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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 7-1

...Hey, it's July! July's always been my favorite month of the year because of summer, the All Star game and baseball. My birthday's in July also. When I was a kid, that day was an event for me. Now it's just another day.

My birthday is in July too!

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Updated to 7-8

...After working over twelve hours overtime this week, I am completely and without question, beat. I'd much rather be here.

...No one does Old Timers Day like the New York Yankees.

...But I'll have to wait to next year to see it, because I was working. :cry:

...Finalizing a trip to Cooperstown this year. It will be sometime in the summer but the day is not set yet. I'll be sure to take photos of all the Yankee displays and mementos they have there.

...Complain about Roger Clemens all you want, but he has given the Yankees exactly what they have needed from him and that's good pitching. It's not his fault these bums suck playing together as a team.

...It's not just the Angels the Yankees can't beat. They can't beat anyone this year. Except themselves of course.

...I don't know why, but I've been playing a lot of computer bowling lately. I do that every once in awhile. I have to confess I am better on the computer lanes than I am in real life. :lol:

...Cheers to Kraw for creating his TiT program. I'm sure this will make things a lot easier for everyone installing mods.

...I don't know anyone who likes steamed clams more than I do. They can be expensive, but they're worth it.

...Aw hell, now I'm thinking of them.

...Relatives coming up next weekend. Got to think of a new place to hide.

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- I am planning a trip to Massachusets to visit a woman I have been speaking to for quite some time. I would like to have Y4L make me an amulet, or a talisman of some sort to protect me against Red Sox fans, as I will be far outnumbered. However I will not be in Boston, I will be somewhere near Bristol County, specifically Fall River.

- I finished re-doing the uniform textures for the MLB teams, with minor tweaks for Total Uniforms 2007. Things are looking pretty good, although I'm not going to hit that deadline I'd like to hit.

- I haven't blogged about anything in a couple of weeks and I feel like MVPMods is due for another KC-esque entry real soon. The one I did about handling criticism was golden IMO.

- I had a major epiphany the other day, which brings me back to the blog. Screw it, I'll type it now.

- My summer is going very well, and recently I have acquired my driver's license, and my interest in purchasing a car, albeit a used one, has skyrocketed. I would like to drive my own vehicle. I don't want people to think that I want a car just because my friends have one, because I was never the envious type. I have my own agenda to fulfill, which is why I want a car, and I hate taking the subway every day that I am forced to ride it. I'm upset that I do not have an automobile but the only reason that I am upset is because my parents had been really pushing for me to get a license since I had my good ol' Learner's Permit, and now that I have one, I'd really like to exercise my right to drive. I guess I got a license for the sake of having one...whatever.

- I am awesome in real life as I am at MVPMods. Keep that in mind this summer when I post my super-awesomely-fun summer photo thread in the near future. I simply rock.

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Updated to 7-15

...I think Gary Sheffield sounds more and more like an idiot each time he opens his mouth.

...Scott Bora$ wants A-Rod to have 30 million a year? For how long? Just for the next few years so he can re-negotiate again?

...I've really enjoyed watching the first installment of "The Bronx is Burning" because it brings back some happy memories of watching and listening to the Yankees back then.

...Anyone ever been to a flea market? That's where you go to see other people try to get rid of the crap that they have so you can buy it for yourself. I'll be going to one today. Oh well, at least it is not a mall.

...I got relatives in from out of town this weekend. God knows where I'm going to have to take them now. They come from a small town and they love shopping. :) And I can't stand going to any stores.

...Oh, stores like Comp-USA and EB games are excluded, but they never want to go there.

...Welcome back Monk and Psych on the USA Network.

...Got taken out to dinner last night for my birthday at an Italian steakhouse. They had a 24 ounce steak for an excellent price that everyone got except me. I had the lasagna because I can't eat that much meat.

...I've been thinking about KC's dilemma about going to Massachusets to visit some woman because he said he wanted some kind of protection against all the Red Sox fans he is going to encounter there. I figure carrying a baseball bat with him will keep the Sox fans at a distance. :lol: Sure as hell would work for me.

...Little known fact about myself: I have been in Fenway Park more than I have been to Yankee Stadium. I've been to Fenway three times and Yankee Stadium twice. Yes, there are good reasons for this miscarriage of justice.

