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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 8-4

...I hate traveling out of town to the in-laws place. Have you ever slept on a bed that had no support at all that your back hurt for hours after you woke up? That's what I am going through right now.

...The only fun part of being down there was getting the chance to see the new Adam Sandler movie "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry." Go see it if you have a chance, it's funny.

...Added bonus: Jessica Beil is in that movie.

...They had a big festival down there called a "Spiedie Festival" I found out that a Spiedie is marinated meat and this festival is just like any other kind you would go to. They got food and drinks and they sell stuff, etc, etc. The only thing different here is that they charge admission to this damn thing. Thanks but no thanks. I'll wait for the county fair. In fact, I won't even wait for that.

...Thumbs up to A-Rod and his 500th and thumbs down to Bonds on his 755th.

...I still don't get why the Yankees got rid of Scott Proctor and that they still have Kyle Farnsworth? And to be honest, isn't this the Yankees fault and no one else's? What the hell did the Yankees expect when they got Farnsworth? He sucked for everyone else, was he just going to turn it around when he got to New York? The hell with him.

...Paging Dr. Fuzz, where are you?

...I sure wish Jamarcus Russell would end his holdout with the Raiders.

...R.I.P. Thurman Munson 28 years ago last Thursday. It's still hard to believe.

...Wouldn't you know it? It's the start of my vacation and I'm sick as a dog. Son of a *(*&. Everyone have a great week.

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...I dont care about the HR record. IMO Bonds is an * among legends

...ESPN Estrellas Latinas "Latin Stars" was a contest where people could vote for the best latin player all-time but it was a big piece of S*it, a lot of players that were selected were active... How can you compare Fernando Valenzuela with Johan Santana? Maybe when Santana retires they will be comparable but not now, BTW something that really make me feel angry is that the best latin 3B ever was A-Rod WTF?! I think A-Rod is a great player but he is from the US, he refused to play for Dominican Republic in the WBC and then finaly he has only played for 3 years in 3B... They didnt put him in SS because the ones there were Omar Vizquel, Luis Aparicio and David Concepcion... And the selected ones in 3B were Aurelio Rodriguez, Vinny Castilla and A-rod... **** ESPN in español/english.

...My last day of vacations :cry:


...I wonder why the yankees always win when I use my yankees jersey, since I noticed the yanks have been 8-0 when I use this yjersey :lol: (Yeah, im using it today)...

...Wouldn't you know it? It's the start of my vacation and I'm sick as a dog. Son of a *(*&. Everyone have a great week.

I hope you get well so you can enjoy your vacations Y4L, any traveling plans?

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...I just discovered some funny comics HERE.

Warning: Language

Be careful viewing that site, and make sure your anti-virus is up to date. I viewed around 10 comics, then started getting AVS warning pop-ups. Been getting them since, and have had a few randomly-named files attempt to access the internet.

Need to run a virus scan and clean my system out now. Great fun.

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-The Fratellis is the best band I've heard in a long time. They sing 'Flathead', that song on one of the iPod commercials. Just about every song on their only album is awesome.

-I seriously considered going to a state-funded online charter school this year. Not to take advanced classes or anything, just so I could stay home and not "waste time" at school. I hate the two homeroom teachers I might get this year, and school's really gonna take a big chunk out of my web development time. But once I realized that'd mean no basketball, the choice was pretty obvious..

-You know you're a true Apple fanboy when you can't sleep two (yes, two) nights before a press event. Oh boy.

-I started playing MVP 07 again, and what a great mod it is. Great work, guys. My team is Seattle. I picked them cause of Ichiro and his speed - I released him by June. I've got a young team now, all my veteran players keep getting injured. The AAA first baseman I called up has played four games and is 13 for 15 with a walkoff homer, a triple, and a few doubles - and I've simmed two of the games!

-Right now I feel like the most anti-social person in the world - I can never find anything to talk about with my friends. Probably cause all they (girls) talk about is other people.. ugh.


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...They had a big festival down there called a "Spiedie Festival" I found out that a Spiedie is marinated meat and this festival is just like any other kind you would go to. They got food and drinks and they sell stuff, etc, etc. The only thing different here is that they charge admission to this damn thing. Thanks but no thanks. I'll wait for the county fair. In fact, I won't even wait for that.
I was just in that area myself! Spedies are one of the few foods sent straight from heaven - what I love is the simplicity of it: you take three or four spedies, most a bit bigger than your knuckle, and just wrap it bread. That's it. Not that I would pay for it either, but... :?

...I still don't get why the Yankees got rid of Scott Proctor and that they still have Kyle Farnsworth? And to be honest, isn't this the Yankees fault and no one else's? What the hell did the Yankees expect when they got Farnsworth? He sucked for everyone else, was he just going to turn it around when he got to New York? The hell with him.
Betemit's done a pretty nice job, but I didn't think we needed another first basemen, with both giambi and mient being helthy soon... and what's worse, supposedly a trade was offered with Farnsworth for Bob Wickman - now I know that Wickman isnt exactly the best pitcher on the market, but Farnsworth needs to just go somewhere else and be semi-productive, and we just need somebody who going to be reliable besides Mo.

