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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Well I just watched this video and I did not understand one word this guy was saying, but I still stuck it out until the end. I did see the scene with the skeletons in the movie theater but I didn't understand why they were there or what it was supposed to mean and I do not think for one second that this should be associated with the movie theater incident in any way and if anyone tries doing that they are just grasping at straws.

Police believe this James Holmes guy had this planned long in advance and he didn't get his idea from watching this.

Thats why I said it happened at the 3:38 mark. That way you didn't have to watch the whole thing. And yeah, know one really knows whats going on in the video.

I agree, I don't think this video had anything to do with the shooting. What I am trying to say is, people look way to much into things and come up with ridiculous conspiracies. People posting on Youtube or other places say it's Illuminati or whatever. People look way to much into things. The other things in the video was the smoke and a girl in a Batman looking mask. Those are at different parts in the video. I don't think that Lil Wayne knew about the shootings. To say that would be ridiculous, but it is a weird coincidence.

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Updated to 7-29

...I am not going to be comfortable until Tuesday afternoon at 4 pm when all this trading stuff is done. There is so much more time until then for the Yankees to do something stupid.


...Penn State removed the statue of Joe Paterno from its pedestal outside Beaver Stadium and then stored it in a "secure location" (translation: they put it in the cellar) because by doing this they think it will fix everything.


...One person I feel sorry for is the public defender assigned to James Holmes in the Colorado shooting incident. She's probably going to try to argue him off of death row by using the insanity defense but if this guy is insane he did some pretty good manipulative planning before he became deranged.


...Bristol Palin's three year old son Tripp is showing that he's becoming a true Palin when he recently called his mother and aunt "******" on her reality show. What really made Bristol mad was that she couldn't blame this on Levi.


...Kirstie Alley is being sued by a woman who purchased a weight loss plan called Organic Liaison, a product that Alley is a paid spokeswoman of. After she bought the plan she did not lose any weight so she had to blame someone and she chose Alley. Alley lost over 100 pounds adhering to this plan while the only thing this woman lost was the money that she paid to sign up. If I were McDonalds and Burger King I'd wonder if she might come after them next since they provided her with multiple hamburgers that contributed to the delinquency of her diet.


...How about another one? There's this 17 year old kid in California who is filing a lawsuit against his teacher and school district because he received a C+ for a grade and because of that low grade is afraid he will not get into a college of his choice. His lawsuit states that he has "suffered severe physical and emotional suffering" because of this grade. That's lawyer talk for saying that he's upset about this. If this kid wins this case I'm going to go find a lawyer because when I took my Regents exam in Latin one year they had a mix up and gave us ten less minutes to take the test. With all the stupid lawsuits around, what's one more?


...As soon as Michael Jackson's lawyers finished paying his bills his brothers and sister Janet are trying to sink their greedy hands into what is left of his considerable estate proving that once again where there is a will there is a relative.


...How do you like that kid from England who snuck on a plane and made it all the way to Rome, Italy? The airline and airport security are in a bind about this because they don't know who to blame although if this kid would have had a four ounce bottle of water with him they'd have been all over him.


...A woman with a one year old son and her sister attempted to shoplift $57.12 worth of clothing from Walmart down in Florida last week and then tried to store their stash in the infant's diaper bag. They were immediately stopped by security as soon as they left the store and instead of coming back in the store they took off, leaving both the child and diaper bag full of retail behind. Both women were caught the very next day and are being held in jail. The one year old was released on his own recognizance.


...Weren't the Miami Marlins supposed to set the world on fire this year? These guys had the pennant wrapped up in the first week of March and then when the season started things started to look as bad as their new uniforms and now once again owner Jeffery Loria is getting rid of some of his top players because the Marlins are 14 games behind the first place Nationals and he is smart enough to know his team will never be mistaken for the 1978 Yankees.


...Up in Montreal they've seen Loria do this before and if you can understand French you'd know how mad they are.


...They'll never admit it but I think the reason why the Mariners let the Yankees have Ichiro Suzuki for so little was that they wanted to make up for giving them known damaged goods in Michael Pineda last off season.


...If Alex Rodriguez was hitting the ball like he should I would be more worried about him missing the next six weeks but since he's done nothing all year it will be more of the same because the Yankees have other players that can come up to bat with runners on base and strike out just like Rodriguez has been doing all year.