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He probably won't be a big name across the pond yet, but keep your eyes open for Amir Khan if you're a boxing fan. He had his 13th fight on Saturday night, his first real test, and he came out strongly. A lot of boxing critics have been saying that he hadn't had a true test and hadn't shown much power, but on Saturday night, he fought Commonwealth Champion Willie Lomond from Glasgow and won in the 7th round. He took a beating in the 6th and was lucky to survive, but showed true heart and grit in getting off the canvas, taking the best Lomond had, then coming out in the 7th and landing a succession of sweet punches, including an uppercut which broke Lomond's jaw. Lomond's corner pulled him out before the 8th and Khan took the belt. It emeged just after the fight that Lomond had also suffered a broken nose. So much for the "no power" angle. Not only that, he's fast as all hell. I'm just waiting for this fight to be leaked to the torrents or released on DVD.

It's Glasgow fair weekend here, and most places were off on Friday and off today - no such luck. In on Friday, in today.

If I hear the word "capacitor" tomorrow, I'll either scream or burst into a fit of laughter.

Back to the single life after an 8 month releationship. Long-distance relationships really do test you, but it'll work out better for us both in the long run. Tip to the fellas - stay local if possible!

The weather is absolutely crazy here. Usually, we do get some sort of summer - so far this year, we've had nothing. A few sunny days in April and May, since then, it's just been rain, rain and more rain. Messes with your mind...I can't believe it's the middle of July already. The year's going to be over before we know it.

Thinking about getting a notebook - the Inspiron 1721 looks decent. Now I just need to hassle the guys in sales tomorrow to get XP on it instead of Vista and remove the wireless card and Microsoft "Works". Who even uses that crap?

Scary fact of the week about hip-hop - the best tracks that are being released are seriously sliding toward the R&B genre, and the best actual hip-hop that's being released is on remixes. Thank God KRS-One and Marley Marl have released an album - it might bring some life back to the music.

Shout to KC for getting me started on Daft Punk...I didn't see it coming at all.

Remember the mini-CDs you could get years ago that came as free CDs for magazines etc.? Found these in a store the other day;


1.4GB mini-DVD-Rs! 4 for £1 too, pretty good deal. :D

Have a good week. :)

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Updated to 7-22

...I don't like that trade the Yankees made last night at all with the Angels because I have the feeling that the guy the Yankees traded (Jeff Kennard) is going to be pretty good.

...Hey MarkB, this all would have been prevented if the Yankees had not acquired S.O.B. Randy Johnson and traded away Dioneer Navarro. What a backup he would be right now!

...Michael Vick must be pretty worried about his NFL career right now. GOOD.

...Does anyone feel any sympathy for the Champion Cardinals (44-50 record) this year? I sure as hell don't.

...Hey Yanks! I know you are playing well right now, but I am still not being drawn in yet. Keep it up though.

...Although I do like Shelley Duncan's enthusiasm for the game. Maybe it will be contagious in the Yankee locker room.

...A big thank you to Krawhitham for doing the updated Mod Squad and Forum Fanatics teams. Those teams are always fun to play with in the game. It is very much appreciated Kraw!!

...After reading Mark's random thoughts for last week, I have to give KCCitystar a big thank you also. I want to thank KC for not giving me any tips on who to listen to. :lol: What in hell is a Daft Punk? No wait, don't tell me.

...Doesn't that Akinori Iwamura guy from Tampa Bay have the exact same batting stance and swing as Ichiro does?

...Two more weeks and I have vacation. Not that I am trying to rush it or anything.

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...Been awhile since I posted in here...

...Been a working...ALOT. Haven't had much time to do anything else. Been good to get the overtime though, as our new baby is due the first of September.

...Have had the chance to play 5 rounds of golf this year. Started slow, but my game is progressing. Very addictive sport.

...Damn those Jays...DAMN THEM TO HECK!

...Thanks to KC for his very interesting blogs. Nice to read, and be patient. Things will work out for you.

...Thanks goes out to Kraw for the T.I.T. program. Simply amazing, and also thanks for updating the Modders and FF teams.

...Watch out Red Sox fans...here comes them Yanks.

...See you all next week.

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Haven't done this in a while........

- I'm kind of happy the Mets aren't running away with the division. I think playing meaningful games until mid to late september will actually help there play in the playoffs.

- Valentin broke his leg, and is probably out for the season. I know this is mean, and I feel bad for the guy, but we really needed a consistant second basemen thats going to give us more production. I like Gotay.

