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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Only one word can describe the Detroit Lions.Pathetic. They had a 17-0 lead and are behind now, 21-20.

....Calvin Johnson looks pretty good though.

....I'm getting my braces tomorrow, they'll be either blue and orange for the Tigers or like blue and white for the Lions,idk.

...As soon as I type that the Lions suck, they score a td to take the lead.

...Going for two...flags...false start...failed, man that sucks.

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2 floors is a big deal? My middle school had like 3 1/2, 4 1/2 counting the locker rooms and storage in the basement.

Yeah, considering the fact that the middle school i was in for two of the 3 years was over 50 years old.

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the browns looked terrible today. and everyone wanted quinn to play. even though he missed a little time he may be the best option. anderson and frye both suck.

thank god we did not draft jamarcus russell.

go tribe!

im hoping to update my dynasty soon. school has been rough this past week and i did not get the opportunity to update it.

i hope the brownies look better next week against the bengals. we have not beaten them in forever so we are do.

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Yeah, considering the fact that the middle school i was in for two of the 3 years was over 50 years old.

My old middle school was over 100 years old, it was proclaimed an historical landmark by the state, so it can't be torn down, among other things. Then in my last year (8th grade) we moved to an ugly, sterile, trying-to-be-modern-but-really-quite-generic building.
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Updated to 9-16

...I'm up early this morning. You can blame that on the Red Sox. I've had a splitting headache since the end of the game last night, which made this a very long night.

...So Jason Giambi is a first baseman?

...Of all my years of watching this great game, the 2007 Yankees are the most frustrating team that I've seen. The word "inconsistent" is used many times to describe teams, but that's exactly what this year's squad has been and I don't like it one bit.

...YankeexDev was in Fenway Park yesterday to see this game. I felt bad for him. Not for seeing the Yankees lose, but for being surrounded by that collection of drunks and parole violators that the press lovingly calls "Red Sox Nation."

...Yeah, I am still fuming about yesterday's game. I better stop now. I feel the headache comin' back.

...It's too early department: Yesterday morning my wife and I had to go to BJ's wholesale club (it's a place like Sam's club) to get some stuff. Well, we walked in and after a few steps inside she turns to me and says "do you hear that?" I stop and listen and I said "yeah I do, but it can't be. It's too early." Well, my ears were not playing tricks on me and yes, it was still too early, but that didn't take away the fact that BJ's was playing "Silent Night" over their speaker system. The next song was "Silver Bells." And the Christmas season has begun. :(

...So of course when we got home my wife started looking through catalogs to "help me out with some hints" as to what to get her this December. She goes above and beyond the call when she helps me out like that.

...Can anyone make a guess as to when Jamarcus Russell will have his first bit of action for Oakland? I am kind of guessing early October, but I could be way wrong with that guess.

...First we got Total Classics 1978, and now that we have an updated version, this mod is going to look and play even better. Check it out and give some positive feedback to Jim825, who did some fantastic work on this. Also, let Rolie know how much you like the 2007 version of Dodger stadium that he just did. This is one beautiful looking park that he just did and even a Giant fan would agree that the work he did on this was spectacular. Thank you for both contributions guys!

...NHL 2008 just came out by EA. I wonder if it is worth getting?

...Gamebase 08 :lol:

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...Yesterday was awesome.The Yankees lost, and the Tigers won. And then Giambi got plunked after Wang hit Youkilis.

...I know why Yankee fans get a bad rap. In ESPN the Magazine, someone from New York asked Stuart Scott "Stuart-what is going on with the Yankees?Having to fight just to be the wild card?It's so depressing and frustrating."

...That's one bad season. Every other team has to go through this year in and year out.

...I'm making a sig right now.

...I'm curious to see how the Lions do today against the Vikings.

I gotta finish this sig, that's all I feel like typing right now.

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...I think gamebase 08 is going to be a running joke for months to come.

...on that same note, why is it that people think the shoutbox is a search function?

...I don't have that many random thoughts today but I will be getting a vehicle to get around NYC this spring. Why? Because of the homeless and the beggars and the panhandlers that go around the subway and continue to harass people for money.

...I hate the subway. 2 dollars gives me beggars, dancers, and unnecessary entertainment. I just want to get from point A to point B without the nonsense. Once I'm through with college I am moving out.

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...Today is Independence day here in México, we conmemorate 177 of independence.



...The Reds can be in 3rd place by the end of the season, that's pretty good because we have a bad GM.

...Last game of Yankees vs Red Sox in this season, I have to get some snacks/drinks...

...October 10th, october 10th...

...This has been a fast season, hasnt it?

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...I'm in the process of writing a full-length novel. Yeah, right. Well, actually I seriously am, but it's been going kind of slowly. I started it when I was in Italy over the summer, and in the course of a week I wrote 15 pages, and I've written 3 pages since then. Not that I've become "bored" with it, but I just A) have a lot of work to do (school, school, school, etc.) and B) I have a mild case of writer's block. Basically the concept of the book is that it revolves around three or four people who all are trying to write best-selling books, and are in a huge complicated plot involving, among other things, apocalyptic fortune cookies, jane goodall-scented perfume, a talk show host with split personalities, and large billboard with the words "LIFE IS PEACHY" on them. If I ever get it published (I can dream) I want to write under a pseudonym, so, sorry, you'll never know who I am. :twisted:

...I just can't wait until there's a thread by someone asking about where to download mvpedit or why their game is crashing at the startup, and the first person to post just randomly says "gamebase 08".

...This is my new favorite video, just an amazing performance by Santana iat the "Soul to Soul" festival in Ghana in 1971:


Too bad it was all downhill from there.

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