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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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-Java's scanner class needs adaptation.

-Spring break just started for me.

-I'm quite tired of working on a computer from 1997, which I can't even find the mother board drivers for, I think I'm just going to buy a barebones pc and fix it up for my grandma.

-I'm quite tired... period.

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...I have Spring Break this Friday for me.

...This is a more serious note. When I go shopping for a while(1-2 hours), my back starts to ache. It feels like it curves inward, like the opposite of a humpback. I did a Google search, but nothing came up. Any ideas?

...I am getting Rainbow Six Vegas 2 when it comes out I think.

...I have to have a rough draft on a research paper that's due Wednesday, but why do I have to have a cover sheet and table of contents?It should just be the writing, am I right?

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...I have Spring Break this Friday for me.

...This is a more serious note. When I go shopping for a while(1-2 hours), my back starts to ache. It feels like it curves inward, like the opposite of a humpback. I did a Google search, but nothing came up. Any ideas?

...I am getting Rainbow Six Vegas 2 when it comes out I think.

...I have to have a rough draft on a research paper that's due Wednesday, but why do I have to have a cover sheet and table of contents?It should just be the writing, am I right?

scoliosis maybe?

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Mixed bag this week.

Good news first - local exchange has been upgraded to 8MBps internet. Always connected at 2MBps previously, connected last night at 7.7MBps. Thought it was a mistake, so reconnected and got 7.9MBps. Very nice, along with no price change. :D

14 days and 22 hours until Yankees Opening Day.

Melky Cabrera and Shelley Duncan appealing suspension. Good. I was susprised to see A-Rod just allow himself to be tagged out in the last Yankees/Rays game, but if that's what had to happen to allow this little rivalry to settle, then it's worth it. Fun & games and a little extra tension on the field is good, but if it went further, it could have led to some serious injuries.

Interested in reading this article when it comes out tomorrow in the L.A. Times. Looks like Tupac may have been right about Bad Boy's involvement in his shooting in 1994.

Now the bad;

Awaiting blood test results from my doctor - found out on Wednesday that I may have diabetes...not looking forward to that.

Back to work tomorrow after one week's holiday. Looking forward to wasting the morning catching up on the 300+ e-mails I'll have received since last Friday.

Washing machine damn near went on fire last night...sudden strong burning smell in the middle of a wash. Turned out the motor had died inside. Got a new one fitted today, and need some new brushes which are being done tomorrow. Close call.

And some random news;

The Pacquiao/Marquez fight last night looked like a good one. Will be watching that tonight. Looking forward to the Khan fight in early April, and the Calzaghe/Hopkins fight in mid-April. The build-up for that will be immense.

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Updated to 3-23

...So, what I miss? I was out of town again at my wife's hometown and when that happens I miss what happens in the world and in here. I have a very hard time getting online down there and when I was on yesterday (for five minutes) it was on a laptop that seemed even slower than me trying to climb stairs.

...The Sunday paper down there is 101 pages. One page of news and one hundred pages of advertisement. And all for the bargain of $1.50

...Roy Rogers Restaurants on the Thruway rest stops are highway robbers. $2.79 for a cheeseburger which looks like the same cheeseburger you'd get at McDonald's on the dollar menu.

...Gas was $3.47 at home and $3.33 down there. Big difference.

...Had the obligatory ham for Easter. I don't care for ham. That's why I have four dogs that help me out with the ham when no one's looking.

...Went over to the sister-in-law's house on Saturday. Big screen TV. Would have loved to watch College basketball or baseball. Both had to take a backseat to Lifetime Television.

...DirectTV had a free preview of their games this weekend. At least I had something to do to pass my time when I was there.

...Read two books amidst all the excitement there. Mr Monk and the Two Assistants and Storm Warning by Jack Higgins. I'm a fast reader.

...Anything happen with the Yankees? Didn't see any sense asking anyone down there because they seem to think Mickey Mantle is still on the team.

...It takes me three days back home to get things right and organized how I want them after I am gone for a weekend. I hate that 180 mile trip.

...Happy belated Easter!

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- I got home from chicago yesterday on plane. My spring break is officially over.

