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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 11-15

...Doing a early entry this week in this thread because I can't lately seem to sleep through the night now. Right around 3 or 4 am is when I wake up and can't get back to sleep. All I need is another problem.

...I'm already sick of seeing the Christmas commercials. They have started at the beginning of the month and have been increasing every day on TV. &*#&* Walmart is the main culprit.

...Gas is getting near three dollars a gallon now. It's probably been that way in some areas for quite some time now. Just another way of getting squeezed during the holiday season. Personally, I can't wait until Christmas day when this is all over.

...How the hell did Harold Reynolds get a job on the MLB Network? The guy's got an annoying voice and it turns into a shrill whenever he gets excited about something.

...Anyone watch the Bud Selig interview with Bob Costas on that network? (How the hell could you have missed it? They only repeated that interview over and over.) Selig had a perpetual puzzled and confused look on his face while answering Costas' questions. And some of them he was just plain evasive.

...Does anyone think there is any stock in that 2012 prophecy?

...Maybe the Yanks don't make a big splash in the free agent market like they did last year, but next year I'd like to see them actively go after Joe Mauer. That I'd love to see because as anyone who knows me in here, I am no Jorge Posada fan.

...I wonder if this Aroldis Chapman is the real deal? A left handed pitcher who can throw 100 mph? Might be something to look into.

...Yankee haters can finally say that Derek Jeter is a bum. But sorry to rain on your parade here. This is just a movie. And I might have to go and see it even though Will Ferrell is going to be in it.

...And finally, a big thank you to Sal for creating the 1927 total conversion mod for MVP Baseball.

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Updated to 11-22

...I have not used my iPod in months until the other day. It made me realize how much I love my audio program called Media Monkey because it syncs the iPod for me and I don't have to have the Apple software installed on my system. I have no use for iTunes and their DRM nonsense.

...I miss the admins on this site being here. I know that real life gets in the way, but you can't help but miss them.

...On the other hand, it's nice to see Paulw hanging around here again. And for an added bonus, he's working his magic on Baltimore's Memorial Stadium.

...Speaking of Baltimore, the Colts visit Baltimore today as the visiting team. Even after all this time, that still doesn't sound right.

...NFL football in the 70's was so much better in so many ways than it is now. I used to love watching the Raider secondary of George Atkinson and Jack Tatum play. Talk about aggressive defenders, those guys were it. And every pass thrown was not a pass interference. The referees in the NFL are as bad as the umpires in major league baseball.

...My Raiders haven't done anything worthwhile in years to really be happy about, but the benching of overrated statue Jamarcus Russell should tell the rest of the team that the coaching staff isn't satisfied with the usual three or four wins a year. With the talent on that team they should be a lot better.

...Went to see my doctor on Thursday morning. Said I was doing fine and coming along slowly. I told her of the problem I've been having now. I can only be up for a while (five or six hours) and then I feel like I've worked for twelve hours and I need to sleep. She said that's normal because it usually takes the body about a year to fully recover from major surgery. In my case it will be longer since I had two major surgeries in less than two months. What a lucky guy I am. :(

...I would not mind if Roy Halladay plays next year for Toronto and then the Yankees get him at the end of next season via free agency. Toronto is going to want an arm and a leg and someone's first born for him.

...Well, it just figures. The Yankees are interested in signing Cuban phenom Aroldis Chapman and because of that, the Red Sox want to sign him. Those rotten SOB's probably never heard of him but since the Yankees want him, they got to follow suit. What a way to run a team, honest to God.

...And if by chance Boston does sign this guy to a huge multimillion dollar contract, they'll still cry poverty and amazingly, people will believe them.

...Sarah Palin was in my city yesterday for a book signing at a suburban Borders Books store. And before you ask, NO I did not go! :lol: I was reading comments from one of the TV station's websites about it and this one guy made this post that stopped me in my tracks and had me laughing like crazy. This guy, who used the name "Leroy" to post, wrote this: She should be home watching her kids, before her other daughter becomes pregnant. Hahaahhahhaheeeeehehheehehe.

...Hey, before I forget, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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...Sarah Palin was in my city yesterday for a book signing at a suburban Borders Books store. And before you ask, NO I did not go! :lol: I was reading comments from one of the TV station's websites about it and this one guy made this post that stopped me in my tracks and had me laughing like crazy. This guy, who used the name "Leroy" to post, wrote this: She should be home watching her kids, before her other daughter becomes pregnant. Hahaahhahhaheeeeehehheehehe.

