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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Heres anouther random thought on a Sunday.

So im looking up player pictures tonight for portraits for our next TC mod. And Im looking up Napoleon Lajoie. Well my 8 year old daughter walks in, and sees teh screen, theres a Picture and words that say Nap Lajoie.

My 8 year old says "hey Napoleon Lajoie (correctly, impressive enough) she says " He was inducted to the Hall of Fame in 1937.


I look it up sure as hell, shes right.

now I talk baseball with her. lots of stuff. But i dont think i ever said Napoleon Lajoie to her in my life. WTF how does she know THAT?

lol:unsure: I was gonna get cute and ask her what %of the vote he got, but i was afraid she'd know that to......:facepalm:

Im NEVER playing trivial Pursuit with this kid.

Awesome. I wish I had a baseball fan around here, even if it was an 8 year old girl...

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Awesome. I wish I had a baseball fan around here, even if it was an 8 year old girl...

its mind boggling let me tell you. 3 times this weekend she looks up to me and says "daddy, Im glad you love baseball too" like its me taking interest in her hobby LOL

I am planning a trip to the Hall of Fame, think i got most the details worked out, just me and her, will be just beyond anything.

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My 8 year old likes to say she likes baseball, and wants to play... But, all she really wants to do is bother me while I am watching a game, so I don't watch it (which is fine, cause we don't get to spend enough time together). And when we go out, she just like to goof around with daddy more than she actually likes to play.

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It'll be a late Random Thoughts this Sunday as I will be out of town being bored out of my mind down at the in-laws. We are going down there for Easter and to see one small step of theirs as they attempt to come to grips that this is the 21st century because two weeks ago they got their first cordless phone!

Updates on this and news and views when I return home. And if you know anything about me, I am coming home as fast as I can.

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It'll be a late Random Thoughts this Sunday as I will be out of town being bored out of my mind down at the in-laws. We are going down there for Easter and to see one small step of theirs as they attempt to come to grips that this is the 21st century because two weeks ago they got their first cordless phone!

Updates on this and news and views when I return home. And if you know anything about me, I am coming home as fast as I can.

What is this thing you speak of "cordless phone"?

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The cordless phone, phone without a cord. an odd contraption created to give one freedom from the wall when having conversations with others not in the same home as you. Even stranger is teh invention of the cellular phone, created with the same intent as the cordless telephone, but enabling one to have the same conversations when oneis not even in a home. Neither in my opinion a necessity of life.

I admit to not owning a Cell Phone. Anyone else? Most days, I think Im the only one. If i had one,id lose it in about 10 minutes anyway.

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Silly Easter bunny brought me about 2 dozen childrens books to read, in the guise as gifts to my children, who promptly set them all on my lap and formed a circle. I duno why the easter bunny didnt just put them in a basket for me. He coulda dropped a 6 pack in there too.................

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Updated to 4-24

...Ok, it's actually April 25th, but all I was able to do when I got back from my visit to hell was log on in here and catch up in the forums. Hell for me in located in Binghamton, New York. The place where nothing happens and nothing's planning on happening. The only attention Binghamton gets is being ranked number five in the five most depressing cities in America. If you ask me I don't know how they got ranked #5 because anyone who has spent at least five minutes there would agree that the city deserves a higher rank. There's more action in a cemetery in the middle of the night then there is in Binghamton. What was the number one most depressing city in America? Buffalo, New York. Damn. Whomever compiled this list knew what they were talking about. :D

...Thank God for my Kindle when I was down there or else I would have jumped out the second story window. You know it's boring down there when the dogs don't even jump up and bark when they hear a noise. I think they wanted to go home more than I did.

...Is it too soon to worry about Derek Jeter not hitting? And while I am at it, is it too soon to release Jorge Posada?

...Jeers to the Commissioner for wanting to expand the MLB playoffs next year to an extra round and have more teams in the post season. Why not just copy the NHL and let everyone in you son of a **&%@?

...Baltimore manager Buck Showalter's game plan for beating the Yankees seems to be to have his pitchers throw at the Yankee hitters. What a *****. I was never upset when they got rid of him after the 1995 season.

