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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...everytime I turn the TV on I'm already missing most of a game, or have already missed the one I wanted to watch. Example, both RSox games that have passed and the cowboys and pats game....

...doing your own portraits is hard work...just keep that a secret...

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Here's the resume of the interview I had last week:

Fans create a caribbean baseball game, MVP Caribe.

Everything started back on february of this year, when an idea of a venezuelan modder of creating our leagues replacion the ones in MVP Baseball. Now the result can be watched in the PC screens of the fans. Its a very complete game with the teams of the professional leagues of the Caribbean Confederation.

In an interview with Héctor Rivera who had to make the Mexican Pacific League for the MVP Caribe game we knew the caracteristics of the videogame that offers plenty of fun, entertainment and a less known point of view of the king of the sports.

"There were videogames about the Major Leagues and college baseball, but why not make the Mexican Pacific League?, Why there wasn't a game with the 28 teams of the Caribbean Confederation?, was the first question that motivated the team that developed this game, and now 9 months later of a lot of work and love it watch the light for first time from the internet.

The game is about 30 teams, 28 members of the caribbean confederation (Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic), and 2 cuban teams, Industriales de la Habana and the Santiago de Cuba teams.

The graphical detail is great, every team has it's original uniforms, including the publicity of the brands, the stadiums are very similar to the each one in it's original version, and every stadium has it's own sounds like the Yaquis fight chant in the Tomas Oroz Gaytan stadium or the Naranjeros chants in the Héctor Espino González Stadium.

The user can actualize rosters transfering players from a team to other, develop and create new talents from the minor league reserves.

"The beta version of the game was downloaded by more than 1,000 fans from different countries, and everyone has been waiting many months until this day, the day that MVP Caribe was released".

"MVP Caribe was developed without the idea of making money, Its a modification to the MVP Baseball 2005 game created by EA Sports, and the team that worked in all the proces makes it for love of the king of the sports, to have a different option about baseball videogames, so the final MVP Caribe version can be downloaded from www.mvpcaribe.com without any cost" said Héctor Rivera.

At the begining, Héctor Rivera with only 15 years old and from Ciudad Obregón, Sonora was the only mexican making the Mexican League for the videogame but later J-Art from Tabasco started helping Héctor, J-Art didn't knew a lot of the Mexican Pacific League but he was very excited about the project and the 2 modders made a great team.

The game is a piece of the big interest that wakes up the baseball in the young fans, which hasn't forgot the great players of the diamond since the game includes a team of Caribbean legends when you can play with great players like Héctor Espino, Edgar Marínez, Roberto Clemente and more players of the past years.

MVP Caribe is a project that deserves a chance of knowing it, now the last thing is the invitation to the fans to download the modification of the game from www.mvpcaribe.com, without forgetting aquiring the MVP Baseball 2005 game by EA Sports to play it.

To watch the proyect intro game click on this link:


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Updated to 10-21

...If Cleveland blows this ALCS tonight they deserve every bit of criticism thrown their way over the winter.

...What I don't like most of all if the Red Sox win tonight is that all the Red Sox fans won't shut up about it.

...That being said, I hope the entire Red Sox "nation" tonight has a very miserable night.

...I still don't know what to think after reading about Joe Torre not coming back to the Yankees. But I do know one thing in that is wasn't his fault for the playoff losses.

...Given the option, I'd give Joe Girardi a chance in New York.

...But as far as the A-Rod situation goes, that's a different story. I don't want that Scott Boras guy to hold up the Yankees for some outrageous ten year 30 million a year deal. No one is worth that. No one is close to being worth that.

...So far MLB has been lucky with the post season games this year in the case of getting all of them in with no rainouts. But these days off during the playoffs will eventually hurt them I think. As anyone here who lives in the east can attest, the weather in October can change at a moment's notice. One day you'll have a nice 67 degree day and the next day it could be 40 degrees. My point is get the games in as fast as you can.

...I love audiobooks on baseball.

...It's nice to see Randy Moss playing like himself again. All he needed was a quarterback and a good team. And the desire to make an effort again.

...Four more days of work and then I run off to vacation. It's not like I'm counting down or anything like that. :)

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Updated to 10-28

...Wow, that's pretty rare. I'm following myself in this thread. I guess a lot of people were either busy or had nothing to say last week. :lol:

...The Red Sox are up 3 - 0 in the series. I've only watched maybe five entire pitches in the three games. If and when they win this thing, just watch how many new users join for the rest of the year that will have Red Sox as their user name or something to do with them. It happened in 2004 over and over.

