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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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clearly i'm an embarassment to all redsox fans. just because yankees fans are clueless, ignorant, and obnoxious and believe that ian kennedy, phil hughes, and joba chamberlin are the next big thing don't take it out on me. its not my fault that lester, bucholtz, papelbon, masterson, ellsbury, pedroia, youkolis and our whole farm team dominates yours anyday. so next time you try to tell me to get a life and a clue, the same goes for you yankee lovin bastards

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clearly i'm an embarassment to all redsox fans. just because yankees fans are clueless, ignorant, and obnoxious and believe that ian kennedy, phil hughes, and joba chamberlin are the next big thing don't take it out on me. its not my fault that lester, bucholtz, papelbon, masterson, ellsbury, pedroia, youkolis and our whole farm team dominates yours anyday. so next time you try to tell me to get a life and a clue, the same goes for you yankee lovin bastards

Look, I understand where you are coming from: Both Yankees and Red Sox fans feel like they are entitled to everything and everyone that is baseball. You both have excellent teams, superstar players, and fans who are passionate. Agree to disagree and leave it at that. This is getting really stupid, and it started with the crazy comment by Y4L. End it now, because nothing good will come of it.

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I cannot believe that I'm reading a post from someone who can't use capitalisation or punctuation correctly, but calls others ignorant.

I'll tell you what. Go check out our Official Yankees fan thread. In there, you'll find all sorts of Yankees discussion, a large percentage of it concise and correct with meaning. While the posters opinions may be incorrect in your eyes, read the content of what they are saying. It all makes sense, doesn't it? It's well laid out, formatted, and has clear explanations for opinions where necessary. DOes that make us clueless and ignorant? The fact that we can express our opinions in a functional manner, while you go on spouting garbage and can't even figure out how to use the Caps Lock key? You know what? Skip any other posts in the Yankees fan thread. Check our the minor league updates I make in there. They'll show you about ignorance. If you can find one post of mine in that thread that is laid out as badly as yours, I'll donate my month's wages, which come in tomorrow, to a charity of your choice.

As for your farm system - well, all the examples you quoted are currently on your major league team, so I'm not sure if you are actually talking about your farm system or not, but I'll bring out some names that have passed through our farm system and on to the Major League club, in the same way you have. Here goes;











How do you like that? And even better, the Yankees won 4 World Series championships in 5 years when a few of these guys had just been promoted to the team - Jeter, Pettitte, Posada and Rivera.

By the way, for your minor league teams, your AAA team is half a game ahead of ours and our AA team is 6.5 games ahead of yours. Going into the A leagues is pretty pointless as almost everything is unproven there and depends on the league. Between AAA and AA, though, the Red Sox teams winning percentages is .580, while the Yankees is .608. There's your domination.

How's that for clueless, ignorant and obnoxious?

Now, if you want to have a discussion on the Yankees and Red Sox, we can do that, I have no problem with that. Just start a thread and we can go back and forth all day. But if you want to start throwing around insults, you'll find yourself on the first train out of here.

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Hey Y4L, it it's not too big a drive, I'd go grab Ron's autograph. It's sad to think this, but you never know when your next chance will be, if you get one at all.

As for you, tfoley427, you're an embarrassment to Red Sox fans everywhere. Get a life, and a clue.

Jesus Christ...you started with the name calling and insults, don't blame this member, who tried to express an opinion, albeit a poorly written one.

I am so frigging sick of all this Yankee and Red Sox hating. It ALWAYS ends up in mudslinging and personal insults. This is getting quite pathetic. Why can't you all just agree to disagree and move on. I know you are an Admin, MarkB, but I am trying to handle this like any other member.

This needs to stop. It is polluting the forums here. All of us non-Yankees, non-Red Sox fans are tired of it.

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Jesus Christ...you started with the name calling and insults, don't blame this member, who tried to express an opinion, albeit a poorly written one.