...I am very interested in reading the upcoming book about Derek Jeter which is to be released next month. It is an unauthorized Jeter biography so that means that the author didn't have to clear things with the King of Double Plays and kiss his *** about everything. Should be an interesting read.

...It is very nice to see Krawhitham back here after a long absence. This site and Mlbmods wasn't the same without that guy lurking around.

...Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is simply amazing. She is being cleared to attend her husband's launch into space on Friday. The courage and determination displayed by this woman should be an example for everyone. People like this are the real heroes, not ballplayers making millions of dollars a year and complaining that they want more.

...I wonder if Albert Pujols is going to demand more money from the Cardinals now that St. Louis just went through a tornado? I can picture Selfish Al saying he wants a few million more for "playing in a dangerous area of the country."

...I don't care what anyone says. I love laughing at Lindsay Lohan for all the crap she has brought on herself.

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Updated to 5-1

...Let me get this clear before I say this. I'm no fan of Ozzie Guillen. I think he's a loud mouth and a show off, but I still don't think he should have received a two game ban for tweeting on his Twitter account after being banned from a game against the Yankees last week. All he did was post something on that account that criticized the umpire, probably something he would have also said during the post game interview. It wasn't like he was doing this when he was still actively managing the game. Selig swings and misses again.

...I regret to say I did not watch the Royal Wedding this past Friday since it was broadcast here at 4:00 am. At that time you see, I had an appointment with my pillow.

...I don't know what she looks like today but back in the day Susanna Hoffs of the Bangles was one of the hottest girls around.

...I love watching the Beverly Hillbillies on TV, mainly because of Raymond Bailey, who played greedy banker Milburn Drysdale. The things that guy did to keep the Clampetts money in his bank! :lol: (FYI: In real life, Bailey at one time was a real banker.)

...Reason number 1,785 of why I never want to go to Florida: Some lady last week came home and went into her bathroom because she heard a hissing sound and to her shock and surprise she was face to face with a seven foot alligator. This unwanted visitor crawled into the house through the doggie door and ended up in their bathroom. She's lucky she didn't go in the bathroom in the middle of the night. What a wake up call that would have been.

...Sarah Palin's going to be pretty busy this fall because Levi Johnston is coming out with a book about her and her family. You remember Johnston, don't you? He's the guy who knocked up her oldest daughter and now somehow she has to find a way to buy all the copies of the book once it's released.

...Real classy move by the NFL. They lifted the lockout to have the college draft but as soon as the draft was completed, they put it back on.

...Well, when they do things in Texas they do it big. And outrageous. And gaudy. A high school in the lame-brain state has spent 60 million dollars on their football field. This stadium will seat 18,000. Again, it's high school. God forbid they spend that kind of money something different, like education.

...You know what would be a nice habit for people in here to do after they download a mod? Go back and give a rating for the mod. I'm sure this is wishful thinking on my part because most of these 2k downloaders in here just want the mods and to get a "thank you" out of them is next to impossible.

...It didn't escape my eye that the thread I made about the lack of baseball talk in here died as quickly as it was brought up. There were only nine responses to it, five of them from me. While the guys who did respond added a lot to the topic, I did expect more people to chime in. I guess people really don't care.

...Derek Jeter is now hitting .250 and is getting very painful to watch. To me, this was a very sad and telling article.

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Updated to 5-8

...The big news this week was the death of terrorist Osama bin Laden, the man who ruined airport travel forever and took away thousands of people from their families almost ten years ago. I was thinking after this was all done. What if they would have captured him alive? Then they'd bring him back to the U.S. to stand trial. What lawyer would defend him? Although in this country they'd find one.

...I got to tell you right now, I was not one of those who was jumping up and down after I heard this news. I don't celebrate anyone's death. I have no sympathy for him or his followers, but I still won't have a party over it.

...And by the way, I don't trust Pakistan one bit. They knew where this guy was. Anyone know what hush money is?

...Ok, subject change. Let's see if we can get a laugh and check in on the Palins. What are they up to this week? Oh, hey look! Bristol Palin is rumored to have had plastic surgery on her face. I don't get it though. Her problem isn't in her face because she's a very attractive girl. Her problem is that Sarah Palin is her mother.