...Got to hand it to Zack Greinke. He really knows how to bail on teams when they aren't winning. He got the Royals to trade him to Milwaukee because Kansas City hasn't had a good team since the 80's and he was happy there last year because the Brewers went to the NLCS and now that the Brewers aren't winning this year got Milwaukee to trade him to the Angels partly because he didn't want to sign a contract extension with them. The Angels had better win the next few years or over pay him like C.J. Wilson to keep this guy around.


...The town of Elmira, New York was hit with a tornado yesterday that knocked over trees and power lines and left some residents there without power for awhile. Fortunately no one was hurt. This was the most excitement those people had since Sam's Club opened up down there.

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Y4L, im going to sue that lady for damages. her stupidity gave me a headache and raised my blood pressure, who knows i could have had a heart attack for all i know. 5 million seems appropriate doesn't it?

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...got absolutely hammered last night.

...seeing an article about a girl who got cosmetic surgery because of bullying at school prompted me to post a mini-rant on Facebook about how America is creating a generation of wusses with no self-esteem with the way they're dealing with bullying and how society keeps pushing this mentality that "everyone's a winner", and when it comes to competitive games they don't want to keep score.....the list goes on and on.

I was bullied when I was younger and nobody stepped in for me and told people to stop, I basically dealt with bullies on my own by not letting them push me around. Lots of parents that talk about bullies apparently have never encountered shitty people in their lifetime. You will always have them in abundance as you live your life, even as an adult. To me, bullying is just a result of poor parenting, failing to instill a sense of self-worth/self-confidence in your child to confront the bully themselves. Sometimes, all it takes is having the confidence to stand up to a bully for them to leave you alone. You don't need to fight them, but you DO need to show them that what they are doing is wrong and not acceptable to you.

You know what confronting my bullies got me, a few bruises, scrapes, little things that happen to children, but at the end of the day, they knew Kccitystar wasn't a pushover, and they left me alone.

When I played competitive sports as a little boy, and lost, I was angry, and I cried. Nobody told me that the other team were a bunch of mean kids and they were mean, it was because I worked hard to play the best of my ability and we were beat by the better team. It didn't give me a poor sense of self-worth because someone else beat me, all it did was motivate me to play better, motivate me to overcome and push me to be better than that team.

I have no idea how children will grow up and face the real world where it's possible to find a job that pays well, but your own boss can be a bully.

That's all for my sunday thought.

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Y4L, im going to sue that lady for damages. her stupidity gave me a headache and raised my blood pressure, who knows i could have had a heart attack for all i know. 5 million seems appropriate doesn't it?

I just had a thought. If you can find out the name of the lawyer that is taking this lady's case maybe he can take yours because if he is seriously taking this one he should be open to anything.

random thoughts on the day before that other day that gets people in trouble when they say it out loud

Ooh, you're playing with fire here when you even try to mention that evil word.

As we speak, words of some popular songs that have that word in it are in the works now of being changed. Here's some examples of what's being re-worded now.

I met him on a ...... and my heart stood still

da do ron ron ron da do ron ron


Rainy days and ....... really get me down


Just another manic ......, ooooooooh oh oh

Wish it was Sunday, oooooooooooh oh oh

Cause that's my fun day, oooooooooh oh

My I don't have to run day, oooooooooo oh

Just another Manic ......


Sunday ....... Happy Days

Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days

Thursday Friday Happy Days

The weekend comes

The cycle hums

Ready to race with you

As you can see scottybilly this word has snuck into our every day lives without any of us knowing about it and it is high time something's being done. I propose that we get rid of this word Monday (shock, gasp, faint) and replace it with Sunday, part two unless a more suitable phrase can be thought of.

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...seeing an article about a girl who got cosmetic surgery because of bullying at school prompted me to post a mini-rant on Facebook about how America is creating a generation of wusses with no self-esteem with the way they're dealing with bullying and how society keeps pushing this mentality that "everyone's a winner", and when it comes to competitive games they don't want to keep score.....the list goes on and on.

Was this kid beaten by others that she had to have surgery? If so there's no reason for it. When I was in school kids got picked on just like they have always been through the course of time but it seems worse today because the bullies use the internet to pick on their victims too and that makes everyone more aware of the victim.

When I played competitive sports as a little boy, and lost, I was angry, and I cried. Nobody told me that the other team were a bunch of mean kids and they were mean, it was because I worked hard to play the best of my ability and we were beat by the better team. It didn't give me a poor sense of self-worth because someone else beat me, all it did was motivate me to play better, motivate me to overcome and push me to be better than that team.

