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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Yesterday was the BEST day of my F+++ING LIFE!

I'll tell you guys the story:

Friday, Game 6 of the Mexican Pacific League Championship.

Yaquis de Obregón (my team) was playing against Guasave here in Obregon, Obregon had a 3-2 advantage in the series and 5 outs away they blew a 2 run lead and lost the game, game 7 in less than 24 hours, I felt very, very depressed.

Saturday, Game 7

I went to the stadium with my head up waiting and hoping to see a championship of my team, it would be the first celebrated here in Obregon in more than 30 years (they won in Mazatlan in 2008 but it wasn't the same). I went to the field as always before the game to talk with some players and wish them good luck, then I went to the Press box where my other press friends were going to watch the game, it became full so I left to another VIP place with some Yaquis' office people and saw my team go up 5-1, I left that VIP place in the bottom of the 8th inning because I wanted to celebrate with the press guys since they helped me a lot. My surprise was that in the top of the 9th they would left the Press Box and get to the field, I went with them too and watched the last 3 outs next to the dugout, Out 27 came with a strikeout that Luis Ayala delivered to win the championship. The Yaquis were crowned champs. I ran to the field full of joy and hugged Yaquis press manager who helped me during the season, then I celebrated with the team jumping with them, hugging the players of the team, they sprayed a me with champagne and beer (I stole an empty champagne bottle of the celebration which I'll take to the training in Obregon before the Caribbean Series start in Puerto Rico with a pen so the team signs it for me).

The trophy ceremony came and I shaked hands with League President Omar Canizales and saw he deliver the trophy to the team a few meters from there, and I ran like 4 or 5 times with the team in the infield doing the olympic run as we call it here. Then the best part came, I had the trophy with me and lifted it up and then I kissed it, it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! (the best part is that I have professional pictures of it that I'll post when I get them). Then I went to the clubhouse to celebrate with them and left after some minutes. I cried of the emotion when I got to my car, I couldn't believe it. Then I realized of the chaos in the city, the most important street of the city was full of people drinking, hearing music and celebrating, there even was people running with Wal-Mart carts with beer inside of them! It was the best day of my life.

Imagine being able to celebrate the World Series with the players of your team in the field, then take the trophy with your hands and kiss it. That's how I felt. I just wanted to share this with you guys. :)

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You know HFLR, I read the first sentence in your post and thought, Holy Jesus how can this guys life get any better? I know the success and was envious of your stature from working on MVPCaribe. And teh notoriety and perks it has giving you in the baseball world.

So you write "Yesterday was the BEST day of my F+++ING LIFE!"

Im thinking NOW WHAT, he must have married 3 super models yesterday and each of them are daughters to the owners of the 3 best teams in South American Baseball or something.

then I read your post and it seems you did even better than that! (maybe, i guess, I dunno)

good for you man, thats is AWESOME, I am now truely and totally jealous of you.

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We've had 4 feet of snow in Central Massachusetts this month according to our local newspaper. We start a new month this week, and what can we look forward to? More of the same! 3-5 inches of snow on Tuesday followed by 6-10 inches of snow on Wednesday!! :facepalm:

This is getting ridiculous. It's bad enough when it takes 2 hours to clear the driveway and then another hour when the town snowplow comes by just as you finish and fills the end of your driveway with hard packed snow.

What's worse is having to keep raking the snow off the roof to prevent ice dams and water from leaking into the house. Even with all my efforts, I've had two instances over the last two days with water leaking in and I had to get back up on the ladder to clear snow and break 3-inch ice with a hammer and chisel (2-3 hours each time). In the 16 years we've lived in this house, I've never had to do that before.

Add to that the fact that the snow is piled so high at the end of the street that you can't see oncoming traffic, so you have to hope no one is coming when you pull out.

Global warming?? Not around here..... :mad:

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@ Hector: That is simply amazing. Congrats on an amazing day.

I am VERY happy for you.

@Jim: I heard from some local Amish guy that this year was supposed to be one of the worst winters for snow that we have had in a while. I don't know where he got his info (Farmers Almanac?), but we have had quite a bit of snow around here (Northern Indiana). Luckily for us, the worst has been 20-30 minutes north west of us (closer to Lake Michigan)...

Now, having said that, as much snow as we have gotten locally, it pales in comparison to how bad you guys got it. Unbelievable. Basically another 2' is what it looks like you are expecting. Hard to imagine.

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Updated to 2-6

...Now I know that this is going to provide no comfort at all, especially those of us living in the areas of all this heavy snow, but pilgrimage of players to Florida and Arizona begins this month for the start of Spring Training and to have even a bit more fun, next month when the regular season starts on March 31st, with six games being on the schedule that day.

...I really don't care about the Super Bowl today. From watching one group of fans with cheese hats on their head looking like idiots and the other side with Steeler fans cheering on their quarterback who got away scot-free on sexual assault charges. All was forgiven because Big Ben Roethlisberger got the Steelers to the Super Bowl. It will be completely forgotten if Pittsburgh wins.

...Now that I think more of it, I think I just might watch the Puppy Bowl today with my wife.

...What an off season for the Boston Red Sox! Now come on, you know they got to be loving the news that Andy Pettitte sprung on the Yankees this past Friday. He's not coming back, he's done, etc, etc. The Sox don't have to say a damn thing. They know as well as everyone that the Yankees don't have the pitching with him gone and what's more, the Yankees know it. High fives in Boston.

...What worries me now is that before Opening Day the Yankees will make some kind of big move to acquire a pitcher that they think will hold all the answers for them and all they'll have to give up is two or three of their top players in the farm system.

...To be honest, I don't care if he is gone. Don't get me wrong. I'm going to miss him and I appreciated what he did for that team. One Andy Pettitte is worth more than 100 of A.J. Burnett. He earned his right to leave on his terms. I just wish he would have said it earlier so he would not have strung on the Yankees for as long as he did.

...Got my taxes done yesterday. I've always been one to get this over with as early as possible so I can forget about it for another year.

...Sarah Palin trademarked her name recently. Right. Like anyone else would want to use it. She must really be in love with herself.

...The plow guys who come to clear our streets from snow must be psychic. They always manage to come and clear the roads and place the snow from the street back on my driveway just when my plow guy who does my driveway is done and gone. And they haven't missed yet this winter.

...Only eight more shopping days until Christm..I mean Valentine's Day.

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that is a collection worth collecting.

you need to have the all white dude with fros though, #1 Don Sutton.

Ha! That's great...can't believe I forgot him. Back in the early 90s; I had a friend who built a collection of Permed-QuarterBacks. He had a rookie Dan Marino, a mid 80s Bernie Kosar, and an early Steve Young among others.

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Well guys, I think I might have spoken too soon about the best day of my life...

Today, after a hard Caribbean Series, my team Yaquis de Obregon won the Caribbean World series in the last day (link in english: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20110207&content_id=16592764&vkey=news_mlb&c_id=mlb )

It's the first time that my team wins the biggest prize of caribbean baseball, sixth time in 40 years that Mexico wins it, it was chaos on my city today! People celebrating in the main street of the city jumping and waving Mexican flags. It was amazing to see it! The best thing is that I'll be able to be on the parade with the players this week! I cant wait!

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Here's a video of the celebration in the streets, it's in spanish but you don't need to understand it ;) http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=10150127196811005&oid=119228524785604&comments

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Also, here's a pic that appeared in the newspaper today of the Caribbean Series championship parade where I appear haha (take a look on the left side of the picture):


Also for Yankee4Life, a blast to the past, a picture of myself with Karim Garcia who hit two HR's in the Caribbean Series:


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