...Did you hear about the kid in Pittsburgh that took the wallet of a Pirates usher when he was having a fatal heart attack? Ok, this happened in Pittsburgh, but I'll put good money down that this kid was born in Philadelphia.

...Don Mattingly called Derek Jeter "the greatest ever" this week when the Dodgers were in New York. All well and good Donnie Baseball, but would you take him on your team right now with the way he's been hitting the ball? Didn't think so.

...I had to scratch my head with this one. Some cornhusker from Indiana went on a cruise and is suing the ship for going "too fast." I guess she thought being out at sea was like watching The Love Boat where the waves never bothered anyone.

...For any of you Mvpmods veterans in here: tell me you didn't think of Uncle Mo when you saw this article. (UncleMo, for anyone that did not know him, was the first guy to mod the audio in the game when Mvp 2005 came out. He was good.)

...My wife did not understand why on Friday when she arrived home from work that some Brownies were waiting for her. I tried to explain to her that Dennis James made two different versions of the Browns uniforms and one thing led to another and I went out to buy some Brownies to celebrate. I told her that I got the kind that she likes, with no nuts. She said that's good, because you're nuts enough.

...Please restrain yourself from all comments to the last random thought. :lol:

...Thank you New York Mets for stopping Andre Ethier's hitting streak.

...Last but not least, Happy Mother's Day to all your mothers wherever they are. They deserve it.

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How did I miss 2 updates on this thread? The 2k11 Swamp of post must have drown these out for me and I never saw them.

Pujos should rebuild that city with all his money, well half his money he probably wouldnt need it all.

http://www.fanoftheb...sanna-hoffs.jpg Hoffs current birthday picture. Shes still not to ugly in my book Y4L.

Dumb Britts anyway for having a wedding at an appropriate time for them sheesh. My kids and wife saved it on the DVR and watched it like 3 times over. you will notice the day that week I spent alot of time logged onto this site....

Im no fan of Ozzie Guillen either, and sometimes I think he says stupid things just to say stupid things, which to me is pretty stupid. I say Fine Ozzie for being Ozzie, who cares, he makes enough money too. Baseball pays ALL these guys a ton of money and to me, its enough to just not be stupid and keep raking in your cash.

My favorite Beverly Hillbillies episode is teh Civil War reenacting show, where grandma and gang think Drysdale is General Bueregard. I saw this rerun several years ago at teh peak of my Civil War interest and Laughed my **** off. (dont worry my **** has since grown back)

Reason 1,785 I am never having a dogie freaking door in my house. Lady probably has a little yappy rat dog for her inane dogie door. Hopefully the alligator ate that rat dog, one less annoying yap.

"..You know what would be a nice habit for people in here to do after they download a mod? Go back and give a rating for the mod. I'm sure this is wishful thinking on my part because most of these 2k downloaders in here just want the mods and to get a "thank you" out of them is next to impossible..."

Now that I have a couple of mods released, I can say that it is puzzling how so many people would down load them, and then like them or not, simply not come and say something about them. A I hated this or loved that is crucial for modders to understand what people like, or that people want another.....

"...It didn't escape my eye that the thread I made about the lack of baseball talk in here died as quickly as it was brought up. There were only nine responses to it, five of them from me. While the guys who did respond added a lot to the topic, I did expect more people to chime in. I guess people really don't care.....

Well your thread only had 9 replies thats true, but it prompted me to start threads on about 4-5 baseball subjects Y4L, most of which you and I had decent conversation. I intend to continue to create new threads on baseball topics that spark my interest in other peoples thoughts. My problem is that im not always interested in other peoples thoughts on every single matter. just matters that matter to me. But if you start threads about something I have an opinion on Y4L, I will chime in, so go ahead.

I dont understand why the Yankees pander to Jeter SO much. ok, hes the Captain, i get that, leader of that club for well over a decade. Honestly in my opinion, they had to resign him this last offseason. But if he doesnt produce, they need to drop him down the lineup until he does. If he cant hit like a #1 or #2 guy, then hit him #7-8-9 whatever. For the money he got, he can toe the line and do what Girardi tells him to do. I dont know if there has been talk about such things in NY, and whether Jeter would be upset by such a move, but if I the Yankees i say i dont care what Jeter thinks about where he hits.

