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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...how nice is it that BASEBALL IS BACK!!!

...but how crappy is it that it's still f'n snowing and postponing games.

...Florida. 3 National Championships. 12 months. Oh it's great to be a Florida Gator.

...MLB got forced into doing the right thing - Extra Innings back on cable.

...Happy Easter all.

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Happy Easter Everyone!

Been playing the Nintendo Wii none stop with my 8 year old son. He is whipping my *** in bowling. Has to be the funnest system I have ever used. Well worth the money.

The Jays had an up and down week, but so did the rest of the AL East. Everyone's pitching has looked average, with Dice-K being the only dominant pitcher so far in the East. Although Halladay has looked good.

Oh Y4L, where are you?

Less then a month until Spiderman 3...can't wait!

See you next week.

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Updated to 4-8 (really 4-9)

...Thank God I am home. I don't like driving long periods of time and for me that means more than twenty minutes.

...I'm walking like a mummy right now because I slept for two nights on a bed that should have been thrown out twenty years ago.

...I had to watch more of the PGA golf yesterday than the Yankee game. It's just another example of the bad weekend I had.

...There was more snow on the way down there then there was in December when we went for Christmas.

...What's Easter dinner without having leg of lamb? I found out yesterday. :(

...I'd rather be a Red Sox fan than live in my wife's hometown. Think about that for a second.

...I didn't complain about everything this weekend. I mean, we left on time today to come home. :lol:

...I was able to log on here for about five minutes yesterday. But then the computer was taken over because someone had to play some new music videos.

...Is TC 7 close to coming out yet?

...Ok, time for a nap. I am bushed.

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...Spring Break!

...I have been eating nothing but matzo, kugul, and gefiltefish the last few week. Somehow, I'm not completely sick of it yet.

...mlb.tv is getting more and more annoying. First they make this extremely idiotic rule where you have to put your credit card information every time you watch a game to make sure you aren't getting a blacked out game. Then, lately the video has been skipping slightly - the sound is normal but the picture skips, and it continues like that for some unexplainable reason until something like a commercial break. Good thing I didn't get the "premium" because supposedly the video quality isn't as good as they say it is, and that the "mosaic" has serious glitches.

...blog has been slow lately, but I'm still working out it.

...Did I mention mlb.tv sucks? It just completely stopped on me, and now when I want to switch to another game, it asks for the credit card info again.

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Updated to 4-15

... What a difference a week makes. Last week I was bored out of my mind on Easter Sunday, away from home, no computer, no laptop, nothing at all. It's like I was transported back to 1979. Thank God I'm home.

...Yesterday's Yankee win over Oakland (or should I say earlier this morning) in 13 innings was a game that showed how good this bullpen can be. And if Darrell Rasner had some decent defense behind him, he would have won the game. Too bad I didn't see Giambi's homer, since I was fast asleep. :lol:

...Speaking of errors, Jeter now has five on the season. Go figure.

...Total Classics Phase 7 is out and it is just as good, if not better, then I was expecting. Grab that mod today and you will love it.

...Nice to see that Pacman Jones jackass being suspended for the 2007 season.

...What a way to start the season Alfonso Soriano, you crook. A .233 average, no homeruns and one RBI. Yeah, you are worth 136 million.. :w00t:

...Isn't it about time for Britney Spears to get back in the spotlight by doing something outrageous? Who knows what she'll come up with next?

...R.I.P Don Ho, a good man who made tourists welcome from all over the world to a place that I really miss.

...I am very worried about this storm that is supposed to be coming tonight or early tomorrow. I hope it misses us completely. If it has to storm, let it be in Boston. :lol: :loco:

...Welcome RaptorQuiz to the staff. I'm sure everyone here on the forums will wish you luck, with the exception of UncleMo. Don't worry man, you got it made. Mark and I get the blame for everything. :gack:

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Wow, the middle of April already. The Major League season is two weeks old, and the Jays have showed flashes of brilliance, and flashes of complete mediocrity. Should be interesting to see which team is playing in September.

Speaking of mediocrity, what the heck is up with B.J. Ryan??? I am sure he will be fine, but he isn't having the start to the season I though he would.

Took a second job for the summer and fall months. Head of catering, dining room at a golf course close to home. The money isn't fantastic, the tips are supposed to be good, but what hooked me, was the free golf membership! Can't wait to hit the links...would be nice for the snow to end though!