Same here. I've played on winning teams and losing teams and I've played on teams that should have won but lost the game at the very last minute. I'd go home upset with myself and I cried too. The next day I'd still be upset but I didn't cry anymore and before the day was out I was fine. And like you I didn't have a poor sense of self worth if I didn't get a hit or if I didn't make a catch. It just made me keep trying and my friends and I would keep practicing and playing ball. We were not about to quit when something didn't go our way. We didn't always have success but we still won more than we lost.

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The USA, land of the free, home of the brave and a place where everyone sues everyone else. Not criticizing, just stating a fact.

Bullies aren't an exclusive of the US, we have them in Portugal too. And in the past few years it seems to have gotten worse. I agree that internet makes people more aware of the victims, but from what I see both with my nephews and students, this new generation is a bunch of spoiled *******, raised by a generation of entitled brats who think they are owed everything and god, allah and the winds forbid that anything bad might happen to their kids. (wow, I'm an angry dude!)

I teach and practice Jiu-Jitsu. I find that my students deal better with frustration, loss and even shitty parents after some time in our classes.

Sorry, but it just pisses me off to see these kids today act like it's a disaster when something - anything really doesn't go their way. They have no resilience at all. Very little fight in them, and I blame the parents. It's not all of them, but a large majority.

When I was a kid, like everyone else I encountered bullies, shitty people and some who were just plain bad. Like everyone else in my generation, I lived htrough it, suffered through it and in the end I both learned and got stronger from it. It's just life. **** gets tough, fight through it, come out stronger on the other side. That's just how humanity evolved!

I fought and confronted some bullies. Sometimes I won, a lot of times I lost. In the end I always came out stronger.

One of the guys I stood up to, years later told me he respected me ever since that time because I did what kids his age wouldn't. I was about 10, he was about 17.

I've read that the Yankees are trying to trade for Chase Headly. I'd prefer Headly playing everyday over A-Rod, but I just don't see this happening. Like Y4L, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping Cashman doesn't do anything stupid.

Greinke's agent is obviously very competent.

The Marlins were supposed to set the world on fire, and they seem to have started with themselves.

Michael Jackson's relatives won't stop bleeding his finances dry even after he's dead. Afterall, that's pretty much all that family has done over the past 40 years.

I'd love to sue some of my old highschool teachers. Some of them were so ugly that they've scarred my memory for ever.

Don't even get me started on being frustrated as a kid after losing a game or playing poorly. I'd punch walls and cry. Then someone told me that I'd better use that time practicing to get better so the next time I wouldn't have to cry. It was true. It worked, I eventually played that sport professionally for a year.

Edited by sabugo
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Guys, gonna go with a little something different here. Saw the KISS/Motley Crue concert here in Tampa last night. One hell of a show. Both groups rocked. Great stage presence from both groups, and good songs. It was my first time seeing KISS live, and my 2nd time seeing the Crue live, and it rocked.

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Don't even get me started on being frustrated as a kid after losing a game or playing poorly. I'd punch walls and cry. Then someone told me that I'd better use that time practicing to get better so the next time I wouldn't have to cry. It was true. It worked, I eventually played that sport professionally for a year.

Speaking of which, anyone following the Olympics? The U.S.'s top gymnast Jordyn Wieber, who was expected to win it all had an unprecedented collapse. Her career as a gymnast is essentially over as all her sponsors are jumping ship, and she not eligible for college scholarships.

Btw, she's 17. 17! How do you 1) put that much pressure on a 17 year old and 2) how do you help her cope with a situation she probably doesn't fully understand.

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Man...that's tough. I haven't followed much so far. I hope she has good parents, that's really all I can say.

Kid-athletes mature faster in some ways, and slower in others. It's an unpredictable situation with anyone. In my opinion what's going to determine her fortunes in the future is wheter she has or not a good support system around her. Good parents, comprehensive coaches and friends are the way to go.

A lot of young athletes burnout because too much is expected from them, I can only imagine how she must be feeling. I just hope she's feeling bad because she didn't perform well, instead of feeling bad because she let a bunch of people down. It's a hell of a lot easier to recover from a bad performance than it is from what people expected or thought you should do.

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Guys, gonna go with a little something different here. Saw the KISS/Motley Crue concert here in Tampa last night. One hell of a show. Both groups rocked. Great stage presence from both groups, and good songs. It was my first time seeing KISS live, and my 2nd time seeing the Crue live, and it rocked.

Some guys have all the luck! Glad you had a nice time Jay.

Speaking of which, anyone following the Olympics? The U.S.'s top gymnast Jordyn Wieber, who was expected to win it all had an unprecedented collapse. Her career as a gymnast is essentially over as all her sponsors are jumping ship, and she not eligible for college scholarships.