Channel 10 forum is the best. Haha. I know who you are talking about with that Leroy guy. My mom reads that site a lot, and tells me of what people write.

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Updated to 11-29

...I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you all had a good time that day.

...Approaching Thanksgiving, my wife was very emphatic when she told me she was not going near any of the malls and stores on Black Friday. Of course, when that day came she was at the mall.

...Of all the hype I gave the Raiders for being on Thanksgiving day, I am glad no one said anything to me about it. Then again no one saw what I wrote anyways.

...I have never seen a football team that makes the other team work as less as these Raiders have the past few years. They average one score a game and then they pack it in and go home.

...Good luck to Tiger Woods and I hope his injuries are not severe after that car crash he was in.

...I don't know if this is true or not, but our boy Bud plans to step down after 2012. Why wait that long? Do it now.

...Goodbye Shelley Duncan and best of luck to you.

...Well, we are finally getting an HDTV. Should be here next week. It's about time!

...Now if I can just swing a PS3 I would be all set. I just don't know if I will. I listen to you guys in here a lot when you review games and when I asked Trues about MLB The Show 09, he really didn't give it the thumbs up. I'm cautious about spending sixty dollars on a game that after awhile I won't use.

...After 25 games my favorite NHL team the Canadians are 12-12-1. Damn. But they are not that far away from first place Ottawa.

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Updated to 11-29

...Now if I can just swing a PS3 I would be all set. I just don't know if I will. I listen to you guys in here a lot when you review games and when I asked Trues about MLB The Show 09, he really didn't give it the thumbs up. I'm cautious about spending sixty dollars on a game that after awhile I won't use.

If you can swing the PS3 it will be great addition to your Entertainment center especially with you getting the HDTV, Divx recodes of your favorite DVDs are priceless. As far as The Show, first you should be able to find a used copy at a gamestop or some store for less than 60. The game itself is very solid, but like all currrent gen games you'll probably have to find a slider set to your liking to get the most out of the game.

I think the thing about The Show when you compare it to MVP is that we've all tweaked and played MVP to the point that it is perfect gameplay wise for us, and the little features like "Manager Argued Calls" just place it in a de facto spot as our Baseball game of choice. With The Show there are some things that will amaze you especially if you delve into the Franchise feature (Graphics in general and One of the broadcasters trying to sing at wrigley); but also in the same breath there are things that will frustrate you (how the DL is handled and questionable free agents).

All in all, I enjoy The Show it gets about split reps weekly with MVP. I'll say this I have three untradeable games for my PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4, College Hoops 2k8 & MLB 09 The Show.

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Updated to 11-29

...I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you all had a good time that day.

...Approaching Thanksgiving, my wife was very emphatic when she told me she was not going near any of the malls and stores on Black Friday. Of course, when that day came she was at the mall.

...Of all the hype I gave the Raiders for being on Thanksgiving day, I am glad no one said anything to me about it. Then again no one saw what I wrote anyways.

...I have never seen a football team that makes the other team work as less as these Raiders have the past few years. They average one score a game and then they pack it in and go home.

...Good luck to Tiger Woods and I hope his injuries are not severe after that car crash he was in.

...I don't know if this is true or not, but our boy Bud plans to step down after 2012. Why wait that long? Do it now.

...Goodbye Shelley Duncan and best of luck to you.

...Well, we are finally getting an HDTV. Should be here next week. It's about time!

...Now if I can just swing a PS3 I would be all set. I just don't know if I will. I listen to you guys in here a lot when you review games and when I asked Trues about MLB The Show 09, he really didn't give it the thumbs up. I'm cautious about spending sixty dollars on a game that after awhile I won't use.

...After 25 games my favorite NHL team the Canadians are 12-12-1. Damn. But they are not that far away from first place Ottawa.

I played the game non stop from release to the release of madden. And that is ALL I played. What finally tore me away from playing was that it came to repeditive for me, like the fielding and pitching was just got boring eventually. Yet, I still don't think any video game has gotten me through a school summer only playing that game. Maybe mvp did that....

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Updated to 12-6

...My wife and I just updated to the world of HDTV. We just got a new TV and after the Direct TV people get here on Tuesday to update our dish, we will be watching TV in hi def just like everyone else. I really can't wait.