- Before I left, me and my dad took a walk around wrigley (like we always do when we go)

- I purchased a 08 authentic home cubs hat also yesterday. Love the way it feels.

- Just beat some guy that was 44-3 overal in 2k8; which beating him let me under the top 200 in the world.

- School starts again for me tomorrow... ouch

- Easter was awesome today, hope you guys had an awesome one too.

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I have no idea, but I'd hate to be a cop trying to give the poor S.O.B. a ticket for it. :lol:

Since life according to the law begins several months before births does third trimester pregnant woman have the right to drive in the carpool lane.


i got this idea from a guy who got of a DWI chage by claiming that under the law he was over 21 beause under the law his life began 3 months before he was born.

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Updated to 3-30

...If you missed that Dodger-Red Sox game last night at the Los Angeles Coliseum, you missed a bit of history. Before this game I only saw films of how this place was and how bad it was for pitchers but to see it on TV like I saw last night it was unbelievable. Can you imagine if they still had to play in that place today and if Manny Ramirez played there? How many home runs would he have hit with that short left field wall? Over 100? 125?

...The first inning Andruw Jones hit a line shot off of Wakefield and it bounces off the left field wall. The Red Sox shortstop fielded the ball because it was closer to him than it was to Manny in left. I was thinking to myself I would have loved to see those right handed hitters take batting practice before the game, they'd have broken a few seats.

...Finally I thought of the people of Brooklyn and how they must have been feeling. For those of them still there that remember when their ballclub left all those years ago, this must have been a painful and sad reminder of what Walter O'Malley did to that borough fifty years ago. I'm sure those people weren't watching last night.

...Tonight we get to see the new Nationals ballpark for the first time on ESPN Sunday Night baseball. I can only watch it for a few innings. Doesn't matter to me if it's the first Sunday night game of the year, I can't go nine innings of listening to Miller and Morgan.

...Anyone catch the title of Bobby Murcer's new book that is coming out soon? It's called Yankee For Life: My 40-Year Journey in Pinstripes. He never got in contact with me to use that name. :D

...Kei Igawa is really going to help the Yankees chances this year by not being there.

...What a week for the Yankees. Matsui runs off and gets married and it makes front page news. And A-Rod gets accused by Jose Canseco of trying to steal his wife. If Canseco writes another book, he'll accuse A-Rod next of trying to steal his car.

...Yankees home opener is tomorrow at 1:05 pm. Man, that's going to suck for those who are going. It's going to be freezing. I've always said they should open up the season in both leagues with games played in the western or southern cities or cities with domes.

...Chien-Ming Wang gets the opening day nod for the Yankees. He should be ok tomorrow since it isn't a playoff game.

...Here's hoping for a great 2008 season! Finally we have our game back.

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Ric Flair was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last night. As always he gave a very good speech. Great moment for all wrestling fans.

The Rock has finally come back to ORLANDO!!! His speech was hilarious last night. He roasted at least 5 guys in 1 minutes.

Wrestlemania tonight, I can't wait. It is the first PPV match for me because I have never seen one.

Baseball is here, YES!

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It was a picture of an etch a sketch, then a plus symbol, then Michael J Fox, then an equal sign and a blank etch a sketch. I was told this was offensive to a member here and it was promptly removed.

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Baseball is back, life is great. I just got back from the gym and now Im ordering a pizza that Im going to destroy. Im mad hungry. Going to watch the Braves and Nats. and then John Adams on HBO. After that I'll probably go to bed with a smile on face knowing that the Cubs will be on WGN tomarrow. It's like xmas eve. Oh yeah, I hope Davidson wins the NCAA. The time has come for something like to happen.

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I'm back from Tennessee. We won the tournament going 5-1. I did beastly batting .500 with an OBP of .714 2SB, 2BB, 2 RBI. The trophy is humongous! It is up to my neck and I'm 5'11.

Can't wait to watch the Braves and Nats play tonight.

-Cant wait to watch the Mets tomorrow. I'm hoping my game gets rained out so I can watch it.

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...Baseball is back!!!!!

...We just released a new MVP Caribe version (1.6) that can be downloaded here and it includes all the previous updates, if you are downloading MVP Caribe for the first time download only 1.6

...Also I don't know if you guys have noticed but our site has a brand-new forums that will make easier the comunication with the fans and with the tournaments that fans organize.

