course it is different now.

...Carl Pavano is one guy I am really pulling for this year.

...So Bernie Williams has decided to pout and stay home from spring training? I don't see the problem here.

...ValHaltren's hi-res photo thread on this site is the place to go to see some great photography. He along with a few others have been posting some pretty impressive pictures that I've been grabbing every day. Check it out right here if you get a chance, and get ready to right click and save.

...One day last week the temperature here got up to 41 degrees. That was the combined temperature of five days the week before. :( You know you got it bad when you are happy with forty degree temps.

...I got to get a cortisone shot in my knee soon and I am always afraid to do it because it hurts like hell.

...Only a few more days for the moderator contest for those interested.

...Finally, check out this photo from nearby Oswego, New York. I don't live there, thank God, but those poor people have been hit very bad by snow this year, as you can see by this photo. I never want to see snow like that in person, thank you.

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I didnt post the last week because I was on a Soccer Tournament in other city, we finished in 5th place. Im the goalkeeper and I won the trophy of the Best Goalkeeper on the tournament :D

...I just downloaded a song called Yankee Mambo, it makes reference to the 2000 NYY, If any yankee fan wants it just PM me.

...I edited AAA stadium 3, to have a Mexican stadium (Mexican adds, and mexican flag added to the stadium)

...Yesterday an 18 year old guy suicided using an USB cable for the computer to hang himself. Too sad :(

...Watch this Y4L


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...finding a job in journalism is hard to do

...for those in college or those about to go, live it up and drink it down. Have no regrets

...baseball is so close I can taste it. Let's hope the Phillies do some work.

...Pat Burrell will hit .280, 32, 110

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-That snow is just brutal. We've had snow and ice out here in the prairie (Western Kansas) since the last week of December, it finally starting melting away last week, now we get another mini-blizzard. Great.

-Is there anything on this entire planet more irrelevant than the Oscars awards show? I started quizzing just about everyone I came in contact with, and NOT ONE person said they watch that pile of crap. Personally, I think the Hollywood types ought to just make movies, and if they want to congratulate each other, then fine, but please don't act like it's important or something.

-I sure do miss George Brett, and the way he could lead a team. I sure hope Alex Gordon can resurrect that spirit, and get the Royals back in to contention. Yeah, I know they don't spend the money like the Yankees and Red Sox, but I think teams can still be competitive without trying to buy a championship like they do. Look at the Twins and A's....they are always competitive. St. Louis probably has half the payroll as the yankees. It can be done.

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...there are some really great tools/editors for this game! SavReader and the Box Score Extractor are my two favorites, but I'm sure the ones I haven't tried are just as useful and well done.

...Thursday, Thursday, Thursday! It's about time.

...iPods are fantastic inventions. Had mine for a week now and I'm extremely satisfied.

...Let's go Mother Nature - time to stop dicking around. Bring on the spring weather; and more importantly, those spring thunderstorms.

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...Got a nice tax return that I'm planning on spending to get a hice hom theater setup. I'm talking a nice surround sound system, and a nice home theater projector. After all of that I should still have 6 or 7 hundred dollars left over to put in the bank.

...Planning for a wedding is not fun in any way shape or form. Especially when the soon to be mother-in-law wants to plan the entire thing and not let the bride do any of the planning.

...Reds start real spring training games on Thursday, but on Wednesday they have an intersquad scrimmage. I'm not all that expectant of the team this year. The other teams in the Central did a lot more in terms of FA than we did.

...Homer Bailey is going to be a star someday. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

...Prediction... Ken Griffey Jr. WILL stay healthy for an entire season. no trips to the DL at all. He will hit .305 with 35 homers and 127 RBI.

...Prediction #2...Adam Dunn will hit at least .270....

...The NFL Network is a thing of greatness. I have had a blast watching the combine this weekend... Whichever team needs a tight end, take Greg Olsen. He is in a league by himself. The "tight end" ran a 4.47 40, and then followed it up with a 4.45 40. Crazy.

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Ooh, lah lah, ze thoughts ov ze randomness!

...I wonder if there's a peanut butter tasting convention somewhere... Yesterday I took four kinds of peanut butter and put them on 4 different slices of the same cracker - you'd be surprised how different they taste. God bless George Washington Carver!

...Lately I've been spending a lot of time on an idea, and then when I show it to someone else, they just say "yeah, that's nice, but I don't really care." I'm not really talking about one thing, but about 3 or 4 different things, all in succession. It gets very annoying.

...Wow, baseball is near!

