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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 3-8

...What a change this website has taken on since 2k9 for the PC was released five days ago. Despite the fact if you like or dislike the game, we've all had an opinion on it.

...A huge thanks must go out to Pirate for his two stadiums in 2k9 and for rolie who uploaded Dodger Stadium last night and for Snash13 for making the latest rosters for this game. Like I've been telling people in the shoutbox all this week, if it can be modded in this game, these guys can do it and it will look good.

...Sure as hell didn't take long for us Yankee fans to start worrying about this year's team, didn't it?

...Bad luck seems to go up to Alex Rodriguez occasionally and lets him know that he's never that far from him.

...If Alex Rodriguez has to miss ten weeks, have the surgery done NOW so he can get it out of the way. Don't drag it on.

...Listening to people in here blame steroids for the reason A-Rod has as cyst is laughable. If that's so, explain the reason why many other people get cysts and never touch or touched steroids at all?

...I was gone for most of the afternoon yesterday because I had to take my wife to a Psychic Fair. It was kind of interesting, but I'd have rather not been there. The first thing that hit me when I walked in that large room was the smell of incense. It was like a requirement for every table there to have one of those burning.

...I may not be that interested in the WBC, but it was sure nice to see the Netherlands beat the Dominican Republic.

...Just to let everyone know, there's going to be a WBC update in the MVP Caribe 08 mod and that should be coming out this week!

...MarkB? Get back here, please?

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- The WBC is cool, caught a game last night and when I woke up. Both were laughers, but... I guess I miss baseball.

- What to do with A-Rod. the Yankees need him to compete, a 30 HR 100 RBI version of him is better than nothing.

- Sadly we got 8 more years...

- Obama is doing everything like Bush, yet people think he isn't like Bush. cult of Personality.

- Sadly we got 8 more years...

- McCain wouldn't have been any different, these two parties are complete crap.

- Ron Paul still kicks ***.

- Tesla's (Remember the song "Love Song" of twenty years ago) new album "Forever More" is a great album, and not by 'some crappy 80 band reunited and made a new album' sorta standards. It really stands up to their classic material. It's better than "Bust a Nut" and is on par with "Psychotic Supper."


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Updated to 3-15

...This here is my first random thought post on my new computer. It arrived on Friday and it really is a nice little setup. Of course, Vista is the operating system on here and since I didn't have this OS before, I am in a learning stage. I miss my XP Pro.

...If any of you can recommend any movies for me to watch on Blu Ray, I would be grateful. It came with a Blu Ray drive and I want to buy or rent a movie in that format to see how good Blu Ray really is.

...Good thing: new computer. Bad thing: re-installing everything.

...How about the great job the Caribe guys did on the WBC mod? And just as impressive to quickly release an update to that mod that fixed the minor issues with the 1.0 release. Doesn't shock me one bit, because I have admired those guys and what they do for many years now. They really know their stuff!

...It's kind of odd though. I really am not following the actual WBC except for bits and pieces. I was happy to hear about the success of the Netherlands team, but I haven't been keeping close tabs on this at all with the exception of scanning the MLB home page to see if any Yankees got hurt. Despite all that, this mod is a joy to play.

...What's up with Firefox 3.0? Is this worth using or should I go back and try to find a download for version 2.0?

...It seems that every time I actually want to read an article on ESPN it always seems to be an Insider one.

...Now comes the only time of the year that I pay attention to college basketball.

...Good to see Alex Rodriguez having that surgery now and getting it over with. It would not surprise me if he came back sooner than expected.

...Thank you one million times over KGBaseball for releasing a new roster set. At least five times a day someone comes in the shoutbox to ask or demand about this.

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this is a cool idea.

...i like mlb 2k9

...i have been trying to mod the files following guides and stuff posted here and i am happy with the results

...i wish there was more that could be done to it but i guess we live with what we have

...3 weeks from monday until the season starts and i can't wait to see cc on that new mound in a beautiful stadium striking out the first batter he faces. mark it down it will happen

...i still cant believe the yankees open on the road

...i dont think not replacing arod will not be a mistake we can get by without him

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- My douchebag neighbor busted my balls that I made too much noise 'the last two hours.' Problem was I was in Danbury...