- Mets lineup should be as followed when Alou comes back next week: Reyes, LoDuca, Beltran, Wright, Delgado, Alou, Green, Gotay. Pretty solid if you ask me.

- That David Becham commerical, featuring the remake of the Beatles "Hello Goodbye", has the song stuck in my head.

-Double header today. Haven't played since last Sunday because I've been on vacation. Arm feels great, but it should be fun batting.

- I've been working on my splitfinger and I learned, like a cutter, if I put more pressure on my middle finger while throwing, it drops and slides away from a right handed batter.

- I know it's July but I can't wait for the hockey season to start. First, I wana play, and second I can't wait to see Chris Drury and Gomez in a Rangers jersey, along with Jagr, Shanahan, and Lundquist. All we need to do is sign Sean Avery. He's going to bey key if we want to win this year.


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- I want to thank the people out here who read my blogs and are willing to offer me some advice. I am always open-minded and I'm willing to learn and understand where people come from with what they say. It's one of the many ways this kid can grow. After some thinking, a solution has been reached and I feel much better about life and everything in general.

- Daft Punk are gods. Gods in France, gods in house music, and gods in club scenes. I praise them a lot because I've followed them since junior high school and they've come a LONG way in terms of music and popularity.

Y4L, I'm not sure if you are into house music or techno or any of those related genres, but they are probably the greatest collaborative duo ever to touch the House genre of music. I managed to catch their live show on youtube, which is not official but it is video from a news broadcast and man those guys know how to put on a show. I cannot wait for the NYC show next month to close out my summer.

- No, I still haven't left to Massachusetts yet to visit this woman, but I am planning to make the most out of my trip, because I'd like to experience something new outside of my normal habitat. I just hope she doesn't like me enough to the point where she'll want to keep me around longer than what I'm planning. Don't worry, I will be sporting my Yankee jersey with pride, and I'll have a small vial of Yankee Stadium mound dirt in case anything happens with Red Sox fans :lol: I kid, I kid.

- Yes, I agree, Sheffield should drink a nice glass of STFU.

- My dreams of buying a vehicle to get around have not died yet, and it won't.

- I have yet to find a job, but I am trying.

- I'll touch on other topics in my blogs, as it helps develop my writing and people seem to love them. I won't touch on just any topic, just stuff that applies to me and my daily life.

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One more thing, if anyone knows about the new Grand Theft Auto coming out, it takes place in NY.

Is there any reason they have Manhatten, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, New Jersey, but no Staten Island?

Also, I read in the paper how SI has traffic problems and everything. If you really wan't to cut down pollution and increase transportation, you have to build an extensive subway system that extends throughout the boro, connect that subway system to the Brooklyn subway, build a subway that goes to Manhattem, or even put a bridge that goes straight to the city.

It's a pain in the *** going all the way through Brooklyn just to get to Manhatten and it's worse traveling to Shea or Yankee Stadium.

All I ask is that you please put a subway system that connects lines with the rest of the city.

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Also, I read in the paper how SI has traffic problems and everything. If you really want to cut down pollution and increase transportation, you have to build an extensive subway system that extends throughout the borough, connect that subway system to the Brooklyn subway, build a subway that goes to Manhattan, or even put a bridge that goes straight to the city.

It's a pain in the **** going all the way through Brooklyn just to get to Manhattan and it's worse traveling to Shea or Yankee Stadium.

All I ask is that you please put a subway system that connects lines with the rest of the city.

That costs money, and money is something the city doesn't know how to spend wisely. It's not that hard to get into brooklyn or queens, it all depends what trains you take to get around. I live a stone's throw away from Manhattan, and in order to get downtown I take the train that has the least amount of stops on some days, and on other days the train that is least packed.

The city is currently trying to build the 2nd Ave. Subway Line which will ease the congestion on the east side of Manhattan.

As we all NYers should know, the East side of Manhattan is served only by 3 subway lines, the 4,5 and 6, two of them running on the same track.

On top of that, what sucks even more balls is the way the subway is set up with trains coming in from Queens, where you have your express train (the E) linking to a LOCAL subway station (51st street on the 6), and your LOCAL queens train

(the R) connecting to the express station in Manhattan (59th Street on the 4,5,6)

It's all a clusterfcuk.

I wish I ran the MTA, I would run it exactly like Boston has it, where the last subway train leaves at midnight, and the only source of public transportation would be the buses.

Increased bus service at night, Increased subway service during the day = Win.

