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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 4-12

...Happy Easter everyone. Or, if you don't celebrate Easter, have a happy Sunday.

...We've been one week into the baseball season now and already it looks like it's going to be an interesting year. I am just happy that it's back.

...The good? Watching rookies like Atlanta's Jordan Schafer play and the Yankees Brett Gardner. Schafer has been impressive ever since he homered in his first at-bat last Sunday.

...The bad? The shocking news of Angel pitcher Nick Adenhart and the two other passengers in that car after the game against Oakland last week. From what I read, the Angels lost a great prospect but more importantly, a mother and father lost a son.

...The Yankees? Already I see a difference from last year. I like the centerfielder (Gardner) and new first baseman (Teixeira) and the additions to the pitching staff. Also, I'm glad Posada's back. Even Cano is looking good.

...One week into the season and Alfonso Soriano continues to hide behind one statistic and that's how many homeruns he hits for the Cubs. Sure, he's got three so far but if you watch this guy play the field, he's going to let in many more runs than he drives in. When I think of overrated rich ballplayers, I think of him.

...I don't know about you, but these new GEICO commercials with the two glass eyes on top of a wad of money really suck. GEICO never had great commercials to begin with, but these are a new low.

...I really miss a company called Access Software. Those were the people that originally made the Links golf game and the Tex Murphy adventure games (google Tex Murphy and you'll see that Access made five games featuring this character. They were good selling games over ten years ago.) Access was acquired by selfish Microsoft and that was the end of a very good company.

...It's been a few weeks now but I am still steamed about the DRM nonsense that Apple has on their downloads. If I didn't have to have iTunes on my system to use my iPod, I'd get rid of it. I use iTunes for nothing else.

...Season six of Hawaii Five-O is to be released on April 21. I'm sure that's interesting news to no one else but me in here. :lol:

That is so true Y4L. He misjudged the line drive that Rickie Weeks drove out over his head two days ago in the 9th. I know there is blame for Gregg or Theriot, but Soriano took a few steps in, then tries to run it down, yet typical baseball fundamentals tell you to takes a few steps back, then judge the ball. Yeah I know he won the game last night, but he will end up causing the Cubs to lose more games than win.

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- The New Yankee stadium is a joke

- My weekend sucks

- Sabbath ("Heaven and Hell") is releasing a new album at the end of the month. It's all mid-tempo stuff, probably because Ronnie James Dio's vocal range is not what it used to be and they don't want the album to be a complete studio production.

- Yesterday's Yankee game was one of the crappiest games I ever watched. Not close to the most painful, but what a shitty game.

- And Brad Lidge returns to normal!

- Soriano is having one of his typical hot starts, that way he can stop trying once it hits May! :)

- Can't wait to see Ichiro Suzuki hit a swinging bunt homerun at the new Yankee stadium.

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- Would somebody let the St. Louis Blues know that body contact is permitted in hockey.

- I really wonder how much it would take to make a "sandbox" style baseball game?

- Why does my 2 year old believe that 5am is wake up time?

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A few thoughts from Bill Reynolds of the Providence Journal.

•Ten of the 12 Yankee pitchers weigh more than 200 pounds, and eight are 225 or more.

•And David Wells is not even on the team anymore.

•Sports in New England is better when the Bruins are in the playoffs.

•Line of the Week comes from Brown basketball coach Jesse Agel, an ardent Yankee fan, on the Scott Cordischi talk show on Saturday mornings on WPRO: “The 27th title is the toughest to get.”

•Line of the Week II comes from Joel Sherman in the New York Post on the Yankees’ new stadium: “This place is more a casino than a cathedral, since the ethos is the same: How do we separate the suckers from their cash?”

•If you saw Mark “The Bird” Fidrych pitch, you will never forget it, one of the true originals, now dead too soon at 54.

•This from The Yankee Years: In the 2007 season, Joe Torre and many of the Yankee players had grown tired of Johnny Damon’s act.

•What’s the old line? A recession is when your neighbor’s out of work. A depression is when you are.

•It should be real simple with the Red Sox and Dice-K: No more World Baseball Classic.

•There’s no truth to the rumor that the Yankees would be better off with Ava Gardner in center field than Brett Gardner.