- A.J. Burnett is a good pitcher, but that contract will be a stain on the Yankees when it is all said and done.

- Winter is finally over, pretty snowy and cold.

- The economy is cold and dead and Obama's Bush style inflation tactic won't work.

- "Fatherland" was a good 1994 HBO movie. Someone loaded it up on youtube.

- This: vince3.gif

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Updated to 3-22

...Welcome to Spring! I love spring. For those of us who live on the east coast, you look forward to Springtime as much as you look forward to Christmas.

...Ok, I'm back. Just let the dogs out. Spring must have taken a detour around where I live because it's freezing out. :(

...I'm getting used to Vista now. Or maybe I should say that Vista is getting used to me.

...All I know is that my hi-res photos look even better now.

...I may be getting into selling some things I own on E-bay soon. Worth a shot, right?

...It seems that every day when I am in here I read about a new complaint about 2k9.

...Thank God this WBC is almost over.

...Three updates to Total Classics mods were released a couple days ago. Any bit of free time that I thought I'd have in the immediate future has disappeared. :lol:

...I think I am going to like watching Mark Teixeira play this year for the Yankees.

...Eventually I want to say the same thing about Robinson Cano and sidekick Melky, who both did nothing at all last year.

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-My roommate took a shower this morning and forgot to bring his keys. I am in a tripled dorm room and had to get up early out of my lofted bed to let him in.

- John Maine has me very nervous since every outing he has had this spring has been atrocious.

-I'm feeling optimistic about Livan making the squad (most likely)

-I have work to do and all I want to do is browse this site.

-Y4L's sig is the best sig I've ever seen on the internet. You should make it link to a click-count site and see how many clicks it gets. Guaranteed most of them would be gamebase.

-I'm out.

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- One week boyz, one more week and baseball will be back.

- You can always count on Fuzz to pop up this time of year.

- I am still in aww with MLB 09 "The Show".

- Cut back on drinking coffee to one cup a day and I normally drink (witch I am doing now) it first thing in the morning. I guess its good for me but I just hate the feeling I get as soon as I am done that cup... "I cant wait til the next morning just so I can have another".

- Been lifting weights and I have noticed a real difference, I mean it's only been over like a month now but check this out. Since I been going to the Gym, like the first day I signed up I started to do pushups and that first day and I am not going to lie to ya, I stuggled to get 10 pushups, so last night I wanted to see how many I could do in a row and this is what I did. I did 40 pushups, and while doing them I decide to do sets. I did 40, 30, 20 and 10 in a matter of a half hour. So that 100 pushups and since its Sunday I decide to go to the Gym this morning and do some leg and ab workouts.

- My 11 year old daughter did this NBA/WNBA skills challenge thing at our neighborhood playground, where they had different drills they ran and stuff like that. Well My daughter won first place in the fastest dribbling competition. Now I got a call last Friday from the people running this thing and that they want to invite my daughter to the next one they have and every kid who comes gets 2 tickets to the Sixers game that afternoon when they play the Pistons. Not only that, the kids who get first place in each competition will get to go on the Sixers court for a pregame ceremony.

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Updated to 3-29

...Just watched my first movie on blu-ray last night. I could not believe the detail. There were some scenes where I was too busy looking around to watch what was going on. Im-press-ive!

...Can it be that Opening Day is a week away? Or I should say Opening Night, since there's no such thing as tradition anymore.

...Baseball in my opinion should start each year in Cincinnati with a day game.

...Maybe if Bud gets a little kickback, next year this can happen.

...I had a lot of fun playing those series of games in the Total Conversion thread a few days back.

...Derek Jeter hurt his pinkie in a game and it's big news. If Alex Rodriguez would have done the same thing they'd have said it was his fault and he was clumsy.

...I wonder who gets the center field job for the Yanks? After Melky's snooze job last year, should he get another chance? Glad I'm not deciding this.

...Like Thome said, you can always count on Fuzz popping up this time of year. Truth is, I wish he was here every day like he used to be.

...By the way, great job on your PS3 wallpapers Thome. I plan on saving the Yankee one you are going to make and I haven't even seen it yet. :)

...Did you ever notice that when you are in a hurry to get somewhere the person ahead of you that you can't get by seems to know this and drives even slower?

