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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 5-29

...Summertime always means the release of Hollywood blockbuster movies. But there's another one that's going to be let loose on the public this summer and it's going to be a two hour love fest devoted to Sarah Palin called "The Undefeated." No word yet if the movie quits playing after an hour and fifteen minutes into it.

...Kim Kardashian got engaged this week. Well, I lost another one. :lol:

...Tiki Barber compared living in his Jewish agent's attic for awhile a reverse Anne Frank thing. Needless to say that comment caused quite a stir but not from me, since I've never listened to anything Tiki Barber has had to say in the past anyways.

...Is there anything as helpless as your average 2k Sports PC baseball gamer? Seems to me that reading anything that will help them do the basic things to play 2k11 is like giving Kryptonite to Superman. It's simply lethal. But I do give them credit on one thing. They know how to start up the game. Some of them, at least.

...Now that I have Superman on my mind, Smallville ended their ten year run on the WB Network not long ago. Tom Welling played a great Clark Kent and Michael Rosenbaum stole the show as Lex Luthor. I'm going to miss it mainly because I won't see Erica Durance every week.

...Please God, do not let the Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup because it will only give those people another reason to brag.

,,,Memo to that Canadian couple that is hiding the sex of their newborn child - even from the kid's grandparents! The first time that kid has to go to the bathroom in school when he or she gets older the mystery is going to solved. What room do you choose? The little boys room or the little girls room? Or do you go behind a tree? Just goes to show that all the nuts do not reside in the U.S.A.

...Looking at the pictures of the devastation of the tornado in Joplin, Missouri is humbling to say the least.

...The Cleveland Indians sure look like they are for real this year.

...Regrettably, so do the New York Yankees.

...It was nice to see rain fall in Detroit yesterday because it made FOX show a game that featured both teams that were not in the American League East.

...Did you hear about that small fire at Dodger Stadium last night? Glad that no one got hurt. The Dodgers are currently holding a guy from Philadelphia who was on vacation in Los Angeles. Seems as if this guy went to the ballgame last night, got bored and figured if you can get away with it in Philly you can do it in L.A. :lol:

...Have a good Memorial Day weekend everyone and enjoy that extra day off!

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Memo to that Canadian couple that is hiding the sex of their newborn child - even from the kid's grandparents! The first time that kid has to go to the bathroom in school when he or she gets older the mystery is going to solved. What room do you choose? The little boys room or the little girls room? Or do you go behind a tree? Just goes to show that all the nuts do not reside in the U.S.A.

i read about this and got a good chuckle out of it. i feel bad for that kid though.

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Updated to 6-5

...For the remainder of the NHL season I am a Vancouver Canucks fan.

...I feel bad for the Giants that their #1 catcher has been lost for the season for them and I also wish Buster Posey a full recovery so he can resume his Major League career, but at the same time I think the Giants have made themselves look really bad with the way they have complained about this play since the night it happened almost two weeks ago. Home plate collisions, like brushbacks and trying to break up a double play, are a part of the game for as long as this game has been played.

...Makes me wonder though, would the Giants be raising this kind of fuss if their second string catcher happened to be playing that night instead of Posey? And can you imagine if this would have happened to the Red Sox? Those people cry enough as it is.

...I had to stop and laugh and say what the hell this game has come to when I read that Oakland GM Billy Beane told Athletics catcher Kurt Suzuki not to block the plate when there's a chance of a big collision. What's he want him to do, run up the first base line?

...Then I immediately thought of catchers like Munson and Fisk. Both no-nonsense catchers from when I was a kid. There's no way they would have got out of the way from any play at the plate.

...The best thing going for the Chicago Cubs right now is that Alfonso Soriano is on the disabled list.

...He's already well known as a first class modder but now he's a good luck charm. Dennis James went to the Yankee game last night in Anaheim and saw the Yankees beat the Angels. If that's that case the Yanks should buy him tickets for every game they play there because whatever they are doing now just isn't working.

...Just once I want to watch the Yankees play a game in Anaheim when they annihilate that team.

...I've tried it a few times but I just can't do it. I just can not get into the taste of yogurt no matter how much they try to disguise it.

...Is anyone pitching better right now than Justin Verlander?