...The New Orleans Saints have won 11 games? It wasn't too long ago that I could remember it would take them four years to win 11 games.

...Just to prove once again to the world that he's a total moron, Robinson Cano would like to see Pedro Martinez in pinstripes.

...Oh hell, today's such a nice day. Don't get me started on how much I hate Cano. Or Posada.

...There's joy in Beantown as fans all over New England are ordering Marco Scutaro jerseys left and right. He'll be wearing #16 for those of you who don't know. Here's a photo for you so you can see for yourself.

...I can hear it now: "Scutaro is better than Jeter!" And the sad part is, they'll believe it.

...One final thing on the Red Sox and then that's it. They raised their ticket prices for the 2010 season Good. Squeeze their fans even more. :lol:

...Hey, I just got NHL 2004 yesterday in the mail. I ordered it from Amazon. I got it for less than twenty dollars. I got it because I wanted to try out the mods that are made for this game because of what I read in this thread. The work that those guys do over on that site with this game will make the price I paid for this game well worthwhile.

...The New York Post this morning did the impossible. They made Scott Bora$ seem almost human in this article. I'm telling you, that's hard to do.

...Just wondering, does anyone here own a Blackberry phone? What makes them so special? I always see them advertised on TV and I'm curious.

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Updated to 12-6

...My wife and I just updated to the world of HDTV. We just got a new TV and after the Direct TV people get here on Tuesday to update our dish, we will be watching TV in hi def just like everyone else. I really can't wait.

You're going to love HD, especially when it comes to sports. I remember when we first got HD service. I spent the first few days trying to watch a little of every kind of sport I could find on TV to see how good it looked. I also kept switching back and forth between the HD broadcast and non-HD broadcast of the same event to see how much better the picture was.

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Updated to 12-13

...Jim825 was right. When we got our HDTV hooked up with DirecTV this week, all we did was compare regular TV to the High Definition and it looks amazing. Looking at sports on this is like looking at it for the first time. I keep switching between the NFL Network and the MLB Network to see how good everything looks. It's a good thing that we got this hooked up last Tuesday (the 8th) before the snow got here or else we would have had to wait.

...I don't like watching many of the Christmas movies out there because they are so predictable, but I always enjoy watching A Christmas Carol or any version of that story. That was one of my favorite books.

...One of the first clues for Tiger Woods' wife about his messing around was when he bought her lingerie from Victoria's Secret was that he insisted on bringing home the girl that was modeling the items in the store.

...It doesn't matter that Woods is taking an "indefinite break." It's never going to be the same for him again.

...If the Red Sox do not re-sign Jason Bay it will be what Mr. Branch Rickey used to call "addition by subtraction." Meaning that getting rid of a player will make your team better.

...Thank you Milwaukee Brewers for signing Randy Wolf. Now someone sign Jason Marquis before the Yankees do something stupid and do it themselves.

...I'm still not sold on the Curtis Granderson trade but at least Granderson isn't 42 years old with a bad back like Randy Johnson was.

...Who the heck is Jamie Hoffmann?

...Offer Johnny Damon two years and if he and Boras don't like it, tell them to get lost.

...Peter Gammons is moving on to the MLB Network now. That will only make that Network better and believe me, they need it. With no-talent hacks like Harold Reynolds and Hazel Mae getting a lot of air time, it's good that a real pro will be added to the mix.

...I love watching NFL Films highlights especially the older ones with John Facenda doing the narrating. That guy had a golden voice.

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Anyone else just have absolutely nothing to do today?

First time in a while I've not had a computer to fix for someone, or anything non-work related to do. It's 1:45am, fixed a laptop, then went out for a drive with a friend earlier, but didn't go to the club. Since then, spent half an hour on the phone, listened to music, defragged some hard drives, then browsed another board for some giggles. I have some accounts to do (which haven't been done since October), but I'm not really in the mood. Might have some dinner then watch a movie or 2.

Man, the winter sucks. Makes you want to just chill at home.

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Updated to 12-20

...All I can say is thank God that it is only five days until Christmas. Then all these Christmas commercials and movies and TV specials will be put away for another year. My wife has been driving me nuts because she has been watching a Christmas movie every single day since Thanksgiving.

...Already next year's NL Championship has been handed to the Phillies because of the addition of Roy Halladay to the team. Do you think the games should be played first?

...If there was a Yankee fan on this site that said the same thing about the Yankees for next year, he'd be roasted by the Yankee haters in here something awful. I say this because this is the truth.

