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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Kids on XBL are annoying, half the kids on there yell and complain when they get killed, and the other half try to make fun of my gamertag and fail miserably.

LOL. People try to make fun of my gamer tag as well. They always call me a gay over because im "Peppy Le Pew". And I had one little British kid yesterday pronounce my name peepie.

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Updated to 3-9

...Since I've been home recovering from this knee surgery I can not sleep through the night for some reason, and tonight is no different. So, I'm here.

...Speaking of that, I got to go see the knee doctor on Thursday. I am in no way ready to go back. I can't even go outside and walk on that snow without it bothering me.

...This weather sucks, doesn't it? I think brutushayesosu, when he said this in the shoutbox yesterday, really summed it up: "Tuesday it was 60 degrees here. Friday and today....Old Man Winter spreads his cheeks and squats."

...I just love reading and talking about baseball and everything about it during spring training. About the new prospects, your team's chances, listening to experiences of you lucky few on here that live in Arizona or Florida that get a chance to see this, everything. Not even the weather can over shadow this.

...But you got to remember, the result of the games don't matter. That's misleading about the spring. Hey, even Kyle Farnsworthless is looking good right now, you know what I mean?

...Call them what you want, Devil Rays or Rays, they're still the same old a-holes to me. This just adds another reason why I can't stand that Tampa Bay team. All I can hope is that someone gives it to them for what they did to Yankee prospect Francisco Cervelli.

...You know what the best part of being on staff here is? When you get to deal with new users who get such a big kick out what is offered here. I had three different ones this week that I exchanged PM's with that are overwhelmed at what this site has and what you great modders have done with this game. I don't think there are enough thank-you's in the world that you guys can get for your work.

...Anyone try that Gatorade G2 yet? That stuff's good, especially the grape. And that Snapple Antioxidant water isn't bad either.

...I have a fear of eating or drinking anything past the expiration date. If orange juice in my refrigerator expired yesterday, I won't touch it. Same for any kind of food.

...I'm not a beer drinker. Let me say that right off. But when I was in 7-11 this week I saw this for sale. What the heck is up with beer with clam juice? They don't sound like they should go together. Maybe it's an acquired taste? If so, I'm not acquiring it.

...Daylight Savings Time starts today, so we got to turn our clocks one hour ahead.

...I hear the plows outside constantly as I write. Not good. I think I'll try to go back to bed and try not to think about it.

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... I just watched a great video on Youtube named "Food Fight" and it's about the wars from WWII to our times and countries are represented by their food (complete food list on the video and its country) (The list of the wars that are represented in the video)


G2 = Jeter Juice

Thats what I call it

G2 = low calorie hydrator = water

...Snapple Antioxidant water? I love Snapple, everytime I travel to the US I ave to buy at least one but I always choose Lemonade because it's my favorite, but water? WTH...

...Back to the MVP talk, salva is making a great progress in his modding skills, we both have made some updates on Mexican stadiums and comparing these to the 07 ones... wow...

...Don't forget it kids, eat Fruits and Baseball!

Have a great week

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...But you got to remember, the result of the games don't matter. That's misleading about the spring. Hey, even Kyle Farnsworthless is looking good right now, you know what I mean?

Well, ever since he began to pitch from the windup you can see he has been pitching much better. Hopefully he can deliver during the season the way he is now.

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Some photos taken recently;

Clearing the floors for explosives - this block of flats is to be demolished sometime in the near future.


A soon-to-be-demolished but legendary wall - some of Glasgow's best artists have thrown their names up on this wall.


A snowy Glasgow on Monday, featuring more of the high-rise flats. I have some videos of this snow as well...rare occurrence these days in Glasgow.

0303080735hz4.th.jpg 0303080755df5.th.jpg 0303081710am5.th.jpg 0303081712yp0.th.jpg

On the laptop right now...for some reason, my desktop has stopped resolving DNS host names. I can ping out to my DNS server and any other remote IP addresses, but can't resolve a single host name. Pain in the ***. Flushed and re-registered DNS, no luck. I'm thinking I might need to re-install TCP/IP, which would be a royal pain in the *** with my current network setup.

Haye/Maccarinelli last night...didn't quite live up to the hype, but who can blame Haye for stopping him in 2 rounds? After he got up, Maccarinelli almost reminded me of Zab Judah in the Kostya Tszyu fight - he was all over the place. Looking forward to seeing Haye at heavyweight. Next up are the Amir Khan and Joe Calzaghe fights in early April. Should be a good month for boxing.

Holiday from work for 1 week...thank God. Planning on spending it getting back in shape. Put on 5 pounds in 6 days last week, so I've been on the weights and the rope since. It's amazing how much a little conditioning can do for your body. If only the roads weren't so damn icy I could do some roadwork as well, but falling flat on my *** and breaking a wrist isn't exactly conducive to a good workout regimen.

Bones, the TV show, is incredibly addictive. A friend gave me a copy of the first series on DVD a month or so ago, and I'm on to series 2 now. Very good...plus, Emily Deschanel and Michaela Conlin are incredibly hot. Also recognised T.J. Thyne as Volunteer Officer Pickelstein/Gerald/pothead from How High, and Tamara Taylor in the second series from Senseless.

Thank God baseball is back. Looking forward to recording some games on my DVR. I just wish there was more Spring Training coverage.