Welcome to the staff RaptorQuiz. A very nice addition to an already great place.

Anyone else been watching the new season of The Shield? Powerful stuff so far. The best hour of drama on television.

Don Imus is an ***.

See you all next week.

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...Nice to see that Pacman Jones jackass being suspended for the 2007 season.

It's about time he was suspended. I heard on Sportscenter yesterday that he thought the suspension was unjust, and I couldn't help but laugh at the guy. He should be in prison, not in the NFL.

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...an APB has been put out on the Giants offense. I'm not optimistic on anyone finding it.

...it's great to have baseball back though - and how great it is to be able to sit on the couch and watch some games on Extra Innings - THROUGH CABLE!

...as DJ alluded to, The Shield is back!! Greatest show on TV.

...I've now gained 100 pounds since I started working out. Feels great - and the reactions from the ladies makes the fact that I've had to continuely buy new wardrobes worth it. :D

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Here's my main issue right now, why have designers wasted the greatest flurry of new sports architecture in history with horrible neoclassical garbage? We could've had Shahktar or San Nicola or Kauffman or Arrowhead or Dublin or even freaking San Miro, but instead we have Petco, GABP and Safeco. It's horrifying.

Why is our nation so dedicated to crap? We were once a great nation, why do we so revel in mediocrity?

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Why is our nation so dedicated to crap? We were once a great nation, why do we so revel in mediocrity?

My guess is that no one wants to stick their neck out and take chances. They just want to do what they can to get by.

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Y4L, is there anything you want to talk about in PM? What is meant by Unclecrybaby when I haven't complained about anything? Ask RQ yourself-literally. We have nothing between us, so you stirring the pot is a little surprising, and I don't appreciate your jab. I could have sworn you weren't holding a grudge against me and I have long, long forgiven you. If I've done anything to make you mad or upset you, please, don't take it public and make unwarrented remarks in negative light against me. Use the PM if you don't mind and talk there. Whatever I've done to make you have anything against me, sorry.

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....New DX10 cards come out next week (some stores already selling them I know but not newegg) Im interested only because I want to upgrade my card from a BFG 7600gt and know I will want to get a DX10 later down the road. The two slot cards won't fit in my case either so the 8600gts looks like the way to go. So get the card and then upgrade to Vista later. Hmmm decisions, decisions.

....Need to get a washer and dryer for my apt. Glad to see this 10% Lowes coupon I got in the mail yesterday. Should pay for the taxes and delivery.

....I can't wait for the NFL draft to be here and over with. I can't take anymore mock drafts on ESPN.

....Cubs on WGN at 2 oclock. Hope Soriano hits a hr or something.

....Putting off my school assignments for another day, again.

....Sopranos on tonight. Christopher was in the last one for 2 secs. Whats up with that?

....Feels like a Pizzahut/wingstreet night tonight

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Y4L, is there anything you want to talk about in PM? What is meant by Unclecrybaby when I haven't complained about anything? Ask RQ yourself-literally. We have nothing between us, so you stirring the pot is a little surprising, and I don't appreciate your jab. I could have sworn you weren't holding a grudge against me and I have long, long forgiven you. If I've done anything to make you mad or upset you, please, don't take it public and make unwarrented remarks in negative light against me. Use the PM if you don't mind and talk there. Whatever I've done to make you have anything against me, sorry.

You know something UncleMo? I won't send you a PM since I made this comment here in public, so I will put my response out here in public.

Sometimes when you try to be funny, it turns out not to be the case. This is how it was here. I have no out and out purpose to "stir the pot" as you say, but it sure as heck looked like it on your end of things, and for that I am sorry. I can fully understand your surprise when you read it and the questions you brought forth because of it. For that, I am sorry. I am also sorry for this poor attempt at humor and for it being directed at you. What I will do is go and edit my post and take out that word for you.

Enjoy your week man, and again I am sorry.

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...Final day of vacations ****

...We had great news in the MVP Caribbean Thread. One of our Spanish-modders contacted an ESPN columnist of Dominican Republic asking him if he can send us some Season Numbers of the players, the next day we got a response, he said yes and he send us a lot of information about the dominican republic players and now the project is up to 60%. But we need help with the calendars :(

...Why a lot of baseball games were Postponed?. Is there a big storm in the Northeast of the US?