...One thing I am curious about this whole Halladay affair is where were the Mets in all this?

...And if anyone thinks Toronto made out in this they are delusional. The Blue Jays were offered horseshit for Halladay and they happily accepted whatever Philadelphia offered for the best pitcher in the American League.

...I'm really going to miss Hideki Matsui on the Yankees. And I don't know why he was not resigned for the DH spot. How is Nick Johnson better than Matsui?

...I'd rather have the Yankees sign Justin Duchscherer instead of Ben Sheets. With Nick Johnson already on the team we already have a clumsy ox who is going to get hurt in some stupid way next year and that is all Sheets is good for. Let him stay in Milwaukee. Those people over there wouldn't know a good pitcher if they tripped over one.

...Just when you think the Seattle Mariners are serious about improving their team for next year they go out and get Milton Bradley in a trade. How is this time going to be different for this idiot? No matter what team he is on he ends up causing problems.

...Thank you Dallas Cowboys for beating the Saints last night. Now all I am waiting for is for them to fall flat on their faces again in the playoffs.

...My pros and cons list of getting a PS3 are just about even. This is a tough decision for me. The main thing is I only want this console for one game (The Show) and really not anything else.

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The main thing is I only want this console for one game (The Show) and really not anything else.

If that's the case, I would look to spend the money elsewhere. The Show definitely is a wonderful game, but I wouldn't spend $200+ to just play one game.

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If that's the case, I would look to spend the money elsewhere. The Show definitely is a wonderful game, but I wouldn't spend $200+ to just play one game.

Ha, I did last year. I only have the show and madden 10. There are some great exclusives out there like drake's fortune, little big planet, killzone, etc, but they aren't my type of games. I played the show this past year the most I've ever played a videogame.

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I bought the PS3 in March of last year soley to play The Show '08.  Since then, I've picked up 8 or 9 games and have come to the conclusion that the PS3 might just be the best gaming system to date.  I'm still holding out hope for next year, but ironically, The Show is the only one I don't play.

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Updated to 12-27

...All together now: "Thank God Christmas is over!!" :clapping:

...My wife got me a nice new laptop with Windows 7 on it. Trouble is, it will not read any DVD data disks that I have and I have no idea why. It's always something, isn't it?? :(

...Of course, what I got her (some Amazon.com Kindle thing) works perfectly.

...Raise your hands if you were forced to go to the stores the day after Christmas to return things. Yeah, I had to. :fool:

...The main thing is I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you got everything you wanted and for those of you who are home this week (like me!) enjoy your time off!

...I would like to take the time here to thank the Washington Nationals for signing Jason Marquis. Rumor has it that the Yankees were maybe interested in signing this "pitcher". I mean why not? They've already made so many stupid moves this off season. What's one more?

...Which brings me to the King of the Off Season Stupid Moves. Javier Vazquez. I got to admit, it would have been funny if it happened to any other team. But when the Yankees re-acquired this loser I did everything but laugh out loud.

...I like that NFL Network because they had a great game on Christmas night. If any of you guys don't have that channel you should really look into it.

...One of the best endings to a movie that I ever saw was in Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. In the last few minutes of that movie not one word was spoken because nothing needed to be said. It was George Lucas at his finest.

...Well, it didn't take long. After having a blu-ray player with our HDTV for less than a month now, I have become a blu-ray snob. All my future movie purchases will now have to be on blu-ray or else it will be no way. :)

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Updated to 1-3

...There is always a sense of relief when the holidays are over with.

...When midnight struck on January 1st the first thing I said after "Happy New Year" was "Spring Training starts next month."

...I also immediately thought of my little dog who I lost back in September. I'll never get over her.

...I don't make New Year's resolutions because I don't want to end up disappointing myself but if I had to be forced to do one, I'd get 100% better from this surgery I had. I'm not even close yet.

...Thank you so much to the little child who hacked the site on New Years. Now go play on the railroad tracks.

...Total Classics 1998 is now available and ready for download. Grab it and you won't be sorry you did.

...Any movie with Jackie Chan in it I will watch.

...While I'm at it, same goes for Tommy Lee Jones.

...I got 100 dollars worth of gift cards for Amazon.com and I don't know what to get. Now if I didn't have them I'd find some stuff I'd want.

...Sent back my new laptop I got for Christmas so they can fix the DVD drive. God knows when I will get it back. Wish me luck.

