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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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-day after OSU lost its 1st regular season game in quite some time. Next game is Michigan for the Rose Bowl. No title game this year but at least I wont have to sit through another butt whooping.

-watching my Browns play right now. Just scored a TD. If the Browns win they are in 1st place in the division. Is this bizarro world? Quinn is looking like a wasted pick at this point since Anderson took the reigns. The offensive line has been the biggest reason for the turnaround and Joe Thomas has been awesome. The defense needs work still.

-Its a cold, rainy day so it looks like I will be playing a lot Call of Duty 4 today after the game. I'm addicted to this game, like I was with Ghost Recon for the 1st xbox when that came out. Mass Effect and Assassins Creed are coming out soon and Im thinking that I could put those off for awhile during this COD4 phase. Maybe not Mass Effect. hmmm decisions, decisions.

-Might also watch some movies tonight. I saw Rescue Dawn the other night. Alright movie. Definatly hindered by a budget. Bale is my fav. actor and I can't wait for the Dark Knight to come out. Ledger as the Joker is looking like the right call as sound bites and pics. of him in character are coming out and showing that this incarnation of the Joker will be the scariest, most psychopathic villain in recent movie history.

-How many days til pitchers and catchers report?

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I love the "Peyton Manning Pep Talks"...

"Bummed about your gut? Wish you had rock-hard abs? Look, unless you're under the age of 23, or a professional football player... it probably isn't going to happen. If I were you, I'd probably just buy some bigger shirts."


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...Finaly Jorge (J-Art) logged in yesterday and he is OK, Tabasco is still flooded but the important thing is that he and his family is ok.

...I wonder why there are contest to win tickets to the 2008 opening day, if the game is in China or Japan you will have to pay for the airplane to Tokio or Beiging.

...There is a great video by Ryan Parker about A-Rod and his money, CLICK HERE!

... December 7th will be great, my birthday and last school day before winter vacations.

...The MVP Caribe team will release the MVP Caribe patch #1 soon, stay tuned!

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Updated to 11-18

...I am on vacation again for this Thanksgiving week although it won't be as fun as the one I had a few weeks ago. This time I got to go out of town for the holiday and that is going to suck. When I tell you guys there is nothing to do in my wife's hometown, I mean it. I'll be bringing some books and I won't be going shopping on Black Friday.

...There's three games on Thanksgiving day, and there's no way I am going to watch all three. Green Bay is going to be at Detroit for the early game, then the Jets go to Dallas for the 4:00 game (I'll be asleep by then) and then in the evening on the NFL Network, the Colts go to Atlanta. And while all this is going on I will be wishing I was online right here interacting with everyone here.

...What was bigger news last week, A-Rod's about-face with the Yankees or finding out Bonds got indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice?

...And where are all these guys who were so insistent on defending him in all the Bonds threads that we have had on this forum? Not one of them have said a thing.

...Someone asked me (not in here) about what I thought about Derek Jeter being in trouble with the state of New York concerning where he actually lives and that he might have to pay millions in taxes. My response was I could care less. That's his problem.

...But what has been forgotten I think with most Yankee fans is because of all this high profile A-Rod talk and the attempts to re-sign Posada and Rivera, we still need pitching. And I hope we do not overpay for Santana - or anyone else.

...You know who I'd like to have on the Yankees? Eric Bedard of Baltimore.

...Ok Raiders, how are you going to screw it up this week?

...I think after this I'll be running out to breakfast. No more Dunkin Donuts of course. I'm done with them. My favorite breakfast places are the ones with the best orange juice. I love that stuff.

...I was watching the USA network last night and I saw the one of my favorite shows, Psych, will be having a holiday show to be aired on December 7th. And there's also one for Monk that will be aired on the same night!

...Next week's random thoughts will be late. I will be driving home on Sunday after being randomly bored.

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Just came home from the first Muslim wedding (or any wedding, for that matter) I've attended, and it's an experience everyone should see at some point in their life. A great ceremony, most fun I've had in a long time.