...I really hope the Knicks get into the playoffs - I don't care if they drop out the first round, just to get somewhere and put an ounce of confidence into some of those players.

...Why are people complaining about mlb 2k7 so much? It's a video game - Only 10 years ago the graphics bordered on a toddler's drawings, and nevertheless people where satisfied. The one thing bad about better technology is that older technology that satisfied older generations suddenly becomes "worthless", and they become more spoiled as a result of it. True, I'm part of that generation, but still, give me a break. You want a better realistic baseball videogame? Why don't you make one yourself? Better yet, go out there and PLAY A REAL GAME.

...http://baseballmaniacs.forumwise.com should soon become baseballmaniacs.net soon. Stay tuned.

...I'm going to start a blog soon. Stay tuned.

...The world is ending in 5 billion years. Stay tuned.

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Uff, it's been a while since I've posted anything on these forums. I'm pretty sure I've had two birthdays since then. Anyway, here I am putting off things I "really needed" to get done this weekend and instead reading random spewages from a few names I recognize and a lot that I don't. I simply could not resist this topic - my whole life seems to be a train of random thoughts (I don't limit myself to just Sundays but for your sake, I will try). Hey, when you're a runner you can either think about how far you have left to run (yikes, scary thought) or you can think about random tidbits until by some miracle your feet get you home. Here are a few of the bits of randomness that hopped in and out of my head this morning as I ran in the rain.

...I've been really lucky these past couple of years. Things have worked out pretty well. I wonder if I'll be so lucky this year and they will finally fire Bill Bavasi...[later on, again putting off things that needed to be done, I discovered an ONLINE PETITION TO FIRE BILL BAVASI. I don't know if I nearly peed my pants because I was laughing so hard or because I was so happy.] That might have been too much information. Sorry.

...I bet it's not raining sideways in Peoria right now...[later on, once again trying to avoid the work that I needed to do, I found out that it was Sunny and Near 70 in Peoria.] *sigh*

...That new Seattle Times guy who's covering the M's this season is a pretty funny dude. I could probably put off a lot of yard work reading his blog....[yes, you guessed it, I wasted a good part of the day reading Geoff Baker's ramblings]. I wonder if Blue Jays fans miss his musings now. One thing is certain - they are probably getting more yard work done than I am.

To be honest, there was a lot more bouncing around in this brain of mine, but I should probably turn off this computer and at least go feed my dogs. At least then I can say that I did something productive this fine Sunday. By the way, a big thank you to the people who keep this site not only up and running, but who make it such a special place to come back to. And another big thank you to the creative folks who continue to come up with these amazing contributions. Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us.

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...Pat Burrell will hit .280, 32, 110

Somebody sounds like Jimmy Rollins/Bretty Myers





Now I'm not gonna call this an unbiased source, considering it's metsblog.com but still, the quotes are straight out of the mouths of the Phillies players. They sure seem to be saying a lot for people who haven't actually won anything. I don't remember the Mets players sounding off like this last year, if I remember correctly they sounded something to the tune of "The Braves are still the team to beat in this division" and "We'll cross that bridge when we get there".

I might be biased and remembering wrong, but this hatred is getting to me.

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It all seems like harmless trash talk just helping the players get through ST.

Honestly, I don't think there's a true "team to beat" in the NL East this season. Every team has major question marks.

The thing that bothers me the most is that the guy spelled "Myers" wrong just about every time.

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It's 4:30am on Monday morning. I'm sitting at my PC coding HTML, organising MP3s and listening to the "Crazy Frog" version of the Axel F soundtrack while wondering how the hell I'm going to manage a 9am-5pm shift at work.

Am I nuts? :lol:

(That's about as random as it gets at this time in the morning.)

Dance, you turds! :shotgun: :wynar: crazy_frog.jpg

:music3: :phones: :party1: :phones: :music3:

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Well, I am a day late.

Spring Training games start this week. Can't wait, nice to have baseball back. Hockey has been boring for me this year. Being a Canadian, I should live and die by hockey, but I am not as big a fan as I used to be.

Healthy debate on this site is great. certain topics are a bit scary, but if debated right, can open eyes to people that are on opposites sides.

Can the Jays starting rotation hold up this summer? I sure hope so. The team will depend on these guys, and they will only have a shot at the playoffs if the pitching holds.

Not much else is going on. Been a pretty quiet week for me. After three snowstorms in three weeks, it is starting to feel like spring outside. Hopefully the worst of winter is over, and I can now look forward to using my pool in a few short months.

See you next week.

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also a day late .

