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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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--- Well, I've never done one of these before , But it's worth a try.

--The Mets choked again, no surprise. If we had a decent bullpen, we wouldve won the division

-- I used to be really good at MVP, but then life happened, and a 2 month break came in the way, Now, i try to play online, Now i just suck. I don't know why

-- Last Nights ALCS was so long for me, i started to play XBOX Live because i thought the game would last forever.

-- The Jets are 2-2, But last game vs Arizona really convinced me that this team could go places with Favre this season. Lets see.

-- Columbus Day is tomorrow, which means more sleep! I havent had a good nights sleep in a while.

-- And i stil havent seen Forrest Gump in it's entierty yet, idk why. But..yeah.

-- And, finally, I just realized that i don't have as much time during the day as i used to. I guess the summer part of me won't leave me.

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Why don't you want C.C y4l?

I don't want the Yankees to overpay for him. I still like the young players we got. Also, it was obvious that Sabathia did a lot better in the NL as compared to the AL. Let him stay there.

Well, I've never done one of these before , But it's worth a try.

I don't have to tell you that you are always welcome to jot down anything you want in here. The more the merrier.

Hogan's Heroes is a sweet-**** show, luckily you can see episodes on TV Land's Website.

I love watching that show too. Here's an interesting thing about that show that many people don't know. The actors that played Sgt. Schultz, Colonel Klink, General Burkhalter and Major Hockstetter were all Jewish actors. And two cast members were actually in concentration camps (Robert Clary who played Lebeau and John Banner who played Schultz.)

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- Right now I hate the Devil Rays just behind the Red Sox. Can't win a game when people ever expect them to. I want these suckers to lose 100 next season for their pathetic choke.

- Giants play the niners today, should be easy but of course the game has to be played first.

- Actually this will be the first Sunday this season that I will actually have the time to watch the Giants on TV, as I was renovating on all those other days listening to the G-Men on the radio.

- I watched baseball instead of Monday Night Football though, which goes to show how much more I care about baseball than even my favorite football team.

- None of my friends want to see Malmsteen next Sunday in NYC. Which isn't surprising because my generation doesn't know he exists.

- AC/DC's new Rock and Roll Train song sucks, don't know why people like it.

- "Would you smell Baba Booey's breath for a Klondike bar?" Howard Stern is now advertising ice cream bars, even claiming he likes the Neapolitan flavor without know what Neapolitan is.

- Team Fortress 2 is half has good as Team Fortress Classic but that's good enough. Barely had time to play that game for months anyway.

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Updated to 10-19

...The first thing I got to do is apologize to MarkB for not being here yesterday to wish him a happy birthday. While Mark was obviously living it up yesterday, I was laid up in bed with a cold. I'd rather listen to Mark's hip hop stuff than have a cold. Happy birthday anyway Mark!

...Wait, I changed my mind on that. Give me another box of Kleenex and I'm good to go.

...I think the reason why I caught a cold was because I was working a lot of overtime. I don't have a vacation until the Thanksgiving week.

...I don't know about any of you, but I am tired of all this political talk. Thank God the elections are only a few weeks away.

...Did anyone read about that guy who ate a 20 pound burger in less than five hours? Please just click on that link and look at that hamburger. Never have I seen anything that big.

...Which makes me wonder, how long did he spend in the bathroom?

...I took a break from this for a second to let the dogs out. It's cold out and all I can think of is it is going to get worse in the coming months. :(

...Sometimes it is amazing to me that more arm injuries do not occur when they play baseball this late in the year with the temperatures dipping into the low 40's in late October. The season is just too long.

...Well, Oakland's playing Brett Favre and the Jets today at home. I just hope they can...oh forget it. It will probably be just like last week's game.

...Shoutout to HFLR: Hey my friend, send me some screen captures from the new Mvp Caribe. I can't wait for this mod!

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- AC/DC's new Rock and Roll Train song sucks, don't know why people like it.

That does not shock me. I haven't liked anything they put out since the death of their first lead singer Bon Scott. This is going back to 1980.

- None of my friends want to see Malmsteen next Sunday in NYC. Which isn't surprising because my generation doesn't know he exists.