...By the way, this is not my own personal thread in here. Everyone's welcome here.

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Updated to 1-10

...8 degrees outside right now. I'm mentioning this because I'm going to have to go out in this today. My wife's birthday was yesterday so we are going out to dinner. I wonder if she realizes how cold it is?

...She spent the afternoon yesterday watching some of her favorite movies. Hairspray and Rent. Both were Musicals. Both sucked. Never watch them. I ran upstairs after the first five minutes of the first movie because I couldn't take it.

...I'm no Cowboy fan but all the same, thanks for knocking off the Eagles in the playoff round last night.

...Today, I am a Ravens fan for at least a few hours.

...Enjoy your retirement Randy Johnson. I just wish you would have done something in your Yankee years for us to look back on and smile at.

...One thing we were talking about in the shoutbox this week that still bares mentioning. If Andre Dawson got in the Hall of Fame with his stats, why didn't Dwight Evans? Look at their stats side by side and you'll see what I mean.

...Well, the Raiders had another lousy season. Who are they going to blame this time?

...I still wouldn't mind if Johnny Damon came back. Maybe he realizes now that Bora$ has overpriced him.

...I also would like one more pitcher. Wang can not be counted out here either.

...Think warm thoughts. Spring training is one month and eight days away. That's when the pitchers and catchers report.

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Updated to 1-17

...Hard for me to imagine that the New Orleans Saints are going to the Championship game.

...In previous years when New Orleans fans wanted to see a decent football team they'd head out to the Superdome on Sundays to watch the other teams trounce their Saints. Now this year's team looks practically unstoppable.

...It is people like Gilbert Arenas that makes me not care at all about the National Basketball Association. I hope he gets exactly what is coming to him.

...Could it be? Was Oakland owner Al Davis right about Lane Kiffin? Sure seems so after the screwing Kiffin gave Tennessee this week after he bolted from there and took off to Southern California.

...And I'll say again. Tom Cable deserves to return.

...Am I the only Oakland Raider fan on this website?

...Will someone tell me how the hell Aroldis Chapman signed with the Reds, the major league leaders in running a cheap and half ass organization?

...Ironic that I just finished reading a book about Roberto Clemente (see this thread right here) that another earthquake hits Latin America.

...If there is one thing that anyone can take out of reading that book about Clemente was his immense pride for his homeland and the people there. He loved Puerto Rico as much as Puerto Rico loved him.

...I am going to have to be completely overwhelmed for me to go out and get 2K10 when it is released. First of all I don't like 2K sports. I think the way they do things is terrible and I honestly do not see them improving on 2k9 at all. But of course, I could be mistaken.

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-I don't want the Saints to win. I am kinda hoping for the Cowboys to make a run. I expect the Colts to win though.

-I couldn't believe the Reds signed him. They never even crossed my mind...

-I will but The Show 10 and 2k10. From all the previews it sounds like they had much more time to polish this one. Who knows, it will probably be crap. But I got my $20 of fun out of 2k9 once I got sliders I liked. The only thing that was really bad about 2k9 was fielding in my view. Yes fielding is 1/3 of the game but if they can smooth it out I will be happy with 2k10.

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Updated to 1-24

...Championship game Sunday. No other choice for me but to pull for the AFC in this. I'd like to see the Jets beat the Colts and the Vikings beat the Saints. New Orleans should only host a Super Bowl. They should never be in one.

...Wow, what a night I had last night. Slept over eight hours straight. Haven't done that in months. I compare that feat to hitting for the cycle. :)

...Went to go see Extraordinary Measures yesterday at the local cineplex. Let's just say this movie was not my choice to go and see especially when there was a Jackie Chan movie being shown at the same time.

...Fair warning to everyone in here. Watching the previews of coming attractions before the movie began I saw that there is going to be a movie coming out about Valentine's Day that looks like it is going to suck. You can always tell a women's movie when you see it.

...Final thing about movies. I told my wife we have to go to matinees from now on because of being on a fixed budget. With the price of movies combined with all the drinks and popcorn that you got to get it can get expensive.

...Another Bin Laden threat. What the hell, why can't they find this guy after all this time? And when they do find him, there's going to be more trouble.

...Just curious here. Every so often when you get e-mails that you didn't want, at the end of it sometimes it has an option to unsubscribe from it. Is it actually worth unsubscribing? Or doesn't it matter because they'll keep on sending it anyway? I keep getting one from some "Online Poker tournament" and I'm trying to stop it. Little do these people know I have no idea how to play Poker.

