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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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From reading the posts, it seemed like too many people were sick yesterday. Hopefully everyone can get well enough in time to see another NY Subway Series. :lol:

Random Thought: Vick & OJ

Michael Vick is one of the stupidest people on the face of the Earth right now. He was making more money that most of us will ever see. He had a good career who apparently needed him more than what they thought. And he blew it all because of his asinine, disturbing and inhumane activities.

OJ Simpson, although not stupid is just dumb. Whether if he did it or not, which many people believe he did, he more or less avoided prison time. And what did he do? He did something moronic and he said stupid stuff (like he's performing a sting rather than anything else). He's just only going to end up back in prison. It may be sweet justice. But, I just think it was just dumb [on his part].


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Updated to 9-30

....If the Mets win today and the Phillies lose to Washington, you are going to hear boos coming out of Philadelphia no matter what part of the country you live in.

...That being said, the National League races have been exciting.

...And this is why I like it when the Yankees win the division by ten games.

...Next week is the time for Alfonso Soriano to show the Cubs that he was worth all that money. I'm confident that he won't be doing this.

...The Yankees have to wait until Thursday to start this *&(*% series? What the hell is this?

...Angels or Red Sox in that series? I could care less.

...Someone give me some good news and tell me that Kyle Farnsworthless is off the playoff roster.

...And if the Yankees make a quick exit out of the playoffs again, nothing will save Joe Torre. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but it is what it is.

...Welcome back NHL. Now I might get NHL 08 from EA Sports. Good luck Canadians.

...Daunte Culpepper leads Oakland into Miami today at 1 pm. Let's hope he has a score to settle.

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It's Sunday, and I hope this one is a good one:

- Goin to the Mets game today. Got tickets for the mezzanine, which in my opinion are the best seats in the house unless your anywhere behind homeplate.

- This baseball season has been very stressfull and exciting at the same time.

- Rangers kickoff the season for the 2008 season on Thursday against the Panthers. They should win the cup this year. They got some key pickups this year.

- I beat Halo 3. I usually only play WW II and sports games, but something about Halo makes me want to play it.

- Can't wait to get NHL 08. Looks good.



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Good morning guys!

-Today as everyone knows is the final day of the regular season, an outstanding in my opinion...

-I hope SD loses and Colorado can handle it to win, they deserve it and I want a tiebreaker game...

-Mets are losing right now, I feel sorry for NYM who is in Shea Stadium right now...

-Griffey will have to wait to 2008 to get to the 600 HR Club...

-October 10th, october 10th will be the begining of an era...

-Biggio's last game in his great career, I wish him good luck in his life...

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Updated to 10-7

...I remember a time not too long ago when it was exciting to watch a Yankee playoff game. Not anymore.

...I am just concerned that if the Yankees go down today or sometime in this series the wrong people are going to be blamed for this. No one has hit the ball, but A-Rod is only being blamed. Someone out there explain that.

...Again, and I could be wrong, but I think we need another Paul O'Neill type player on this team because no one on that Yankee team seems to get upset when they are losing.

...The only pleasure I got out of watching the Cubs lose yesterday -and believe me, I don't root against them or for them- was watching Alfonso Soriano make the final out in game three. The multimillionaire showed he was worth all that money as he went 0 for 4 in the game and hit .143 in the series.

...I'm sure the ratings for the Arizona and Colorado NLCS are going to suck. I'll be doing my part in this as I plan to ignore this along with everyone else east of Chicago.

...I am sure the Mets fans are very happy about the Phillies losing to the Rockies but they got to remember Philadelphia actually got there.

...I hate those Dane Cook commercials for FOX. In fact I hate Dane Cook.

...TBS is a network I can get used to watching post season baseball with no problem at all.

...I actually bought a Christmas present this week for my wife. She wanted one of those Ipod Nano machines and there is an Apple store at one of our malls around here that sells them. (Attn, YankeexDev, in case you are reading this, this store is in the Eastview Mall if you are into this stuff.) So, after separating myself from $200, I got the Ipod. Now I got to hide it until Christmas day.

...All I want for Christmas is a Yankee championship.

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Been awhile, but here it goes...

...easy stuff first: definitely agree with Y4L on the TBS. IMO, 100,000% better than FOX. I hope they make a bid when FOX's contract is up, which I have no idea when that is.