•Or that the real trade they should make is Brian Cashman for Theo Epstein.


•What exactly was Josh Beckett thinking?

•You know these are not your grandfather’s Yankees anymore when each locker in the new stadium comes equipped with a laptop.

•Or as someone on WEEI said yesterday morning, something to the effect that the other players get a laptop but A-Rod gets a lap dance.

•The Rays no longer fear either the Sox or the Yankees, and that in itself makes the A.L. East different terrain.

•If you can watch Dice-K pitch, you can watch anything.

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Updated to 4-19

...I still have not calmed down from yesterday's embarrassment at Yankee Stadium. :angry:

...Cleveland so far has scored 37 runs in three games. They love Yankee Stadium, and are especially fond of Chein-Ming Wang, who so far can't get anyone out. Unless you happen to be in the bullpen before the game. Then he'll strike you out.

...Good to see Josh Beckett getting what he deserved.

...Not a good week for baseball. Harry Kalas and Mark Fidrych passing away on the same day. Both beloved and respected for what they brought to this great game. Just seems like yesterday that Fidrych had his memorable '76 season. :(

...Jackie Robinson day in baseball was too far over the top. Not to say he shouldn't have been honored, but come the beginning of July when Larry Doby marks his 50th anniversary, not a damn thing's going to be said by Bud and his staff.

...I hate these ballplayers that point to the sky after they've done something. Vladimir Guerrero is famous for this. He'll point to the sky when he gets a walk.

...I've always wondered something about Hideki Matsui. When he does interviews he has a interpreter with him to answer the questions. But many times I have seen him in the outfield talking to one of his teammates and he doesn't have the interpreter there. How does he understand them but not the reporters?

...I can't stand it when you are at the point of complete exhaustion that you are not even able to sleep.

...I got a funny way of eating onion rings that my wife thinks is nuts. I eat the outside only and won't eat the onion.

...I may not like Ben Stiller, but I still can't wait for the sequel to Night at the Museum next month.

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Updated to 4-19

...I hate these ballplayers that point to the sky after they've done something. Vladimir Guerrero is famous for this. He'll point to the sky when he gets a walk.

same here...to this day almoust the 60% of the players do that jeje.

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- Im gonna keep it short.

- I cant beleive Harry Kalas is gone, I mean Mike Schmidt couldnt of said it better yesterday at Harry's sevice at CBP. He said when Harry gets to the gates of heaven, God will great him and say " Job well done my good and faithful servant."

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- I hope like heck that the Indians used up all their runs for the month when they went into to NY and just ladled the evil empire. They come to KC next week.

-Greinke ain't half bad, huh?

-In 1976, I watched The Bird pitch a complete game against the Royals (on my old black and white telly), and I can STILL remember parts of that game, especially Bird himself. Very FEW games I can remember like that......what a unique talent and person he was. We did not know him well enough, I think.

-Not only is the great Harry Kalas gone, but NFL films will certainly not be the same without him, not to mention the Phils.

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I knew Joe Kerrigan was going to be a big help to the Pirates young staff. But I didnt think he would be this good! I know its early and its a long season but when its been a losing season every year for the last 16 seasons I need something to be happy about. Worst team ERA last year and the best right now.... Ill take it :D Bruins doing what I expected, but Flames so far a disappointment <_< And for once I would really like to see Sean Avery get his *** kicked!!!

And to follow up Y4L.....I dont think its crazy? I like onion rings but hate onions? And I like pasta sauce but hate tomatos? Go figure :D

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I know it's not morning, however...

...Finally warm weather in Michigan. It will be crappy Monday through Wednesday but it will get nice for the weekend.

...About the weather, I finally got to golf. Can't wait to get out there more. It's great living in the state with the most public courses.

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Updated to 4-26

...I know it isn't morning, but I was out of town for the weekend and had no chance to update this thread this morning let alone be on the Internet. When I go out of town to the in-laws it's like going back in time. I won't go into much more detail than that about how much I hate it down there.

...If there were awards for such things as "Most Uncomfortable Beds", the beds at my in-laws house would win every single time.

...My little baby daschund had an upset stomach last night and got sick five times. I think it's because the little basta** five year old down there gave her something to eat when I wasn't looking. She's fine now because I got her home now with me, safe and happy where I can spoil her the right way.