...I've been home this weekend all by myself. Alone. No wife or dogs. They are out of town visiting family. I didn't go because I am going there for Thanksgiving. I have forgotten how much of a pleasure it is to have complete quiet around here. It's so quiet I can't sleep.

....I think I'll watch that NFL game today that is over in London. It's just too bad they got the Dolphins (0-7) there.

...I'll tell you what, if A-Rod signs that extension with the Yankees and he doesn't start coming through he is going to have a very rough time in 2008. And from what I read about the offer the Yankees made (5 year extension, around 140 million) it is more than fair. If he doesn't like it, then get out.

...As far as I am concerned none of the current Yankees (except for the rookies because they need a chance to show what they have) are untouchable and that includes Jeter. People seem to forget his choke job against the Indians but not me.

...While I am at it F*** you Jorge Posada.

...I am starting to wonder when Jamarcus Russell is going to make his first appearance for the Raiders.

...Maybe the less said about Oakland the better.

...Ok, when I read this the other day I could not stop laughing. I hope this brings a laugh to you on this Sunday morning.

...Have a good week, I know I will because I am home this week.

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I'm failing classes in college. It sucks and I'm not happy. I've taken a ton of steps to prevent repeated offenses, lol. I spent the entire morning and afternoon studying yesterday and the weeks prior. Maybe it's just me and I'm a bad person but ever since junior high school, when I last actually LOVED mathematics and actually passed the classes, the rest of my math teachers have all been foreign and I can't pass. I don't know, maybe it's a mental block or something but I find it hard.

I've been doing well with all my computer related courses though so that's a good sign, but everything else is going down the sh*tter. :( That's money I'm blowing on failure. I attribute it to just me being a slow starter. The effort is there but we'll see after the first half of the semester. Once I get momentum going, it's all downhill from here.

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...The world series the last few years have been downers. Sox swept, which I guess was exciting for sox fans and their bandwagon, but not for us yankee fans. The White Sox deserved to win that year, but it was a sweep and not much happened in that series. Then it was a 5-game series won by a team that won 83 games. Now the Sox will probably sweep again. This is getting annoying.

...I had a really, really weird and disturbing argument with this kid at school. I forget how, but somehow he started talking about how if as long as you weren't a Jew in WWII Germany, you were living, and I'm not making up this phrase here, "like it rocks." I then pointed out that I wouldn't be a billionaire if I lived in a country that treated and murdered so many people innocent people, even if I myself was living well. He just couldn't understand this, so I tried to put it into ten analogies, but he still couldn't understand, and by now I was really, really mad. I asked if he was given a house and a million bucks for the price that everyone in the school, students, teachers, everyone, was innocently murdered, would he do it, he said yes. I was just alarmed at that, and now I was just thinking that this guy has problems. Then, he remarked that Hitler was a genius. Now, I was fully enraged, I have never been so close to punching someone in my ****ing life - I'm a pacifist. Thankfully, the bell rang about a minute later, which probably saved a few detentions. Still, I am never talking to that ***hole again. It was really weird, this guy didn't seem to bad until he suddenly started talking about this stuff. And my school is really liberal, the last place you expect to find a near neo-nazi. It was really disgusting.

...I've go a science project due on Tuesday which I haven't started, I don't have powerpoint yet, and now openoffice is acting up!

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this ******* Berlin Wall **** going on between the two sites is pissing me off. i wish it was the 70's where everthing was about peace

Mom got me a new phone for an early xmas gift because i lost my old charger

360 is a beast

Guitar Hero III is legit, took me 6 hrs to beat

Waiting for Smackdown vs Raw 2008 now

Orange Box = best game ever (next to halo)

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Now I have never lived in the 60s or 70s (or 80s for that matter) but it seems to me that a common misconception is that the 70s were about peace, which doesn't seem to true, it was more the 60s...

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this **** Berlin Wall **** going on between the two sites is pissing me off. i wish it was the 70's where everthing was about peace

It's not making a lot of people here happy either. But keep the faith, that's all I can say.

And what's this about the 70's where everything was about peace? You are a decade off, the 60's were the decade of peace.