...Went to Barnes and Noble yesterday with the intent of using a gift card I got from Christmas. Wrong day to do it. It was packed and there was also a group of kids that were singing songs for some reason. They sang, I left. Maybe I'll just use the gift card online.

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- Too bad YES doesn't have all the ST games on. The Mets may be a chickenshit team but they wound up with a better TV channel by far. (minus Yankeeographies of course)

- Regular baseball will be back on soon, even the Pirates are in first place for a day.

- Too many teams this year have too many holes. The Tigers lack a pitching staff, the Cubs did not improve a whole lot, the Phillies got worse, the Angels are already injured and Guerrero aged a year on top of it...

The only three teams I think are coming into this season looking good are the Devil Rays, Red Sox, and Yankees. They have well-rounded rosters with a hole here or there. Sadly they are all in the same division, something has to give.

- I have a really good feeling about the Cardinals this year, not saying they will be that good, but the Brewers and Cubs will probably be a whole lot worse.

- He's not a superstar or anything, but how's Mark Grudzielanek collecting unemployment checks while Angel Berroa or Cody "Incredibly Untalented" Ransom are going to play third base in the Bronx?

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- Too bad YES doesn't have all the ST games on. The Mets may be a chickenshit team but they wound up with a better TV channel by far. (minus Yankeeographies of course)

- Regular baseball will be back on soon, even the Pirates are in first place for a day.

- Too many teams this year have too many holes. The Tigers lack a pitching staff, the Cubs did not improve a whole lot, the Phillies got worse, the Angels are already injured and Guerrero aged a year on top of it...

The only three teams I think are coming into this season looking good are the Devil Rays, Red Sox, and Yankees. They have well-rounded rosters with a hole here or there. Sadly they are all in the same division, something has to give.

- I have a really good feeling about the Cardinals this year, not saying they will be that good, but the Brewers and Cubs will probably be a whole lot worse.

- He's not a superstar or anything, but how's Mark Grudzielanek collecting unemployment checks while Angel Berroa or Cody "Incredibly Untalented" Ransom are going to play third base in the Bronx?

I don't understand why you are not liking the cubs this year. Milton Bradley is thrown into the mix, a huge much needed left handed bat (switch as well). Gregg looks good too, and we improved the pen. Looks good to me.

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Haven't been here in a bit, please excuse this post while I shake the rust off...

-Now that Facebook has become basically Twitter with picture albums, I decided to get one of those too... twitter.com/ronm3xico if you wish to follow.

-I can't wait for opening day, key days till then.

4/2 Should buy a new Mets hat.

4/3 MLB At Bat for iPhone gets released, Mets vs Red Sox at Citi (which I should be going to).

4/5 Longest day of the year, God help me find something to do to get through it without thinking about the Mets too much.

4/6 Opening Day.

-Hopefully Maine, Perez and Pelfrey can show themselves this year, and Livan gives us at least a reasonable couple months out of that 5 spot. Our rotation may be the new pen :\

Around the Rest of the League

-On the other side of town, looks like Gardner is making a good run for legendary CF on the Yankees being bffls with Girardi.

-In the windy city, looks like Gregg's amazing spring has wrapped up the closers post for him, good job from Marmol though doing his best Ankiel imitation this spring hitting 5 batters.

-Curt Schilling calls it quits. Little tidbit I heard about him, if he goes into the hall of fame, he'd be the first pitcher elected to make his debut after 1968. It's amazing how long it's been.

-Still on the board, a lefty reliever with a 3.68 ERA last year, probably willing to pitch for crumbs of bread at this point, Will Ohman remains unsigned.

-Will Zumaya ever regain his pre-Guitar Hero form? Only time will tell, but keep him away from Rock Band in case he hasn't heard of it.

-Good for the Rays and Orioles, keep your best pitcher and player down for a couple months so you don't have to pay him, it's the smart baseball move for sure...

-The Phillies earlier this week acquired the most useless lefty reliever, Jack Taschner. Lefties hit .297 against him last year and .317 the year before.