Then they are missing a good one. That guy is a great guitarist.

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That does not shock me. I haven't liked anything they put out since the death of their first lead singer Bon Scott. This is going back to 1980.

So I am assuming you did not like their Back in Black album?
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So I am assuming you did not like their Back in Black album?

That was a good album, it sold well. In fact I bet it was their best selling album. Had some great songs on it. But I always wondered if it was because it was the first one after Scott's death or was it because it was a good album?

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It was their best selling and I know it had a lot of collaboration with Scott because they where planning on recording it with him but I don't think it was successful because it was after his death.

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Updated to 10-26

...From what I've been reading, I have been missing a pretty good World Series so far. Problem is I just can't stay up that late to see any of it. :(

...And that's one of baseball's biggest problems. These games are on late at night. You got to blame FOX and Bud Selig equally for this.

...Not that I am complaining or anything, because I'm not, but has it been explained to people why the gas prices are dropping now?

...This is the last full week of having to listen to all this political crap on TV. And on the radio. And at work. But not here. Because I don't read those threads. :)

...Those "Mac vs PC" ads on TV are funny.

...Nothing makes me happier right now than reading articles like this that tell of CC Sabathia's firm desire to play in California. I just don't want the Yankees to overpay for someone like him. Remember now, when he was in Cleveland he wasn't lights out like he was in Milwaukee.

...Although I am concerned about where Money Ramirez will end up. :?

...AC/DC sold out to Walmart as they made an exclusive deal with them to only release their new CD to be sold only at their stores. Well, I won't be getting it because Walmart sucks and I never go in there.

...I'll be honest with you, if there is one guy at ESPN that I wish I could beat senseless it would be that whiny little SOB Bill Simmons. Then when I'm done with him I'd go looking for Jim Caple.

...This has been a fast month. I'm on vacation for the Thanksgiving week. Only a few more weeks now!

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. . .Great...Halloween is Friday. . .

. . .I hate Halloween. . .

. . .My girlfriend is making me go to some stupid Halloween Party...THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN...WTF?. . .

. . .I'm being Clark Kent. . .

. . .I don't want to be Clark Kent. . .

. . .Speaking of AC/DC. . .

. . .I am pissed off at Sirius Satellite Radio. . .

. . .They took the Punk Rock 29 Channel away. . .

. . .And turned it into AC/DC Radio. . .

. . .AC/DC sucks. . .

. . .The Giants play the Steelers today. . .

. . .It'll prolly be a good game. . .

. . .But the Giants will lose :sad face:. . .

. . .The weather in Texas has been good. . .

. . .Not to mention the gas prices. . .

. . .I paid $1.98 on Friday. . .

. . .God Bless QT in Burleson for being so cheap. . .

. . .God Bless the stockmarket going down so hard. . .

. . .That's the reason for cheap gas...seriously. . .

. . .My little brother's birthday is tomorrow. . .

. . .I already got him Fable 2, and he beat it. . .

. . .But tomorrow I am also giving him a pair of Skull Candy headphones. . .

. . .They are the best headphones I have ever used. . .

. . .I have also been listening to AFI's "Sing the Sorrow" album. . .

. . .I forgot just how great of an album it is. . .

. . .That is all for now. . .

. . .Getting ready to run errands. . .

. . .Bye guys. . .

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-- The World Series this year sucks. It lacks of interest and the Phillies are playing. I'm a huge baseball fan, But this series is just blah. Go Rays for now.

--Lets hope the Chiefs don't have a kicker named Janikowski, and hopefully the Jets can itch one out today.

--Halloween is around...who cares?

--The Mets are still eliminated.

-- The online league I'm running is actually going good now, hopefully it doesnt tank like last season.

--Shea is gone, it JUST hit me.

-- Hopefully Money Ramirez come to the Mets, along with K-Rod, makes next season a little more interesting.

--My left leg is killing me right now, I guess Cornerback isnt my position, I'm back at QB.

-- I'm still proud to be Puerto Rican!

and thats pretty much it for my random thoughts for this sunday, you all have a great day, and God Bless ya'll.

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...I joined a fantasy basketball league even though I hate basketball. I got Dirk, Kidd, and Tony Parker and Manu Ginobelli on the bench.