...Still no word as of yet about the future of Tom Cable. I'm watching this as close as I monitor news about the Yankees.

...Kind of disappointed that Jerry Hairston didn't remain with the Yankees. I was really impressed with his versatility.

...You watch the Mariners in the off season try to improve themselves with the moves they made and then you see another team like the Orioles who just bring back retreads like Miguel Tejada.

...I'm still holding out hope that Johnny Damon comes back to the Yankees. While Nick Johnson is a good on-base guy, he does not have Damon's speed and you do need some speed in the lineup.

...How lucky are the Angels? They just traded Gary Matthews, Jr.

...How stupid are the Mets? They just acquired Gary Matthews, Jr.

...Congratulations to Grant Desme, who left the Oakland Athletics to pursue a career in the priesthood. That's something you don't see happening a lot. Dominus vobiscum Mr. Desme and best of luck.

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I am not an overly religious man, but I find myself this Sunday, Praying to God that Bret Favre does not make another Super Bowl. This is not hate for the Vikings...just Favre.

Haven't been around much, in a long time. Work, and parenthood seem to consume all my time these days. Not that it's a bad thing, but I do miss my nightly chats on here.

Still trying to warm up to being a Phillies fan now. My relationship with the Blue Jays is beyond repair. I honestly cannot cheer for that team anymore. Now watch them go out and win it all in 2010...LOL.

My XBox 360 crapped out on me. Three RROD. No warranty...gonna have to buy a new one.

I came home from work two weeks ago, to find out that my wife had purchased 4 tickets to fly out to Calgary, Alberta in June. Her sister, husband and their three kids live there, and it's been four years since we have seen them. I am looking forward to going, and the airline tickets were cheap, $1700 for us all to fly return, as my 1 year old is free. Looked up their local minor league/ independent baseball team, the Calgary Vipers. Think I am going to check them out.

For a man that was near death, with a possible career ending illness, Brock Lesnar sure look a-okay to me. Bull crap, me thinks.

Less then a month to pitchers and catchers report. Gives me plenty of time to get used to my Phillies cap.

Why does every natural disaster seem to happen in one of the world's poorest countries? CNN has tugged at my heart strings this past 10-12 days. Horrifying to watch, but I find myself not able to turn the channel. Makes you realize we are all just human beings, trying to survive this world.

...Go Saints.

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...Just curious here. Every so often when you get e-mails that you didn't want, at the end of it sometimes it has an option to unsubscribe from it. Is it actually worth unsubscribing? Or doesn't it matter because they'll keep on sending it anyway? I keep getting one from some "Online Poker tournament" and I'm trying to stop it. Little do these people know I have no idea how to play Poker.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no; sometimes it's simply another trick to see if your e-mail address is actually in use or not. You click unsubscribe, they receive the unsubscribe request, know that your e-mail address is active and being read by a real human, and they sign you up to more junk mail. Best thing to do is just ignore it and delete it - 2 pieces of junk mail twice a month are better than 20 pieces a day.

...How lucky are the Angels? They just traded Gary Matthews, Jr.

...How stupid are the Mets? They just acquired Gary Matthews, Jr.


My XBox 360 crapped out on me. Three RROD. No warranty...gonna have to buy a new one.

Wait...buy another one? So you buy one console that has inherent hardware faults and is not fit for purpose, it dies, ten you need to go out and buy a new one?

Damn that! :lol: Didn't Microsoft extend the warranty for 360s with the RROD by 3 years?

Even then, I'd be getting in touch with them, or doing more research. I don't know about Canada, but here, there's a clause in the Sale of Goods Act 1979 that states that if you buy something that isn't fit for purpose, you're entitled to apply for your money back within a reasonable period of time from the original sale, or a repair or replacement. Why should you get screwed because Microsoft produced an inherently faulty product?

Less then a month to pitchers and catchers report.

You mean pitchers and Molina's. ;)

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I am not an overly religious man, but I find myself this Sunday, Praying to God that Bret Favre does not make another Super Bowl. This is not hate for the Vikings...just Favre.

I agree. And I should have written this myself also.

Haven't been around much, in a long time. Work, and parenthood seem to consume all my time these days. Not that it's a bad thing, but I do miss my nightly chats on here.

And don't think we didn't notice. Don't be a stranger.

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