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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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It started off as a small get-together, but it took a turn when the Bacardi and Captain Morgan bottles were taken out of the refrigerator. They should have known better than to dangle rum in front of me!

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...Pitchers and catchers report in 3 days.

...And ST is going to start in about a month. I love baseball.

...And fantasy baseball is going to start in a couple of months. I love fantasy baseball :D

...I would love to see MLB 2K9 released in Europe. Unluckily, that's not gonna happen.

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- I still don't get the outrage towards A-Rod. They seriously have to release all 103 names now that they broke anonymity.

- I don't understand how everyone has this wierd anger towards steroid users last year and now. Yeah, we were angry a few years ago when we thought it was just a select few like Barry and Big Mac who were gaining a competitive advantage over the rest of the poor players...but we are finding out that EVERYONE was doing it. I wouldn't put it past MLB to find out that Pujols, or Ortiz or anybody else got caught using, or had used it, even once or twice. A lot of the people who managed to snag some of this stuff got caught by leaving a paper trail. I'm assuming that is how Griffey got off free ;)

- I'd like to make a PS3 thread, but there is a video game thread already full of 360 discussion.

- Learning C++ takes a lot of patience...

- ...DJing is a little harder.

- The Grammys sucked. Other than Daft Punk winning two awards, it was meh.

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It started off as a small get-together, but it took a turn when the Bacardi and Captain Morgan bottles were taken out of the refrigerator. They should have known better than to dangle rum in front of me!


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Well I for one am excited that Pitchers and Catchers reported yesterday. Cant wait for this thing to get started up. I am eagerly awaiting the release of MLB 09 The Show, from what I have seen from the demo this is going to be the best thing since MVP 05.

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Well I for one am excited that Pitchers and Catchers reported yesterday. Cant wait for this thing to get started up. I am eagerly awaiting the release of MLB 09 The Show, from what I have seen from the demo this is going to be the best thing since MVP 05.

We definitely need to start a league once this baby comes out. Would anyone be up for being the comish?

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We definitely need to start a league once this baby comes out. Would anyone be up for being the comish?

I nominate Trues, since he ran TheShowFiles until he decided to reorganize some things. :)

Oh, side note: I am over 50% of the way to my PS3-Fund goal. :) I got $120 just out of rolling the quarters I had in a jar, lol.

...if anyone wants to contribute their OWN money to the RaptorQuiz PS3 Fund, feel free to PM me to donate. lol. :)

Assuming I get one relatively soon - I call dibs on the Cards in our online league. :)

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I know last year you had to play at least 10 games before you could start a league, hopefully its not that way this year. But we should wait for a patch to come out before we start a league, I think. Play some scrimmages and stuff until the patch gets released. IMHO

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I nominate Trues, since he ran TheShowFiles until he decided to reorganize some things. :)

Oh, side note: I am over 50% of the way to my PS3-Fund goal. :) I got $120 just out of rolling the quarters I had in a jar, lol.

...if anyone wants to contribute their OWN money to the RaptorQuiz PS3 Fund, feel free to PM me to donate. lol. :)

Assuming I get one relatively soon - I call dibs on the Cards in our online league. :)

You are so lucky. There are like three of us here wanting the cubs.

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Updated to 2-15

...Thanks to all that started this thread today. I was out of town for the weekend and I just got home about 90 minutes ago. I went for a short visit to my wife's hometown.

...The best part about the entire weekend is when I get to say my goodbyes. :lol:

...Highway robbery is alive and well in the state I live in. Each time I drive on the New York State Thruway, the tolls are increased.

...Same for the rest stops on the Thruway. McDonalds conveniently does not have a dollar menu at the Thruway rest stops.

...I survived another Valentine's Day.

...This is going to be a great week no matter how you look at it. We're going to see the players at spring training. Finally, it's here.

...If you don't do anything today on this website, at least say Happy Birthday to Pirate. Every one of us has one or more (probably ALL) of his stadiums on your hard drive. Give him a happy birthday greeting, he deserves it.

...Someone on this website told me on Friday that they read that four players went up to the reporters and said that A-Rod's name was on that list of 104 names. Why would players do that to a fellow union member?

...With the reporters obsessed about this A-Rod stuff, this should give people like CC Sabathia, AJ Burnett and Mark Teixeira an easier time in their first Yankee spring camp.

...Spring Training reports begin on February 25th on the MLB Network. They're starting with the Red Sox. WHY?? Why does it have to be them? Here's a wild and crazy suggestion: how about if they start with the team that won the World Series? Don't you think the Phils deserve that?

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...Spring Training reports begin on February 25th on the MLB Network. They're starting with the Red Sox. WHY?? Why does it have to be them? Here's a wild and crazy suggestion: how about if they start with the team that won the World Series? Don't you think the Phils deserve that?