I am so frigging sick of all this Yankee and Red Sox hating. It ALWAYS ends up in mudslinging and personal insults. This is getting quite pathetic. Why can't you all just agree to disagree and move on. I know you are an Admin, MarkB, but I am trying to handle this like any other member.

This needs to stop. It is polluting the forums here. All of us non-Yankees, non-Red Sox fans are tired of it.

The way I see it, you can't really get tired of something that will never end because it will never let you get tired of it. This is just the natural order of baseball fandom. Yankee fans hate Sox fans, Mets fans hate Phillie fans, Cubs fans hate Steve Bartman. You can't really stop it either, though I do agree the personal mudslinging is a bit childish, as well as drawing away from the original rivalry to create something completely different (I believe that's the aspect you refer to). Becoming a pacifist doesn't ensure the end of war, but instead solidifies its presence.

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Updated to 8-3

...I'll be honest with you. I am still kind of shocked that Manny Ramirez is a Dodger now. It seemed like there were always rumblings about him being traded but it never happened.

...Manny's antics were not funny to me. I don't like the way he plays the game. But when he slapped Kevin Youkilis in the head earlier this season, even I had to laugh.

...Yours truly here hardly ever has anything nice to say about the Red Sox team and organization, but I have to make a huge exception in this case. Ramirez quit on the team and the Red Sox refused to play his games anymore. Good for them.

...Any week that Kyle Farnsworth is traded off of your favorite team automatically has to be a very good week.

...Now watch him be lights out for Detroit.

...And if you think I am sold that the Yankees are going to make the playoffs, think again. People look at me like I am nuts when I say this is a bad hitting team, but I believe it. They get shut down too easy too many times for my liking.

...Mvp 08 gets released this week and it becomes a huge hit right away. It does not surprise me at all. They did a great job.

...Before this mod was released there was a lot of complaining about it. People wanted it right away. But now that it is out, I don't see a lot of the complainers taking five seconds out of their day just to thank the modders for what they did. And that just isn't right.

...99.9% of the people that are on this site and on Eamods are pretty decent people who just want to grab their mods, talk some baseball and have a good time. Most of us are members of both websites. But it takes idiots like the couple we had in here creating multiple accounts and causing trouble to make one or the other site look bad. There's no room for people like that on either site.

...Funny story about seeing a rabbit the other day. If any of you have ever had the chance to see a rabbit, when they see you, they take off and hop away. Well, not this little guy when he saw me coming. I could almost read his mind. When he saw me approaching him and the way I was walking, he just sat there and it was like he was thinking "I got nothing to worry about with this guy, he'll never get near me." :lol:

...I wish I could be offered 2 million a year by someone to not come to work like Brett Farve. Of course, I'd say. Where do I sign?

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People look at me like I am nuts when I say this is a bad hitting team, but I believe it. They get shut down too easy too many times for my liking.

Bad? Nah. Painfully average? Absolutely. The Yanks are currently 7th in the AL in runs scored. That's pretty much the definition of middle of the pack.

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Bad? Nah. Painfully average? Absolutely. The Yanks are currently 7th in the AL in runs scored. That's pretty much the definition of middle of the pack.

Ok, you got a point! How about if I say they are overrated?

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Oh they certainly are. At first I could understand it. I mean, it's basically the same lineup that scored almost 970 runs last year. But last year is last year. It's August now and this team is on pace to score 770 runs. So anyone who still calls it a great hitting team is overrating them terribly.

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Updated to 8-10

...I went to my first baseball game of the year last night and it turned out to be the wrong night to go. It rained during the game and it got kind of cool after it finished raining. I saw the AAA team of the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Indianapolis Indians play.

...We were almost late for the game because on the way to the game I missed the exit for the ballpark because that was the same time the Yankees were once again giving the game away to the Angels in the bottom of the eighth.

...The San Diego Chicken was at the ballpark last night. Amazing to me that this guy has been doing this since the late 70's.

