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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 2-10

... We've finally made it, Spring training starts this week! Just reading that should make everyone feel good about this upcoming week.

...And I still got a smile on my face because of the Super Bowl. I don't know what I was most happiest about last Sunday, watching the Patriots lose or watching Belicheat look like a total idiot after the game. :p

...The Pro Bowl is today. Wake me when it's over. This game gets no ratings year after year. Even when I was in Hawaii no one there paid attention to it except for the occasional article in the paper about some player. Other than that, it was "oh well."

...I'm still home trying to get this knee healed so I can stay up later at night and I got to tell you the best stuff on TV is on after 11 pm. And I have no idea why.

...Been using the X-box also too. Haven't turned that on in months too. I've forgotten how much I enjoyed playing the All Star Baseball series by Acclaim and the NCAA 06 game by EA. Especially ASB, which I thought was underrated.

...I really found it humorous that Roger Clemens' wife is now being accused of injecting steroids. I expect that this week we will find out that Clemens' paperboy took them too.

...I've played about five or six games of Compmaniac's softball mod this week and I really enjoyed it. I sure wish he'd come back and finish it. He was really on to something.

...There is no better theme song for any TV show than the one for Hawaii Five-O. Period.

...For my own good I have to stop playing those search-and-find games from here on out. You know the ones I mean, where you got to find stuff in a picture and they are hidden in the photo? Those are the games. I get so involved that I turn the light off in the room, get close as I can to the screen and stare at it until I find every one of them. After awhile I get a headache because of this. But do I learn?? Noooo.

...In four days it will be Valentine's Day. That's the day you HAVE TO go out and buy that special girl in your life something because this is the day that Hallmark and the jewelry stores invented for you to spend more of your money because they decided they didn't get enough of it over Christmas. I hate this made up holiday.

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...Call of duty is sweet so far.

....I finally thought I was getting good at it because last night I played and went 18-5,15-1,24-4, and I think 17-8. I play this morning, same settings, and are only getting 10-12 kills and anywhere from 9 to 15 deaths.

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....yesterday I bought a product called PowerPump250. I got a good workout in after taking it and it did what it promised. That was one 1 scoop. Today, i took 2 scoops. Big mistake. Not to be too discriptive or disgusting, but if I had a theme song for the day Im having so far, it would be, "When the levee breaks"

....might play some COD4 later tonight. I played yesterday a lot in between playing Nascar 2003 on the PC. I can't believe how awesome that game is when you get the right settings down and get the right mods for it. Also, Links 2003 is back on the rotation.

.....OSU is going down to Indiana. Oh well, I dont really like basketball that much.

....Pryor should just go to Penn St. Give JoePa a chance to go out in style.

....the mlb2k8 demo is MIA along with the COD4 patch. Should I really be surprised? I thought the demo would be released around the start of spring training but Brinkman said early Feb. IW said the patch was coming out in Jan. (I think) I personally dont have problems with the sniper hit detection. Im just hoping for a ton of maps to drop. Like 20+

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...just got back from a weekend of team building activities with my company and all of our European offices. We spent several hours out in the forests of northern Sweden playing games in the snow competing in teams. We also spent serveral hours drinking beer and partyin :)

...travelin' by train is widely underrated (at least here in Sweden). It's cheap, good for the environment and if you look at the time it takes to travel from door-to-door, train seems to be able to give the flights a good battle cuz you don't have the check-in time, security checks etc.

...only a month to go 'til I travel to the States for a 3 1/2 long vacation which include stops in SF, LA, SD, PHX and Vegas along with many more.

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-Licey won the Caribbean Series this year, congratulations, but hey, Obregon beated them once. Now the caribbean baseball flame has been extinguished, it's your turn MLB...

-Almost a year ago on February 11th, 2007 MVP Caribe started as a little AAA project, now it has evolved a lot. It wouldn't have been possible without the MVPmods' admins and moderators since they didn't say "I don't care about this thing" and helped us with the mod :)

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...so just when i thought rafael palmeiro had disappeared off the face of the earth, he showed up to his son's high school baseball scrimmage against my high school. even though he isolated himself from the rest of the fans, you could definitely tell he had not gotten out of shape (he had to be a good 220-230 lbs and this weight was definitely not fat). anyways, we beaned his son (lol) and then we picked him off first base, which got the "i dont believe it" reaction from palmeiro. oh yeah, he also drove an $80,000+ convertible rolls royce and his son was a good 6'5" 230 lbs.