Thanks for the link on the Cervelli story, Y4L, hadn't read that yet. That sucks for Cervelli, he was probably going to be the starting catcher in Trenton this year, if Jesus Montero didn't get it. So much for that plan. Thank you very much, Devil Rays. Expect some HBP in the next few days.

I'm really tempted by The Show, but I flat out refuse to buy a PS3, and I need more reports on the PS2 capability before I take the plunge on it. Looks like a fantastic game though. Now if only it were available for PC...

Finally, shaving is also a pain in the ***. Is it both safe and aesthetically pleasing to wax your face?

Anyways, time to go. Adios.

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This may seem a little unusual as I never post in this thread, but I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out.

* I have been swamped for the last month or so with college (mid-terms next week, btw), work, extra-curricular and my desire to continue modding. But the good thing is I am actually enjoying every bit of it. I never would have said this when I was in undergraduate (electrical engineering major) but my grad school (MBA) has been a real treat. The professors are really great and the friends that I have made have become very close.

* I am quite happy and appreciative that a lot of people have been downloading my total concept uniforms. As it stands now, there have been well over 1200 downloads. I knew that there were some who would download the pack but figured that most would prefer to download thespungo's uniforms as they are (1)accurate for the 2008 season, and (2) they are downright gorgeous. Hopefully I can get the remaining two divisions soon enough and get the whole pack uploaded.

BTW, for any of you Reds fans out there, there is an added bonus in it for you; mainly because krawhitham is a Reds fan. :smile:

* I thought that Manny had reported to Spring Training on time and his picture taken with the rest of the team. But looks like that was not the case. We are stuck with that same picture for another year now I guess.

* For any of you who live in and around Atlanta, have you guys ever been to Tallulah Gorge? I have been there 4 times now since the beginning of the year and I love it. Especially the hiking trail is wonderful. Me and and my friends went there last month and enjoyed every bit of it.

* I am cooking up a little treat for everyone; once the pressbox photos are updated. The works have already begun but just waiting on those pics. There is also a high possibility that I may work on creating uniforms for all teams from the 1970s to present. Not entirely sure about it as its quite a daunting task, but we will see how it goes once I start working on it.

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- Picked up super smash bros brawl this morning for the wii and it rocks!

- finally getting in some basketball today as well, can't wait. *(indoors of course, especially with all this snow on the ground)

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This may seem a little unusual as I never post in this thread, but I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out.

This thread is open for any member of the board who wants to come in and jot down whatever is on their mind. Anyone's welcome.

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Updated to 3-16

...It was nice seeing Billy Crystal having that much fun a few days ago when he was the DH for the Yankees. When I was watching his at-bat I thought to myself "when I'm 59, I won't even be able to foul off a pitch, let alone hit one." Who am I kidding? I can't do it now.

...Selig being Selig department: Now Major League Baseball is not allowing Yankee instructor Reggie Jackson to wear his uniform anymore. These people have nothing else to do.

...I don't care if you like him or not, but I love the support Hank Steinbrenner is giving to Joe Girardi after the two incidents with Tampa recently.

...Check out the special Yankee hats that they will be wearing on Tuesday the 18th when they face Virginia Tech. Here's a maroon one and here's the blue one. They'll be autographed after the game and sold at an auction run by Virginia Tech. Don't worry, I am sure that before this week is done both of these styles will be available for sale on their homepage.

...I'm all for the promoting of baseball in any part of the world and it was nice to see that the Chinese people really took to the games between the Dodgers and Padres, but when Selig wants to possibly play a regular season game there, that could be too much.

...The IHOP sucks. Those people couldn't make a decent breakfast if their lives depended on it. I've always found it is best to go to a small diner for Sunday morning breakfast because they always do better than the Corporate ones like IHOP, Denny's and Perkins.

...I'll never understand the people that send out junk e-mails. Do they really expect people to believe what they are peddling? I got one the other day from a multi-millionaire who "has so much money he feels that he should share some with me."

...I like buying DVD sets of my favorite television shows.

...We are only a few weeks away from opening day. Even less if you count the opening series in Japan. I hope the Red Sox have a hard time making it through customs when they get there.

...Someone may want to again take this over next week since I got conned into going down to my wife's hometown for Easter. Oh well, it will work out for me in the end like it always will. That means I won't have to go there for a very long time after this latest imposition.

...You want an idea how exciting it is down there? Picture having a job where all you do is sit in a chair and you have to look at a wall watching the paint dry from it. You can't do anything else except for getting up to use the bathroom or get a drink. It's that boring down there.

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Y4L, If you need help with next week I have no problem helping out again.

- I'm sick with the bug going around and I don't like it

- spring is here and it means one thing for me, Civil War Reenacting

- Today is the last day of my Spring Break, the time flew by

- To add to the my last statement, I went to my first college party Tuesday. I made two realizations, The party is more fun when your sober and watching drunk people do stupid things and Monte Cristos (cigar brand) are amazing.

- I say screw the series in Japan, they should have made the Yankees do it :-D

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- This week is spring break for me, and we were supposed to go skiing but it fell apart due to my mom sucking at planning stuff

- Looks like another day for mlb 2k8 since I'm 8 hrs away from home

- Next Saturday I'm leaving from Chicago, you guys know that means, a wrigley trip for me ;)

- See you guys online.

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