"...I got to tell you right now, I was not one of those who was jumping up and down after I heard this news. I don't celebrate anyone's death. I have no sympathy for him or his followers, but I still won't have a party over it."

With you here, glad hes gone, but a simple Kirk Gibson arm pump and go on about your business is enough. Its not like his death is going to stop terrorists from plotting more attacks, probably spur more in fact. But getting him was Necessary indeed.

My daughter had her 1st communion, and party for the occasion last sunday. In gifts from the prty she collected about $500, very genreous of our family we thought. She has decided to donate %10 to Charity, and put the rest in her savings account. We decided to let her keep$15 to spend anyway she wished. Her 1st and only choice was baseball cards......so I took her to the store and she bought as many packs as $15 would buy her (not many these days let me say, when I was a Kid 415 would buy 2 BOXES of cards, not 7 packs sheesh) anyway in her 2nd pack she pulls a Strasburg 2011 Topps. heres to hoping that surgery works out for him now!

Happy Mothers day to all you Muthas (sic???) who read this stuff in this Forum.

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Like redeck, I never saw them. I usually just go to the index, and see the recent posts, and like he said, they must have gotten pushed down the way.

Anyway, I didn't like the bin Laden celebrations. To me, it was to reminiscent of how all of them were dancing in the streets when the twin towers fell. Granted, they were shooting guns and burning our flag, but celebrating deaths by dancing and chanting in the streets just seems horrible to me.

I didn't like when I saw the video of all of them doing it back then, and I am pretty sure they didn't like seeing us do it now.

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Updated to 5-15

...I spent 69 dollars this week filling up our mini-van. That's the most I have ever spent on gas. It's a good thing I don't have any hobbies that occupy my time that I have to spend money on because they'd have to wait for awhile. My main hobby for years now has been playing the season mods of Mvp. In fact, now that I think about it, Mvp 05 was the last game I ever bought that was a brand new release. All other games have been from the bargain basement bin in the game stores. Because of that $69 I spent, that trend is going to have to continue. :sad:

...Nice to hear that Ashton Kutcher is going to be replacing headcase Charlie Sheen on 2 1/2 Men. I never watched that show in the past, and it had nothing to do with Sheen. I just never watched it. But I might now just because I want to help with the ratings so it pisses Sheen off. Still winning Charlie? Didn't think so.

...I watched all three installments of HBO's When it was a Game this week. What a show. I haven't seen it in a few years and watching it again made me appreciate it more. That was the time in baseball I really wish I could have seen first hand.

...This past week saw too many deaths occur during it. It was terrible. A hockey player, an NBA player and an Alabama football player all died this week and want to give my condolences to each of their families. All too young and all a shock.

...One other person that passed on this week was Daily News cartoonist Bill Gallo. This guy I did hear of. He was a cartoonist for the New York Daily News. He died due to complications from pneumonia. Gallo's cartoons in the News were funny and poignant, thoughtful and truthful. I have saved the cartoon that he drew the day after Thurman Munson died all these years. I don't know how long I looked at it the day that paper was sold.

...Now that I have paid my respects to those who have gone, it's time to check in on that Frolicking Family of Fun, the Palins. They're always doing something. Let's take a peek and see what mischief they are up to now.

*16 year old Willow Palin was caught this week driving 84 MPH in a 65 MPH zone while in the family vehicle. If she pleads guilty here she will only get slapped with a $162 dollar fine, which Mommy will gladly fork over. My guess is that Willow wanted to have some attention to herself because older sister Bristol gets most of it. This was only a speeding ticket. The next time we hear about little Willow is when we find out that some goober in Alaska knocks her up.