...Frank TV is probably going to suck, as 30 minutes or one hour of those impressions is going to get old. But, to me anyway, he does a damn good job with them. Especially Nicholson.

...I've always said it would be a matter of time before Colorado made a run at a championship. The front office has built that club the right way and they're going to be good for awhile now. This isn't a one-season fluke. Take notes Sabean.

...I could write an essay about Florida's loss last night, but this isn't the place. Basically, LSU pimp-slapped the D-Line around, going 5/5 on fourth down. Les Miles outcoached Urban Meyer. And having a team comprised of 70% freshmen isn't an excuse for a lack of toughness. However, I guess it's too demanding to expect a team so young to come in a repeat last year's success. The foundation is there though - safety Major Wright and corner Joe Haden each played a hell of a game. But we're going to need Tennesse to lose again now to have a chance at an LSU rematch.

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-freakin phillies

-junior year of highschool has been the easiest so far... academically, athletically, and socially

-pick up football might be the most fun thing on the planet

-the angels better win today

-flyers lost a tough one last night... but they look pretty good

-how come their are so many white kids in my area trying to act black in my area? it's jus' plain annoying

-Korn is playing up at state college on saturday... i'm tryin to get up there for that

-why is my high school so uptight about everything... senior privileges get less and less every year... they took away the junior parking lot... alot of other rules have come in to place since i was a freshman... it's like they sat down and decided that we weren't allowed to have fun anymore

-off of the high school... we started a new club which is basically an organized student section... i'm pretty excited about it

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You know what? Even though I don't understand a word of spanish except for Taco Bell, I am still getting this mod. This looks like an exciting mod to get into. These guys over at the Spanish area of this site have really worked like crazy for this. Hats off to HFLR and everyone there.

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Thanks Y4L. A venezuelan modder told me that the MVP Caribe mod was announced in a venezuela channel, and today I had an interview via MSN with a mexican sports writter about the mod since both Mexican and Venezuelan Winter Leagues started yesterday...

And dont worry Y4L, MVP Caribe will have the English or Spanish option.

Love the MVP Caribe logo. Excellent work - can't wait to see the finished product guys!

Thanks, I used the EA Sports original logo as a base and then changed the EA thing with the Caribbean World Series logo and then added the MVP Caribe 07

There will be a lot of surprises guys!

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You know, school really sucks now. First off, the two eighth grade teachers hate our grade. I heard my friend's mom talking at his party; we're apparently known as the "drama grade". Then one teacher somehow found out that my girlfriend was in my class. Now remember that this is a Catholic school, and the Church says that you shouldn't date seriously until you're a junior in high school. This isn't a serious relationship, but they still seem to be trying to stop us from spending so much time together. One teacher has started to pick science lab partners more frequently. Another seems to have this new rule that you can't stop in the hall and talk between classes. GAHD I hate Catholic schools.

Thank God giving bulk rates to people for WordPress sites didn't kill me in terms of to-dos. It almost did.

I'm going to Italy next year in the spring. I'm going with the church cause they're going on a choir "pilgrimage", but I'll be with the group that doesn't sing, touring the cities.

I also want to fly out to London for a few days and see my friend in the UK. Airfare is so much more expensive in the summer, though, and he's at college during the winter when it's much cheaper.

**** you Apple, for taking away my third-party iPhone apps. No more tic-tac-toe during Geometry...


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No offense to anyone going to a private school, but I could never stand going to one. That's just me. Hope you have fun in Italy, it's a great place. If I learned anything there, it's that you've got to say "aqua naturale" if you want regular water, because if you just say plain "aqua," they're probably going to give you carbonated seltzer. At least that's what happened to me, but superciuc is probably going to come in and correct me. :)

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No offense to anyone going to a private school, but I could never stand going to one. That's just me. Hope you have fun in Italy, it's a great place. If I learned anything there, it's that you've got to say "aqua naturale" if you want regular water, because if you just say plain "aqua," they're probably going to give you carbonated seltzer. At least that's what happened to me, but superciuc is probably going to come in and correct me. :)

First of all, It's "Acqua" not "aqua". Yeah, you're right, they're gonna give you carbonated seltzer. It would be better to say "acqua naturale.". Btw, if you want a bottle of water you should say "una bottiglia di acqua naturale".

