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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Are Blu-Ray players worth it? Can anyone tell the difference?

I can't tell you if they're "worth it" because only you can decide how much you want to spend on entertainment stuff...

...but if you have an HD-TV/Flat-Panel... you are definately able to tell the difference. It's not that DVD is poor quality... it's just that BluRay is crazy detailed.

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- HD is overrated.

- I want Teixeira too, instead Burnett will be keeping Pavano's spot warm on the DL.

- CC will join him in 2 - 3 years

- I got some gas in Hershey PA for $1.59 yesterday, and had a picture taken of it. I have to get an IRA going and invest in oil...

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Like honestly, i'm so fed up with everyone saying Marinelli is a good coach, he's not, if he was, we wouldn't be 0-14, I don't care if he works hard, he chose all of these players and none of them can perform, so he better be out of Detroit by next season.

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Updated to 12-21

....Thank God. It's almost over. The best thing about Christmas for me is when it finally gets here and is all done.

...One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to watch "A Christmas Carol" or any version of it that is played on TV.

...I finished my shopping on Thursday night before the storm hit and I was lucky to do that. I go to a mall out in nearby Victor, New York called Eastview and they have wall to wall cars and traffic there even in the summer.

...I hope everyone who is unlucky like me to live here in the eastern part of the country was able to dig themselves out of that storm we got on Friday. Here's a sad thought: It's not even officially winter yet on the calendar. This is just a sneak preview of it. :cry:

....Do I really have to say how much I envy you guys who don't live in this area?

...Playing MVP is really going to help me get through this winter, just like it did last year. Last winter was easier though because I was home with my knee surgery.

...Don't count me in as someone who's doing backflips because the Yankees got Sabathia and Burnett. I still see holes in that lineup. I don't trust the Yankee hitters and I hate the second baseman.

...One thing I'm wondering about something the Mets did. If they went out and signed a closer in Frankie Rodriguez, why did they have to go and trade for another one in JJ Putz?

...Manny, go back to the Dodgers, ok?

...Aww, the Cowboys lost yesterday. That sucks. I'm sure timay, wherever he is, has a few good excuses thought up already.

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Y4L, Eastview mall is the best mall in the area but I know what you mean with the traffic issue there. Forget about going to Greece Ridge (too much violence), Medley Mall (haha) or Marketplace (Its not too bad)

What I like that is in that mall is a huge collectors paradise store and that New York City tour store near the Carousal. But I try and stay away from Eastview as much as I can.

I believe tonight our area will get 6 inches, even worse near where I live. I live in the village but I still get tons of snow.

I am glad I do not go back to college until January 21st and I go three days a week now.

I am getting the itch back into baseball season and spring time so I can play baseball again.

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I was going to get upset, because, granted, the Lions may suck, but I don't like "outsiders" insulting Detroit, then I realized you live in or near Detroit also, and could share my pity....The Wings are the only thing that gives this city "some" hope..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to 1-4

...Sorry there was no entries last week in this thread but I was kind of indisposed as I was in the hospital and had no access to a computer.

...I left the hospital happy to get out of there with a clean bill of health and two sore arms, courtesy of the IV team. :D

...There is nothing like the satisfaction of knowing the holidays are over and they are twelve months away again.

...My sympathies to the John Travolta family, who lost their son over the weekend. :(

...I think the Mark Teixeira press conference to introduce him to the press is going to be on Tuesday. I don't have to tell you how happy I am to have this guy on the team. It also meant that Giambi won't be back-and that's a plus too.

...I wonder why Derek Lowe, Manny Ramirez and Bobby Abreu have not been signed yet?

...Does anyone else get this network? It's called the G4 Network. It's on DirectTV and I've been watching it since I've been home. It's not bad.

...Don't look now but my Raiders won their last two games and are going to be going into the 2009 season looking better than they did at the beginning of this one.