*Speaking about Bristol, this girl can't bare to have her name out of the papers. Now Bristol is moving to Los Angeles with the Massey Brothers (never heard of them) to make a brand new, but unnamed yet reality show. Like we need another one of these. God knows what this show will be about but maybe when the show's all finished her little boy Tripp will have a new baby sister to play with.;)

And with that, the Palin update for the week is now complete. :yahoo:

...Some Angels pitcher named Kevin Jepsen threw a pitch over the catcher's head last week that lead to the tie breaking run in a game that the Angels eventually lost. Funny as all hell if you ask me and the only thing funnier would be if it would have happened to the Red Sox instead. You can judge for yourself by clicking on this link. Also, the only time I like looking at Mike Scioscia's fat face is when it is looking like this:

...My favorite punching bag (Jorge Posada) could be nearing the end of the line soon. The guy's not hitting - he's at .165 right now - and is looking over-matched just about every time he gets to the plate. Posada didn't play last night because he told Joe Girardi he needed time to clear his head, which was puzzling to me since I never thought he had anything up there anyways. Then, afterwords, he said he had a bad back and that's why he couldn't play. The trouble was, the bad back excuse was news to the Yankees. My guess is if he keeps this up a few weeks longer, he may be gone. One could only hope.

...Curious to hear what Captain Double Play has to say about this. Because if Posada is let go or ends up retiring on his own, Jeter will have one less person in the clubhouse that kisses his a$$.

...While compiling songs for custom playlists for my Mvp games, I kept on going back to these same artists, who are to me the greatest guitarists I have ever heard. Of course, I mean Ritchie Blackmore, Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana and Eddie Van Halen, just to name four. I may not be a good modder (in fact I suck) but I'm going to have one hell of a playlist when I'm done. :)

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Heres my random thought for the weekend. Old dilapidated sheds, when knocked down and stacked up upon themselves.......Still burn FREAKING HOT with 15 foot flames that slow cars on the side of the road 200 yards away. So thats what i spent most of my day yesterday watching over worrying that i was going to meet the Fire Marshall. :facepalm:

Looks like the NFL Network has been busy anyway. Watching this morning a show called NFLs worst teams of all time, that originally aired in 2007, they have changed their choice for #1 on that list to the 2008 Lions, and rightfully so. At the end they debated if that Lions team was worse than the 76 Tampa team, and the conclusion was simply, well 76 Tampa vrs 08 Detroit, that would be one hell of a game.

These new Pepsi Max commercials are hillarious. With the "locker room" for teh field of dreams cornfield, and all the HOF players hanging out in the corn, I just saw a second one this morning for the first time with Rollie Fingers bestowing his handle bar mustache of the Pepsi guy...............good stuff.

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rant on people that are famous for being famous IE paris hilton, kardashians, the palin kids, the guy that knocked her up ect. So let me get this straight, im supposed to like you because you knocked up the governor of Alaskas daughter? no, **** you, get a real job like the rest of us and stop whoring yourself out to the media you lousy piece of ****.

On another note i got to watch 5 yankee games in a row which is very rare for me, and they lost 4 out of 5 so far. lets get your **** goin or its going be a long 30 some days, like 31 games in 30 days or something like that.

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"rant on people that are famous for being famous IE paris hilton, kardashians, the palin kids, the guy that knocked her up ect. So let me get this straight, im supposed to like you because you knocked up the governor of Alaskas daughter? no, **** you, get a real job like the rest of us and stop whoring yourself out to the media you lousy piece of ****."

Yea Sesbb, these people are idiots, the only people who are worse then these people, are the people who freaking give a snot about them. I swear I wouldnt know the names of half the stupid "celebrities" out there if I didnt read them in forums like this. I dont care about them, so i dont give them seconds of my life finding out about them.

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Yea Sesbb, these people are idiots, the only people who are worse then these people, are the people who freaking give a snot about them. I swear I wouldnt know the names of half the stupid "celebrities" out there if I didnt read them in forums like this. I dont care about them, so i dont give them seconds of my life finding out about them.

For your information, the only reason why I talk about the Palins is that these people act like they are so much better than everyone else because they all have received instant fame because Sarah was a VP candidate. I don't care about these people either. I just happen to find the things they do funny as hell because they seem to think they are celebrities now . It also seems to me that you are subtlety mocking me out for talking about them in here. I think that family is a joke and they are self-important morons. Simple as that.

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No Y4L, I find the things you comment about the palins ect. to be humorous and entertaining. The people i meant to call idiots were teh media who give so much importance to what these people do.