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Updated to 10-14

...Last night's Cleveland-Boston playoff game was over five hours long and I didn't watch a second of it. You see, I'm still in mourning. :cry:

...I hope those bugs in Cleveland attack the Red Sox now.

...I'll tell you what, if it is true that Alex Rodriguez is looking for a new ten year contract for 30 million a year, then let him go. No one is worth that much. Isn't the 25 million he is getting enough?

...And as far as any other Yankee saying they won't be back unless Joe Torre is, they can **ck off too. It's not like you've actually won anything these past seven years, have you?

...One last thing about this latest Yankee playoff collapse because I really don't want to think about it anymore. Once again I read articles where they blamed Alex Rodriguez for this loss to Cleveland. Forget the fact that Posada and Jeter were even worse. But only one guy, Mike Lupica, had the guts to call out Jeter in this article right here and say that he had a terrible series. The way I see it, it was more Jeter and Posada's fault for this loss, and you can't forget Chien Ming-Wang, who gave up it seemed fifty earned runs.

...Another vacation for me is getting closer and closer. When I get out of work on the 25th, I'll be free for eleven days. Oh, do I need it

...Mvp 2005 baseball question: Who here has had success in hitting the knuckleball in that game? It's not fun at all.

...MVP Caribe. That's the big thing going on this month. And HFLR, do you have a copy of the interview you had with that sportswriter? I'd love to read it.

...Can someone who understands this stuff explain what this avatar means to someone who is out of touch (like me)? This belongs to Mark and I don't know what it means. :lol:

...Nice to see Tribetime come back here to say hi. It's always good to see our original members back here.

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...I hate playing soccer in the fall. It's freezing or like last week when it was 90 degrees.

...The Redwings have been semi dissapointing this year. They having a winning record so far, but they have taken a ton of penalties.

...Dallas Drake is a beast. 3 fights in 5 games and he won all of them.

...I've been in a sig slump lately, I think I'm getting out of it though.


... I hate ordering stuff online. I ordered new shoes two weeks ago and they were suppposed to be there in 3-5 days and they just got here.

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...Tomorrow a new era in MVP Baseball will begin, the MVP Caribe era... It started with the Venezuelan uniforms made by Umachines in 2004, the spanish conversion of the mod made by myself and it will definately start with this, tomorrow our hard work since February 11th 2007 will be realeased... MVP Caribe.


Porque aquí también se juega béisbol!

Because we play baseball here, too![/align]

It contains the 4 caribbean leagues plus 2 cuban teams to have 30 teams in the mod, the schedule is great, ussualy the teams play only 62 games and only against their league but now the teams play more games and play every league.. there is no single league postseason. The teams are divided in 6 divisions, 1 for PR (6 teams) 2 for Venezuela (4 on each), and in the other side there is 1 division for Dominican Republic (6 teams) and 2 for Mexico (4 on each) , in the All-Star game the players from PR-VEN "Estrellas" unite to play against the DR-MEX "Astros" in the game.

In the post season the best 3 teams of each league advance to the Caribbean World Series, and the wild card that could be a PR team or a Venezuela team, the same happens with DR and Mexico, a 5 game series, then a 7 game series and the best team from Puerto Rico and Venezuela will play against the best team of Dominican Republic and Mexico.

I want to say thanks to all the mvpmods.com staff and the members for all your support with this mod, a lot of good ideas have been started but not all have been finished... I know you guys don't know about the caribbean players, caribbean leagues, and maybe you guys didn't know that there was a Caribbean World Series every February or maybe you guys didn't understand the language like Y4L, or RaptorQuiz. You guys made this mod possible too, with the spanish forum and more... a lot of us are "n00bs" in modding, but we tried to bring our leagues to the PC. We spent all the season since the Caribbean World Series finished until the leagues started again, all the MLB season and spring training.

There will be a lot of surprises tomorrow when you download the mod...

[align=center]Gracias staff de MVPmods! [/align]

Please watch our mod video here (it's not the one I already posted on the last page)


...Caribbean Leagues started in Mexico/Venezuela this week, in Mexico the league started on wednesday. I had the opportunity of going to two games, one on friday when I caught a ball :D , and one yesterday...

...MVP Caribe. That's the big thing going on this month. And HFLR, do you have a copy of the interview you had with that sportswriter? I'd love to read it.

The interview will be in a mexican internet page tomorrow, Ill post a copy of it on monday...

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