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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Hm, anything happened to Coco Crisp yet?

The two weeks after you put that sig up, he hit .375. Keep it there!

Unbelievable win today, just incredible. this team never dies until the last out is made.

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The two weeks after you put that sig up, he hit .375. Keep it there!

Unbelievable win today, just incredible. this team never dies until the last out is made.

Huh? They won? Guys, i'm going to die.

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Updated to 5-20

...What a "vacation." Let's just say it was unique and leave it at that. I just hope the next one in August is a lot better.

...One thing I always notice when I am on vacation is that there are a ton of people out and about that have nothing to do. That's their everyday life and I only get to share in it every once in awhile. Well yeah, I'm jealous. :)

...Uninspired. Listless. Lazy. Lackadaisical. No, I'm not talking about Alfonso Soriano this time. I'm talking about New York Yankees. That's exactly how they've been playing. :headache:

...I won't lie to anyone in saying I am not worried about how this season is going so far because I am.

...Tyler Clippard starts tonight for the Yankees, another rookie. I just hope he doesn't break a leg or a finger. That's just how this season has been going.

...I would like to thank DJeagles for his time as a Yankee fan and would hope that he would spend equal time soon being a Red Sox fan.

...This Mvpmods toolbar is a great addition to my Firefox browser. Give it a shot!

...The audio in Mvp Baseball has always been very important to me. Not counting the announcers of course, the two audio mods I use and recommend to get the most enjoyment out of this game is UncleMo's best dang mod and the Organ mod made by someone called The_Betz. If you use both of them in 07 you won't be sorry.

...I think I might give Virtua Tennis 3 for PC a shot when it comes out.

...Next week I will be out of town at this time so if someone can come in here and do this, I would appreciate it. All are welcome, of course. Have a great week.

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...This may sound strange, but yesterday was a solid loss. Except for the bad pitching, there was just a lot of flat-out bad luck, and they also did something they haven't been doing since early in the season, and that's at least attempt a comeback.

...Four things essential for a happy life: baseball, music, peanut butter, and silly putty. And kiwis. Kiwis are also good.

...check out everything in my sig! You could win a million dollars! If you happen to win the lottery or something, not by clicking on the links.

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...Going to the Phillies game today. Leaving early to see some batting practice and to just hang around the park. Sometimes seeing a game by yourself isn't so bad.

...Adam Eaton is going to go 6 IP give up 8 hits, while allowing 3 runs, and striking out 5. Book it!

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...This may sound strange, but yesterday was a solid loss. Except for the bad pitching, there was just a lot of flat-out bad luck, and they also did something they haven't been doing since early in the season, and that's at least attempt a comeback.

No, that made perfect sense to me. They finally showed a little life. Maybe it will start something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to 5-27 (really 5-28)

...Just when I think things are really boring, I go out of town to the in-laws and I find I am wrong.

...Every single time I am on the New York State thruway I can be sure of two things: hardly seeing a Trooper when you really need one and always, and I mean always, seeing an ONTARIO license plate.

...Why is every barn in the world painted red?

...Every idiot who wants a job and is between the ages of 18 and 22 must work at the thruway roadside reststops just so they can annoy the motorists.

...Superman had Kryptonite that he couldn't handle. For me, it's annoying three year olds that repeat "Why?", "Why?", "Why?" thirty times in a row without stopping. I literally had to leave the house yesterday to avoid hearing this. For anyone that is currently living through this at home, I pity you.

...$3.12 a gallon for gas leaving home Saturday. I won't be doing any summer traveling because of this.

...One good thing about this weekend was that I got a free haircut for the summer. My sister-in-law is a stylist so she does my hair for free.

...I was at a house yesterday where they have the DirectTV pass for Nascar so you can follow a certain driver for the entire race. Was it interesting to see? Of course not!!!

...Now who didn't expect the Yankees to play dead for the Angels? They make me sick.

...And I don't care what player gets the boot after this sorry season is done. That team has no heart.

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$3.12 a gallon for gas leaving home Saturday. I won't be doing any summer traveling because of this.

That's cheap. It's going for $3.19 for regular, and $3.35 for premium here.

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...$3.12 a gallon for gas leaving home Saturday. I won't be doing any summer traveling because of this.

Tell me about it. $3.28 a couple days ago when I filled up.

...Now who didn't expect the Yankees to play dead for the Angels? They make me sick.

...And I don't care what player gets the boot after this sorry season is done. That team has no heart.

The Yankees seem to be doing to you what the Cardinals are doing to me right now.

How did the Cards just lose 2 of 3 to the pitiful Nationals and just get spanked by the Rockies today? The team proved it could pitch early-on, then proved it could hit just recently... so why do they refuse to do them both at the same time?