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I’m telling you Y4L, it was the karma of me and my friend wearing the 90s Dynasty Yankee gear. I topped off my ’99 Bernie Williams jersey with my grungy, sweat-stained, 1996 Yankees cap <yes, I keep all of my baseball caps from the past>. Even a liberal dose of Febreeze did not make that cap smell good last night…but who cares?...C.C. and the Yanks beat the Angels!

You would have loved the belligerent and drunk heckler who was sitting about 4 rows behind the Visitor’s dugout <we were about 10 rows behind>. This guy was actually pretty funny because he was brutal on the things he was screaming at Jeter and Posada. When the Captain grounded into a double-play <no way> he yelled “Oh what was that Jeter…? Did you get 25 grand for that GIDP? Should we send you out to the shortstop position in a scooter because you play like a f#&ing 90 year-old man! Hey Captain, why don’t you focus on your hitting…do you have Minka Kelly in the dugout with you?!” Those were just the rated PG stuff he was saying until security came by to tell him to tone it down and he actually did so.

We also got shown on the Stadium’s video-screen I guess because we stood out wearing Home Yankees jerseys and caps and then we had half the stadium boo us. I just waved and smiled even though the game was tied 1-1 at the time. We got the comments of “Wrong Stadium guys” and “Go back to New York”. That was hilarious because my buddy grew up in the Bronx and I mostly have lived here in SoCal since I was 4. How shallow of Angels fans to assume you have to love a team because you live near them. Get outta here <Brooklyn accent>! LOL!

Anyway I had a great time because this has always been a tradition to me since my very 1st baseball game was in July 1979 at Anaheim Stadium and the Yankees were in town that day. And I was wearing my Yankees Little League cap and a Yanks t-shirt as an 8 year-old that day…that’s why I continue the tradition. When I get a chance to go…I always try to see the Yankees when they play the Angels here and it’s especially great when the Angels get beat. I think I’m going to wear the grungy 1996 cap around the house today so that New York will win the series…I’m telling you, that’s what did it last night. :clapping:

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Updated to 6-12

...I never thought I'd say this, but I have officially hit rock bottom as a long time fan of the New York Yankees. I don't want to read about them, talk about them or watch them on TV after their latest half-assed, no effort performance against the Red Sox. The Yankee teams that I knew and loved from the past would have shown more fight against Boston this year - but not this group. What else could go wrong?

...Apparently I spoke too soon because just now I had the TV on and I heard a report say that Bartolo Colon got hurt in yesterday's game due to a hamstring injury and now he'll be missing a chunk of time because of that. This just gave this group of Yankees another reason to quit.

...Nothing surprises me anymore in what the Boston Red Sox get away with in baseball. They are baseball's most favored team and they get a pass for whatever they do. And now they are teaming up with the Giants to do whatever they can to get their players voted on to the All Star team, no matter if they deserve it or not.

...And believe me, I mean it when I say this, but if the Yankees pulled a stunt like this with a National League team, people would be screaming about it from coast to coast. I blame all you non-Yankee fans for this because you all cry and whine about whatever they do and at the same time don't say a word about anything Boston does.

...The only good thing for me this week was watching David Ortiz get hit by a pitch and it was amazing to learn that it was the first time the Yankees hit him. If you ask me he has about another 200 or more plunkings to go.

...One more thing about that guy. Have you seen that little MLB segment with David Ortiz walking around New York with his Red Sox jersey on wanting to hug every New Yorker he sees? Now use your imagination and picture what I would do if I happened to be there when that ******* comes up to me for a hug. :mad:

...Nice going Bryce Harper, throwing a kiss at the opposing pitcher after you hit a home run off him. That kind of hot dog play is what the Boston Red Sox are known for and I wouldn't be shocked at all to see you playing for them one day. It'll be a perfect marriage. Overpaid, selfish, me-first athlete playing for the team that thinks they should be treated better than anyone else in baseball.

...In one of Plaxico Burress' first interviews he gave when he was released from jail he said that "that there was nothing pleasant about prison." Really? Who would have figured?

...Apparently American history is a little bit different up in Alaska. Sarah Palin thinks that Paul Revere's ride was "to warn the British" where in fact everyone in the lower 48 states and Hawaii know Revere's ride was to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the enemy was coming to arrest them.