... Lol, I'm watching volleyball right now, and jw, but why does one person wear a different jersey then the rest of their team?

... Our football team sux, we lost 40-0 on homecoming and 51-0 against our rivals on friday...go soccer

... I hate winter, i hate the cold and the short days.

... Wow, i've been watching some vids on youtube lately, and Bobby Lee from MadTV is hilarious, i've actually ROFL'd from some of his videos.

...I have to write a paper that's due tomorrow but I know I'm not going to start it until tonight.

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I have had the worse week off college. I Have had 5 big essays that all needed to be finished by tomorrow and so since Sunday last week i have spent aleast 7 hours everyday doing college work.

I am watching the NFL from Wembley and wishing i managed to get tickets for that game.

I am really annoyed that the football (soccer) team i support has been drawn against my home team in the F.A cup and i won't be able to go watch it because i've got to go down to London

One good thing is that i can't wait to get back to my own house and back to using my own computer.

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- Gas will go up again when people use heating oil. This happens every year guys. If I didn't sink all of my money into an apartment I would be investing in oil and doubling or tripling my money by July 4th, before the price of oil inevitably falls again.

-Bills faces the Jets today and the Giants face the Cowboys, good day for football!

Here is a long post I wrote on MotownTigers.com, enjoy!

What I think should be done to fix the World Series (and postseason):

What should definately be done

1. Move start times to 8:05 pm eastern, that way a normal game ends no later than 11:00 and 'epic' games end before midnight. I agree that pregame coverage could occur from 7-8 o'clock including introductions.

2. Move start times for all weekend games to 6:05 pm eastern. It's still nighttime in the east but it's still early enough for the whole country (and the kids!) to watch the game. Bud Selig may say crap like 'look, 2008's afternoon game had poor ratings' but this is when the Superbowl starts, and Football has no problem with ratings.

3. Start the World Series on SATURDAY again. Adding the extra off-days not only kills whatever momentum the post-season builds, but having baseball games compete with crappy TV Shows like Uglybetty, Coldcase, or whatever the hell people watch these days reduces ratings. While less people watch TV on Saturday, more people watch SPORTS on the weekend. Baseball would be the 'only game in town' on Saturday and it would piggyback football ratings with game 2 on Sunday. If the series is exciting enough, people will have no problem watching games 3,4,5 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

4. No excessive off-days. While scheduling doubleheaders would simply messup pitching rotations and bullpens and affect the pennant race, reducing regular days off would be easy. One day off in the division series, and two days off for the Championship and World series. Just like it was so long ago in 2006. Less off-days equal more momentum. Deal with the cold weather of early April and late October as it usually helps pitching. Plus if Global Warming was real we would never have to worry about this for long. ;)

What I would want done

1. Move games back on other major broadcast networks other than Fox, just to have competing coverage. However, this is impossible due to contracts.

2. End interleague play. Other than a few actual interleague rivalries, no one gives a crap about interleague play anymore. Selig would state increased ticket sales in June but I think that's because of warmer weather.

3. Balance the schedule more. I think Teams playing each other 18 times is excessive and unnecessary, especially when these same teams may only play a team in another division 5 or 6 times that same season

4. End the Wildcard, or at least force Fox and ESPN to promote more different teams. Has anyone noticed that every postseason matchup or World Series matchup is a 'snorefest' now? Did anyone find it boring when the Braves faced the Twins back in 1991 or when the Angels faced the Giants in 2002? Hell no. Now every matchup sucks. Fox promoted baseball SO POORLY to the point that the NLCS matchup of the Phillies vs. Dodgers, the 2 and 4 media markets of the United States, was a poor draw for ratings. (Even with Manny, and two MVPS and 3 other superstars on the Phillies.) Simply, for Fox if it isn't Yankees-Red Sox or Cubs in the World Series it's impossible to get any ratings. This is something that must be stopped by 2012, or the World Series is starting after 9 PM on Cable TV before you know it. Possibly if there was no more wildcard, it would be easier to promote the front running teams. Pennant races would be straight forward again and less terrible teams (who are usually not wildcards by the way) will make the postseason. Division series games aren't even on regular TV anymore, pretty much that novelty has worn off.