...Scranton's coming to town in a few weeks. I might try to catch them before the season is done. I figure I may as well see one successful Yankee team this year.

...I know that by just looking at the standings that the Yankees still have a chance to win their division or the wildcard. But my gut feeling just tells me otherwise.

...It just seems to me that when the Yankees play the Angels they are just waiting to lose. You would think it would get these guys mad because of the way they are manhandled by that overrated team, but nothing is ever said.

...My God, I thought I hated Kevin Youkilis, but this guy right here has taken it to a higher level than even I could have. The funniest line for me was his comment about watching Youkilis play, "this guy must smell like an unwashed trucker after a 3 day cross-country trip." Read on, it's a funny piece. Youkilis supporters, you have been warned. And don't give me any flack about this. I didn't write it. Although I agree with it.

...Manny Ramirez is treating National League pitchers as if they are little league pitchers since the trade last week and the Dodgers have already sold over $125,000 worth of Manny jerseys since he's been on the team. I'm quite sure not one penny of that is from the New England area.

...I love the USA Network. The four shows I watch all the time are on it. Monk, Psych, In Plain Sight and Burn Notice. Give that Burn Notice show a chance. It will reel you in.

...I haven't watched the Olympics yet and probably won't.

...R.I.P. Bernie Mac. I was sorry to read about this yesterday when I logged on here.

...I have no interest at all in how Brett Farve is going to do with the Jets this year because I have enough problems hoping that the Raiders win a few games.

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Updated to 8-17

...The Olympics are always interesting. But I just hope that when the next one is played in 2012 it is in a time zone closer to the U.S. because I kind of like to watch the events live.

...How good is it to be Michael Phelps after the Olympics are finished? The guy's won eight gold medals and he's going to have the TV and advertising world eating out of the palm of his hand.

...Been wondering to know how everyone feels about the new Madden 09 game and if it was worth it buying this year? Or is it the same old thing with a new cover?

...I saw gas for $3.73 the other day. I should have taken a picture of it for proof.

...There's other people I know on this website that are more into music than I am and they know a lot more about it, but one thing I am very confident in saying is that the music from the 1970's is the worst I've ever heard -and this is coming from someone who lived in the 70's. I think the only people who like 70's music are the ones lucky enough not to remember it.

...And the 60's are not that close behind either. 8O

...Thank you to my wife for playing this music almost non-stop this weekend that gave me reason to cry-I mean write- about it. :|

...So the Yankees won in 13 innings yesterday against a Royals team that they are making look as good as the '27 Yankees. Big *&*(^&* deal. The Yankees were 2-for-15 with runners in scoring position. They squandered two bases-loaded chances and left 13 runners on base. Right there is their problem this year.

...Giambi's not the only problem, but he's part of it. He can take his moustache and pack his bags and go back to Oakland as soon as this year is done. He's 0 for 7 in this KC series and he's only stranded ten runners on base in these two games. He's doing great.

...Melky Cabrera got sent down recently for basically not doing anything at the plate but the real reason why he was sent down was because of his salary. People like Jeter, A-Rod, Giambi and that lazy son of a *&&%$ Cano make a lot more money than Melky and are doing just as bad at the plate.

...Truthfully, I don't give a damn who the Yankees get rid of at this point. This team rolls over and plays dead when they are behind.

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2012 is in London y4l, 5 hours ahead of you so shouldnt be too bad.

also the 60's is the best decade for music

Thank you for that Olympic information!

And, one of my favorite groups (the Doors) is from the 60's.

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Updated to 8-24

...I'm really happy for Carl Pavano and how he pitched yesterday. He's taken a lot of undeserved heat for his injuries, but he came back and pitched five good innings last night in Baltimore and won the game. Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy are still looking for their first win.

...This month, or I should say this year, has been a total whitewash for the Yankees. The highlight for August was Pavano's return last night. Before that, the Yankees have done nothing this month worth cheering for.