...Come to think of it, I wonder if she thinks the Japanese were attacked at Pearl Harbor? :lol:

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...Nice going Bryce Harper, throwing a kiss at the opposing pitcher after you hit a home run off him.

this shows what kind of person he really is, a self centered egotistical *****. he showed this alot in HS and college ball. if i was the pitcher i wouldnt hesitate to drill him with a fastball right to the ribs next time i faced him.

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Updated to 6-19

...Leading off this week I want to wish a happy Father's Day to all of your fathers out there, including mine. Every year Father's Day seems to get second billing as in the attention it receives but I believe it is just as important as Mother's Day. So all of you members that are Dads out there, have a great day, sit back and relax and watch a game! :drinks:

...Sure was a pity watching Lebron James and company lose the NBA finals but it was great to see Cleveland letting this guy have it after what he did to them.

...Great, another Boston team won a championship and it won't surprise me to find out that all of a sudden there are a whole bunch of "lifelong" Bruins fans that will suddenly start popping up like a bad case of hives.

...Right after Vancouver lost game seven on Wednesday night, a group of Canucks fans lit out into the streets overturning cars, starting fires and breaking windows. They even found some time to get some quick shopping done in a few nearby stores as they broke the windows and started looting. God knows what kind of damage they would have caused if they had won. No word as of yet if any of these drunken fans were visitors from Philadelphia, where behavior like this condoned and encouraged. :lol:

...Some nut named Al-Zawahiri was named this week to Bin Laden as the new leader of al Qaeda. How the hell do you get to be the leader of that organization? What are the requirements for it? Do they hold contests or what? The first guy to blow up more buildings that anyone else in a certain amount of time is the winner.

...Interleague is starting up one more time and once again I had to check to see how easy the Red Sox have it. They got to play Milwaukee (like the Yankees) and they have to play Philadelphia (their only really tough opponent.) And then they have nine wins - I mean nine games - against the Padres, Pirates and the Astros. And the funny thing is they get this creampuff schedule handed to them year after year.

...Even though I have been out of school now for many years, this time of year remains my favorite time of year because it means that summer has come back to us.

...There are many ways I consider myself a very lucky person, but that luck does not extend to when I take my wife out to dinner because all the time we sit near a table that has a crying or screaming child. Try to enjoy yourself when there are piercing screams behind you. You just can't do it.

...The best news I heard last week was that the Yankees had -and I quote- "zero interest" in Cubs pitchers Ryan Dempster and everyone's favorite teammate Carlos Zambrano. Finally they are using their head.

...And with Phil Hughes looking better and better with his rehabilitation, adding him back on the roster at the beginning of next month will be just like acquiring a pitcher without going out to get it. And Bartolo Colon should be back right around that time too.

...The Yankees sure seem to miss Derek Jeter in the lineup, don't they? :lol:

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Updated to 6-26

...Good for Sony that they caught some 19 year old S.O.B. after they got hacked again for the second time this year. Let's see how funny that is when you are behind bars for awhile.

...Did I read this right? Bristol Palin is coming out with her memoirs at the age of 20? What's it coming out in, pamphlet form?

...Just goes to show that the best career move she ever made was spreading her legs.

...I blame all this Palin overload on John McCain. He had to go and get that airhead from Alaska and put her on the National scene. Nobody gave a &%*@ about Alaska before then and now, three years later, that family has turned into the worst bunch of publicity hounds anyone has ever saw. And I thought Kate Gosselin was bad.

...What the hell is going on? Jorge Posada is hitting the ball?

...Derek Jeter said this week that he has "no idea" when he will be returning to the Yankee lineup. Never before have I taken a piece of bad news like this so calmly. ;)

...By the way, Happy Birthday. Now retire.

...Thank you to stecropper and Jim825 for releasing Total Classics Best of the 50's and 60's and 60's, which is just another example of why Mvp is so much better than 2k11.

...Go figure baseball out. The Pirates have beaten the Red Sox twice in a row - something the Yankees have not done all year.

