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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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My one thought of the day has to do with the NCAA tourney. I've been hearing how there was only one good day of basketball among the first 4 (Saturday). As a genuine college basketball fan, I loved every minute of the tourney so far. People can bash the tournament committee all they want, but they have clearly done a fine job so far - no seed higher than a 7 is still left in the tournament. I'm glad there's no George Mason this year. I want only teams that have a serious chance of winning the national championship in the Sweet 16. You can not tell me George Mason was one of the best 4 teams last year in college basketball. The tournament has been perfect so far in my eyes, and I can't wait for Thursday to watch more of it.

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Updated to 3-25

...One week from today baseball season starts!! Isn't that great? It will be the Mets at the Cardinals at 8:05 pm EST. Probably on ESPN. Whatever happened to the Reds kicking off the season with a day game in Cincinnati?

...Probably the best uniform in the National Hockey League has to be the one the Montreal Canadians wear. Of course, many of you here will debate this.

...The only good thing about the injury to Chien-Ming Wang, if you can call it a good thing, is this hamstring injury happened right now instead of during the pennant race.

...The guy that wrote this article made some good points about the increased urgency of the Yankees getting Roger Clemens. Personally, I hope the guy stays retired because I'm sick of looking at him.

...It has been four straight days since I have walked on snow. What a nice feeling.

...Mvp baseball is at its most enjoyable when you are playing it against someone on here online.

...I tried Tiger Woods 2007 but I still like the Links series. Also, I have CD's full of courses for that game from here so I am all set.

...I don't like it when people come up to me and say "try this, you'll like it" when I know I don't.

...I have a niece on Saturday who will be turning twelve years old. Where has the time gone?

...The conclusion of the NCAA tournament is going to make the rest of this week fly by.

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...MLB 07 The Show(PS2) is growing on me big time. Mostly thanks to the great pitching interface. The franchise bug still sucks. So does the lack of roster editing.(it can be done, but its a pain in the butt) With some creative slider tweaking, it plays pretty close to MVP.

...I've switched to bottled beer only. No more cans.

...Taking a year off from playing (real) baseball. This will be the first season Ive missed since I took a year off to coach legion ball in 1993. My legs and my shoulder can use a break. Plus Im going to be swamped at work this summer. Plus Im fat.

...Its supposed to be 89 here today. Not liking that much.

...Subscribed to DirecTV and the MLB Extra Innings package. Wired up a box in my garage. The wife and kids each get their own room in the new house, the garage is mine. Now I need to go buy a recliner and a little fridge.

...I wish there were more Royals on the Pic of the Day.

...I used to be a big hockey(Avalanche) and college football(CSU Rams) fan, but my interest has declined in recent years. Now its pretty much all baseball.

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i've been going to quite a few spring training games the past couple of weeks, and i think my photography skills are getting much better than before.

today was one of the first days it felt like true spring bliss. now i'm wating for the regular season to start so the games mean something. i'm tired of basketball non stop. but college baseball is nice.

but i'm going to one more game on wedesnday before that date...

i keep forgetting that my friends still have school sometimes, as i'm in post graduate mode, and my friends are ultra busy with their projects and stuff. i actually helped one of my best friends big time on his project, and he did very well, but he's still stressed, like most of my fellow classmates that started out with me.

but i'm still mad at the school for opening the library right after i graduate (liars).

i think i'm ready to get back into mvp again, i have the time this year, just need to finish up some loose ends first.

waiting for opening day now...get here soon...

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... The Redwings lost that shootout on the most bogus calls ever. the one they called a goal, the puck came in the net like 5 seconds after the ref declared it no goal and the play over. And then, the puck clearly was in when the wings shot, but, no goal

... I'm really getting into basketball. I've been playing it all the time now.

... I can't wait for baseball to start.

.... I just had to make a Cookbook for Home Ec.(don't ask) And it took me like 5 hours.

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Not Much is new, but here goes:

Went to a birthday party for my cousin last night. My brother and I bought a quart of Jagrmeister...don't remember much, accept my wife driving my drunk *** home.

Leaving to take my son to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Should be good for a laugh. He is 8 now, and has kind of grown put of them, but he still wants to see this.

Baseball for real next week. Can't wait! Love this time of year...before you know it, it will be October, and we all will be reminiscing about the season that was.