Btw, she's 17. 17! How do you 1) put that much pressure on a 17 year old and 2) how do you help her cope with a situation she probably doesn't fully understand.

Why? What happened to make her sponsors drop her?

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Here's a decent article on what happened: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/jordyn-wieber-dreams-gold-deflate-lifetime-focus/story?id=16887114#.UBbB77Se58E

Basically sponsors will drop her because shes not a winner, it's that simple. Nike isn't going to sponsor someone who didn't even qualify for the medal round. There are no second chances either. At 17 her days of gymnastics are over. In four years she'll be 21 which is a lifetime in that sport. There's a reason you only ever see 15,16,17 year olds compete. So she had one shot this year to be the "poster child" for U.S. and even world gymnastics and blew it.

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did I hear right on the opening ceremonies of the Olympics??? the athletes from equador if they dont win gold they have to walk home??

i hope they are equipped with gills

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Any thoughts about the trade deadline?

The Yankees didn't do too bad. They needed someone to give Chavez a rest, so they got McGehee. Fine by me, since his talents are enought for him to be the 3rd 3rd baseman on the roster.

I don't think Dempster will be as effective in Texas as he was in Chicago.

The new Dodgers owners are really going for it. A lot of activity to show they are alive.

The Reds bullpen should be interesting to watch, with Chapman and Broxton.

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The Giants made a couple decent pickups. somebody for the bullpen would have been nice as they have been stretched rather thin lately. If Hunter Pence produces, I can see the Giants avoiding arbitration with him next year and giving him a 3 or 4 year deal as well as Melky. Fortunately, Aaron Rowand's ridiculous contract will be off the books, as well as Aubrey Huff's. Who knows, if Barry Zito maintains decent consistency, and if the Yankees are desparate for more pitching, they can work out a trade next month. LOL :crazy:

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Any thoughts about the trade deadline?

The Yankees didn't do too bad. They needed someone to give Chavez a rest, so they got McGehee. Fine by me, since his talents are enought for him to be the 3rd 3rd baseman on the roster.

Yeah. I'm glad the Yankees didn't do anything stupid by trading their minor league players for a rent-a-player and I don't know much about Casey McGehee. Maybe the Pirate fans in here can shed some light on this guy because I never paid any attention to him.

The new Dodgers owners are really going for it. A lot of activity to show they are alive.

If they can pay two billion dollars for that team they can get anyone.

Who knows, if Barry Zito maintains decent consistency, and if the Yankees are desparate for more pitching, they can work out a trade next month. LOL :crazy:

The problem with what you just said was that the Yankees are stupid enough to do just that.

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Y4L, here is a quote from bucsdugout.com about McGehee. I could not have put it better myself, so this is why I copy and paste the quote below.

The Yankees got Qualls a few weeks ago for a player to be named, so for them, this is like getting McGehee for nothing. Not that McGehee is much better than that, but if you want him to just play against lefties, which is how the Pirates should have used him all along, he probably would have played just fine, and the Pirates would have their competitive balance pick.

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Please do not mention Zito and the Yankees in the same sentence. Please, let's not give Cashman any more stupid ideas. You never know who's reading...Maybe he roams this forums, you just never know!

On a brighter note, Joba is back with the Yankees. If he doesn't become the elite reliever that I think he can become, we can always laugh at the creative and funny new ways he finds to hurt himself. He's both a pitcher and a comedian. If you don't believe me, just look at his body. There's gotta be at least 2 people in there.

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Please do not mention Zito and the Yankees in the same sentence. Please, let's not give Cashman any more stupid ideas. You never know who's reading...Maybe he roams this forums, you just never know!

Don't worry about that. He is not about to take on salary now and especially as big as Zito's contract. If he didn't sign him when he left Oakland he isn't going to get him now.

On a brighter note, Joba is back with the Yankees. If he doesn't become the elite reliever that I think he can become, we can always laugh at the creative and funny new ways he finds to hurt himself. He's both a pitcher and a comedian. If you don't believe me, just look at his body. There's gotta be at least 2 people in there.

People never said anything about how David Wells looked in '98 when he went 18 - 4 but as soon as he came down to earth all of a sudden his weight was a problem. Joba's a winner and a great competitor and I am glad he is back and I don't care what he looks like.

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I didn't mean to criticize Joba's weight, I was just emphasizing how big he is. And you're right. Looks got nothing to do with how he performs. And I hope he performs like he's capable.

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