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This huge weather system has moved from the Midwest to the East, bringing tons of rain along the way, hence all the rainouts/snowouts.
That's why I don't get to see my Phillies all wearing #42. That would be an annoucer's nightmare!
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You know something UncleMo? I won't send you a PM since I made this comment here in public, so I will put my response out here in public.

Sometimes when you try to be funny, it turns out not to be the case. This is how it was here. I have no out and out purpose to "stir the pot" as you say, but it sure as heck looked like it on your end of things, and for that I am sorry. I can fully understand your surprise when you read it and the questions you brought forth because of it. For that, I am sorry. I am also sorry for this poor attempt at humor and for it being directed at you. What I will do is go and edit my post and take out that word for you.

Enjoy your week man, and again I am sorry.

If that is you doing a Mo joke then it only further shows how stupid my jokes are when I only end up making people mad when I wasn't trying to be. So a taste of my own medicine is usually in order.

If you do have something against me I sure hope you won't in the future. Really, I don't just say that to you but everyone.

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...Final day of vacations ****

...We had great news in the MVP Caribbean Thread. One of our Spanish-modders contacted an ESPN columnist of Dominican Republic asking him if he can send us some Season Numbers of the players, the next day we got a response, he said yes and he send us a lot of information about the dominican republic players and now the project is up to 60%. But we need help with the calendars :(

...Why a lot of baseball games were Postponed?. Is there a big storm in the Northeast of the US?


Nice work! I find myself looking forward to this mod, even though, to be honest, I know nothing about the League.

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What I wrote got deleted when the site temporarily was down, so I'll summarize it quickly:

...UGH. I hate Marco Scutaro.

...Blog's been slow lately, no need to worry.

...Sig Competition probably coming soon, stay tuned.

...Check out everything in my sig.

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Updated to 4-22

...These last two games at Fenway Park have been terrible and tonight doesn't look any better either. The Yankees are too beat up right now.

...And I think people are over reacting too much about Mariano Rivera. He goes through tough periods like this every so often, usually at the start of the season.

...Man, things have been good in Alfonso Soriano's world lately. He's been hurt so he couldn't play. That meant he didn't have to make any effort to do anything and he still got paid.

...Yes, I do hate that guy as much as you think I do.

...Try out the new song lyric thread located also in this left field forum area. Basically you give a song lyric and have the others guess the song. I've only been able to guess one song so far, so I'm not that good.

...This Virginia Tech incident is still on my mind. :(

...The weather around here was fantastic yesterday. Hardly anyone was in their house because it was so nice out. I really believe that the people who live in the Northeast part of this country (and believe me, this is a terrible area to live in) know how to enjoy good weather better than anyone around simply because we hardly get any of it.

...Maybe it's just me, but take a look at Manny Ramirez' hair the next chance you get. To me it looks terrible.

...Vacation countdown: three more weeks until the promised land.

...Don't forget to tune into the sig competition here and at EAmods. The artistic work from these guys who compete in it will amaze you.

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...the Giants have fought back to .500 after a horrible start. The starting pitching, like I figured, has been good. But the offense, like I also suspected, hasn't. Despite the Bums quick start, I still think that it will only take 85 or so wins to take the West. But, then again, I still don't know if this offense can do enough to ensure 85.

...Lincecum has been absolutely dominate so far in Fresno (AAA). 18.2 innings - nine hits - 28 K - 5 BB - 0.00 ERA. If he continues, I can't see keeping him down past June 1.

...the Pens lost in the first round. But it's still quite an accomplishment for them to turn around from last year to a playoff team this year. And apparently Crosby has had a broken foot for the last month. I look foward to seeing how they do next season.

...nice weather is finally here. I was past fed up with winter.

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-have the first practice with my new team in Bham. I told my wife all winter that I was hanging up the spikes, but couldnt resist attending a new player workout/tryout last sunday. Ended up getting picked in the 1st round(5th overall). My arm is shredded however. Im fat too.

-Calgary/Detroit should be VERY good tonight

-The Thermals "The Body, The Blood, The Machine" has been in my truck CD player nearly non stop since its release last fall. GREAT ALBUM(if punk/indy stuff is your thing)

-The "riser" is the most devastating pitch in the world of Wiffleball. Freaking unhittable.

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