...Maybe it was a good thing I wasn't able to get on a computer after the way the Friday and Saturday games ended up for the Yankees. I might have said something out of frustration that someone would have taken offense to and just like that, there would be another problem.

...The Yankees are right on time again with all the injuries that they have been getting, haven't they?

...Is it an unwritten rule that all Yankee-Red Sox games be over four hours?

...15 runs scored against them. 22 runs. Now 16 runs. When are these guys going to get mad and say enough is enough?

...Just today, ten minutes or so ago, I found out what happened to Brian Bruney. News coverage down in that horsebleep town isn't that good either.

...There was one good thing that came out of my weekend down there besides leaving to go home. I went to a Barnes and Noble bookstore and I found a book called Crazy 08: How a cast of cranks, rogues, boneheads and magnates created the greatest year in baseball history. It was on sale for $5.98 (original sale price $24.95) and so far it is a great read. A woman (no kidding) named Cait Murphy wrote this and she has done a remarkable job.

...It bears repeating because it's so true. It is my wish that that pig Hazel Mae is fired from MLB.com. She knows nothing about the game except what she is told to ask from the cue cards.

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- The excuses for Sabathia have to end now. He hasn't been good at all.

- Teixera's looking terrible out there. Back in 2002 Jason Giambi's .280 batting average in april was considered a slow start in epic proportions. What's with these new Yankee players and their predictable meltdowns?

- At least the Mets are more pathetic... Not that I hate the Mets, but it stops their stupid fanbase from ripping the Yankees as bad.

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Updated to 5-3

...I think the idea by Hoop27 and the rest of those guys who want to make their own baseball game really is not a bad one. Sure, it might be tough but I don't bet against anyone here or root against them. If they think they can do this, so do I.

...I finished that Crazy 08 book that I got last week. What a book. I found out a lot of things that I never knew before about baseball. Here's just two. I learned that that Pirates had a very good shot of signing Walter Johnson before the Senators did and that if they would have increased the offer to purchase Napolean Lajoie, he would have been a Pirate also. The thought of a Honus Wagner and Napolean Lajoie infield would have been something.

...These are the kind of sports books I love. Baseball ones and at the same time you learn something about the game. I don't like the kind of books like that new Alex Rodriguez one that's on it's way. It's not baseball, it's more like a National Enquirer type of book filled with allegations and he said-she said material.

...Friday night I had to go to the movies. It was her choice. I got roped into seeing Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. It was ok, and by that I mean I've seen worse, but the one I'm really waiting for is the sequel to Night of the Museum.

...One thing I noticed after that movie was done that Jennifer Garner has a face like a collie.

...One other one that I've got to see is Angels and Demons and that's going to be released on May 15. You can check out trailers for it on this website here.

...Did the Yankees beat the Angels two in a row or did I read that wrong? I know they blew it last night. That was more like it.

...And it sure would be a good idea if Sabathia and Teixeira would start to show up. Like right around now.

...One question. If Wang was hurt like this with his hip for quite some time now like I read, why couldn't they tell during spring training?

...For those of you who are still on the fence about getting 2K9 for the PC all I can tell you is to go to youtube and type in MLB 2K9 and just look at the videos that have been posted.

...Glad to see In Plain Sight come back for a second season. That's quickly become one of my favorites.

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Updated to 5-10

...Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. I hope you all have a nice and relaxing day like you all deserve. and thank you for everything.

...I am not a fan of his and never will be, but I was not happy to learn of Manny Ramirez' fifty game suspension for use of performance enhancing drugs.

...Although if someone like Albert Pujols gets caught next, that would be hilarious. Only because he's been denying it all this time and that I don't give a damn about him.

...Nice to see Alex Rodriguez come back. If the Yankees do anything this year they obviously will need him. And by the way, nice move by the Orioles to sell those foam syringe needles with "A-Roid" written on them. It's just another reason of many for me not to care about or compliment any other team in baseball besides my own. Just makes me wonder what the uneducated rabble in one certain city that ends with OSTON is going to do next month when the Yankees have to play there.

...Save your complaints about the previous two statements here. I don't care.

...I will continue to wear my Yankee hat with pride wherever I go around town even if it appears that they are looking like the worst team in baseball.