Im not the kind of guy who runs around taking pokes at people i dont like. People I dont like, i try to ignore as much as possible. If I didnt like you or something you said, I wouldnt even comment on your thoughts.

sorry for our second misunderstanding in as many days. :friends:

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No Y4L, I find the things you comment about the palins ect. to be humorous and entertaining. The people i meant to call idiots were teh media who give so much importance to what these people do.

Im not the kind of guy who runs around taking pokes at people i dont like. People I dont like, i try to ignore as much as possible. If I didnt like you or something you said, I wouldnt even comment on your thoughts.

sorry for our second misunderstanding in as many days. :friends:

Not a problem. There are misunderstandings galore on the internet. It's all good.

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On another note i got to watch 5 yankee games in a row which is very rare for me, and they lost 4 out of 5 so far. lets get your **** goin or its going be a long 30 some days, like 31 games in 30 days or something like that.

All of a sudden this Yankee team looks old and tired. And now, after the sweep by Boston, I'm taking a break from watching these losers for a few days. One can only stand so much.

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Updated to 5-22

...For the second week in a row in here I have to give condolences to an athlete who died too soon. Esophageal cancer claimed the life of Baseball's Harmon Killebrew this week at the age of 74. This was a man who was another in the long line of ballplayers during the era that he played in that just went out and played the game and played it well. And his fans in Minnesota loved him. R.I.P. sir.

...Get a load of Ian Kennedy out in Arizona. 5-1 record with a 3.24 ERA. You think the Yankees could use something like that now? That's the biggest problem that team has. They don't give their young pitchers time to develop. They'd much rather trade them.

...Like everyone else, I was paying attention to the "drama" caused by the Jorge Posada stink last week. I didn't really expect nothing much to happen out of it and in the end, nothing did. Then I asked myself, if the Yankees got rid of Posada, who'd they get to make all the outs now? Then I immediately thought of Captain never-should-have-been, who did his usual lousy job during this whole mess by saying Posada did nothing wrong. The way you are hitting Derek, your time is coming soon.

...Again, the Yankees have themselves to blame because they were the ones who gave Posada that fourth year on his contract. 13 million dollars for a guy who can't even hit .200. What a shame.

...Nice to hear that Phil Hughes has been experiencing "no pain" during his sideline throwing sessions and is looking forward to getting back on the mound. This news has been both encouraging to Hughes and the rest of the American League hitters, who are anxiously awaiting to fatten their batting averages when Hughes returns to the mound.

...Last week, Playboy announced that they are putting their entire collection into an online searchable database. That's all 57 years of being able to go and search for um, articles that you would like to read again. Now all I got to do is convince the wife that's what I want to use it for. :lol:

...Well, we made it. Judgement Day on May 21st came and went and we are still here. I believe when the Good Lord decides that when the end of the world finally does come, he's not going to give a group of religious nuts like that the scoop.

...Rumor had it that when Jorge Posada heard that yesterday was supposed to be the end of the world, he refused to play again because he figured no one would be around to discipline him. :lol:

...Sarah Palin announced this week that she had “fire in her belly” to mount a bid for the White House in 2012. She neglected to say that she also had a bird in her brain.

...America's Most Wanted was canceled this week after 23 years on the air. This should make all of America's fugitives happy.

...Personally I believe that whatever is going to happen with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife with their divorce is their business and I have no desire to know. But one thing that really stands out in this is that he had that kid for ten years without anyone -including his wife- know about it. If it were me I wouldn't be able to hide it for ten minutes.

...I'm also a member of a forum that talks about the TV show Hawaii Five-O. I'm a huge fan of that show, both the original show and this new one. There was one post in there this week from someone who complained that the new show had a woman cast as the Governor instead of having a male play the Governor like they had it in the original one. Why they had to post that, I don't know. It just goes to show that all the dumbass posts do not come from the 2k11 crowd. :lol:

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Hate to see Jeter and Posada declining so rapidly, but I guess that's baseball. My only question is who plays shortstop now? I remember when Barry Larkin still thought he could play and a big fuss was made in Cincinnati over the Reds not resigning him. Since then, the Reds have had a different guy (some all stars, some not) almost every year.

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