My wife is starting to look pregnant. Starting to get a little belly. It suits her...I am a lucky man.

See you all next week.

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Not that much:

...can't wait to see Yankees in action

...Wang is injured and won't play until late April ****!

...still playing MVP and MLB 2K7 is crap

...just win a (real) baseball game 14-1

...i like the new portraits

...a week until opening day!This months without baseball just flew away and this year is the Yankees year!i'm sure!

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...baseball. Happiness.

...Yankee season: not starting to good. Two starters injured. My stomach doesn't feel so good... Nervousness.

...OSU headed to final four. Happiness.

...Georgetown good match to be OSU. Nervousness.

...I discovered http://www.uniwatchblog.com about a week ago, and I've been reading it almost every day, it's really quite cool.

...Just so people know I'm not an impostor: ditto.

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...This week: I'm gonna make my random thoughts just commentary on other peoples random thoughts :D

...I don't know whether or not abc is an impostor, but I sure do like his avatar, the sprial is very nice.

...MLB 2K7 is not crap, but it's noooo MVP.

...Wang being injured sucks, a whole lot, cause the Yanks can sure use him, and I too can't wait to see a live game.

...The Red Wings did get screwed on that call, but it's not like they need the points too badly.

...We could use more Royals for POTD, mostly though Alex Gordon cause I really can't think of many more Royals worthy of it.

...I really do miss seeing the Reds lead off the season, it's just tradition, coming from one of the fans in the younger group on mvpmods this should be a sign of the kinda fan I am.

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...This week: I'm gonna make my random thoughts just commentary on other peoples random thoughts :D

Nice idea. Good job.

...We could use more Royals for POTD, mostly though Alex Gordon cause I really can't think of many more Royals worthy of it.

Yeah, I guess so. But what's stopping Ace152 (the guy who posted this thought) from posting Royals photos himself? I won't do it because of one reason. I hate the Royals.

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Updated to 4-1

...It's here! Opening day (well really opening night) for Major League Baseball. Even though I won't be able to watch the Yankees live until Wednesday, I am going to be watching as much baseball as I can this week. :stickman:

...I am up in the air right now about buying the MLB Extra Innings package. The good thing about it is that I can see a lot of games but the reality of it is that I only tune into YES.

...Count me in for someone who is happy that Carl Pavano is pitching tomorrow for the Yanks. We need him because he does have a good right arm.

...Each year at this time I try to think of something nice to say about the Red Sox because of the start of another season. Right now I can't think of anything.

...Every once in awhile I play non-sports games. I just got this game from a website called Big Fish Games and this game is called Abra Academy. You have to go around looking for hidden objects in a picture. It's a good looking game as you can see by that screenshot.

...Today's April Fools Day, which immediately makes me think of Alfonso Soriano, the clown prince of laziness.

...If I have to beg you Mr. Fuzzone, I will. Please release Total Classics Phase 7. You and TeamFUZZ are the best.

...Forget it, I can't think of anything nice to say about the Red Sox. :wall:

...Oh, A-Rod? Knock the cover off the ball this year so you shut up those people who boo for no reason at all.

...Next week I may not be here for the Random Thoughts, so you guys just can handle it then without me. I might be going out of town for Easter, but it is not certain yet.

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...One. More. Game.

...Penguins are in the playoffs. That means I can finally watch them this season. Can't wait to see how the kids do in that environment.

...and, of course, baseball is here. I'm still of the mind that the first game of the season should be a day game; but I'll take what I can get.

...and here's something nice you can say about the Red Sox Y4L:

they aren't the Dodgers.

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O-P-E-N-I-N-G D-A-Y!!!!!!!!!

As Borat would say, "Verrryyyyy Niiicccceeeee!!!!!!!!"

I have to work until 9:00pm, so I will miss the first half an hour of the Mets and cards tonight. I will get home, open a beer and watch what will be the only National League game I see this season.

Tomorrow, the Jays play at 2:05pm AST. I will see the first hour, and then have to go to work. Blahhhh! Next year I am taking my vacation the first week of baseball season.

The New York Rangers are scaring me. I would love to see them make the playoffs, and not see them get bounced out of the first round. They are in 7th place, barely clinging to their playoff lives.

