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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Do you live near Buffalo? I hear it's like a ghost town. I know a trainer for the NY Rangers and he says the team dreads going up there to play, especially when they had to play in the playoffs there last year.

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I don't live in the vicinity of New York City. I live in upstate New York in a town called Irondequoit. I am closer to Canada than I am to New York. The closest person to me in this forum is YankeexDev, who lives in another town called Webster. Webster is one of the best places to live around here.

Webster is alright but in the winter time it sucks since I live near 104 where it gets the most snow.

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Do you live near Buffalo? I hear it's like a ghost town. I know a trainer for the NY Rangers and he says the team dreads going up there to play, especially when they had to play in the playoffs there last year.

I do not live near Buffalo. No sir. Buffalo is a toilet. You only go to Buffalo when you have to go. No one wants to go to Buffalo.

Webster is alright but in the winter time it sucks since I live near 104 where it gets the most snow.

I know that stretch of road. I avoid it in the winter at all costs. Basically when I go to Webster it's to go to BJ's Wholesale club or the new set of stores further down the road where the new Target is. I was just there Thanksgiving week doing Christmas shopping. I got there 8 am in the morning, did what I had to do and got out before 8:30. I loved it.

I also go to Webster in the summer every so often to the batting cages that have an ice cream stand too. I don't get ice cream because I don't care for ice cream that much, but I love those cages. That's all I do in Webster.

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What do you mean expensive? It's really really cheap!!!! jk

It's funny how prices for homes in the whole country go down, but in the city it goes up.

I went to a Rangers game at the Garden the a couple weeks ago and a hotdog cost me 4 dollars.

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I don't live in the vicinity of New York City. I live in upstate New York in a town called Irondequoit. I am closer to Canada than I am to New York. The closest person to me in this forum is YankeexDev, who lives in another town called Webster. Webster is one of the best places to live around here.


does that answer it?

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What do you mean expensive? It's really really cheap!!!! jk

It's funny how prices for homes in the whole country go down, but in the city it goes up.

I went to a Rangers game at the Garden the a couple weeks ago and a hotdog cost me 4 dollars.

man, i went to a NJ State Finals football game at Giants Stadium, and 2 pretzels cost 11 DOLLARS!!!

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Updated to 12-9

....I don't like trade talks with any team in baseball because they always seem to demand the world when they deal with the Yankees.

... I hope this Santana stuff bites Minnesota in the *&* at the end and this guy ends up a free agent.

...I wonder how Barry Bonds is going to get away with no jail time? I just have a feeling he will.

...Good news! At least for me, that is. My knee surgery is scheduled for January 22nd. I am getting a "right knee arthroscopy, Possible Meniscectomy" done that day. All that means is that I won't be able to walk around after that for awhile. :)

...I am not really sure that trading Hideki Matsui is a good idea. He's productive, although he was like everyone else in the post season in that he left his bat in the dugout.

...Being forced to watch "White Christmas" and "Miracle on 34th Street" last night has not put me in a good mood today. :) Nothing against those movies, but I've seen them so many times.

... I like watching baseball games on DVD, but it is no substitute for watching a live one.

...Bill Simmons and Jim Caple over at ESPN are probably my two most hated writers. They're Boston guys and that means that they have to throw in some kind of Yankee insult in almost every article they write.

...Speaking of classless, here's looking at you New England.

...Happy Birthday (yesterday) to Jim Morrison of the Doors. These guys were way before my time, but they were the best during their time period.

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First, and most importantly, good luck with the surgery, Y4L.

Now, randoms;

My elaion at seeing Amir Khan destroy Graham Earl in 72 seconds last night was soured slightly by seeing Floyd Mayweather Jr. take out Ricky Hatton in the 10th round. That said I learned a new level of respect for Mayweather that I didn't have before, due to his actions both in and out of the ring. Dominating inside the ropes, gracious in victory. I still think that having his name among the greats of all time may be a bit much, but he's definitely a worthy champion.

Even in retirement, Lennox Lewis can't keep his mouth shut.

The weekend always goes far too quickly.

The off-season is dragging on already. Bring on Spring Training..with Phil Hughes.

Looks forward to seeing how Tyler Clippard does with the Nationals in a full-time starting role. Sad to see him leave the Yankees, but understandable.

16 days left until Christmas - can't wait. The sooner this crap is done with, the better.

Copying data files from my DVR hard drive is becoming pain in the ***. I'm having to connect it to my laptop running a Ubuntu LiveCD and try to get it to mount the drive when the partition that the files are stored on doesn't even have a file system. What a pain!

Haven't shaved in 8 days, feeling like a bit of a gorilla right now. Add another item to the "to-do" list for today.

Finally, it's very hard to type when you have a plaster on the end of your ring finger.


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....Pohlad is the very worst kind of sports owner there can be. He has more money than anyone, cries poor mouth, hates to spend and looks for handouts. Screw him.

....I love my PSP. I don't understand why people would want to pirate games on the system, but then again, it's Sony's fault for poor marketing of the handheld device :-

....Yankee Stadium 3.0 is looking more and more like a stadium every week I pass by it. Man it looks lovely.