...R.I.P. Peter Falk. Your Lt. Columbo was one of the greatest characters ever created for television and you played it perfectly. :(

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Updated to 7-3

...So, a 95 year old wheelchair bound woman was patted down by TSA agents and forced to remove her adult diaper and the TSA people insist that they did nothing wrong here? Far from it. They were patting each other on the back telling everyone what a great job they did. You bet! Stick it to the senior citizens and hope for a promotion.

...It's times like this I am ashamed to be an American.

...Charlie Sheen used steroids to make a movie? This guy must be stupider than I thought he was. The movies are well known for every special effect you can think of and making a guy throw harder than he really is shouldn't be that hard for them. But I suppose it was a chance for Sheen to take more drugs and he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

...Now the NBA might have a lockout?? Let's see how many people get worried over this.

...It's funny how your views change over time. When Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was originally on, I thought it was one of the best shows around. And because of that I purchased the DVD set many years later. But watching it now I don't feel that way at all. The only thing that saves this show is looking at Erin Grey.

...Not that I care of course, but what's going on with the Tigers? This was the third time this week that the opposing team scored in double digits against them - and all at home. The Mets scored 14 and 16 runs and yesterday the Giants had 15. Whatever. Let it continue. Any team that plays dead for the Red Sox and tries their hardest against the Yankees deserves what they get.

...Maria Shriver filed for divorce from Arnold Schwarzenegger. Gee, I never saw that coming.

...There's nothing like owning a dog. You give them a little love and you get so much back. That's been true with every single dog I've had and when I hear about a dog being treated liks this, it literally brings tears to my eyes. Maybe I'm not smart enough to understand, but can someone tell me how a person does this?

...Here's something to chew on for all of you who are anxious to see Derek Jeter return to the Yankees: Eduardo Nunez has one less extra base hit than Captain Fantastic in 147 less at bats.

...I still can't stop laughing at that Klondike commercial. Every time it comes on I crack up. Check it out.

...Enjoy your Fourth of July holiday!

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Updated to 7-10

...A character named Joey Chestnut won his fifth consecutive hot dog eating contest on the Fourth of July by scarfing down 62 of them. This is something to be proud of? (By the way, on the Fourth of July, Chestnut also beat me by the score of 62 - 1.)

...By the way, the most amazing thing about this was that by eating all those hot dogs this guy consumed almost 20,000 calories in one day - or about the same that the average woman would have in ten days. To me that is incredible.

...Only in the screwed up justice system in this country could a not guilty verdict be given to Casey Anthony. For the rest of her life she should never be allowed near a child again. But there is still one horrible fact remaining here now that this trial is over with. Little Caylee Anthony is dead. And nobody has yet been forced to answer for it.

...Anyone ever notice that Minnesota's Tsuyoshi Nishioka has the same batting stance and approach as Ichiro Suzuki?

...Derek Jeter decided not to go to Tuesday's All Star Game. He must have finally taken a good look at his stats this year.

...What happened to that poor fan in Arlington this week was trajic and I feel for the family that lost their husband and father. And I think the Rangers handled this situation with class and respect for the family.

...After reading the article about this on ESPN.com, I came across this seemingly innocent statement: Major League Baseball promised a review of the incident "to ensure a safe environment for our fans." On the surface that sounded ok, didn't it? But all this really was was Bud Selig meeting with his lawyers to make sure Major League Baseball wouldn't get sued. Sure he felt bad that this happened, but only so far.

...Well Yankees, you got what you wanted. One of your players got to 3,000 hits. That's never happened in the entire history of the Yankees and by just looking back at their past, you can clearly tell that this is what they needed because they had nothing else to be proud of. ;)

...Don't get me wrong, I was as happy for Derek Jeter yesterday as any loyal Yankee fan could be. But I still can not help seeing him from how he is in 2011 and not in 1998. It's not his fault he got older.

...But going 5 for 5 on his historic day? Now that's impressive. :good:

...And it was nice to see that fan give Jeter the ball without holding it for ransom.

...Right on Queue Dept: I had my laptop on during the game yesterday and as soon as Jeter collected his 3,000th hit, I logged onto Yankees.com to see how fast they were going to start hawking souvenirs of his achievement. They didn't disappoint. Jeter 3,000 Jerseys - both home and away versions (Oh boy!!) , T-Shirts, hats, sweatshirts, a signed ball and a signed bat are just some of the things you must buy to celebrate the occasion.