Now, random thoughts are short, because I'm absolutely shattered and start work in just under 6 hours. :lol:

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...Ah, thanksgiving. Pumpkin pies. Gravy. Turkeys. Pretending that settlers actually respected Native Americans and didn't wipe out half of their population while trying to convert the remaining half to Christianity. A true American holiday.

...Only about... two months until my string of something like 40 straight POTDs. Hooray.

...Interesting topic came up today. What do you consider yourself - a member of your religion living in your country, or a citizen of your country affiliated with a religion? For example, for me, am I an American Jew or a Jewish American? I think I'm a Jewish American. I think well being of your country should come before your personal beliefs, but that's just me.

...Speaking of which, I can't believe we have to read Ayn Rand in school. Disgusting. It's like they have to have something to satisfy the three republicans in my school.


...Anyway, interesting to see how everything in the yankees' offseason pans out. I think next year is going to be very exciting and, contrary to what we might have thought earlier, far from a rebuilding stage.

...I agree with Y4L - why should I care about Jeter's tax problems? If it don't lower his OPS, I don't care.

...Baseball really has a jargon to itself. I mean, it's the bottom of the third with two men in scoring position and one out, you've got a pull hitter up who likes the ball high. On the full count, the southpaw pitcher sets, winds, delivers, a breaking ball, it's a squeeze bunt, fielded by the third baseman, he fires to first as the runner comes home for a run, two away as the runnner on second stays put. Will he try to steal third, or could they go with the hit and run with this contact hitter up? After the high cheese, he gives him a change that didn't bite, lofted into shallow center, drops in for a bloop hit, as he's got himself a base knock. He's 1 for 3. I mean, seriously.

...I was watching The Natural against my will a few days ago (although it was not an entirely unpleasant experience), and it reminds me of how a Sammy Sosa second inning home run in a half-empty Ameriquest Field sucks the life out of it. It's a shame, because it's one of the best scores ever written. It also reminds me that I should read the book.

...If the act of resigning a player isn't called resignation, then what's it called?

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Your a Jewish man who lives in Ameirca.

- Jets won. There goes our shot at the first pick, because Miami will not win two games.

- Rangers are unstopable. In there last 10 games, and the month of November they are 9-1. I went to the game on the 8th and it was great. Nothing better then going to the center of NYC and watching a game in the worlds most famous arena, which I plan to do at least 10 more times this year.

- Hockey started for me. Lost the opener last night. Nothing like traveling an our and a half past the Bronx to get your *** kicked.

- Only two and a half days of school this week!!!

- I was going to a showcase at UConn in December but I have a game that day. :-(

- It's finally cold. I mean cold cold. Now when we play football at the park it makes you want to not get hit that much more.

- I got hit in football.

- The Mets are changing there name to Los Mets di Carribean just like the Angels changed there name to Los Angeles.

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Since Y4L is now driving home I thought I should update this thread this week, hope there is no problem with that.

...Next week's random thoughts will be late. I will be driving home on Sunday after being randomly bored.

Updated 11-25

...Yesterday I went to the baseball stadium to watch the Mayos vs Yaquis game and I had to leave in the 7th inning because I was freezing. At least the Yaquis won the game...

...We probably release today or monday the MVP Caribe patch #1. So you can have actualized rosters and uniforms!

...Do you guys remember Mike Hampton? Well he is in his final year of his contract and is playing with the Mayos this season, he is fighting for a spot in the Braves pitching staff. He will start today's game. I'll go to the stadium again. I wont miss that game!

...You've gotta be kidding me: http://auction.mlb.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/...&aunbr=89183723

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Last Gator home game of the year...always great to kill FSU. Probably will be able to get tickets for the Bowl game though so atleast have one more game to go to. Always get teary eyed on Senior day though.

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...My birthday is tomorrow. I turn the big 20. Among one of the perks of being 20 is basically just waiting 1 more year to enter bars and clubs to drink and see strippers, etc. 1 more year to legally drink beer and alcoholic beverages. All I want for my birthday is a PSP. That's all I ask.

Aside from that, unfortunately, I've been blessed with a doctor's appointment tomorrow, which means I won't have time to hang out as much as I would love to do so with my school and my entourage. On a side note, my cell phone voicemail box better be full tomorrow if I can't get to my phone.