My Final Thought

-I don't quite get the consistent negative press Reyes gets. When he said he would move to the 3rd position in the batting order if the team asked him, they called it a passive-aggressive approach. When Hanley was offered the same position he was considered to be warm and appealing because he said "That means I'm dangerous". Then Hanley comes in with "I'm Sick of This S**t" sharpied on his stomach demanding a trade because he didn't want to cut his hair and take off his jewlery. I get that Reyes has been immature in the past, but theres no reason to hold it against him now, there are 2 eras for him, pre-Manuel and post. The post has shown maturity and leadership (despite whatever you want to say about his dancing) while the pre was a child in a man's body. Either Florida needs more media or people need to be a little more forgiving and give a second chance to Reyes.

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...It is disappointing going into this year thinking 81 wins will be a stretch. Last time I had this mindset about the Tigers was 2005. (I thought they would go .500 in '06, I had no idea what was in store)

...God, I hope Adam Dunn hits 40 HR's this year. He has already done it so many years in a row. If I didn't already have a Nationals jersey, I would pick up his.

...The Rays will have a tough time making the playoffs this year, they look darn good this year, but the Yankees and Sox look even better.

...I can't wait to go down to Cincy next weekend to see the Reds play. Jay Bruce's autograph couldn't hurt either.

...In regards to the first thing I said, the Tigers just don't have the pitching. It would take 2 diamonds in the rough. (ie. Porcello or Robertson) The bullpen could get ugly as well. I would rather have Dennis "Oil Can" Boyd out there instead of Willis.

...It's a shame the Oil Can never got an offer.

...I picked up a new set of Irons. Maxfli Black Max. They are pretty darn sweet. I was hitting them well at the store. Plus at $200 you can't beat the price.

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My thoughts? Baseball desperately needs a salary cap. Mets, Yankees, Red Sox? All stacked. Plus, why do the Mets and Red Sox need three All-Star closers each. And the Yankees, with Sabathia, Burnett, Wang, and Chamberlain? Not even fair by a longshot. :angry:

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to nail the Angels. Although they do not have too much stackage, they do have Abreu, Guerrero (though he is evidently on the decline), Torii Hunter, Howie Kendrick, Mike Napoli (HUGE Power), Brian Fuentes, Scot Shields, and Jose Arrendondo (who was a huge surprise in my opinion).

Edited by MPMSportz
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...It's a shame the Oil Can never got an offer.

Not really. That guy was a head case when he was playing.

...I picked up a new set of Irons. Maxfli Black Max. They are pretty darn sweet. I was hitting them well at the store. Plus at $200 you can't beat the price.

You got a good deal. Look at what Golf Galaxy is selling them for.

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And the Yankees, with Sabathia, Burnett, Wang, and Chamberlain? Not even fair by a longshot. :angry:

Seriously, I really hope so. I will really laugh my *** off when these guys mow down crappy teams like the Orioles and Royals over and over again. Realistically since they are wearing pinstripes, they are going to get injured. However, you forgot about Andy Pettitte.

In a special opening day version of 'random thoughts,' I will share some imagined quotes of fans' blind optimism for their teams and players.

What either day would the Pirates be in first place? Opening day is also a day for an extreme amount of blind optimism for their respective teams. Since Spitter.com doesn't exist anymore, here are what teams' fans are saying this year:

"If they can stay healthy, the Reds have a shot of winning the wild card."

""This year, Rich Harden will finally be healthy."

"A change of scenery will really help Milton Bradley."

"Jose Reyes will do something special this season."

"The Baltimore Orioles are better than they look."

"When will Manny Ramirez want to be traded this year?"

"I like the look of the new-look Kansas City Royals, it seems as if their young players will finally come in their own."

"The Yankees finally bought their proven big-game player."

"Mike Hampton is primed to bounce-back from his disappointing season."

"Despite no one paying any attention to them, the Minnesota Twins are my pick for winning the World Series."

"Javier Vazquez will return to form."

"If Ichiro keeps this production up until his mid 40s, he will have 3,000 hits and be a hall of fame player."

"The Mets' new closer will not blow those big saves like (Franco/Benitez/Looper/Wagner) did last year."

"Is Rudy Seanez still pitching?"


