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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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As much as I don't want a hybrid... there may not be a choice any longer.

From what I have read, over the life of the car a hybrid offers no benefit in terms of money saved. Something to do with replacing the batteries, engine parts, etc.

Maybe they will fix this in future models but that's what I have read.

Here's the article I was mentioning...


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...I'm off to Italy for the summer! Maybe supercuic can give me some advice.

...The Yankees are starting to play like a real ball club. Hope they keep it up.

...I hate inconsistent umpires. Either be consistently good, or consistently bad, don't keep calling the same pitch differently every time.

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From what I have read, over the life of the car a hybrid offers no benefit in terms of money saved. Something to do with replacing the batteries, engine parts, etc.

Maybe they will fix this in future models but that's what I have read.

Here's the article I was mentioning...


Not to mention the $3-4K premium you pay for a hybrid. In California, apparently you no longer get the advantage of being able to drive in the carpool lanes with only a driver and a hybrid now, too.

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God the Reds suck

boy did The Trade work out well or what

I now understand why the call Majewski the Magic Man

It takes one hell of a trick to have a 11+ ERA and a .500 BAA and still remain on a Major League roster

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If Matt Cain called a press conference tonight and called all his teammates pieces of ****, I'd probably buy him a steak dinner.

Go Padres!!! Hope we're 20 games out by July 1. Hell, Sabean would still probably try to trade one of our young pitchers thinking we're one piece away.

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Hey Sfgiants: Kyle Farnsworth is the answer for your team. Go get him. The Yankees will even give him the plane ticket out to California.

I hate Farnsworthless. The only thing that i like about Farnsworthless is...is...is...i don't know. I hate his glasses too.

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...I'm glad Melky Cabrera has finally had a chance to play regular now.

Yep, and from what I've been seeing, he's not been doing too shabbily, either. Some nice fielding plays.

...Like most people here, I am very interested in what Kraw means by the new T.I.T. project he has up his sleeve. At least his picture has everyone's attention! :) If I had to make a guess, I bet T.I.T. means "total installation tool" or something like that.

Total Installer Thingy.

Random thoughts;

First time I've done this for a while. Not had a lot of spare time recently.

Really good to see the Yankees get their acts together.

Ever notice how sometimes it only takes a small message from someone you care about to brighten your day up? If I had a song for "Favourite Things" like in The Sound Of Music, that would be in there.

Best friend/brother's birthday yesterday, had a good, but late, night out in town. He'll only be technically older than me for another 4 months and 8 days, but I'm taking every opportunity to call him an old bastage anyway. :D

Spent today doing this with my aforementioned friend for his sister's house;


And completely disregarding this sign;


To dump somewhere close to a ton of grass, earth, rocks and random other crap in these bushes. This was the last set, where we actually tossed the bags as well. There were piles of earth everywhere.


The above resulted in these as well. Now I just need to spend an hour or so in the bath to get the crap out from under my fingernails and rest the old muscles...hopefully they won't hurt too much tomorrow! Can't even make a fist right now...


But hey, the fresh air is good! :lol:

Up in 6 hours for work again...if I hear the word "capacitor" tomorrow I might develop a strange habit of hitting "release" on my desk phone.

If you haven't already seen it, check out The Pursuit Of Happyness. Slightly corny, but a good watch.

And to close off in traditional fashion, **** Strathclyde Police.

Have a good week, people.

P.S. Avoid those counterfeit Magnum's going around in the Tri-State area. Crazy!

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Well it's Tuesday, but what the hell:

Haven't been around much lately, working mad hours this summer. Good though, as I am receiving a month off in January.

Speaking of January, my wife, son, and 7 other family members are planning a trip to Disney World for 7 days. None of us have ever been, so we figured it would be a good time to go. There are some really nice townhouses to rent for the week, and flying out of Bangor, main is reasonably cheap, so we all decided it would be an ideal time to take our children.

My wife is due to have our baby girl the first of September, so she will be about 4.5 months when we go, but my boy is going to be 9, so he will will appreciate the trip. My nieces are going, my sister and her husband, my cousin and her husband, my parents, so it will be one heck of a time.

The Jays are so up and down this season, it makes them hard to watch, but at least it is mildly entertaining. Nice to see my hometown boy, Matt Stairs contributing.