Nah. They aren't located quite near enough a coast in order to be relevant to network programming execs. They're like 5 miles too far inland.

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Updated to 2-22

...Don't look now but Spring training games start this week! And then of course we have next week when the World Who-Gives-A-SH** tournament starts. That's when we all hope that our players don't get hurt while this is going on.

...Other countries may look forward to this and I can understand why, because they don't have major league baseball there, but the risk of injury is there. The Yankees got lucky in 2006 in this thing and I just hope they do it again.

...I took a look at ESPN's home page right before I made this post and was shocked to see that no where on the front page Alex Rodriguez was mentioned. That could change when you go and check that page because they constantly update it and as soon as they find out that they don't have a picture or an article about him, they'll throw one up there in a hurry.

...One more thing about him: why are people (the media and the people in here) trying to analyze every single word the guy said? He admitted he did it. He's taking his lumps for this. But because people that have too much time on their hands want to play conspiracy theorists, this has to happen.

...I don't know how the hell this happened, but suddenly I developed a head cold and a sore throat that feels like I swallowed thumbtacks.

...Good luck to Ken Griffey Junior in Seattle. It will seem like old times. And as soon as he gets hurt again, it will really seem like old times.

...CC Sabathia's an Oakland Raider fan. I told you he was a good fit for the Yankees! ;)

...Any movie Morgan Freeman is in, I'll watch.

...Why is Sarah Palin still in the news three months after the election?

...For anyone that watches Psych on the USA Network, wasn't Friday's show one of the best?

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From Bill Reynolds @ ProJo.com

The fallout from A-Rod’s mea culpa press conference continues.

Yesterday’s New York Daily News had the report that for years now A-Rod has had a relationship with a trainer who has been banned in Major League clubhouses, complete with that same trainer traveling with him during the 2007 season, staying in the same hotel room on the road with A-Rod’s cousin.

So if A-Rod and the Yankees believe this is going away anytime soon they are deluding themselves.

A-Rod is no longer a baseball player. He is a celebrity in a celebrity culture that both glorifies them and makes them pay for that glorification, too. It’s a dance with the devil, and now it’s the devil’s turn at bat.

---You have to be beyond naïve, Bunky, to believe that performance drugs are not a raging river through the NFL.

---There’s no truth to the rumor that blaming your cousin is forever known in sports as the Ty Law defense.

---Bud Selig said A-Rod shamed the game? Sorry, Bud. The Steroid Era happened on your watch, and you did nothing about it.

---Line of the Week comes from Joel Sherman of the New York Post on A-Rod: ``No one thinks about himself more and knows himself less, than Alex Rodriguez.’’

---Line of the Week II comes from agent Scott Boras on Manny not in spring training with any team yet: ``When you’re that good a cake, it takes little frosting.’’

---Which only begs the questions, does Manny know that spring training has started yet?

---Shaq has turned into a cartoon.

---Tom Brady finally speaks, and it’s like the seas part.

---But I’d rather hear A-Rod’s cousin speak.

---Even if ``it’s my cousin’s fault’’ has become the adult version of my dog ate my homework.

---If the Yankees can withstand this A-Rod onslaught and go on to have a great season, they’re a lot mentally tougher than I’m giving them credit for.

---You’ve got to love actor Mickey Roarke who, according to the New York Post, was asked he if was dating Courtney Love and said, ``I’d rather be on a desert island with a gorilla.’’

--Football players skate on the steroids issue, and baseball players get demonized. Is that about it?

---The Oscars are to celebrity what spring training is to baseball, an annual glorification.

---You know it’s bizarro world where Jose Canseco has turned out to be one of the oracles of truth.

---Zen Question of the Week: can a new movie about two guys sneaking into a cheerleading camp not do well?

---A-Rod’s ``young and dumb’’ defense doesn’t wash, not for someone as egocentric as he is.

---When’s Madonna show up to stand by her man?

---No sport sells itself better than baseball, turning weeks and weeks of spring training into an event, even if so much of it is really much ado about nothing.

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...And then of course we have next week when the World Who-Gives-A-SH** tournament starts. That's when we all hope that our players don't get hurt while this is going on.

...Other countries may look forward to this and I can understand why, because they don't have major league baseball there, but the risk of injury is there. The Yankees got lucky in 2006 in this thing and I just hope they do it again...

But isn't there a higher risk of injury playing through 162+ games rather than playing baseball for a month? Really not sure why people automatically assign a "risk of injury" to WBC and that players would be better of not playing in that tournament, when a player could be just as injured by working out over the off-season or anytime during the season.