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That costs money, and money is something the city doesn't know how to spend wisely. It's not that hard to get into brooklyn or queens, it all depends what trains you take to get around. I live a stone's throw away from Manhattan, and in order to get downtown I take the train that has the least amount of stops on some days, and on other days the train that is least packed.

The city is currently trying to build the 2nd Ave. Subway Line which will ease the congestion on the east side of Manhattan.

As we all NYers should know, the East side of Manhattan is served only by 3 subway lines, the 4,5 and 6, two of them running on the same track.

On top of that, what sucks even more balls is the way the subway is set up with trains coming in from Queens, where you have your express train (the E) linking to a LOCAL subway station (51st street on the 6), and your LOCAL queens train

(the R) connecting to the express station in Manhattan (59th Street on the 4,5,6)

It's all a clusterfcuk.

I wish I ran the MTA, I would run it exactly like Boston has it, where the last subway train leaves at midnight, and the only source of public transportation would be the buses.

Increased bus service at night, Increased subway service during the day = Win.

Yea it also sucks to pay $9 dollars to go over the bridge, which by the way is a peice of crap. Thank god there fixing it cuz it looks like you can throw a rock at it and it will fall down.

Look, I wouldn't mind if they changed the toll to $10 both ways, as long as they would put that money into some kind of subway transportation.

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Updated to 7-29

...What is it with these young female stars that have a truckload of money and no brains or common sense at all? Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. Now those are two pigs headed for the same meltdown.

...Sure I'm jealous. I am as poor as hell and they have it all and don't appreciate it.

...Prediction time here: If Barry Bonds breaks the home run record on the road, he is going to be cheered more than he is booed.

...But I won't be cheering for him.

...Can you believe it is time for training camps to start for the NFL teams already? I live ten minutes away from the Buffalo Bills training camp in Pittsford, New York but I have never been to one. Why? Well, who wants to see the Buffalo Bills?

...Yankee fans should unite in hope that these are the final days of Kyle Farnsworthless on the Yankees. Trade him for a small coke and a bag of peanuts. Just trade him. Rumor has it that the Tigers want him. God knows why.

...Goodbye Kei Igawa and take your 6.79 ERA with you.

...Can Joba Chamberlain be in the Yankee mix? I just hope he is not rushed. I like what I have been hearing about him.

...With Michael Vick's trial set for November, I am wondering if he will be able to play before then?

...Someone please take over the Random thoughts next week. I'll be out of town at the in-laws being randomly bored.

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...I finally managed to purchase a new phone to replace my aging i530. This sucker right here:


with a new plan to boot. I no longer pay around the area of $70 for my phone service. With 450 anytime minutes, unlimited walkie talkie, free nights and weekends starting at 7PM, for only 39.99, with the insurance coming in at 6.99, life is good.

...Again, I am disappointed as I have still not been able to go visit this girl out in Massachusets. I'm about to give up because it's frustrating. When I am capable of going, it turns out she is working overtime. I can understand, because I put off fun time also for extra work. I tell her, it's no biggie, next week we'll hang out, grab a couple beers and see what happens from there. Hanging out with me, according to my friends is pretty fun because I'm a funny guy and my frequent poor timing with the things I say are just hilarious to them, but that's just KC being KC.

She has a baby girl, about 2 years old. Her baby's father is a total douchebag, and it's people like him that ruin everything for guys like me who might want to get into a relationship with this woman, hypothetically speaking. But she failed one of the principles in becoming a good woman from the start:

- Be able to tell if the guy you are dating is an @sshole. And if so, leave him.

I can't stand seeing some girls I know, who are awesome chicks, start dating some insecure f*ck who makes up for their failings by being possessive and controlling. Before long, the crazy chick drinking friend I had is gone, and now if they ever come out for drinks without said douchebag, it won't be long before they are telling everyone their problems. That makes for a fun party atmosphere.

One thing I've heard a few girls say is a long the lines of "He just got out of prison, but he's a really nice guy." or "He just got out of rehab, but he's a really nice guy."

Actually thats usually the last thing they ever say to me, because I usually try to avoid contact at all costs after that. I'd like to think that its because I realized that she has issues, but it may have been more likely that I didn't want prisoner No. 1998376 thinking I was eying up his woman.

In short, if you aren't happy with who you are when you're single, dating some idiot certainly won't help matters.