Played exactly one round of golf so far this summer. Been far to busy to play more, but I hope to get 6 -7 more rounds in before August. Such an aggravating, yet enjoyable sport to play.

I have been reading the blogs posted here...good work so far guys, very interesting reads.

Anyway, take it easy, and I hope everyone enjoys their summers!

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Updated to 6-17

...Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there! Enjoy your day, sit back and relax. You deserve it.

...I bet Elijah Dukes will be busy all day fielding phone calls wishing him a happy Father's day. :lol:

...Last month for Mother's Day the advertisers were pushing jewelry to get for your mom because "she deserves the very best" and this month they are pushing power tools or a brand new lawnmower on good old dad. Great, give him something that will make him do more work.

...Total Classics 1978 is another mod that you are going to get lost in. Jim825 did a great job capturing the look of how things were in that magical season twenty-nine years ago.

...Please tell me they are kidding when they are selling this!!!

I never knew they played in any great games that they've actually won.

...Alfonso Soriano continues to prove that he's nothing but a lazy, selfish hot dog.

...This week LPGA golfers like Paula Creamer and Natalie Gulbis will be playing at a golf course very near where I live.

...I'll say it again and again. I hate interleague play.

...Has anyone tried that new Pepsi drink, the one they have that's a limited edition Summer one? It's supposed to have a mix of tropical flavors or something like that.

...Roger Clemens has done everything the Yankees have asked for since he came back, and they need all they can right now.

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-Im still enjoying Royals baseball, especially the past few weeks.

-Currently 2-0 4.37 era this season. I have nearly nothing left in my arm and have had to rely on curves and sinkers in both my starts. The fastball is gone. POOF! Gone. But Im sitting at 99 career semipro wins, one more baby.

-Speaking of babies, wife and I are getting ready for a third.

-My internet is so slow. But living out in the sticks is kinda worth it. Except It takes days for me to DL anything.

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...I hate the TV Company of this city, Megacable, the last year channel 8 was our baseball channel, they always aired a good game and when it was over the company was airing Espnews on that channel, on february all changed... THEY CHANGED OUR BASEBALL CHANNEL FOR OLN! WTF?!?!. I dont want to see old men fishing, we live in the desert! WE WANT BASEBALL!... They started airing some games this season in that channel again but the 80% of them are of the KC Royals or the FLA Marlins because Jorge de la Rosa and Joakim Soria play for the royals and Alfredo Amezaga plays for the marlins... you can imagine what game was on this morning:

TV Company guy 1: Lets see... we have Detroit @ Philadelphia... San Francisco at Boston... Florida @ Kansas City...

TV Company guy 2: OMG! FLA @ KC... Soria will pitch against Amezaga!!!! Put that game on!

Customers: ****... another bad game...

Guess what, Soria didnt even pitch against Amezaga you stupid guys.

...Also I hate Disney Channel because always I turn it there is something about "High School Musical" I hate that!, Its been like that since December only this things:

"High School Musical: Pop up version", "HSM the concert", "HSM Backstage" "HSM the reality show", etcetera... Now I turned it on this morning and I saw something horrible.... a commercial about "High School Musical 2".... I got anew thing for HSM... "**** you HSM" Its official... Disney Channel sucks. Like the TV Company.

...The reds lost... what a surprise...

...Griffey Jr. needs 18 homeruns to be in the 600+ HR Club and everybody talks about it instead of talking about Sosa who needs only 1 HR to be in the 600+ HR Club, thats great!

...Dunn is 4th in HRs and Griffey is 5th and the reds have a 27-43 W/L record... Thanks Krivsky.

...Caribbean Time. A Yaquis de Obregon dynasty will start in this month. Stay tuned!

...I hate Bonds as much as Y4L hates Soriano.

...Griffey will play against Seattle for the first time in his career, but knowing my TV Company they will air a KC game instead... :headache:

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what the hell mariners...

i miss my dad, we all miss my dad

this stupid lack of work lately really is making me poor.

im going camping on saturday, cant wait

one last dental appointment tomorrow, in the last week and a half i've had a root canal, and 5 cavities filled. I'm one lucky SOB for not having any wisdom teeth at all.

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I know its Monday....

I have an English Final in 2 hours. I usually don't like to be confident but wit the time I've put into it, I'm sure I'll do really well. Just don't talk to me about that History final tomorrow, yeesh....

See ya guys.

