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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Crack is whack.


Not many thoughts today, its sunday, I'm relaxin.

O wait, I got a new 1080i 16:9 32 inch flat screen TV, so now the PS2 looks freakin terrible. I'm pretty upset, but am thinkin of getting a 360, and with the excess of funds in my bank all of a sudden.

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Crack is whack.
Hey, come on man, that's not fair! You should meet some people at my school if you think that's "whack". Besides, that's 100% genuine Lorum Ipsum. Google it if you care.

Anyway, new thought: So I'm sitting at lunch, with exactly 2 semi-jerks and 3 fully certified-jerks. Long story. Anyway, I usually eat a lot of food that's the exact opposite of the school lunches - for example, this day I had some raw, dried seaweed (good stuff), soy milk (I just can't stand regular milk, not because I'm lactose intolerant or something), and dried pineapples. So this one kid brings up that "Well, golly, sheaweed, paanayples, n' shoy milk just don't seem like you gowt a life." (Accent slightly exaggerated.) Anyway, that's one of the dumbest, ignorant things not concerning politics (or at least not directly) I've heard in a long time. Makes me mad. Oh well. Life goes on.

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Totally forgot about this thread this week...

Anyway, my wife and I went for our first ultrasound today. My wife is 12 weeks pregnant with our second child, and because she was on fertility drugs, multiple pregnancies had to be ruled out. Well, there's only one little person in there...I have an 8 year old boy, as some of you know, but there is nothing more beautiful then seeing pictures of your baby while still in the womb. One of the many miracles in life.

Got our taxes back also...don't know what to buy yet. Do know we are putting some of the money towards a nursery.

Played MLB 2K7 on and off this weekend. Love the "graphics" in the replays, like the gameplay...I think this game may grow on me.

Congrats to Raptor and Piston. Good job you guys. Enjoy your time as Moderators.

Thanks to Y4L for putting together the contest. Was a very good idea, and well though out.

Jays are looking good so far in Spring Training...which scares the Hell out of me.

Saw Wild Hogs on the weekend, was actually pretty funny. Going to see a midnight showing of 300, thursday night.

See you next week.

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So, you wanna try "vee oh game" called MLB 2K7? I planned this out. I went to my brother's house, rented the game, and tried the game out. From eamods, comlete with runon sentences, copied and pasted:

"I'll be short.

Rented the Xbox version. Brought it home, got an error message, searched the web, found out I accidentily bought an Xbox version instead of 360 version, went to BlockBuster, asked for an exchange, they agreed and asked for my credit card, I declined saying that I never use cards and that them asking for it sounded fishy, they said my card on their file was expired and I needed to update my card on their file, I objected saying that I NEVER use my credit cards, I pay cash for everything, they said they needed it in case of theft, that the xbox version is valued at 49.99, the 360 version is valued at 60.00, and for the high dollar items they need a credit card in case of theft, I got angry, asked for my money back for renting the xbox game, while they were processing that another clerk goes: it has nothing to do with you, it's not personal, its...

Me: IT HAS EVERYTHING, TO DO WITH ME! I've been renting here for blah blah blah years and all of a sudden you don't trust me?!???

(They'll trust me with a 50 dollar game, but not a 60 dollar game?)

I walked out saying I'm never coming back there again and that I didn't want my money back.

All this, yup, over, a video game.

I waited 2 weeks. For this."

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Updated to 3-11

...On Friday night I saw Wild Hogs, and to echo what DJEagles said, it was pretty funny. Well worth going to. And as an added bonus, the lovely Marisa Tomei is in that movie.

...During the previews I actually had to groan outloud because the totally unfunny Will Ferrell is coming out with yet another movie. This time he plays a figure skater. And like the last movie he made when he was a race car driver, I'll pass.

...This was one *(& fast week. I was on vacation. I loved it. I want more.

...Got Tiger Woods 2007 today. Looks pretty good. I am more used to playing Links, but I will give this a shot.

...It's nice to see that the Bernie Williams watch has gone off the New York writers minds. Move on.

...Can't say the same for Roger Clemens. He just "happened" to be at a Yankee spring game last week and the speculation started again.

...I have to thank you guys for adding to my photo collection in record numbers.

...The new stadiums made by Pirate, Paulw and SeanO recently are nothing short of a work of art.

...Contemplating a trip to Cooperstown in August.