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I'm failing classes in college. It sucks and I'm not happy. I've taken a ton of steps to prevent repeated offenses, lol. I spent the entire morning and afternoon studying yesterday and the weeks prior. Maybe it's just me and I'm a bad person but ever since junior high school, when I last actually LOVED mathematics and actually passed the classes, the rest of my math teachers have all been foreign and I can't pass. I don't know, maybe it's a mental block or something but I find it hard.

I have the same problem over here

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It's not making a lot of people here happy either. But keep the faith, that's all I can say.

And what's this about the 70's where everything was about peace? You are a decade off, the 60's were the decade of peace.

Well, you actually lived during the 60s and the 70s.

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sry bout that Y4L

you would know though

In the 60's I was just a baby. I don't have a lot of memories of that time. The 70's I have more memories. I just know from reading that the 60's was the Love generation. Flower power and all that stuff. I have no idea what that was about!

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I have the same problem over here

Sry to hear guys. Don't worry about the teachers. Just worry about the material. One thing you can do is to read the next chapter before the next class even if you don't totally understand it. When the teacher teaches the lesson, the material won't seem that foreign. Hope you guys turn it around. Good luck.


The World Series has been one sided. No competition. I turned the game off after the 3rd inning and went to sleep. I probably won't watch the 4th and possibly the final game. The good news is that Free Agency will come that much earlier.


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I'm just pissed about history, my teacher doesn't teach, and the lecturer is 150 years behind the material and I have a midterm tomorrow. I can't concentrate on it because of personal issues and I'm thinking I'm going to P/NC this class.

Edit: 3 kids have passed a quiz so far, meaning, out of the 4 quizzes there have been 3 passing grades. =

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I'm finding there is a *lot* of anti-semitism, albeit unintentional, in the Left these days. People seem to think that, out of knee-jerk sympathy for the "repressed" group, that the Palestinians must be in the right. That whole war that Israel was forced into was maligned by Western liberals, and I couldn't believe it.

If we were being bombarded with katyushas maybe they'd feel differently about who is right and wrong. And, it should be mentioned, i'm about as liberal as anyone.

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Updated to 11-4

...Oh man what a vacation. I loved it. I got one more too, Thanksgiving week although it won't be as good because I got to go out of town for Thanksgiving. That's as fun as watching paint dry.

...This random thought actually hit me when I woke up on Thursday morning and I saw the calendar say "November 1st." I said to myself, damn, next month is Christmas already.

...Isn't this the month also that Michael Vick learns his fate from the federal judge?

...I never did get around to congratulating the Boston Red Sox and something tells me that I never will.

...But I'll tell you one thing, John Lester showed more heart on that ball field in game four than A-Rod has ever shown in his career. Check out this quote from Mike Lupica from the Daily News this morning. "How come anybody swinging a bat for the Red Sox this October did more to help Boston win than the iconic player who is supposed to be worth $400 million over the next 12 years? I have no answers for that.

...Now that baseball's done that's when I really miss it. It's always a long and cold off season. Sure I like football, but it's not anywhere close as to how much I love baseball.

...I think the choice of Joe Girardi as Yankee manager was a good one.

...I wonder what Scott Proctor was actually thinking when it was announced Joe Torre became Dodger manager? :laff:

...Who has not played Mvp Caribe yet and what is your excuse? It's like you've been given a brand new game.

...East coast residents, turn your clock back one hour today.

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...MVP Caribe patch 1 is almost ready, it will contain the new rosters and new uniforms for the new Venezuela team "Bravos de Margarita" that will replace "Pastora de los Llanos"

...Finaly we got rid of the shoutbox in the Caribe site, I want to share this idea from one that downloaded the mod: "I will change all the audios to the ESPN Deportes ones so we can have the comentators in spanish" :joystick:

...Now that baseball's done that's when I really miss it. It's always a long and cold off season. Sure I like football, but it's not anywhere close as to how much I love baseball.

And talking about ESPN Deportes, Y4L you can watch winter baseball if you get ESPN Deportes but I doubt you will understand it :rocklicker: .

...Yesterday I went to the stadium and the people here REALLY hates Karim Garcia, its more hated that A-Rod in the MLB. Please watch THIS VIDEO that I recorded yesterday. (on 00:34 the PA Announcer says his name)... and THIS 2ND VIDEO when people yells "PONCHE! PONCHE!" that means strikeout and "CHIVO"

...I was wondering, when you guys play MVP Caribe what teams do you use and against who?

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