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...so just when i thought rafael palmeiro had disappeared off the face of the earth, he showed up to his son's high school baseball scrimmage against my high school. even though he isolated himself from the rest of the fans, you could definitely tell he had not gotten out of shape (he had to be a good 220-230 lbs and this weight was definitely not fat). anyways, we beaned his son (lol) and then we picked him off first base, which got the "i dont believe it" reaction from palmeiro. oh yeah, he also drove an $80,000+ convertible rolls royce and his son was a good 6'5" 230 lbs.

ROFLCopter if this is true. You got cojones.

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ROFLCopter if this is true. You got cojones.

im dead serious, thats what happened. i was playing first base and was the one who tagged him out on the pickoff. i accidentally hit him in the face with the tag...

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Updated to 2-17

...That Clemens Congressional hearing last week was interesting. I didn't get to watch all four hours of it but from what I watched, Clemens looks like he's done. I can still hear Waxman saying "It is not your time to argue with me" and all Clemens did was take it. What a way to end it.

...Now it makes me wonder, what's the next step? Is there another hearing?

...Of all the articles that covered this hearing, this one here is really the best. ESPN's Howard Bryant really wrote a gem.

...Joe Girardi says he has faith in Kyle Farnsworthless. Yikes. :nay:

...I still can not watch the movie Continental Divide even after all these years without getting depressed.

...I figure I got another few more weeks at home and then I got to go back to work. Trouble is, my knee is still sore from this surgery. :hmph:

...Robitussin may work pretty good for coughs and colds, but why the hell does it taste so bad?

...I had a nightmare last night that I lost the installations CD's to Mvp 05. That's why I woke up early today. And yes, I did take a quick glance to see if they were still there. :)

...It's 30 degrees outside right now. That makes it hard to think about anything to do with baseball.

...I've got the Sportsline photo site pretty much figured out right now since that's where I do most of my photo collecting. But for anyone who wants their own hi-res photos just be aware that any photo that starts out with the date on the caption and then the description will not be in hi-res. And that's too bad, because today there's a lot of photos of the Tigers in Spring Training, none of which are in hi-res.

...I don't know about you, but there hasn't been a good movie released since Christmas.

...Actress Kate Hudson is right up there on the annoying scale.

...The Paulie Walnuts commercials for Denny's crack me up.

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Away I go:

I have found myself wanting to play MVP Baseball, less and less, recently. It's a damn shame too, 'cause for the past few years, I have gotten a lot of fun out of it. But, with my purchase of an XBox 360, and my impending purchase of a PS3, I feel it may be dead for me. Sure, I'll check Kraw's fantastic '08 Mod out, but I am 99% sure my copy is going to be retired.

...Of course, I say this all now, then the season will start up, and I will be itching to play a great baseball game again....and if MLB: The Show and MLB 2K8 blow....then it's back to the PC I go.

I have to agree with Y4L, there hasn't been very much in the way of movies recently, although I loved Rambo for what it was, 90 minutes of action filled gore. I ennjoyed Cloverfield, but other then that, I have spent my time catching up on some GREAT movies of '07.

Burnett has the opportunity to opt out of his contract at the end of the season, here's hoping he does.

Watched the slam dunk contest last night....it was great fun! I am not familiar with the Greene fellow from the Timberwolves, as I haven't watched much NBA since the Jordan-Era, but I found the guy far to cocky, and unimaginative, other then his "Birthday Cake" dunk. Dwight Howard on the other hand, was AMAZING!

That's about it, see you later...

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That's the one movie I am dying to see ,other than that The Dark Knight.

My random thoughts....

-I need to get a damn job. I've applied everywhere it seems. Good thing I have this degree.

-OSU and Mich. basketball is on right now, but all I want is baseball. The Big Ten Network will probably be showing a lot of college baseball games which Im looking forward to seeing. Wish college baseball would get more attention. Plus, a new network here in Columbus (Columbus Sports Network) will be showing Columbus Clippers games. Next year, Huntington Park link will be opening. I should look into getting a job with the Clippers. Hmmm?