...Sorry Captain, I'm not buying any of it. I hope that doesn't mean I'm a bad Yankee fan.

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Updated to 7-17

...I don't know about you, but during my travels the next time I am in Monroeville, Pennsylvania I want to find the owner of the McDain's Restaurant and shake his hand for banning children under six years of age in their place of business. All I can say is it's about damned time and I wish every restaurant in my area would do the exact same thing. Honestly, the last thing you want to hear when you are reaching for your drink and some little S.O.B. behind you screams so loud it makes you spill it.

...And yes, that did happen to me.

...I don't get it. Why are some people giving Derek Jeter a hard time for not attending the All Star Game? Look at his God damn stats. He didn't belong there in the first place. And if he wanted to rest his calf, then let him. It's not like the game needed him.

...Believe me, I'm not someone that feels the need to defend Jeter. There's enough people around to do that. But I seem to recall Manny Ramirez missing All Star games and nothing was said about that except for "Manny being Manny" but when Jeter skipped this year's game some people reacted like he was the number one fan of Casey Anthony.

...Speaking of the mother of the year, sometime today Casey Anthony is going to be released from prison after serving her time on four misdemeanor counts of misleading police. And as soon as she walks out that door she can leave the memory of that wonderful little girl behind her and move on with her life. Word is, the first thing she's going to do as a free woman once she leaves that place is to go out and try to get pregnant.

...Reason #1,899 of why fans are idiots: With the Arlington tragedy still fresh in everyone's mind just last week when that Rangers fan fell to his death attempting to catch a ball, some idiot during the Home Run Derby on Monday night almost did the same thing. Visions of E-Bay profits must have been going through his head when he went after that ball because he had three of them already in his possession. That fourth one almost had him making the news and not in a good way.

...No I did not watch the entire All Star Game. It started at almost 9 p.m. here on the east coast and I knew I would not be around to see the finish of it. Good old FOX TV, they screwed the fans in the east one more time.

...Although in this forum of ours you never would have known the All Star Game was going on since these people in here did not spend one second talking about it. The people on this site now just seem to come in here and place orders for mods and wait for them to be filled, like they are going through a drive-thru for a hamburger. How this place evolved into this I'll never know but I don't like it.

...This is something I never quite understood. Every time an athlete goes off on someone or a group of people like Steelers linebacker James Harrison did this week, they always come back and apologize for some or all of it. Why don't they ever go over what they said first and decide "hey, maybe I better take that part out but keep this one in because I really feel this way." There's too many times when an athlete pops off like a volcano and then comes back sorry for what he did. Stand by what you said or don't say anything.

...Has anyone noticed that as soon as Captain Fabulous came back to the Yankees that they immediately started to lose again?

...Jeff Karstens (8-4, 2.34 ERA with Pittsburgh) and Tyler Clippard (1-0, 1.75 ERA with Washington) and Ian Kennedy (9-3, 3.44 with Arizona.) All ex-Yankee pitchers that were never given a chance to show what they can do with New York because they weren't awarded the opportunity to do it. That's because the Yankees do a lousy job of developing pitchers. All they know how to do is when they get one is to ruin them (ex: Joba) or trade them away because they are in love with signing garbage from other teams (Burnett.) And that right there is my biggest complaint with the Yankees. It's their impatience with their young players and their willingness to trade them for useless, veteran players. And I'll be worried about this up until the trading deadline on July 31st.

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...Well now I know how you got to 17,000+ posts. Is this a modding website or your personal blog? Anyway, I'm just kidding :crazy:

Saw this quote and it made me laugh:

Updated to 7-17

...Although in this forum of ours you never would have known the All Star Game was going on since these people in here did not spend one second talking about it. The people on this site now just seem to come in here and place orders for mods and wait for them to be filled, like they are going through a drive-thru for a hamburger. How this place evolved into this I'll never know but I don't like it.

I can see where you coming from, about all the requests and demands (at least in MLB 2K). Most people are pretty nice about it, but I don't mind taking drive through style requests. It's not like I'm forced to do it or anything.