...East coast residents, turn your clock ahead one hour today.

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2 thoughts today:

1) I'm still upset I spent the 14 dollars on an IMAX ticket to 300. What a waste.

2) I'm going to Florida tomorrow!! Can't wait to see the Blue Jays in action!

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...I finally got to see my first live baseball of the season over the past couple of days, and will be seeing another game today. Granted it's college baseball, but it's still fun as heck. Just getting the sniff of baseball gets me excieted.

...I'm in Lexington, KY for the weekend, so I've been going to the UK baseball games. Usually when you say Kentucky, you think of either race horses, or UK basketball. But I have news for everyone, their baseball team is a darn good one. They won their first SEC title last year, and this year they are 14-0. So far in 14 games this season, they have outscored their opponents 185-56 including a 27-0 win yesterday. Not only did they beat the crap out of UT-Martin, but they didn't allow a hit until the top of the 9th. 2 hours into the game they were in the bottom of the 4th inning and UK had already batted around twice that inning.

...I now know why some people have some views about this site. It seems people like to tease/put down others, but when you reverse the tables and do the exact same thing to them they throw a hissy fit and get all torn up and then proceed to "threaten" you. LOL, such hypocrisy is not only sickening but funny at the same time too.

...I hope to finish the wristbands sometime this week. I've just been out of town and not really had the chance to do much on them since I left.

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...I now know why some people have some views about this site. It seems people like to tease/put down others, but when you reverse the tables and do the exact same thing to them they throw a hissy fit and get all torn up and then proceed to "threaten" you. LOL, such hypocrisy is not only sickening but funny at the same time too.

For anyone who's curious as to what this means, check out the hi-res thread and go a few pages back. Mav3rek tried to add some funny captions to his pictures and I had the nerve to say in so many words that I didn't think it was funny. Apparently that was too much for him to handle, so now I'm the number one bad guy on someone else's list around here.

If you don't like how things are here log off and don't come back. I've had it with people like you who don't have the guts to say what you mean and like to *(&)&^* about me. Go over to EAmods and make a thread about how bad you were mistreated because I didn't think you were funny. Yeah, I sent you a PM about this, but my intent was for you to just cool it in that thread and not to make it go off topic. If that's too much for you, again, get out.

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Ever had one of those weekends that just make you think "Wow"? For me, this weekend past was one of those.

Was walking home from work on Friday night and ended up rolling with my man for a few hours after he was on his way to my house to pick me up and we met on the way. Roll on to Saturday, haircut and a shopping trip in the morning and a trip across Scotland to see my girl in the afternoon. Spent a few hours with her (and damn near ended up in a rather illegal situation on a bench in the middle of a shopping centre :lol: ) before heading home again and chilling with the boys on Saturday night. Woke up today, relaxed, went out again and just got home an hour ago - it's now 2:17am and I start work at 8am.

I really need to become a vocal advocate for the 3-day weekend. Bring it on.

(Damn, I love women. :D )

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And now it's time for Momath.

Women + SUV = Starbucks.

Women + Starbucks = SUV.

Starbucks + SUV = Women.

(Women + SUV = Starbucks) + (Women + Starbucks = SUV) + (Starbucks + SUV = Women) = Women.

And my math teacher failed me twice. Pfff.

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A day late...

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy "300", Fred. I loved the movie, can't imagine seeing it on an IMax.

Daylight savings is upon us...Was nice to step outside while at work last night, and see that it was still "light" out at 7:30 pm. Cannot wait for warmer weather to hit.

I have been playing MLB 2K7 more and more...not a bad game. Not great, but certainly not bad.

Still love my MVP Baseball 2005 for the PC though, will not give that up.

Don't forget to play MVP Mods Trivia. We have 10 die-hard players, would be nice to see more.

See you next week.

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Day late as well...

...I've played about 20ish games of 2K7 now. Graphics = amazing. Presentation = pretty damned good. Gameplay = IMO, half as good as MVP. Overall not a bad game, but gameplay to gameplay, MVP is still my choice.

...also saw "300." Not as good as Sin City - but I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind seeing it on IMAX either.

...the world is finally coming back to normal now as baseball has fully taken a hold in my daily activities. Welcome back good sir - it has been far too long.

...the Hi-Res Sports Pic thread is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I'm having fun posting those pictures and don't plan on stopping soon.