...two days late for sunday, what who cares. Wild summer so far. I went to Italy, first to a small town in the "tip of the boot" of Italy, in the reigon called Apuglia. Really beautiful down there, and I'm glad it hasn't been discovered as a tourist destination as much as some other places. Then I went up to Naples, saw Pompeii and Herculaneum, (always amazing seeing those ruins and everything) and then went up even more to Venice. No matter what, with all the massive amounts of tourists, the commercialization, the eroding buildings, Venice is still really beautiful. It's a shame that it won't last forever. From there I went to Budapest in Hungary, which was amazing too. (I'm using amazing alot, but it's the only word I can think of to describe it.) Part of my family was from Hungary, so it was interesting to see everything there, especially the Jewish neighborhood - Budapest was hit particularly hard by the holocaust. (Check out this)

...ron, I envy you, not because you're in Finland and Norway (though there's nothing wrong with that at all - but I prefer Italy), but because it was just so damn hot everywhere I went, and in the little apartment in Italy I stayed in for two weeks had no air conditioning, just an overhead fan. Still, it was worth it, no question.

...I'm exhausted, just got back from the area of the spedie, I have the rest of the summer to just relax... and do all my summer reading. Great.

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I'll be gone most of tommorow, so I'm going to post my thoughts now, before I forget them all:

...I've realized that I've been a member of this site for more than a year now, and what's more, I've been active for nearly all of that time. Well, okay, not all - in the beginning I wasn't that active, then I was, er, forced not to be active on the site, and then the last month or so I've been also forced to be about dead, though not in the same way. Anyway, thanks to everyone for making the site so great!

...I had a dream where Robinson Cano was traded to the Mariners. It was awful, I saw Cano on TV in a Mariners uniform, I was sick to my stomach (in my dream). Then I woke up, thankfully. That was the same dream where Reggie Jackson almost gave me his entire baseball card collection. I'm not kidding.

...Just last night I had a dream where I was in a stadium, trying to find my seat - I went through a labyrinth of rooms, staircases, and elevators that looked more like they were in a concert hall than a stadium. I finally got to my seat and saw that A) we where way high up, B) We couldn't see home plate for some reason from where we were, and C) The field looked really small, like 250 feet long instead of 400. There was also this thing with this ancient watch (like a wrist watch only 1,000 years old - don't ask) that I for some reason suddenly was wearing. Don't ask.

...Yesterday was the perfect day baseball-wise: All the teams that needed to win won and the ones that needed to lose, lost: The yanks won, the tigers and mariners lost, putting the yanks at a tie in the wild card. The Red Sox lost (how do you like your taste of Eric Gagne so far?), the Phillies won (my favorite NL team), the Braves and Mets lost...

... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ninFjxj_DQ...related&search= Classic.

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Random thought now that I have to say because I thought it was funny..

I was in San Francisco yesterday and I saw a hobo with the following sign:

"Keep your coins, I want change"

Just thought it was funny, though kind of sad really.

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Updated to 8-12

...Well, this was a fast week of vacation. :( I was sick for half of it so I couldn't enjoy it anyways. Because of being sick it cost me any chance of going to Cooperstown. Just my luck I suppose. Next one: Halloween week.

...Next year Cooperstown, next year! Then I can go buy stuff I really don't need in the first place. (When I was there in 2003, someone was selling a lapel pin of Hideki Matsui. His head was on the body of Godzilla. And for a second I'm thinking to myself "this doesn't look too bad", but fortunately I did not buy it. I came to my senses.) :lol:

...At least I had the chance to play in the two newest parks that the Sean O stadium factory put out, and that's Houston's Colt Stadium and Seattle's Sick's Stadium. Try them out if you get an opportunity.

...You have no idea how much it makes me happy to see the Yankees giving their prospects a chance to play instead of watching them be traded all over the league.

...Speaking of the Yankees, they've been doing some pretty nice things lately, haven't they?

...I know the Padres claimed Igawa, and that's all well and good, but why the hell couldn't they get Farnsworth too? What a double play that would be.

...Word out of Toronto is that the Blue Jays management is ordering all fans to remain silent when John McDonald is at bat just so he won't be distracted.

...I went to a mall yesterday for the first time since last Christmas. Not bad, huh? I had a pretty good streak going as far as avoiding them.

...Anyone else here like seafood? I just love scallops and clams and stuff like that. Can't have it too much since it's kind of pricey.

...I saw this on the news yesterday. After 210 million years, they finally found it.

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...Word out of Toronto is that the Blue Jays management is ordering all fans to remain silent when John McDonald is at bat just so he won't be distracted.


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...I'm back to blogging again after a couple weeks off.

...I might have a potential girlfriend but I don't want to rush things nor do I want to feel forced to make a move. We hung out last sunday for a chunk of the afternoon and evening in downtown Manhattan just shopping and chatting around. She's a great girl. I'm kind of stuck here.

...I just found out I might get a vehicle to go to college around April 2008.