...Ok, enough talk about the Yankees. It's going to be a beautiful day around here and I want to enjoy it and that means I have no time to think about overpaid multimillionaires who can't get base hits when it counts.

...This is rare for me. I've got a political comment. I've never heard of this running mate for Obama, Senator Joe Biden. But for someone like me, that's not that hard to understand. It wasn't until last last year that I heard about Obama from people on this website and at that time, I thought Obama was his first name. :D

...No, I am not kidding. I am more interested in the happiness of the Boston sports fan than I am of following politics.

...The way I see it, if the Raiders finish at 8-8 this year it will be an accomplishment. That team has had nothing to boast about since their Super Bowl appearance a few years back.

...Every time I see a Cardinal (I'm talking about the actual bird here) flying around in my backyard, I always think of Stan Musial.

...I just stumbled onto this website here that shows full episodes of classic TV shows. Shows like Family Ties, Love Boat, Twilight Zone and Hawaii Five-O (among others.) I own the first four seasons of Five-O, but I've always liked watching the Twilight Zone.

...Do yourself a favor and try that new Ebbets Field mod that Paulw, Hyman and Rolie just released. Words can't describe how beautiful this ballpark is. Thank you for this.

...R.I.P. Gene Upshaw, a great Oakland Raider.

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Updated to 8-31

...Where did this summer go? Every time the calendar turns into the month of September it's like saying goodbye to an old friend once again.

...Here I am, just getting comfortable with the 1951 mod and these guys throw the 1969 season at me! All I can say about that is thank you !!!! You classics guys rule.

...Count me in as someone who does not welcome Instant Replay into Major League Baseball.

...Then again, I am still not sold on pitch counts, Interleague play or the DH yet.

...On a serious note, I am hoping for the best for the people down in the New Orleans area because of this storm approaching that section of the country.

...Watching the Tampa Bay Rays play baseball this year reminded me of how the Yankees used to play not that many years ago.

...Who has been worse for the Yankees this year, Alex Rodriguez or Robinson Cano? I really can't decide. I read today that A-Rod only has ONE RBI in the ninth inning this year (you read that right). That's it. And Cano has been playing like he's been in a coma since opening day.

...I've been following the Yankees a long time. I lived through the 1980's where they didn't win a thing. In 1990, just 18 years ago, they finished in last place. I got through that fine. But watching this year's collection of overpaid quitters go through the motions has been the worst year for me being a Yankee fan.

...I don't give a shit who they get rid of next year just as long as it isn't Joe Girardi. This is not his fault.

...Jeffery Donovan (Burn Notice) has really become one of my favorite actors. I love that show.

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Started a job in the Oil Field. Working at Canada's Largest Oil Refinery, right here in Saint John, NB. I am out of my element, but the money is fantastic.

U.R. update for 2008, is nearing the Beta stage. I will be handing it off to MarkB, and RaptorQuiz, who will go over the minor leagues for me. I know it is taking a bit to release, but I want to do Totte proud. After all, it is his baby.

Instant replay is pointless.

Can't wait for the NHL! Let's go Rangers!

Less then 4 months until Christmas. It'll be here before we know it.

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Started a job in the Oil Field. Working at Canada's Largest Oil Refinery, right here in Saint John, NB. I am out of my element, but the money is fantastic.

U.R. update for 2008, is nearing the Beta stage. I will be handing it off to MarkB, and RaptorQuiz, who will go over the minor leagues for me. I know it is taking a bit to release, but I want to do Totte proud. After all, it is his baby.

Instant replay is pointless.

Can't wait for the NHL! Let's go Rangers!

Less then 4 months until Christmas. It'll be here before we know it.

What happened to the culinary gig you had?
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I am tired of working as a chef, I am making more then 4 times what I was making an hour as a chef, so I made a change.

I have a friend who made "Foreman", and always said he would get me on his crew. Two weeks ago, he kept his promise, and it is going to be a great change financially for me and my wife, especially with a third child on the way.

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