....Christmas is coming up, but I don't feel the spirit yet.

....Superbad is the funniest film I've ever seen this year. The Unrated version is far funnier.

....I've let my beard grow this month as part of an ironman challenge amongst my friends. It comes off on Christmas Eve.

....Hideki Matsui for Lincecum or Cain...or Hennesey. DO IT Cashman. DO IT.

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Updated to 12-16

...Wheew!! That's what I said this morning when I looked out the window. The forecast called for 8 to 12 inches but just by looking at what is out there now, we did not get a foot of snow last night. Thank you God.

...My niece was worried about the snow because tonight she is supposed to go to a Hannah Montana concert. Now she will be able to go. But it does bring up one question. Who the hell is Hannah Montana?

...If my snowplow guy gets here and the roads are halfway decent, I am going to go and see "I am Legend" today. And then next week the National Treasure Book of Secrets movie is on my list.

...I like Christmas songs probably as much as anyone, but the song I hate the most is "The Twelve Days of Christmas." I can not listen to this song in its entirety.

...My favorite? Adeste Fideles, hands down. (That's O Come all Ye Faithful sung in Latin. When I was in school we had to learn and sing it that way.)

...Well, the Mitchell report has come and gone and we lived through it.

...Is anyone here going to read all 409 pages of that thing? Mark me down as no.

...And I give Andy Pettitte credit, he admitted what he did. But this still does not phase me one bit. He did it to himself, he didn't hurt you or me. I just want him to have a good year next year for the Yankees, that's all I care about.

...Of course it did not go unnoticed by me that some Red Sox fans had to just point out how many Yankee names were on this list and at the same time ignoring all the Red Sox names on that very same list. Never underestimate a Boston fan's ability to sink to a new low.

...Come on Cleveland Browns. Knock the Bills out of playoff contention.

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-Haven't posted here in a while. I've been so busy with work and stuff that I've had almost no time for baseball. I'm glad I have a little time now, and I'm amazed to see so many conversion mods.

-At first I thought some names in the Mitchell Report like Knoblauch were unbelievable. But now that I think about it, it makes sense. We're talking about a guy who sucked at the end of his career and probably did what he could to stick around for a few more years.

-Pettitte is also a surprise. At least he admitted to what he did, unlike Clemens or Bonds.

-I hate the winter. If I could, I'd gladly move to some place in the southwest. We got freezing rain here last night, and my driveway looks like an ice rink.

-There have been reports that the Yanks are going after Johan again. I really hope they don't do anything stupid to get him, like trading away 3 prospects. I know the guy's good, but Kennedy, Hughes, and Chamberlain have long futures ahead of them.

-If the Jets somehow win today, I think I will die of shock.

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Addendum to my original random thoughts for today:

...Looks like I won't be leaving the house after all. I just went outside to shovel a few paths in the front and back yards for the dogs and the snow is still coming. I couldn't tell from the inside, but this snow is a combination of hail and sleet, and it is still coming down. Looks like I am in for the day.

...Welcome back Friedman, hope you can hang around for a bit.

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Y4L, Hannah Montana is a new pop singer. She has her own show on disney and her concert tickets are damn near impossible to get, unless your gonna pay a mint on ebay to get them. She is Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter, You know the guy who keeps telling us not to break his heart.

I'm loving this snow every day now. We had 10 inches on thursday and now 6 inches today. I'm just hoping it wont effect my dad's flight home from dallas. He went to go see the Cowboys play because his friend can get him on the field to meet the players...anyways he just called and told me its sunny but its 29 degrees down there. Kinda wasn't expecting it to be that cold!

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....Browns could clinch a playoff spot today with a win and a Titans loss. Should be nice football weather in Cleveland today; cold, windy, and snowing.

.....waiting for the Dark Knight trailer to hit www.atasteforthetheatrical.com

saw it already and the prologue, but not in HD on my tv.

.....After the Browns game Im probably going to make some chili.

.....After the chili Im going to sit on my butt and play COD4, Forza2, and Halo3 until I find something more interesting to do.

.....Might watch a movie or go back and start watching either Deadwood, Carnivale, Rome, or Arrested Development again. The writers strike is really hurting tv. Thank god for ESPN and British programming.

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This Sunday is a good one, or should be:

- Jets game starts in 45 minutes. I cannot wait to watch it.

- Just watched Spider Man 3 on movies on demand. It was cool, but like always the orginal is the best.

- Hockey Game tonight! Normally wwe get a crowd of 20 people, but since this is a big rivalry game tonite and it is close to the school I go to, we are expecting around 150 people. Not joking. Plus what the hell is anyone doing on a Sunday night anyway? It's also cool because on big games players from my team give away the jersey we're not wearing so you always have people wearing the schools jersey. Also, if we win we break the tie and move into third place!

- Woke up to snow/ice/rain this morning. I was expecting a lot of snow, but I guess forecasters were right when they said the city would get more freezing rain then anything.

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