My "Wrong As Usual Picks" this year are:

AL East: Yankees

AL Central: Twins

AL West: Angels

AL Wildcard: Devil Rays (Easily could be Boston, it's a three-way tie almost in AL East)

NL East: Phillies

NL Central: Cardinals

NL West: Dodgers

NL Wildcard: Mets

AL MVP: Matt Holliday

AL Cy Young: Roy Halladay

NL MVP: Albert Pujols

NL Cy Young: Chad Billingsley


Angels @ Yankees (Angels win 3-1)

Devil Rays @ Twins (Devil Rays win 3-0)


Mets @ Dodgers (Dodgers win 3-2)

Cardinals @ Phillies (Cardinals win 3-2)

ALCS: Angels @ Devil Rays (Angels win 4-1)

NLCS: Cardinals @ Dodgers (Dodgers win 4-2)

World Series:

Dodgers @ Angels (Angels win 4-1)

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Updated to 4-5

...It's opening day! Two games on the schedule today with the Dodgers at the Giants and tonight Atlanta visits the Champion Phillies starting at 8 pm on ESPN. Bad news- John Miller and Joe Morgan will be there and Joe will be sure to tell stories about his time with the Phils in the early 80's.

...That Morgan comment I just made really made me miss that website "Fire Joe Morgan." That was one of the funniest sites I've ever visited. I just loved when they made fun of Morgan because he always used the word consistent to describe just about everything. :)

...Tomorrow the rest of the openers start including the one that matters in Baltimore where the Yankees open up their season. Let's hope they get off to a good start.

...Having a sneak glimpse at the new Yankee ballpark left me very impressed. This is one beautiful Stadium and it's going to be a great place to watch a ball game.

...Even those people who live in that particular region in a certain part of the country who root for a certain team will certainly admit (certainly not out loud) that this is a beautiful ballpark. I'm certain of that.

...I got a big kick out of the Red Sox President/stuffed shirt/blowhard Larry Lucchino whining that they were worried that the Yankees were going to make a lot more money now that they have a new ballpark and the additional revenue that would bring in. He conveniently forgets to mention that the Red Sox, had they gone ahead and built a new ballpark like they were going to in the 1990's, would have already had a newer park way before the Yankees got theirs. But they never did this because they caved in to public crying and panic and decided to remain in Fenway Park. It's their fault.

...The result of such a decision? Renovations on the existing place. That's why the Monster Seats were put in above the Wall in left field for example and why additional work was done or is being planned. So if any whining about a new place for the Yankees is heard from by this team or their fans you can point out to them that they had their chance for their own park. You can re-paint a garbage can and make it look really nice but in the end it's still going to be a garbage can.

...Can't ignore Citi Field either. That one looks wonderful too and I hope Mets fans enjoy it.

...I don't make predictions. I'm too busy watching the Yankees to care what other teams do. I just want them to win. It's been a long time.

...For those complaining about a salary cap, like the guy two posts above me, what the hell for? I'm quite sure if this were your team you would not be crying about it. Now go away and go play 2k9.

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- Well yesterday my daughter had that NBA/WNBA skills challenge and she won first place in her age group. She got two free tickets to the Sixers game and was introduced on the court pre-game. Now this was the second one she had won in and the lady was explaining yesterday that other kids in the counrty are doing this aswell and if my daughters time trial lands in the top 4 of the other kids in country then she would go to Orlando Florida with all expences paid for her and a family member for the Finals. I am just sop proud of her and for a 11 year old girl, she is really becoming a good athlete.

- Opening Day is here as Y4L said. I hope the Phills have another good year and stay healthy.

- I am going to have to disagree with Y4L that Fenway is a garbage can.

- Still lovin' MLB09 "The Show". I was playing the other night with the Oakland A's plaing host to the Texas Rangers and I was up 2-0 in the 7th when the Rangers came back to tie it. When I made my final out in the 8th I said to myself "watch Giambi lead off the bottom of the ninth with a walk off" and after taking the first pitch for a ball outside, the pitch tried to sneak a high inside fastball in on me and I killed it for the walk off. Got my first tropheys for the game with that walk off and was one of the few times I connected on a "power swing".

- Got alittle busy this week and I am going to try and get the A.L. Central and A.L. West PS3 wallpapers up some time this week.