...I just want them to get back on top again, not for me or my own satisfaction, but for the pride that is associated with that team.

...Just watching them play over the past few years has taken away what little patience I have with them.

...We all know what the problem is but still nothing is done about it. They have pitchers who can not throw strikes, who are more comfortable pitching behind the count, are not aggressive enough, who do not protect their hitters and accept losing with an easy and carefree attitude.

...I wish I could not care what this team does, but I can't. But what I can do is not waste my evenings watching this dark comedy anymore. I got better things to do with my life.

...Good to see fruit basket Zach Grienke lose last night but he didn't get lit up in the process. This is a guy I'd even like to see the Red Sox light up.

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Happy Mothers Day to all.

I see A-Rod is back...does anyone outside of Yankee fans even give a crap about this guy anymore? He's a steroid user like the rest of 'em, and classless to boot. This guy can bash as many homers as he wants, but until he produces in October, then the guy is a waste.

CC finally pitches a good game for the Yanks, then they go out and lose again the next day....to bad for them, but great for the Jays!

Funny, but I find myself quickly enjoying the Red Sox more and more. Before I get jumped all over, I am a die-hard Jays fan, but as long as the Yanks don't win, I'm happy. Spend all the money you want, your still 5.5 games out of first, and looking like a LOST team.

I have zero expectations for my Jays this year, but I will say that I am happy with how the season has gone so far. I cannot imagine what they would be doing, if their pitching staff wasn't mostly hurt. Amazing. Thanks, Cito.

Tampa is looking like the Tampa of old, which helps. Having Baltimore playing like a last place time, is great too. The East is wide open this year, and I think the Wild Card is at least attainable for the Jays. Maybe even the division.

To bad to hear about Fat Manny, no one is safe from speculation now.

Lost season finale this week. Nice.

Star Trek was amazing. Thanks, J.J. Great job!

Wolverine blew chunks.

Let's go Canada. Gold today!

Bye. Bye. Bruins.....Choke.

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Updated to 5-17

...It's now official after all this time. Beginning June 1st we all will need passports to go to Canada or Mexico because of course none of us can be trusted. Traveling will be down. One passport costs over 100 dollars and it takes four to six weeks to process. There goes any plans of seeing the Yankees at the Skydome. Thanks a lot you *&*&*(#$ Arabs.

...It is a guarantee in life that the first day you go out with a new pair of shoes on that it is going to rain.

...What the heck is Twitter? Whatever it is, they couldn't have thought of a better name?

...One day last week I was watching some Yankee World Series highlights on the MLB Network (yes, sometimes they actually show stuff that is not Red Sox related) and it was nice reliving all those wonderful moments from the Championship years again. But after it was done it really made me kind of depressed because I realized those days were done and that we were now stuck with this current team.

...Grateful for people like Nick Swisher in the world. At least he shows he cares.

...Kim Jones of all people has a great blog on the YES Network homepage. And speaking of that website, the post game plus feature they have on there is everything a Yankee fan needs.

...Edwar Ramirez needs to be given a sandwich and then right after that, his outright release.

...What's the over and under that Brett Favre comes back again and does anyone care except for Brett Favre?

...What is it with pitchers throwing at Ian Kinsler of the Rangers?

...Let's go Orlando Magic. Those people in that city have had it their way much too long now. Beat the snot out of them.

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...What's the over and under that Brett Favre comes back again and does anyone care except for Brett Favre?

...Let's go Orlando Magic. Those people in that city have had it their way much too long now. Beat the snot out of them.

Point #1... I care. If he goes to the Vikings, it makes one less team the Bears have to worry about, because he sucks now.

Point#2... Coming from a New York fan, I have to laugh...


(Though I have to admit, I am about as sick of the Boston teams as I am the New York teams at this point)

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Point#2... Coming from a New York fan, I have to laugh...