...Talking about tournaments there is a plan in Venezuela to play a "live" tournament, 20 players will be at a some type of a little hall with food and more! Too bad I don't live there ;)

...Baseball is back and I live for THIS.

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Updated to 4-6

...No matter how you look at it, this first week of having baseball back was a welcome sight. It didn't hurt having that Extra Innings free preview either. All is right again.

...I think it's amusing the Tigers are 0 - 5.

...Same for Soriano, who is 0 for 9 in 2008. Yeah I know, it's early but it's still funny.

...Last year the Yankees got out of the gate hitting the ball like crazy and not pitching. This year, the opposite. Now they can't hit but the pitching is good. I think it is better like this because it is easier for that team to straighten out hitting problems than pitching ones.

...I really like the way the bullpen is this year. Of course I am leaving out Farnsworthless and his partner in shame Latroy Hawkins. Those two are going to be neck-and-neck this year for most unpopular Yankee.

...Which brings me to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Or Rays. Or whatever they call themselves this week. Those hosers only play well against the Yankees and when they play against Boston, just watch how fast they go belly up. Happens every year.

...Trivia time. When was the last time a major league team changed their nickname prior to the Expos becoming the Nationals?

...Slowly but surely this knee of mine is improving from unbearable pain to just regular daily pain. At this point in time, I'll take it.

...Is there some obscure Canadian law that we don't know about that makes the Toronto Blue Jays change their uniforms every single year?

...The best looking new ones this year are the retro ones for Philadelphia and Cleveland.

...Trivia answer: In 1971, when the Senators left Washington to move to Arlington and they became the Rangers.

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Updated to 4-6

...No matter how you look at it, this first week of having baseball back was a welcome sight. It didn't hurt having that Extra Innings free preview either. All is right again.

...I think it's amusing the Tigers are 0 - 5.

...Same for Soriano, who is 0 for 9 in 2008. Yeah I know, it's early but it's still funny.

...Last year the Yankees got out of the gate hitting the ball like crazy and not pitching. This year, the opposite. Now they can't hit but the pitching is good. I think it is better like this because it is easier for that team to straighten out hitting problems than pitching ones.

...I really like the way the bullpen is this year. Of course I am leaving out Farnsworthless and his partner in shame Latroy Hawkins. Those two are going to be neck-and-neck this year for most unpopular Yankee.

...Which brings me to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Or Rays. Or whatever they call themselves this week. Those hosers only play well against the Yankees and when they play against Boston, just watch how fast they go belly up. Happens every year.

...Trivia time. When was the last time a major league team changed their nickname prior to the Expos becoming the Nationals?

...Trivia answer: In 1971, when the Senators left Washington to move to Arlington and they became the Rangers.

...Actually with the way Tampa is playing, this year just might be different. The thought of losing to a pitcher almost as worse as Dontrelle Willis at this point just gets me angry (Edwin Jackson).

....The Yankees can't afford to always start slow in the first two months of the season and then suddenly decide to own from June onwards to September.

....If the answer wasn't the Senators becoming the Rangers, I was going to say the Pilots moving to Milwaukee : but you beat me.

....Looks like the whole Rickroll meme is going to draw to a close at Shea stadium. The official Mets site has songs fans can choose to sing along to at the stadium to replace the existing one. Unfortunately word spread that there is a custom fill-in for your own choice, and we all know what the internet says. I voted.

....I just completed mid-terms and now I'm getting ready for "the big ones". Finals. I can honestly say freshman year is boring and the people I meet somehow always drop out or leave to another frickin educational facility. Sucks to be an adult and have responsibilities ;)

....Judd Apatow is my favorite producer/director. That man is funny. He's the guy who made Superbad, Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin and the upcoming films The Pineapple Express and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which is doing pretty good. (according to rotten tomatoes)

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....Looks like the whole Rickroll meme is going to draw to a close at Shea stadium. The official Mets site has songs fans can choose to sing along to at the stadium to replace the existing one. Unfortunately word spread that there is a custom fill-in for your own choice, and we all know what the internet says. I voted.

oh my god... that would be the greatest thing ever

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