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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Well, Y4L is right, September is a depressing month, at least you don't have to go to school :lol:

Clay Bucholtz, hmmm....i might consider trading for him in my dynasty

Well the Mets took the series against the Braves, for the FIRST time this year. I'm happy that we will leave Atlanta with a lead.

Pedro Martinez is starting tomorrow against Cincy, just like he did in his first start as a Met, Well at least Joe Randa isnt there anymore!

I wonder what was up with Iwamura's bat at yesterday's Yankee game, they said it's too flat.

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its 1 pm est time and i just woke up

pink floyd rocks. lately i have dove into more of his music

college starts wed.

my younger brother turns 13 tueday yet having his party today. damn little kids better not **** me off :wall:

Still waiting for owners in the madden league. Jacksonville and Houston are open and mo is paying out to the winner.


Another Brick In The Wall (We Don't Need No Education)

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...Clay Bucholz pitches a no-hitter. Whoa. Congratulations to him, he's a promising young pitcher, hope we see more good pitching, with the exception of when he faces the Yankees. Too bad this means some red sox fans think they have the right to act like obnoxious idiots...

...Blind Faith only made one album, but it was a really good one, some of the best stuff Clapton did, and with Steve Winwood who's so much better than Jack Bruce. I am so diving into their music. :) Just kidding Rog. R.I.P. Eric Clapton. Oh, wait.

...Ian Kennedy was wearing picture perfect stirrups yesterday, not just high socks. He's going to be a good, young pitcher.

...homework. ugh.

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...I have exams next week, 2 per day... yuck...

...Nice job by that Sox rookie BUT he just got lucky because the O's suck. Remember the 30-3? Everyone can pitch a perfect game / no-no against them on this year, sorry O's fans.

...Yesterday I was wearing my yankees jersey and guess what? The yankees won.

.Whenever I see a picture of Bud Selig, the same thing pops into my mind every time. I've never seen such a confused looking person in all my life. And this guy's in charge of our favorite game. Make sense to you?

Yeah, I think all the baseball comissioners arround the world have the Stupidus Comisionus syndrome, here's a pic of the Mexican Pacific League commisioner:


The one in the center of the picture.

...Yankees swept the Red Sox, I know, we are 5 games back but that was great.

...1 month til MVP Caribe gets released, when it becomes officialy released give it a try, it's going to be a great game

...Y4L how was it?

...I dont want a new baseball game, I know there would be new stances, new gameplay, new graphics, new everything but MVP Baseball has been a great game. If a new game is released will MVP 2005 be forgotten?

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...Stirrups need to come back, Jose Cruz Jr. style. Ian Kennedy ALMOST had it, but Jose Cruz Jr. has it down to a science.

...This country has a serious self-esteem problem, especially in women. There has been a slow but substantial change in attitudes about self-esteem. We have all heard about the trend in little league sports to not keep score, not to identify winners and losers. There is a hypothesis hanging in the air that self-esteem can be built through simply trying at something. Then, we can avoid all those messy failures, and the bad feelings that go along with them. We can instead focus on encouragement, and everybody likes effort and encouragement, right? The problem is, the hypothesis is wrong. Effort and encouragement are not enough to cultivate self-esteem. Self-esteem is built through overcoming real challenges and failures. It comes from success in spite of real adversity. Societally, we moved from being a nation of a-hole fathers that simply humiliated our kids into overcoming adversity "for their own good" to a nation of nurturing mothers where nobody ever has to feel bad and everyone is special in their own way. We need something in the middle, but we haven't found it yet.

...College life is great, until I found out that I don't have money to cover my books, and that's $400 worth of books. How nice. No books, no homework = fail.

...I gotta find new friends. I take college seriously but these guys, because they have been in college a year in already, they begin to slack off, and I don't want to get involved with that. I had an 8AM class Friday and they called me up telling me that the went out and picked up a couple of chicks and they wanted to "have some fun". I tell them I have an 8AM class, and suddenly I'm a prude because I am not looking to catch some tail? Pathetic. To add insult to injury, they have girlfriends. How does that look? No wonder this generation is ruined, where's the loyalty? Pathetic.

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...College life is great, until I found out that I don't have money to cover my books, and that's $400 worth of books. How nice. No books, no homework = fail.

sry KC but i gotta say this.. Glad i had my mom get my books. Good thing i was a great adolescent and made her proud of being my mother :lol:

I'm a prude because I am not looking to catch some tail? Pathetic. To add insult to injury, they have girlfriends. How does that look? No wonder this generation is ruined, where's the loyalty? Pathetic.

Damn Pigs :rambo:

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Updated to 9-9

...No way around it, the big deal today is the first Sunday of the NFL season. Here's hoping your team does well this year. As for Raider fans like myself, it can only be better.

...Don't get me wrong, I like the NFL as much as anyone else, it's just that I really can't get into it until after the World Series is done. Baseball's always been number one to me and always will be.

...It's been a pleasure watching the Seattle Mariners fall from the playoff race these past few weeks.

...A couple of things I am worried about concerning the Yankees this week is what's the condition of Jeter's knee and how is Mussina going to pitch in Toronto this week? That is, how bad are the Blue Jays going to murder him?

...If the Yankees can't stay focused for the rest of the season then they don't deserve to be there in the first place. And yes, that means beating Tampa Bay because that team sucks.

...Do you ever think you will need a new computer just for all the season mods that there are and are going to come out?

...The Australians have a funny sense of humor and if you ever get a chance, check it out yourself. Right now on CNN, and I hope I have this link correct for you right here, scroll down on the list of videos they have there and look for OSAMA PRANK. It is near the bottom of all those videos. I won't give it away, but these Australians crack me up.

...Al Leiter is one of the best Yankee announcers on YES that the network has ever had. I wish that guy would be there all the time.

...It is funny how we don't read about the so called Yankee fans wanting to trade Alex Rodriguez now, don't we?

...I enjoy watching movies by M. Night Shyamalan because his movies have a lot of suspense in them. He's the guy who directed The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, both with Bruce Willis, Signs and most recently Lady in the Water. This guy's one of the better directors in Hollywood.

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...A-Rod is amazing right now, no way he's not the MVP.

...My stadium's coming along nicely, can't wait until everyone has theirs done (including me), everybody seems to be having lots of really unique ideas.

...Someone at lunch a few days ago said that me and some of my friends were "all nerdys." I tried to explain that you can't use an adjective as a plural noun, but he didn't listen...

...homework... ugh.

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...Someone at lunch a few days ago said that me and some of my friends were "all nerdys." I tried to explain that you can't use an adjective as a plural noun, but he didn't listen...

That's pretty nerdy within itself...

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...Yankees have been playing good baseball this week, I hope they continue playing like this for all this month

...It's been a fast season, we are now in september :(

...Microsoft Surface is amazing, If you haven't seen it yet here's the Microsoft Surface thread: Here

...593 and counting for KGJ!

...October 10th or 11th will be the begining of a new MVP Baseball era.

...Mexican Pacific League starts on October and I got tickets for the opening night!

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...I just found out Jennifer is seeing someone else, after I let her know how I felt days prior. I had asked her where does she see our friendship going in the near future, if it were to ever become a relationship, she says she didn't know.

I come to find out today that she is with someone. I blew a year or so rolling with this girl in hopes that things would grow but to no avail. Awesome, isn't it? I took too long.

After I was raised like a gentleman, I finish again, dead last. I'm not frustrated, I've just come to realize something. I don't need to express my anger towards people, instead, I'll just vent through my grades. It's better that way.

Maybe I should be the womanizing a*hole people my age are and eventually I'll revert back to this guy.

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