...I managed to catch the Daft Punk show at Keyspan Park on thursday. It's impossible to put it into words, but before you pass away, you must see it. Nothing is better than seeing Daft Punk split their 3 albums into a billion different rhythms, synths and basslines and make completely new mixes out of them, along with a lightshow that is completely in sync to what they mix.

...I called the name of my new blog "Rebuilding Me" because I feel like I gotta start my life over, and in order to do that, I have to sacrifice the things I used to love to move forward. It's that willingness to sacrifice and a ton of other things that will only help me grow as a person.

...Total MLB is still stuck in a Beta but this week might just be the official release. I'm still working on the MiLB project though.

...My bro is staying in NYC for another week, and he'd like to stay incognito as long as he is in NYC because he says he doesn't want to meet or socialize with anyone that he has known here. My bro is no stranger to NYC, he's lived here for a chunk of his childhood. I on the other hand, plan to move out in the near future. When will that happen? I can't say, but most likely in 2010.

...Girls, Girls, Girls...I've hung out with a majority of the girls I have known within the past year, but although I am cool with all of them, at one point, prior to meeting Jennifer, one girl wanted to make me her BFF, which is an ultimate slap in the face to me, as my main objective was to be her boyfriend. I mean, I was still able to be her boyfriend if I was her BFF but that would be an ridiculously long way to go. Being in the friend zone sucks, just ask Chris

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Updated to 8-19

...I want to start out this week's random thoughts by voicing a complaint about what I have to do today. I have to go to a wedding later on today. The damn thing starts around 4:30 pm with the reception immediately after. My question is who would want to schedule a wedding at that time when half the people going there got to go to work the next day? You know, like me? :headache:

...I don't care what his won-loss record states, Roger Clemens has been great so far for the Yankees.

...Does anyone else notice that the Angels roll over and play dead for the Red Sox?

...My birthday was a little over a month ago but it seems so much longer because this summer has gone by on warp speed.

...That Bronx is Burning mini-series on ESPN has been great. I haven't missed an episode so far. John Turturro, the guy who plays Billy Martin, seems to have that role nailed perfectly. From all I've read and seen, Martin was a difficult person.

...Now this Jamarcus Russell pain in the *(& is really get me upset. I just want him to sign a contract so he can help the Raiders. He's the only first round choice who has not signed yet. :evil:

...I know I heard Jerry Seinfeld make this joke, but for me it's true. I always seem to be behind someone who has their left turn signal on all the time. That's what happened yesterday. :lol:

...Who else loves Ginger Ale as much as I do?

...You know what store I think has gone really downhill over the past few years? Comp-USA. They used to have a huge area for computer software of every type imaginable. Games, applications, etc. Aisles and aisles of it. I used to love going there. Now, they only have a small section for everything and I don't even go there anymore.

...It's nice to see MarkbtheYankee back here after computer problems and being on holiday. Now he can resume his regular role in being blamed for half of everything that goes on in here. I have the other half already covered.

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...Away I go...

...Under a month until our new baby girls is born. As most of you know, I already have an eight year old boy, but because my newborn is going to be a girl, I am scared. I know what I was like when I was a horny teenager. She ain't dating until she is 30...

...Been watching Weeds and Flight Of The Conchords. Both shows are fantastic, and both are highly recommended...

...The Jays lack of hitting is frustrating, and quite disgusting to watch. Wells gets anew contract, and then goes and stinks up the season. Thomas is playing through the motions, and Glaus is subpar. Atleast he is injured though....that's an excuse. I hope Gibbons, and J.P. are fired...

...Yeah Y4L, I enjoy Ginger Ale also. I have been drinking Raspberry stuff lately. Great twist to an already enjoyable drink...

...Not much else is going on. Been pretty quiet here. Got into a pretty bad car accident three weeks ago, and I am not due back to work until the 20th, because of it. Getting a new car this week, as the insurance company settled pretty quickly. Lady ran a red light and went into the side of me. Totaled both my car, and hers. Thankfully I was alone in my car...

...See you all next week...

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OK here we go.

...I found it ridiculously tiring after I came home from my first date. No, it wasn't my first date EVER, but it was a first you know, actual date with someone I really like. I will explain it completely in my blog.

...Daft Punk have decided to release a LIVE CD version of their show. Too bad there is no DVD version yet. I completely missed the Keyspan show, and all I have now is just a fan version of the audio from the show with a crap load of conversation.

...I saw Superbad. It's the funniest movie I have ever seen next to Borat. Yes. I said it. It's up there with Borat. Unlike the Apatow films Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin, it doesn't have the formula of "funny for first hour, next 30 minutes become sappy chick flick". It's genuinely funny throughout.

...I start college Monday, August 27th. It's going to be such a nervous day for me, as I haven't attended an educational facility in about a year and a half since I graduated, due to circumstances beyond my control. However I plan on just hitting the books HARD and sacrificing a huge chunk of my social life to get my intellect back.

...My friends are awesome even though we may hate each other's guts at times. Friendships will always have that dynamic and we all understand that at the end of the day we will still be boys.

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