April.1! Thank goodness spring is here in full swing. Can't wait for summer. It was nice driving to work yesterday with the windows down, listening to the Jays and Reds on the radio.

Easter is next weekend. Damn that Bunny to hell.

See you all next week.

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...we've waited 6 months but finally,today is opening day!

...i'm really happy for Pavano,even if i don't like him.

...the Red Sox will have another losing year.

...today is April fools day and D-unit just fooled us on the Yankees thread.

...will Pettitte pitch in his first start?

...i like the total Milb pack that Kccitystar is making.

...from Thursday to Monday i'm going to France so i won't see the first week of the season but at least i can see the Yankess home opener.

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The New York Rangers are scaring me. I would love to see them make the playoffs, and not see them get bounced out of the first round. They are in 7th place, barely clinging to their playoff lives.

BOO! Leafs need to beat them tonight to get in the playoffs. Leafs are 9th, (1 pt back of MTL and 2 pts back from NY). If the Leafs win, we're in (tied for 7th). Go LEAFS GO! :D

Opening day is here.

Tomorrow I'm going to have to sneak in a portable radio into class so I can listen to the Jays game. Either that or I'll have to tape it and cut myself of from the world. :)

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...I have a pain in my jaw that rears its ugly head every morning around 2AM up to 7AM. I cannot sleep at all, and I am out of painkillers. The reason why I have this jaw pain is because my wisdom teeth are coming out, and even though the bottom set came out fine, my top set are coming out wrong, they're coming out sideways, hurting the teeth that are already present in my mouth. I can't see a dentist yet b/c my health insurance has not sent me my medical card or whatever it is that they send you.

I'm about to drive up to Canada and have them take care of my wisdom teeth. Free health insurance FTW

...Total MiLB is going to be delayed. Why is that? Well, there is NO press coverage of the MiLB games yet since the season has not started, and a majority of the team websites will be absorbed into MiLB.com similar to how the team websites were bought out by MLB.com and absorbed into their system. Also, many teams have new logos such as the Syracuse Chiefs, Mud Hens, etc. and they have not showed up in the MiLB.com stores. I'm expecting this mod to be released by the All-Star Break, maybe earlier but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

...I'll be going tomorrow to see Pavano abuse the Devil Rays at Yankee Stadium for Opening Day. I just want to see how the stadium will react when Pavano is announced warming up in the bullpen, and just how they will react when A-Rod hits a shot out of Yankee Stadium, will they consider it stat-padding and being a distraction, or will they cheer as if it was Jeter who did it? Who knows.

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...One. More. Game.
...Ex. act. ly. Only... I think we want different results. ;)

...BASEBALL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy.

...Blog is running very well, more than I'd imagined it to be. Only thing that's annoying me: I'm getting about 10 views per day, but in a whole month not a single comment in it. Kind of bugs me, but I'd rather take lots of views and no comments than one view and one comment. Speaking of which, should have a new post in about an hour or so. Stay tuned.

...BASEBALL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I felt it had to be emphasized a bit.

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I don't write comments on it because I don't want to enter my email address because I'll probably get junk from that site.
Actually, I've found wordpress to be very reliable. They're basically non-profit (their stuff is free), they don't really have any affiliates, let alone marketing deals, and it's run by actual people rather than just a company whose sole objective is to make more profit. Still, I see where you're coming from, I hardly ever give my e-mail for those types of things.
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Not updated cause Y4L is out of town, but I'll post some random thoughts.

...I'm enjoying my switch from Windows, Mac is versatile and easy to use, and makes stupid complex things into simple things to do.

...Mets just lost to the Braves, Unkie Mo, jump in and taunt.

...I'm going to go camp out in front of Rockefeller Center on April 28th, starting at around 3AM, because that way I can hopefully be one of the first online to get tickets to the draft. Once that happens, we (my friend and I) get tickets to next years draft if we stay for both days in it's entirity.

...Very funny column, of what to expect for the season coming


...Dear God, it's snowing in April, who says Global Warming is real ;)

...Michael Kay announced that Passover is over today, so I'm glad to see that I can eat bread again, oh, wait, it ends on Tuesday, oops.

...I have to go back to school on Wednesday, so I'm gonna go relax.

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