There's a lot of principles I posted somewhere about being a good woman, but those are just my points of view, I might post it in a blog this week.

...Speaking of blogs, thanks for reading last week's entry, "What it means to be alone". I wrote it from the heart and it means a lot to me. Even though the comments weren't what I'd expect, 200+ views in one week is awesome.

...I guess I got served this week on MVPMods. My apologies for being a d*ck. Maybe I haven't learned how to STFU when needed but someday I will. I guess next time I'll let my work speak for itself.

...I don't get the idea of Igawa being the answer to Matsuzaka. He is being paid to be a 5th starter, not an ACE, or a #2 guy. A 5th starter. A 5th starter is also able to go in relief if need be. Igawa, he hasn't made up for his shortcomings but he's come through at least twice this season and delivered.

Rasner broke his finger vs Boston? Igawa went the distance and struck out 7.

Yankees needed an extra starter? Igawa comes through and has 6 Ks in 5IP vs the Devil Rays.

It might take a while to really get accustomed to Major League pitching, and develop some consistency, but that will develop eventually. Luckily as the 5th starter it will take a while. Igawa will be a decent reliable pitcher next year, I guarantee it. What I can't guarantee is his success as a pitcher with this team next season.

...Speaking of Pitching, Joba Chamberlain. My goodness...and NO, I DON'T WANT HIM TO PITCH IN RELIEF. Bring up the stories of Santana and Liriano all you want, but Gardenhire is no Joe Torre. Torre's belief that experience is far better than talent boggles my mind. Also, Chamberlain, IMO is best utilized as a starter because he has a repertoire of pitches, where as a reliever you can get by with just two. Or if you are Mariano, just one.

...The new Yankee Stadium is shaping up to look lovely. They already set up the foundation for the escalators, as well as the outline of the press boxes. If only the workers had the work ethic of the people who designed Yankee Stadium in the beginning, my gosh, I feel that they would have been most likely finished by January 08 instead of 2009. Construction began May 5, 1922, on the current park, and Yankee Stadium opened to the public less than 11 months later.

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first day off this week i never knew seven hours of work a day at toys are us would make me so tired.

bought MLB 07 The Show the other day. It really isnt that bad of a game but it still isnt mvp

Have been playing alot of harry potter ootp on my laptop. its just like playing on a system once i bought a usb controller

Guitar Hero 80's edition sucks. ohh well its no like i payed for it at my work :whistle:

havent been to the site much but now that i have a new computer im thinking of starting to play mvp more.

my car needs an oil change :sad:

i now pronounce you chuck and larry is one of the best snadler movies i have seen

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....So I says to the guy...just wanted to say that....

.....If my younger brother says mines instead of mine one more time I swear to goodness......

....Veggies may be underated...unless I'm turning into an old fart at an early age.....

....If I'm the Dodgers, I'm trading NO ONE away.....

....If I'm the Rangers, I'm hoping to deal with the Dodgers more than anyone...

.....If I'm the Braves, I'm hoping to deal with Texas.....

.....If I'm the Astros I'm hoping a new owner is in the works....

.....If I'm just a fan, I'm just hoping some mega deals come through like a flood gate.

Have a great day everyone. If you see someone new on this site, help them out.

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Random thoughts on a Monday morning at 3:35am because I can't sleep and have work in a few hours;

Went to Rothesay on Saturday - walked about 10/11 miles, and ran about 2. And yet, woke up today feeling fit as hell - no pain at all. Losing all that extra weight really does do a lot of good. Down to a solid 140 now.

For some reason, I'm really into music the past few weeks. Even started listening to my mp3 player during lunch at work. T.I.'s Big Things Poppin and a lot of tracks on the new Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony album are on rotation, as well as some random tracks from the DJ Khaled album, some old school stuff (West Coast All Stars and Special Ed making appearances) - even some U.K rap, which can be horrible at best, has some decent tracks these days. Long may it continue.

Oh, and the KRS-One and Marley Marl album is fire. The beats are lacking, but the lyrics are probably the best you'll hear this year - or if the start of the year is any indication on how next year will go, probably next year as well.

Check out Akon - "Sorry". Real ****.

The Amir Khan - Willie Lomond fight video is now on YouTube. Skip to the 5th round if you just want the action.

Good to see the Yankees getting it back together again - before losing 3 straight. Well, at least they won today.

I really need to start work on Waterfront Park again. Just not had time - apologies to anyone looking for an update.