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back again. i'm becoming more as a pop in than a regular...i'm jus taking care of a few things.

i went to the braves cardinals game on monday and saw chipper jones get hurt again. at least he's okay. and i'm also going to another game next week with a friend. i live in florida, so we can go to spring training games more easily than a regular season game.

have yet to play mvp 07, but will when i get time this weekend and finish up a few things. i'm still trying to get myself in order, but we're getting there. i may get back into modding depending on how things go.

got my diploma from college, and still wating for transcript. i will start looking for a job at the end of the month. have to enjoy spring training.

still in the boonis. chances of driving are none...i may have to move to a more bike friendly city.

more on sunday.

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Updated to 3-18

...From 60 degree weather on Tuesday to 20 degree weather today with almost a foot of snow. Yeah, that's the Northeast for you. Don't tell us who live here how much it sucks. (We already know.)

...For those of you who don't have the 1994 mod by Hory, take the time to download it and install it. You'll see how baseball was just thirteen years ago. It's a great mod.

...Good luck to Carter and Trues with that competition site that has gone up this week. Lot's of people joining! Get some games in and enjoy that new part of the site.

...No, I didn't join.

...Got to get a cortisone shot in my right knee in about a month. Not looking forward to that at all.

...I'm glad Gary Sheffield is not on the Yankees anymore. This guy never shuts up.

...College basketball to me is more fun to watch than the pro game.

...Do any of you guys think a major trade will happen with any team before opening day?

...The best times in your life are when you are in school. The problem is you don't realize it until that time has passed.

...Send a thanks to your favorite modder today. They are the reason why this site is here today.

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-- I think I like this site more as a user than a moderator.

-- Relationships are hard.

-- Depression sucks the life out of you. You spend all day/night in bed and don't sleep at all.

-- The 94 mod kicks ***. Donate/give thanks if you feel the same way.

-- Happiness feels elusive this morning.

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Florida's been awesome. I've been here about a week now an its been great. I saw the Jays vs. Detroit in Dunedin yesterday, today I drove the 2 hrs to watch them face the Astros in Kissimmee and tomorrow I'm going back to Dunedin to watch the Jays take on the Yankees before I go back to Miami. Its been quite an adventure and I'm loving every minute of it. Plus the Golf courses here are awesome I played a round in Miami last Tuesay.

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Here goes:

...drafting my second fantasy team today. Last time I had lots of resources with like 5 webpages of projections open. This time I'm drafting with nothing except maybe baseball-reference.com for a few... baseball references.

...Nooooooo! I just checked the draft order, and I'm right smack dab in the middle. Since this is a snake round, I'll be in the middle of everything. The last person has more advantage than the middle person, because they have the last pick of the first round and first pick of the second.

...Signs of the apocalypse: "sources" spelled wrong on a towel washing-instruction tag.

...I like this year's Yankee team. Of course, I probably said the same thing about last year's team, and look how they turned out... still, I'm defenitely excited about baseball season!

...Did I mention I was excited about baseball season?

...If global wasrming wasn't real (even though it is), or if we weren't the cause of it, does that mean you would suddenly take care of the environment less?

...Obama in '08! :D

...Check out everything in my sig. Join/read/comment/mourn (for karma)!

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The Jays are looking to dump Jon Thomson already, and replace him with Josh Towers...How come I am starting to worry, and it's only March?

I have a feeling the Jays are going to regress as a team this year, and Thomas will want out by June. Towers will self destruct, we have no reliable back-up catcher, and shortstop is still iffy, even with Clayton...another third place finish for us.

Anyone watching the "Black Donnellys". Excellent show.

Make sure you join in the "Ladder Competition". Carter and Trues have put a lot of work into it. Should be fun, once the games pickup.

See you next week.

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The best times in your life are when you are in school. The problem is you don't realize it until that time has passed.

you got it. bored in the boonies three months after graduation. school was fun alright. i enjoyed most of it and knew this was the best time of my life.

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...Opening Day (not to be confused with that opening night crap - sorry, I still think the first game of the season should be a day game)...t-minus 1 week, 6 days, and some hours.

...although Purdue had other ideas, Florida's still alive for the repeat. Kansas, if both teams make it that far, will be a hell of a Final Four game. if they get to the finals, Florida will take it.

...basically that's it - Opening Day is occupying 98% of my thoughts. can't wait!

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