Ive been very stressed lately. Broke up with the girlfriend finally. It was a long time coming. My friends are happy however. Anyways we shared an apt. and now Im looking for a place to live. Technically I could have her look for a place but I just want out as quick as possble. I have a viewing scheduled for Wed. at an apt. thats about 2 miles away. With these developments I can not get a 360, at least without charging for it, until I get everything settled. Im also coming up on finals so I have that too.

But alas, Baseball is back. I bought two bleacher seats for the cubs and astros game. I hope I can go. If I cant I will keep everyone on here posted. Everyone that would be interested that is.

the Buckeyes won the Big Ten in a pretty sloppy game yesterday. They are ranked #1 but it doesnt really seem like they are. I dont think they will go far in the tourney myself. If they play a team like Georgetown I think they will lose. But Im hoping for Final Four. Filling out the brackets ought to be fun as usual.

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Updated to 3-4

...I'm finally on vacation this week. I'll be staying warm, icing my knee, playing Mvp, watching DVD's and doing a whole lot of nothing.

...Congrats again to Raptor and PistonJ92. Trivia questions coming up in a PM box near you soon.

...The only thing I look for in Yankee Spring Training game is not the wins or losses but just to be sure no one gets hurt.

...And I am still hoping someone shows Kyle Farnsworth the door.

...Carl Pavano's first start is today and I got a feeling he's going to be a nice surprise for us this year.

...I think the Philadelphia Eagles made a mistake by letting Jeff Garcia go.

...The NFL draft is next month and already it has crossed my mind on how the Raiders will screw that up.

...I just can't wait for the first time Alfonso Soriano loafs on the ball field this season and Lou Piniella gets in his face.

...Calling out to MarkbtheYankee. Where the heck have you been?

...I have to say it one more time because I love it so much, I'm on vacation. :balloons: :stickman: :stickman:

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...stupid debt from my bank, supposedly after I had put my PS2 on ebay, Ebay decides that it should take 20 dollars out of my bank because nobody bought my junk. After those 20 bucks apparently I had no funds in my bank, so the debt kept growing. I was not aware of this until I made a deposit in my bank and the available balance was a whopping -166 dollars. Yes, I'm 166 dollars short, and every 5 days this debt keeps adding up which sucks for me. I gotta find at least 200 something dollars by the end of the month so I can maintain a positive balance.

...I've made tons of stupid decisions in the past few months and I regret them all. Some were in the spur of the moment, some were just stupid decisions made on horrible reasoning.

...so with my debt, my parents kind of flipped out and said I didn't know how to handle money. I do, but I can't control the temptation to buy something I feel I need at the moment, until now when I realized I don't need the things I bought.

...yesterday my friend moved into a brand new apartment with his family and man his apartment is awesome. I'll be heading back over there today to organize his stuff and help him and his family unpack. So far he has no cable or anything like that so he's been stuck with playing MLB 2K7 and NBA 2K7 on his 30 inch HDTV. I was the first to move out of my neighborhood after 7 long years, but my friend has moved out after a good 15. The best thing about all of this is that the same guys he hung out with since we were 7 are the same guys who helped him and his family move their things to the new apartment 12 years later. Now THAT's love.

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Everyday I'm hustlin', everyday I'm hustlin'...


Just been working. Same ****, different day. I'm on YIM if you're around later on. :)

Baseball is here! :D Reading the Spring Training reports on Yankees.com this week really made it feel like baseball season again.

I found out this week that ohne of the guys I work with it a Blue Jays fan. I'll need to either rectify that, or kill him, at some point this year. ;) Bring on the first Yankees/Blue Jays series this year.

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I have one more week until spring break and then I'm going to Dunedin. I have tickets for 3 games next week, and there's a good chance I'll be there for a fourth. I definitely cannot wait.

300 comes out on Friday and I'm super hyped about this movie. Going to see it IMAX opening night.

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Sundays is the only day my head is clear. Now THAT, is random.



Spend less than ya make.

Set goals. Never give up.

Times will be horrible for you. Times will be great for you. Either way, God still loves you.

Spend time with your family. Invest time with your family. Remember the movie click. You could always be wishing you had time with that special someone.

When you screw up, apologize and be willing to take punishment.

Invest, start a business, whatever it takes to stick it to the man. Then one day you'll BE the man and someone can stick it to you.

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...freakin' awesome! Baseball's back!

...That's about it.

...except check out all the links on my signature.

...no, actually that's still not it: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris augue nunc, suscipit vel, molestie nec, porta ac, dui. Nullam nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam est dolor, sodales vel, lobortis vel.

Felt like I needed to say something.

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