5. Move the World Baseball Classic to... October. That's right, October. Put WBC games on in the afternoon in neutral sites that was the kids could watch them after school. Fill the rosters full of plays not on postseason eligible teams. Not only does this give a showcase for players on different teams, this PROMOTES the regular postseason. It's way too smart to implement. The only losers here are Japanese baseball fans. (Ruining their World Series)

What WILL happen

1. Neutral site for the World Series. When Peter Gammons discussed this, I knew it would be a matter of time sadly. As if people didn't care already.

2. More postseason games. More wildcards? Sure! Why not? People love the wildcard, and the World Series ends right before Thanksgiving! More wildcards mean that subpar Yankee-Met-Red Sox teams always make the postseason! Good for $$$$.

3. World Series on Cable. It's pretty much five years away at this point. Since baseball is such a 'burden' on Fox and the other major networks, fine cable networks like TBS, TNT, and Outdoor Sports Network will have no problem broadcasting the World Series! ESPN 1-2-3 will have Poker Shows on, so baseball would be a burden on their ratings too.


Seriously, baseball has to get its head out of it's *** quick, time's almost up.

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Two new teams in the WS was different for the better, even a different outcome in the Phills/Dodgers NLCS I still would of enjoyed the WS. I understand it wasnt a high rated WS but being from Philly and I am sure I can speek for those in Tampa that it was great seeing our teams in the big show.

I am still in aww that The Phills won it all and I am so happy its not even funny. The Parade was Friday and so was Halloween but here in Philly you would not of known it was Halloween. I had Jury Duty Friday but I skipped it just to make sure I would be at that Parade. One of the best moment for me Friday was Chase Utley's speech and I know some think it was uncalled for cause of Children but hey if waited this long who cares, and the thing that make it so great is that Utley doesnt talk alot he would let his play do the talking, to show that emotion was the greatest moment for me.

I also wanna congradulate the Rays on a great season. You guys are gonna be force for years to come.

I am looking forward to the NXE for xbox live coming this month (the 19th I beleive) and the Eagles play on Thanksgiving night on the NFL network. Christmas is right around the corner and I cant wait for it to come and go cause being a Parent for two girls, me and my ol' lady really stress ourselfs out big time around this time of year.

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Updated to 11-2

...I hope everyone had a good time on Halloween. Around where I live it was a pretty good day for the kids weather wise, so they were able to be outside and not freeze. We had the usual batch of kids, all dressed up as pirates and goblins, etc. You know, the usual stuff. But there was one kid who dressed up in a baseball uniform. A Red Sox one. My wife made me give him candy. :D

...Thank God that Tuesday is election day. All I get these days in the mail is political crap.

...Go to Tim Horton's on election day and get a free donut. I'd rather have an iced coffee, thank you.

...Look, I have no problem with the Phillies winning the World Series. They earned it. But during the victory celebration I think Chase Utley went a little too far. There's no reason to swear like that in public. Yeah, I know I hear that word every single day, but there had to be little kids in that crowd and they didn't need to hear it.

...Well, free agency is going to start soon and the only thing I can hope for is that the Yankees don't spend their money like idiots.

...I think the Dodgers have enough money to keep Manny wearing their uniform. At least I hope so. It would be hard to picture him in a Yankee uniform. I mean how could the Yankees forget how this guy behaved in Boston and why would they think he would behave here? They had to see what was happening in Boston.

...This is the most depressing part of the year for me. The World Series just got done, baseball's in the books for another season and a long terrible winter is ahead. That's why I'm down in the dumps today.

...The World Series drew record lows in ratings this year. Is anyone surprised? I bring this up only because in the post before this one, Swingin Soriano had some very good ideas about what baseball should do to fix this problem. I think they are pretty good and I also think because they are so good they'll be ignored. When you have games that start at 8:30 at night and have a ton of commercials thrown in, you are not going to get a lot of ratings. That's one reason why kids get interested in other sports because they can't watch an entire post season game. Hell, I can't even anymore.

...Is it too early to think about vacation? I got the Thanksgiving week off. I need it.

...One more depressing thought: Christmas is next month. Oh man, I am really not doing good. :)

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