Edited by DetroitStyle
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Updated to 7-17

...Jeff Karstens (8-4, 2.34 ERA with Pittsburgh) and Tyler Clippard (1-0, 1.75 ERA with Washington) and Ian Kennedy (9-3, 3.44 with Arizona.) All ex-Yankee pitchers that were never given a chance to show what they can do with New York because they weren't awarded the opportunity to do it. That's because the Yankees do a lousy job of developing pitchers. All they know how to do is when they get one is to ruin them (ex: Joba) or trade them away because they are in love with signing garbage from other teams (Burnett.) And that right there is my biggest complaint with the Yankees. It's their impatience with their young players and their willingness to trade them for useless, veteran players. And I'll be worried about this up until the trading deadline on July 31st.

I also know your pain with this one. John Smoltz (1980's) Jair Jurrjens (2000's)

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...Well now I know how you got to 17,000+ posts. Is this a modding website or your personal blog? Anyway, I'm just kidding :crazy:

You guessed right. It is a modding website and always will be. This thread has been around here since 2005 and it's just a weekly thing that I started back then and I just continued on with it. But this isn't my personal blog and I would never want it to be. Anyone can come in here on any Sunday and post what they are thinking too. The more the merrier I always say.

And as far as those 17,000 posts in here, well I have been here since we started here in 2004 and they've kind of built up. :lol:

I can see where you coming from, about all the requests and demands (at least in MLB 2K). Most people are pretty nice about it, but I don't mind taking drive through style requests. It's not like I'm forced to do it or anything.

That's good. Don't ever feel like you are forced to make a mod for anyone. There are many people who are extremely pushy when it comes to this.

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Always look forward to your sunday thoughts, goes great with a cup of coffee!

Thank you very much, that is much appreciated. Again, like I tell the others you are welcome to post in here any time you wish. The more opinions and random offerings the better.

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Y4L. I can talk baseball all day with you or anybody here. I'll try to contribute more to your musings here or the shoutbox when I can. With all my family crisis, I'm not always in the mood for chat.I do wish people here talked more besides requesting/downloading mods. Lol. I don't want to be known as a drive-thru mod downloader. I've tried talking baseball on other sites, but everybody puts way too much value into their precious opinions and are way too serious all the time. No room for humor or sarcasm whatsoever. People are overcritical, quote me a billion stats and treat them like the holy Bible. :shok:

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Y4L. I can talk baseball all day with you or anybody here. I'll try to contribute more to your musings here or the shoutbox when I can. With all my family crisis, I'm not always in the mood for chat.I do wish people here talked more besides requesting/downloading mods. Lol. I don't want to be known as a drive-thru mod downloader. I've tried talking baseball on other sites, but everybody puts way too much value into their precious opinions and are way too serious all the time. No room for humor or sarcasm whatsoever. People are overcritical, quote me a billion stats and treat them like the holy Bible. :shok:

scottybilly -

Do you happen to play The Show on the PS3? If so, you might want to check out The Show Alliance. It's basically a handful of members that originated here at MVP Mods, including the founder of this site, but after 5 or 6 years here, have moved on to to a newer baseball title.

Obviously there are no mod talks, or files to download, but we're there everyday to talk baseball, but mainly just shooting the sh*t about everyday life. We play a few online games, and are talking about throwing a small league together later this summer just for the fun of it. Lots of mature guys, and very good sportsmanship all around the table. After all, it's all about fun anyway, right?

Anyway, if you have a PS3, play The Show, and just want to be in a relaxed environment, come check us out, you're bound to have a good time.

Not trying to pull you, or anyone from here, it's a great site and has been for many years, just giving you a headsup. :)

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Y4L. I can talk baseball all day with you or anybody here. I'll try to contribute more to your musings here or the shoutbox when I can. With all my family crisis, I'm not always in the mood for chat.I do wish people here talked more besides requesting/downloading mods. Lol. I don't want to be known as a drive-thru mod downloader. I've tried talking baseball on other sites, but everybody puts way too much value into their precious opinions and are way too serious all the time. No room for humor or sarcasm whatsoever. People are overcritical, quote me a billion stats and treat them like the holy Bible. :shok:

Well thanks man, I appreciate it. But I want you to know I wasn't thinking of you at all when I wrote what I did. I was thinking of the entire website as a whole. Heck, you are someone that actually uses the shoutbox to post stuff besides Dylan and myself. Anytime you want to come in this thread and ramble on about things like I do please feel free.