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Wow, it's cheap there. 3.45 here.

Now's the time to buy a diesel!

No way. The gas mileage is not better (huge myth) - and the diesel isn't any cheaper than gas anymore.

As much as I don't want a hybrid... there may not be a choice any longer.

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No way. The gas mileage is not better (huge myth) - and the diesel isn't any cheaper than gas anymore.

As much as I don't want a hybrid... there may not be a choice any longer.

Diesel is the same price as premium here. I guess I'm going to have to get the old bicycle out.

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Diesel here is 2.95, 50 cents cheaper than unleaded.

And I'm not sure where you've heard that it's a myth. Diesel provides 25-30% better fuel economy.

I haven't heard that it's a myth. It's my experience that it's a myth. I work on 'em all day long. There's a diesel Jeep Cherokee, and several conventional-gasoline Jeep Cherokees.

Jeep advertises the diesel will get 20 city / 24 hwy MPG, while the regular gasoline motor (4.7 V8) will get 15 city / 20 hwy. The various customers I have come in say they actually get close to those values w/ the gas motor, but the diesel buyers say they usually get closer to the same values (15/20) instead of the 20/24. And with so many vehicles being offered in diesel lately, it's no wonder diesel price has shot up in price (comparitively).

Around here (STL) it's really not much cheaper - in fact, on occasion lately, it's been more than standard gasoline (never stays that way, tho).

I'm not against diesel or anything, it's just that the "cleaner" they make it, the crappier MPG it gets (defeating the purpose)... and then the extra cost of buying and maintaining one (oil changes are significantly more expensive, etc) are hard to justify.

Like I said.

It's a matter of time before I'm forced to consider a hybrid.

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Updated to 6-3

...So, how about them Yankees?? :( :(

...The best Yankee games that I watch are the ones where Michael Kay is not around.

...That Clemens guy is a team player. He hasn't been on the active roster yet and he went and got himself hurt just to be one of the guys.

...The trouble with the Yankee-Red Sox games is that they are too damn long. Yesterday's crappy game ended close to 8 pm east coast time.

...Bobby Abreu gets paid 15 million dollars and is afraid of the outfield walls? Sounds like a bargain to me. :yernuts:

...And all the horse**** that A-Rod gets from the press, not one member of the press got on Abreu for the terrible play he made in the 7th yesterday that turned the entire game around.

...Watching Lebron James play basketball in these playoffs (from the short bit that I have been tuning in) is impressive. And he's only 22 years old. Wow.

...I'm kind of psyched. I am going to go see the Scranton Yankees today. I'll try to get some photos of the Yankees and various other important things, like girls in the stands. This will be my first live baseball game I will be going to since 2005.

...Who's winning in the NHL playoffs? Shows how much I watch and care.

...What is it with old people and garage sales? It's like there is a magnetic attraction that makes them go to every one of them.

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I'll never understand how Abreu can put on that HR Derby show he did in the All-Star contest, and not show anywhere close to that kind of power in the season. What is wrong with this picture!

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...Why A-Rod was selected as an option for the "Latin Stars" 3B in Espn Deportes if he has only played in 3B only 3 seasons, he was born on the US and he played for the US in the WBC...

...The flying pizza in fenway park video is great. Here are the links:



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only paid 3.25 for decent gas yesterday.

I love how the mariners are playing

Seeing Edgar yesterday at Safeco really was a nice feeling

I loved the weather that was in the mid-80s and sunny all week.

sadly now its cloudy, still 80 but i hear thunder

About time i got my 1st ball of the year, only took 9 games to get it. Thank you texas ranger with alot of black hair who decided to hit one 10 rows up in sec 108 during BP

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Updated to 6-10

...Look who's playing better baseball now!! Welcome to the 2007 season Yankees. It's about time.

...I'm glad Melky Cabrera has finally had a chance to play regular now.

...Let the complaining about Roger Clemens officially begin.

...I guess Barry Zito is finding out that he still isn't that good even though he's playing across the bay now. Although with a lot more money.

...Say, I wonder what Paris Hilton is doing right now? :lol: :lol:

...Speaking of going to jail, Kyle Farnsworth should go to one for impersonating a major league baseball player.

...I like the new blog and wallpaper sections that were introduced this week.

...Like most people here, I am very interested in what Kraw means by the new T.I.T. project he has up his sleeve. At least his picture has everyone's attention! :) If I had to make a guess, I bet T.I.T. means "total installation tool" or something like that.

...The artistic genius that is paulw released Classic Yankee Stadium version 5 yesterday. Everything this guy has ever done has been superb. Thank you once again for what you do Paul!

...Each day that goes by makes me hate the Red Sox and anything that has to do with them even more. I can't even watch the pregame show on NESN.

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