(Though I have to admit, I am about as sick of the Boston teams as I am the New York teams at this point)

Yeah, well ok. :lol:

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-- When i see the Blue Jays play I can't help but think about '92 bringing Cito back last year was Major

-- I think the Rays basked a little too much in the glory of winning the AL last year, sometimes I think someone should tell them "Hey, you know there's a team a few hours drive down south that has two World Series Rings already

--Taliking about that "down south" team sometimes I can't help but wonder if the Marlins had the type of fan support the Rays have what the possibilities could be

--It wouldn't be right not to say somethng about the Yankees in this this post so here it goes, its been a ruff start for them but let's consider a few things:

(1) They are only 4 and a half games out of first;

(2) they are on a 4 game win streak;

(3) The Texeria you saw yesterday is a guy who's finally settling in expect big things;

(4) "A-rod is Amazing", I think his walk up song is fitting

(5) Some say Jeter's lost a step, I say "he's still Derek Jeter";

(6) While the pitching rotation is still a work in progress, they are only a Free agent away;

(7) it ain't about how you start, its about how you finish . . . can you say "1977"

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Updated to 5-24

...A very early morning update to this thread this time. I was watching a movie on the Sci-Fi channel last night called Lake Placid 2 and before I go on I have to admit that these are not the kind of movies I watch at all. In fact I can't stand scary movies. They have a habit of giving me nightmares about the movie. Which is why I am up right now. :)

....On Friday night I went to see Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. I was waiting for this one to come out for quite some time after I originally saw the previews months ago and I wasn't disappointed. I'd see it again and I think if you liked the first one, you will like this one. Also, after watching this movie it did not affect my sleep one bit. :lol:

...The girl that played Amelia Earhart in the movie, Amy Adams, has a very nice..um, smile.

...Notice to all Will Farrell haters: The guy who thinks of himself as an actor and a comedian is coming out with yet another movie. This one's called The Land of the Lost. The thing about this guy is that he can't act and he isn't funny at all, but yet he keeps making movies.

...Nice to see the chat function get re-introduced on the website. To access it, just check out the top of the home page of the site and click on "chat." See you in there sometime.

...The wonderful thing about this website is that we keep getting new people that join up that quickly become important members of the site just by their presence here daily. Guys like rroy and Wicked come to mind right away. Of course right now I'm forgetting others and forgive me for that. It's 4:30 am and did not expect to be up at this time.

...Well, at least we got the team right Dept: Yesterday during the Phillie-Yankee game on SUX, I mean FOX, John Mayberry Jr of the Phillies hit his first home run of his major league career. FOX immediately zoomed in on what they thought was his father, former player John Mayberry, in the stands as he was wearing a Phillie hat and was clapping and cheering. The problem was, this wasn't John Mayberry. It was just a fan who just happened to be cheering on his Phillies. At least FOX admitted their mistake but not before Tim McCarver gave a detailed explanation as to why it could have been John Mayberry.

...What I like most about this current streak the Yankees are on is that everyone is helping. They're pitching well, fielding well and getting timely hitting. And it isn't just one guy who is relied on. That's what is most important. This is also something that I did not see at all in 2008.

...Because you know when Jose Veras gets credit for a win, things are going your way.

...Everyone enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. And remember when you are enjoying your hot dog today and watching a game, reflect on what this day actually stands for.

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Updated to 5-31

...Twice a year we go to the Waterloo outlet Mall to do some shopping and yesterday morning was our first time this year. I should correct this. She does the shopping while I wait outside and sit and wish I was someplace else.

...Not that I was alone. There's benches all over that mall and every one of them were taken up by some guy who was doing the same thing I was, being bored and trying not to show it.

...Towards the end of it, I was so tired I couldn't even do the required girl watching. :(

...I tried the Pepsi Throwback drink the other day. It's not bad and you can tell that their is a difference.

...Next year Mindy McCready will be on a reality TV show called Celebrity rehab. No word as of yet if Roger Clemens will make a guest appearance.

...Gas prices once again are on the rise and just in time for summer too! Don't tell me that this isn't planned.

...Do those midges and mosquitoes only show up in Cleveland when the Yankees are there?

...If those midges need something to do, go and bother Jose Veras.

...It's just nice to see this ballclub playing as good as they should. They're not making excuses, they are just going out and playing the game right.

...Yeah, Zach Grienke had a great month of May (and it still isn't over because he's pitching today) but let's see how he does in June. There's no way he's this good.

...Highly touted catching prospect Matt Wieters is up with the Orioles now. It's unclear as of now if he's had any time to perform miracles yet.

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