Got a new case for my PC last week, and it's a beast. 25cm fan in the side panel. My CPU temperature has went from 80-86°c in my old case to 64-68°c in the new case with 1 new intake fan on the back grille - and I still have another 2 to put in. Oh, and the LEDs are hot.

That said, was looking at some Antec PSUs for the system (still using the 215W that I got with the system back in 2001) and had my eye on the NeoHE 430W, but it won't work with my motherboard, which only has the 20-pin ATX connection - no P4. Worst part is, Antec don't even have any PSUs which will work with only an ATX connection, so I'm on the hunt for a good PSU that will function only a 20-pin ATX connection.

Working with women you know you'd ask out if you didn't work with them is almost as bad as having a girlfriend who lives 40 miles away. Hey God, cut me a break, will you?

It's funny how you can take a 10 minute visit to the news on BBC.co.uk on pretty much any given day and see exactly why there is hope for humanity, and also exactly why there is no nope for humanity.

According to "our" new non-elected "Prime Minister", the world owes a debt to the U.S. for its fight against "terrorism". That's too many sarcasm-quotes in one sentance. Then again, considering the subject matter, who cares? Link to BBC.co.uk article.

The doctor arrested in Australia after the incident at Glasgow Airport was released, and is happy to have his honour restored. Yet, despite being cleared of any wrongdoing, his working visa has been removed by the U.K. Immigration Minister, citing Dr. Haneef's "unsitable character" as the reason. Hello? He's a ******* doctor, who is, legally at least, in exactly the same position as almost any other doctor working in the U.K. who wasn't born here. Oh, wait - he's Muslim. Forget that. Obviously a terrorist!

And now, a sign that there is still some men in the world who have some good, old fashioned values - Man dies rescuing his girlfriend. Does anyone else notice that it's rare to see a man hold a door open for a woman, or even anyone, these days? What about openeing a car door for a woman, waiting until she gets in, closing it, then going to the other side and getting in? No? Figures - that's the same trend I'm seeing here. And I don't like it. R.I.P. to this man.

Finally, the lighter side of the news - check out this crazy video - and spot the prison bi...umm, "female" at 00:21 and 02:57.

Have a good week, everybody.


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Marlon Williams (born September 30, 1962 in Queens, New York City), better known as Marley Marl, is an influential hip-hop producer. He was the house producer of the Juice Crew, known for The Bridge Wars, a feud with Boogie Down Productions seen as the first hip hop beef. The Juice Crew included: Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markie, Roxanne Shanté, Kool G Rap, MC Shan (his cousin) and Masta Ace, and produced songs for outside artists including King Tee and LL Cool J. He was also an important figure in the careers of Eric B. & Rakim, producing their first hits "My Melody" and "Eric B Is President", mixing James Brown samples and synthetic beats in a fashion previously unheard of.


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Hmm, random thoughts.

-Can't watch a Mets game for the next 2 weeks unless I get some internet going and stream through sopcast, which this is the public internet and no ones on it because it's 6AM and I happened to be the only one up.

-Speaking of that, massive jet lag, even though I don't really feel it.

-I'm remembering my passion for real football (soccer to y'all).

-The temperature is perfect here, Finland for the next 2 days, then I'm off to Norway, where we'll be about 130 KM above the arctic circle, which tends to be a tourist attraction, but I love skipping that stuff, going straight onto the stuff people tend not to see, in this case Alta, a city on the Northern coast of Norway which has ancient cave drawings to the extent that modern artists would have had difficulty painting with readily available supplies right now.

-After that we head south 1800 KM where we have friends in Oslo, who we will be staying with, and she apparently has a fjord close to her, which we will have seen in Alta, but all of them are different so it's all good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fjord

-Then I hit up Sweden, a little town, about 4 hours from Stockholm, Malmö. We have friends there, and from there we are 1 and ½ hours from Copenhagen, and it happens to be quite an easy ride to Stockholm. (They have a key for ½, which is quite cool IMO)

-After we check out Copenhagen for a day, we go on to Stockholm where at the music festival we are currently at (my brother is a pianist) we met our tour guide of Stockholm, a 31 year old pianist from there.

-Past Stockholm there isn't much more, so we take a ferry back to Helsinki and have a hotel room 0.4KM from the airport, so that should make an easy trip. Hopefully I'll make it off the 12 hour ferry and the 9 hour plane ride safely and can be posting on this site regularly again.

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