...What a shame that Peyton Manning has to go home again after another loss in the playoffs. :)

...My early review of the MLB Network is that it's not that good but that's just based on what is on now. They keep on repeating the same stuff. I'm sure that once spring training starts next month that this network is really going to shine.

...I'm hoping everyone who reads this thread has a great new year.

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Updated to 1-11

...It is a helpless feeling to watch snow fall when you can't do a thing about it.

...The Cardinals are going to the NFC Championship game? That's a story in itself.

...Makes me have wild and crazy thoughts about the Raiders now.

...I'd like to wish shiftless and lazy Rocco Baldelli good luck in Boston but I just can't do it.

...The updates by Pirate and TheBigO on their respective stadiums are beautiful. Thank you to both of them.

...Tomorrow we find out if Jim Rice gets in the Hall of Fame. I vote no. But I have no vote, so it doesn't matter if he does or doesn't.

...Speaking of the Hall, I am in the planning stages of a trip there in the middle of July. The snow should be gone then.

...Please Money Ramirez, go back to the Dodgers. They actually want you.

...It's been on eleven days now. How do you all like the MLB Network? I've never heard of Trenni Kusnierek, but that doesn't stop me from watching her. And my first impression of Hazel Mae is not a good one.

...Welcome back Monk and Psych.

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Some excerpts from Bill Reynolds' "For What it's Worth" column in The Providence Journal. http://www.projo.com/sports/billreynolds/s...10.3678ca7.html

•Good for Rocco Baldelli.

• Look for Jim Rice to finally get into the Hall of Fame.

•Line of the Week II comes from A’s general manager Billy Beane on signing Jason Giambi, who played for the A’s several years ago: “I feel like I’m marrying my ex-wife.”

•Tim Tebow is a treat, an old-style college quarterback.

•Mitch Albom has a powerful story in this week’s Sports Illustrated about Detroit’s plight, ground zero in the country’s economic meltdown.

•You know the world’s gone bonkers, Bunky, when Pedro now wants back with the Mets, even though he just completed a $53-million deal for four years and was hurt for three of them.

•The new national slogan is “bail out.”

•One question to the Red Sox about the signing of 41-year-old John Smoltz: What’s the matter, Jim Lonborg wasn’t available?

•Memo to Brett Favre: If you do actually retire this time, no more news conferences. Just do it.

•The better the player you are in the NBA, the more steps you can take to the basket.

•What were the odds two years ago that Eli would be in the playoffs and Peyton would be home watching?

•The NFL overtime rules put too much weight on the coin flip.

•There’s no truth to the rumor that the first thing Obama is going to do when he becomes president is demand a recount.

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That was a funny one about Favre. The Jets rent a player for one year, nothing happens and we don't have a good QB next year because of the owner's infatuation with Favre. Maybe he should have just bought the Packers a few years ago. Or maybe he should just hire Favre as his pool boy or his gardener. LOL.

Sunday ....

I'm thankful hardly any snow fell in the New York area but not thankful that it will be much colder later this week. I don't know how people living by the Great Lakes do it with all that snow and cold. I can't wait till the warmer weather ... and Baseball season.

Now that the football season is long gone for both New York football teams, I'm in 100% baseball mode again. At least as a Met fan, they keep me entertained until the last day. That's unfortunately better than some other teams. :(

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-I'm going skiing for a week 15 minutes outside of Quebec City.

-Gonna be colder there then back in NYC, we'll be lucky if it hits the side above 0 on the thermometer.

-Packed under armour long johns for the skiing, on top of the mountain last time I went it was -40 :|

-Bowie is amazing, also been listening to a decent amount of Prince and Michael Jackson. Bowie is to awesome what Prince is to sex and Michael is to love.

-Have a bunch of movies lined up for the trip up there, back, and the 4 days there.

-I really should be asleep, but I've messed up my regimen so bad that I don't see that happening for a bit.

-I won't get to work out for the next few days, which has become almost a daily ritual over the last year, but 8 hours of skiing the first day and 12 the other 3 should be a decent compensation.

-Could use a vacation... seems that's all I can think about.

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