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Updated to 6-24

...I think it was a nice thing that the Mariners did for Griffey when he returned to Seattle. They didn't have to do a thing, but it made the fans and Griffey happy.

...This is the first full week of summer. There's nothing better than the summer season. Nothing in this world beats this time of year.

...I wonder who answers more technical support questions during the course of a week, AOL customer service or Krawhitham, answering questions on two websites? :)

...Hey!!! Look who's screwing up again! It's the Yankees.

...I met Jim Kaat on Thursday (June 21st) at a autograph signing. Waited in line over an hour just to shake his hand and say thank you. Nice guy.

...Saw Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer yesterday afternoon. It's a definate "must-see" on your summer movie list. I won't give away any plot of the movie, let's just say there's a lot of action. :)

...I wonder why just about everyone is so sure A-Rod is going to opt out of his contract at the end of the year? He has not said a thing about it and I of course hope he does not. Just imagine how bad we'd be without him this year.

...I love watching reruns of The Beverly Hillbillies because that show cracks me up.

...Now that I have one, I wonder how I ever got along without my DVR recorder.

...All I need to do now is figure out how to use it myself without grabbing the wife and making her do it for me. :lol:

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Sad to see the Yankees going back downhill again this week after it looked like they were bouncing back - here's hoping they'll get back to what they were doing a few weeks back.

Regardless, though, A-Rod is still on a tear. All the talk of Barry Bonds breaking Aaron's record really seems incomplete when you think that A-Rod has almost 500 homers already - even if most of them were in Ameriquest Field.

Here's hoping Jeter's hip injury isn't too serious.

Didn't do too much today, but it's good to get back to normal again. Had my Uncle's funeral to attend last Sunday. For all the youngsters on the site, if you ever hear the phrase "You don't know what you've got until it's gone", remember it, because it's very, very true.

If anyone has a Dell computer and ever has an issue where they need to call technical support, please go through the diagnostics on the Dell website before calling. It saves us time, it'll save you time (and thus, less phone charges), and most of all, it'll save both parties a lot of hassle.

So much for summer. If you've ever been to the U.K., or, more precisely, Scotland, you should know that we don't get summer - we have a winter and a spring. 10 months of cold and rain, and 2 months of heat and rain. Thunderstorms, flash flooding and sudden rain storms. Had plans to hit the basketball courts today, but the rain put an end to that as well.

So Larry King has secured an unpaid interview with Paris Hilton, 1 day after her release from jail. I want to start a competition for the name of the show. My entry is "Who cares?".

Oh, and George W. Bush met with the Vietnamese president to give him a lecture on human rights. Oh, the irony. Quote from Dubya; ""Societies are enriched when people are allowed to express themselves freely or worship freely". This is the same president who has killed countless people in various countries since being elected, and the same president who allows his law enforcement agencies to conduct unjust surveillance on, among many other groups, hip-hop artists based on what they say in their music? Get the **** outta here. Someone send this guy for some political re-education, please!

Out for another week. Peace.

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Updated to 7-1

...Hey, it's July! July's always been my favorite month of the year because of summer, the All Star game and baseball. My birthday's in July also. When I was a kid, that day was an event for me. Now it's just another day.

...Common sense and lack of money prevented me from getting an iPhone the day it came out.

...Luckily I was working yesterday during the Yankees 7 - 0 loss to Oakland so I didn't get to see that "exciting" game. From all accounts of what I heard about it, it was as boring as hell.

...When Kyle Farnsworthless threw his glove at the dugout wall a few days ago it was the only perfect strike he's thrown all year. Save it for the game you son of a *&^%^.

...It took Scott Proctor a couple of tries to burn his uniform and baseball gear because when he tried to throw the matches on the stuff, he kept missing low and outside.

...Let's not beat around the subject any longer, this is a terrible Yankee team and a lot of people are going to be shown the door after this season.

...Want to try a cool summer drink that you can do yourself? Get a glass of your favorite iced tea and put two scoops of frozen Italian lemon ice in it. That's it! Enjoy.

...Don't laugh, but I watch the Food Network. Of course, Giada DeLaurentiis has a lot to do with it.

...My dogs got it better than I do. While I am outside working in the heat, they are home in central air sleeping all day. :lol:

...I can't get into card games. Solitaire, whatever is out there. I just can't play it and enjoy doing it.

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