Last year, I remember I had, out of my own anger, ripped my brother apart, unfortunately, but we've made amends and hopefully things are for the better, sort of. The relationship between my stepfather and I has improved significantly and we're as close as I'd like for us to be, albeit him living in another state prevents us from visiting each other. I still have love for my mom, as always, despite my grandmother babying me even through my teenage years.

...Helicopter parents suck. They're the kinds of parents that America itself has become. From a social standpoint, we moved from being a nation of fathers that simply humiliated our kids into overcoming adversity "for their own good" to a nation of nurturing mothers where nobody ever has to feel bad and everyone is special in their own way. That will never build self-esteem and turns teens and children like us into people who are dependent on mommy and daddy because they've never given us any responsibility, as opposed to independent people who are able to make their own decisions.

My grandparents and I always seem to butt heads every other day because of their refusal to acknowledge the fact that I am growing up and becoming my own person. I can make good decisions a majority of the time, such as me going to college. That was a decision I made own my own, sacrificing many small job opportunities in hopes of getting the big one through a college degree, as it stands, not even that is enough.

...I had to buy MLB 07 today because apparently my brother sold the games I had let him borrow, or so he says, and I ran out of PS2 games to play. Such is the price you pay when you only buy sports games :(.

...Next year I am going budget cutting everywhere to save money. Seriously. I got to start making moves, and next year I will have 365 days to do so. I plan on moving out by 2010, for sure, and by then, I'm sure Empty Nest Syndrome will kick in hard on everybody.

...I'm still disappointed in this:


That's how much the college sent back to me me from my tuition, including grants.

$10.45. Ten Dollars and Forty-Five Cents.

Everyone else that attends college (all of my friends) got something around the $1,600 range, and the only person who got that amount was unfortunately me. Out of all of my friends, it was I who was REALLY depending on that check, because I knew I would be in trouble financially at the end of the month, and look at where I am at now. It's disappointing, really.

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Updated to 11-25

...Thank you HFLR for starting off this week's random thoughts. I was driving home right around the time you were posting.

...I think the less said about my Thanksgiving "vacation" down to the in-laws, the better.

...Ok, just one thing. I always seem to make better time driving home from there then I do driving there. :lol:

...Did any of you get one of those laptops Circuit City had on sale on Black Friday for $299? I was just wondering if any of you were lucky enough to grab one.

...Heck, I got to tell this to everyone too because I thought it was kind of funny. Best Buy had some ads on TV about the stuff they were selling on Black Friday and some of the stuff is what my sister-in-law and my wife wanted. They were all set to go until I asked one question: "Is there a Best-Buy in Binghamton (NY)?" The answer to that was no, and that ended the plans on going to Best buy. They could have went, but the closest one is in Syracuse.

...Some people made the news by sleeping in tents in front of the stores on the morning of Black Friday. Not me! I was nice and warm in my uncomfortable bed.

..If anything happened with the Yankees over the weekend, I had no way of knowing. The newspaper down there is a little behind the times. Yesterday's headlines in the sports blurted out "Red Sox win World Series."

...Thanksgiving day I watched football. All three games because again, there's nothing to do. I guess I am done with football until the playoffs or if the remote possibility that the Raiders will be televised in my area.

...My God, the Raiders won today in Kansas City, 20-17. This is great news!

...R.I.P. to pitcher Joe Kennedy, 28 years old is way to young to go. Terrible, terrible thing to read about.

...Happy birthday to Joe Dimaggio and Bernie Kosar, two of my favorite sports figures.

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- Rangers lost thsis afternoon.

- My hockey team started the season 0-2 after playing the best team in our division back to back. We gotta take advantage of our scedule, which is pretty good in terms of playing weaker teams.

- I filed a request for a repair of my 360. I get the ring of death or whatever it's called. It's pretty cool, no charge for repair.

- Bye Bye Mota!

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From a social standpoint, we moved from being a nation of fathers that simply humiliated our kids into overcoming adversity "for their own good" to a nation of nurturing mothers where nobody ever has to feel bad and everyone is special in their own way.

"We are a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need."

<3 Chuck Palahniuk. Amazing book.

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