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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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yall think you had it tough for summer reading, how bout reading gullivers travels and moby dick (a good 900 pages total) and an art project with a typed explanation due on the first day of school. i have gotten to the point where i have no motivation for reading anymore. i cant even read the forums on this site anymore without thinking of the torture of having to read moby dick.

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you think that bad

you got to be kidding me. at 8 moby dick was my favorite book!

easily that and gullivers travels can be read in one day.

try reading

The Bible (whole thing for western civ)

The Prince (Nikkoli Machiavelli is the man but the book writen so awkwardly and hard to follow)


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wow br, u must be pretty good at english. im one of those math people that hate everything to do with reading. i wish i had the ability to like moby dick and ur right about gullivers travels is not hat bad.

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im a math wizard

got into one of the best buisness schools in New England (Bryant University) for accounting but i didnt have the money for tuition (close to 30 thousand a year).

i missed one question on my sat in the math section everything else was correct

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Math is my weakest spot, i hate it , hate it, hate it, hate it. I'd rather sit in a room doing nothing with the lights off than do math, i don't want to sound stupid, But it hurts my brain :)

...i hated moby ****, hahaha look at the censorship :lol:

I love math, i'm the best at math in my class. I hate France, but that's another thing.

I hate moby dick :lol:

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I KNEW it was going to happen, Damn Fox :)


"In My View, as good as the Yankees were in the first half of this game, thats how as bad theve been now." -- Tim McCarver

thats a oldie:P still i hate tim sometimes like he talks so much trash:

It was good that he hit the ball the other way cause if he pulled it he would hit it on the thin part this way he hit it on the fat part, and thats what you want to do. you want to hit it on the sweet spot, thats wat a hitter wants but a pitcher and catcher try to prevent that that are basicly the fundamentals of hitting. it sounds easy but it isn't i was like wtffff stop talking:O

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In three months over summer, two 900 page books are no problem. I read both my books (fahrenheit 451 and to kill a mockingbird - I've read them both more than twice before this summer, both easily under 300 pages) in about a week total. It's waiting until the last month to do all the work that's the problem.

I'm good at math, meaning I can get a good grade in it and I understand it, but it's just so boring. I can't stand it really.

BTW campo, I'm sure the history channel is such a reliable source for news...

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o my god just watched the mets game i hate that raplh kiner sooooo bad, he talks so slow and unclear i was like wtf is he saying:O ban him!

He has Bell's Palsy, I remember when I was a kid growing up on Kiner, he wasn't as bad, he was actually terrific. And of course the great Bob Murphy was amazing too.

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Updated to 9-2

...I'm not even in school anymore but September is still a depressing month for me. I guess old habits never die. Or maybe I am down in the dumps about another summer slipping by.

...Welcome to the major leagues Mr. Ian Kennedy. I hope you stay a long time.

...For the rest of the year we are going to hear about Clay Buchholz ad nauseum because of what he did last night. Cooperstown's going to make a special exemption to let him in next year.

...Josh Beckett seems to be a pretty brave guy yelling at people in the safety of his own dugout but at the same time he's a gutless pr*** on the mound.

...The buzz about a possible new baseball game for the PC is exciting. Sure, it would be an adjustment period to get used to a new game and to mod it, but I still think anything's possible. To free up server space we probably would have to remove all the Mvp 2004 files and all the old 2005 files for the new mods. But I am getting way ahead of myself here, aren't I? :lol:

...And it's another year of missing the New York State Fair! Man, I'm on a hot streak. :) I had to work yesterday while everyone got to go to the Fair over in Solvay, New York, which is near Syracuse. I don't mind at all since I really seem to have developed a fear of crowds.

...Gas around here is $2.95 per gallon for regular unleaded as of yesterday. And people wonder why I didn't take a vacation. I'll need to take out a loan just for the gas.

.Whenever I see a picture of Bud Selig, the same thing pops into my mind every time. I've never seen such a confused looking person in all my life. And this guy's in charge of our favorite game. Make sense to you?

...If anyone reading this signed up for fantasy football this year on EAmods, I got one question. In last year's fantasy football that you guys had, who won it? I never followed it to be honest.

...I think I might be going to see that new Jodie Foster movie next month. What the hell's it called?

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