People are overcritical, quote me a billion stats and treat them like the holy Bible.

You know what that sounds like? It sounds like the Yankee fans who defend Derek Jeter when you tell them he isn't the same player anymore. They'll quote you chapter and verse what he did in 1999 but never what he did last year.

Do you happen to play The Show on the PS3? If so, you might want to check out The Show Alliance. It's basically a handful of members that originated here at MVP Mods, including the founder of this site, but after 5 or 6 years here, have moved on to to a newer baseball title.

Obviously there are no mod talks, or files to download, but we're there everyday to talk baseball, but mainly just shooting the sh*t about everyday life. We play a few online games, and are talking about throwing a small league together later this summer just for the fun of it. Lots of mature guys, and very good sportsmanship all around the table. After all, it's all about fun anyway, right?

And he's right about this. Many of the people that are over on that site are original Mvp Baseball users when this site started. They've moved on to there because they have PS3's now and they don't play Mvp anymore (or maybe not that much). A lot of good folks over there and I wish some of them would at one point pop back in here and say hi.

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Updated to 7-24

...The media's been wondering where Casey Anthony took off to after she left jail one week ago. My guess is that she went to go and see OJ so they could compare notes on how they got away with their crimes.

...There was one guy - who apparently must have been from Philadelphia - who was holding a sign that said "Marry Me Casey" explained that the reason why he was holding the sign was that that "she had a great body and obviously loved to party." Evidently he has never run across a girl before that has met these qualifications that has not murdered a small child.

...Not that I'd ever have the opportunity, but if Angelina Jolie ever invited me to her home for dinner I would have to decline. She lets her kids eat crickets. With all the money she's got she could at least give them a frozen turkey pie. Or something. I'd rather go to Burger King instead of trying anything out at that house.

...That's right Tiger Woods, firing your caddy is going to make you play like a winner again because it was all his fault you haven't won in awhile.

...Now I hope this guy never wins again. Ever.

...Finally after seventy-three years, the city of Klagenfurt, Austria has finally gotten around to stripping the honorary citizenship from Adolph Hitler. I guess they must have been really busy all this time and they couldn't get around to doing this before.

...Kim Kardashian is suing Old Navy for using a likeness of her to promote their newest clothing line, and when I think about it, I understand completely. Kardashian would never be caught dead in such a place because they sell affordable stuff that any man or woman would buy.

...A skull was found this week at the bottom of Pearl Harbor by an excavation crew and it is believed to be the remains of a Japanese pilot. When she found out about this, Sarah Palin said "and just what was he doing there all this time?"

...What's with all these major league players now with tattoos? That's one thing you never saw years ago.

...I admit I was not knowledgeable about who Amy Winehouse was or what she was famous for but after reading about her death at age 27 yesterday, she must have been a pretty good musician because she had a lot of fans who loved her work. But when those drugs get a hold of you it's hard to let go.

...What's with the age of 27 that is so unlucky for musicians? Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones and Jimi Hendrix all died at that age. And now Winehouse.

...What happened in Norway two days ago shows there are nuts like that all over the world. It's just that when it happens in the U.S. it is magnified. God knows why this happened but no one can understand the reasonings of any madman.

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Updated to 7-24

...That's right Tiger Woods, firing your caddy is going to make you play like a winner again because it was all his fault you haven't won in awhile.

...Now I hope this guy never wins again. Ever.

Not a Woods fan but your sooo wrong about this. I mean the caddy's wife was close friends with Tiger's wife. They had dinners and dates together. It makes perfect sense if tiger wants a new start, a fresh start...it's called cutting the cord with the past.

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Not a Woods fan but your sooo wrong about this. I mean the caddy's wife was close friends with Tiger's wife. They had dinners and dates together. It makes perfect sense if tiger wants a new start, a fresh start...it's called cutting the cord with the past.

I know what you mean. :(

Make new friends. :)

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