But one thing I will agree with is that a player is under contract with his team and he has an obligation to his team. I kinda understand why teams might be a little hesitant to send their players to the tournament. I guess any team would much rather have their players get injured playing for them rather for someone else, but it's not like they are playing a completely new sport. Besides, the exposure is always a good thing.


* Anyway, I finally sent in my order for a new computer and I am actually quite excited about building my very own. I should be getting all the parts in sometime next week. Will post a screen when I have assembled everything. Next Gen. here I come!

* The next thing would be to sell my 360 Elite and get a PS3. I just can't resist not playing The Show anymore. Besides, all the games I have now are available for PS3 as well.

* Has anyone played F.E.A.R. 2 yet? I played the prequel and it was one of the best games I had ever played. Scared the **** out of me at times, but an amazing game nonetheless. And now that I am going to have a better computer, these are the games that are on my wish list: Call of Duty 4, F.E.A.R. 2, NBA 2k9, Fallout 2, Age of Empires III, Crysis, World in Conflict, Warcraft III, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, and Prince of Persia.

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But isn't there a higher risk of injury playing through 162+ games rather than playing baseball for a month? Really not sure why people automatically assign a "risk of injury" to WBC and that players would be better of not playing in that tournament, when a player could be just as injured by working out over the off-season or anytime during the season.

But one thing I will agree with is that a player is under contract with his team and he has an obligation to his team. I kinda understand why teams might be a little hesitant to send their players to the tournament. I guess any team would much rather have their players get injured playing for them rather for someone else, but it's not like they are playing a completely new sport. Besides, the exposure is always a good thing.


* Anyway, I finally sent in my order for a new computer and I am actually quite excited about building my very own. I should be getting all the parts in sometime next week. Will post a screen when I have assembled everything. Next Gen. here I come!

* The next thing would be to sell my 360 Elite and get a PS3. I just can't resist not playing The Show anymore. Besides, all the games I have now are available for PS3 as well.

* Has anyone played F.E.A.R. 2 yet? I played the prequel and it was one of the best games I had ever played. Scared the **** out of me at times, but an amazing game nonetheless. And now that I am going to have a better computer, these are the games that are on my wish list: Call of Duty 4, F.E.A.R. 2, NBA 2k9, Fallout 2, Age of Empires III, Crysis, World in Conflict, Warcraft III, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, and Prince of Persia.

Crysis runs incredible on my machine. It is really an awesome game, it really just depends how your rig runs it.

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Updated to 3-1

...What a day! It's the first of March. Spring is officially around the corner and the calendar will verify that! And next month is opening day all around baseball.

...Tomorrow is the release of 2k9 for the PC. I've been reading good things and terrible things about this game. Keep in mind that all you are hearing about this game is from opinions of other people. There's nothing as fickle as public opinion. I'll find out how good or bad this is after I buy it and try it out because I'd rather trust myself instead of a fanboy's rants and reviews.

...I saw Gran Torino on Friday night and now I understand why everyone liked it so much.

...Want a great movie to rent? Go out and get Changling with Angelina Jolie. She plays the part of a mother who's son is kidnapped in Los Angeles in 1928 and the cops find the boy-the wrong one-and insist it is hers. A true story.

...R.I.P. to my original XBox. Born 2001, died, last night.

...Ok, really, when's Manny going to sign? I thought he would sign before spring training was going to start. This is beyond ridiculous now.

...Work is a funny thing. You may hate going to it, you may even loathe it. But when you can't go to it you see how much you really need it.

...A big welcome back to Carter, who just came back to the site a few days back.

...I just hope the Yankees do not trade Brett Gardner.

...Every time I read about these guys raving about the PS3 it makes me want one even more. I was at Gamestop the other day and I saw one on display. The graphics are unreal.

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...I have to agree with Y4L about Manny, He is a first ballot HOFer. He may be a pain in the backside but he can turn any good team, great with his bat.

...I am anxiously waiting on my copy of MLB The Show 09. I preordered it on thursday and it could arrive between 1-14 days after it's release. I play on the demo at least 4 times whenever i go on PS3, i personally can't wait for this game because it looks great and the gameplay despite like all games has its flaws but they don't bother me at all because the great/good things far overshadow any bad things.

...It is great that Spring Training is back and i'm looking forward who makes it onto the 25 man roster for the Red Sox.

...I checked NFL.com and to my shock the Chiefs have acquired Cassel, i doubt it will make much difference and they will still probably lose 10+ games

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...R.I.P. to my original XBox. Born 2001, died, last night.


...Every time I read about these guys raving about the PS3 it makes me want one even more. I was at Gamestop the other day and I saw one on display. The graphics are unreal.

...come to the Dark Side!

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