-MLB 2k8 better be above average. I might have to sell this 360 if its not. Seriously. Oh wait, COD4 is getting patched. Better hold off on that thought. And ....oh yeah, GTA4. Maybe Im too old for videogames? Nah....I've been playing since the Atari 2600. It's just part of me at this point.

-Daytona 500 today!...Im not a big Nascar fan, but I love the superspeedway races. Talladega is my fav. and would love to go there someday.

-Need to get my x1950pro fixed. The fan on it died, so I took it out of my computer. Miss the multiple screen setup I had going. Just need to find a VGA cooler that will fit in my POS Dell case. Next computer I buy, I will build myself.

-One more week closer to opening day people!!!!

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...just bought a monitor and it is a beauty.

...I went to IKEA yesterday to buy a new desk. I love spanish people man, because when it comes to furniture and stuff, we can improvise. At first me and my friend spent like an hour or so tying up the darn desk to the roof of his car with some twine, then when we realized it was going to be impossible to do, a spanish worker from IKEA comes out towards us and he makes us all look like fools. Turns out, the desk actually fits in the car, although it took some changes to the interior (flatten the shotgun seat and remove the headrests from the back of the car), it got the job done. We were just bamboozled...and yes, I said bamboozled.

...I plan on replacing my PC case with this one and get two new hard drives. I don't use my PC much for anything other than music and MVP so I'll just keep it economical :)

...the StumbleUpon toolbar is awesome. It's taken me to sites that I have never checked out on the internet.

...Rule 34 has viciously destroyed my childhood.

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Updated to 2-24

...I'm getting psyched for spring. The Mets play a spring training game on Tuesday at noon and if it is on SNY, I'll tune in just to check out some baseball.

...I even watched NESN (The New England Screwball Network) yesterday when they televised part of the Red Sox spring training. Well, at least I watched about twenty minutes worth. Those announcers on that station are the most biased I've ever come across.

...The worst thing about baseball starting up again??? Having to listen to Michael Kay all over again.

...I sure as hell don't want to be in Roger Clemens' shoes now especially when that photograph linking him to that party has surfaced. Congressmen do not like being lied to Roger.

...Even money says if Randy Johnson plays this year he won't make it to June because of his bad back.

...And if the Mets don't win it this year, a lot of Mets fans on this board are going to have egg on their face.

...Anyone watching the Oscars tonight? Not me.

..."You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive." I read that once and it seems that almost every time I get behind the wheel this is true.

...I miss Fuzzone. And Olyrunner and Carter and Tribetime. Just to name a few.

...The Tokyo Dome. By Salva. Try this!! [/end of shameless plug]

...For all you Monk fans out there like me, the season ending two part episode was very good, wasn't it? That means there will be a seventh season. Also, Psych ended their season on a high note too.

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...I sure as hell don't want to be in Roger Clemens' shoes now especially when that photograph linking him to that party has surfaced. Congressmen do not like being lied to Roger.

Do you think Roger's guilty? I personally am not sure. You could argue both ways. It's just too bad that McNamee established a lying reputation for himself. He would be more believable now if it wasn't for what he's done in the past, not that I care whether is wins his case or not. What's your opinion?

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Do you think Roger's guilty? I personally am not sure. You could argue both ways. It's just too bad that McNamee established a lying reputation for himself. He would be more believable now if it wasn't for what he's done in the past, not that I care whether is wins his case or not. What's your opinion?

The way it looks right now, it appears he's caught. McNamee is just as bad, but it seems Clemens lied more.

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...Now I know what you guys feel without having baseball, this 2 weeks have been very boring for me and you are like 4 months without it (unless you are watching the winter leagues)

...The Tokyo Dome is a thing of beuty, congrats to salva. 8)

...Maybe I wont be here next sunday since I could go to the city of Hermosillo to watch the White Sox vs Dbacks game in Hector Espino Stadium :)

...Follow my dynasty Caribbean Time! ;)

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Thats why I don't watch her movies for her acting, If you know what I mean.

She is a ugly as she is annoying. I had to be forced to watch "How to lose a guy in ten days" because my wife said it was a "wonderful" movie. It sucked. That's why I won't go and see "Fool's Gold" only because she is in it.

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She is a ugly as she is annoying. I had to be forced to watch "How to lose a guy in ten days" because my wife said it was a "wonderful" movie. It sucked. That's why I won't go and see "Fool's Gold" only because she is in it.

Guess it's just my fetish for blondes.
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