- Only a few more games left in the NHL season and one of my favorite times of the year is upon us, the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.

- Been having alittle trouble with my workout routine, my buddy around the block I go with has been bailing out on me later in the week for last couple of weeks and I depend on him for my ride. I walk to the GYM this morning witch I guess is good for me and its really not that far but I would prefer for my buddy to keep up and not miss workouts. I bought my first supplements Friday, I got a jug of 160 tablets of amino acids and a big jug of Muscle Milk so I have enough protien in me to teep me nice and strong.

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Been to Citi 3 straight days now, must say the park is gorgeous, and seems kinda like a compilation of a lot of HOK stadiums. The seats are from CBP, and kind of the way they are arranged. The scoreboard reminds me of Cincy, the outside is completely unique to the Mets, while the walls kind of remind me of Arizona. Can't wait till I know the intricacies of it like I did at Shea, if I can afford to go to a lot of games there since prices are pretty high.

In short, can't wait for Opening Day (which really begins tomorrow ;) ).

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Updated to 4-12

...Happy Easter everyone. Or, if you don't celebrate Easter, have a happy Sunday.

...We've been one week into the baseball season now and already it looks like it's going to be an interesting year. I am just happy that it's back.

...The good? Watching rookies like Atlanta's Jordan Schafer play and the Yankees Brett Gardner. Schafer has been impressive ever since he homered in his first at-bat last Sunday.

...The bad? The shocking news of Angel pitcher Nick Adenhart and the two other passengers in that car after the game against Oakland last week. From what I read, the Angels lost a great prospect but more importantly, a mother and father lost a son.

...The Yankees? Already I see a difference from last year. I like the centerfielder (Gardner) and new first baseman (Teixeira) and the additions to the pitching staff. Also, I'm glad Posada's back. Even Cano is looking good.

...One week into the season and Alfonso Soriano continues to hide behind one statistic and that's how many homeruns he hits for the Cubs. Sure, he's got three so far but if you watch this guy play the field, he's going to let in many more runs than he drives in. When I think of overrated rich ballplayers, I think of him.

...I don't know about you, but these new GEICO commercials with the two glass eyes on top of a wad of money really suck. GEICO never had great commercials to begin with, but these are a new low.

...I really miss a company called Access Software. Those were the people that originally made the Links golf game and the Tex Murphy adventure games (google Tex Murphy and you'll see that Access made five games featuring this character. They were good selling games over ten years ago.) Access was acquired by selfish Microsoft and that was the end of a very good company.

...It's been a few weeks now but I am still steamed about the DRM nonsense that Apple has on their downloads. If I didn't have to have iTunes on my system to use my iPod, I'd get rid of it. I use iTunes for nothing else.

...Season six of Hawaii Five-O is to be released on April 21. I'm sure that's interesting news to no one else but me in here. :lol:

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- Happy Easter to eveyove here at MVPmods.

- R.I.P Nick Adenhart and the others who passed away in the crash. Me being a parent myself, I dont know what I would do if anything ever happened to my kids.

- Well baseball is back and I was hoping for a fast start from the Phills but I should of known better.

- I know I said last week I would have the rest of the PS3 wallpapers done sometime but I just didnt have the time. I think I played the PS3 once this week, thats how busy I have been. I will get them done I promise.

- Well it looks like the Flyers got the Penguins in the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs starting wednesday, lets hope for a better result from last years playoffs.

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....Well, I'm back from the dead. Figured I'd pick up MVP again for a bit.

...I see that MVP modding is a bit slower, which I'm not surprised at. Hope it continues a bit, though. Anybody working on Citi Field or the new Stadium for it?

...So how is 2k9? Is it worth 20 bucks? I understand that it sort of sucks, I really wish they had ported The Show instead, but whachyagonnado, it's better than nothing.

...Good last three games here for the Yanks, and I knew C.C. would rebound. One thing that's worrying me is batting Matsui 4th, and he's like 2-18 so far this season. It's really great to see Cano off to a good start, though, the first few weeks seem to sort of decide the fate of his season. Right now, I'm not feeling too bad.

...Today's the fourth day of Passover. Hooray.

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