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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Barry Bonds cried on his TV show on ESPN. I didn't see it because I had no plans of watching it. I just heard someone talking about it so if anyone can fill me on why he did this stunt, let me know.

-The Bonds on Bonds show had some interesting moments. Hall of Famer Mike Schmidt wondered whether or not he would have roided with mega millions at stake...then they showed the clip from two years ago when, at Spring Training, Barry suggested steroids don't help one's hand eye coordination. Was this a denial? Or was it Barry's coy way of saying "steroids aren't why I'm great."

Barry feels singled out, but he must realize it's not personal. It's that paranoia rearing its head. If a light hitting second baseman hits five homers one season, roids up, and then comes back and leaves the yard 12 times, no one cares. When the best player in the game is assaulting the past, it doesn't matter if you're black, white, Scotch Romanian, or from outer space, people take notice. Especially when there are books, leaked grand jury testimony, and the obvious physical transformation that seriously question the claims of a clean past.

While he hasn't endeared himself to many in the media, contrary to his own beliefs, no one is making it their personal crusade to take down Barry. I find his persistent attempts to compare himself and what he's going through to Hank Aaron truly repulsive. The hate mail must be difficult to see, but the 755 home run man faced it because of the color of his skin, not because of the perception he was cheating.

One phrase. "There's no crying in baseball!"

- Well, my aunt passed away two thursdays ago, and that's been like a reality check to me. My whole family is still in denial or whatever, but it'll sink in eventually. As for me, I've moved on, seeing as when it's our time to go, it's our time to go, you know?

- It seems like I can't friggin have anything out here. First I get a new cell phone last fall, and now that I get ahold of the i930 there are people that want to steal it? What the hell? I get infuriated because there will always be bitter friggin people that are too lazy to put in the work to buy something themselves so they take it upon themselves to steal seeing as it makes them feel better. I don't care, I'm fighting for this phone, seeing as I forked up a considerable amount to have it, and I'm not gonna let some punk try to take it away from me. I'm insured but that's not the point.

- Total MLB 1.08 came out this weekend, and after a couple uploads I got the right version out that everybody would enjoy. Only thing left is a bunch of small changes and I'm set for the season.

- I want MLB to contract a couple teams, at most. Expansion (Marlins, Rockies, Devil Rays, and Diamondbacks) in the 1990's led to a dilution of talent and guys wearing major league uniforms who should have been calling Triple A home. We blamed all those home runs last decade on smaller parks and juiced balls and that was some of it, but we now know it was also steroids (and some cork too). And part of it was simple - less talented pitchers serving up bombs. Fewer teams would equal deeper pitching staffs and potentially fewer home runs. Contracting two teams basically cuts down on the demand for talent and salaries go down considerably.

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Updated to 4-9

...Today will be the first time I will see the Yankees on TV past the first inning. And from what I have not seen, I am missing nothing. I hate these west coast games.

Same here, 'luckily' I haven't missed much. :mad:

...A lot of people around here are kind of concerned that the Buffalo Bills might leave the area. Not me. I'm not from Buffalo, I don't live there and I'm not a Bills fan. My team's 3,000 miles away in Oakland. But I still feel for them. It wasn't that long ago when that lying snake Art Modell screwed the loyal Browns fans and left Cleveland.

Everyone upstate (I guess excluding you :lol:) loves the Bills, could they really move them?

...Another guy who isn't funny that a lot of people seem to think he is: Will Ferrell. He's another one when I see on TV I change the channel.

He sucks, just to think he made like 10 crappy movies within 2 years, made tons of money, and disappeared. Good riddance.

...Barry Bonds cried on his TV show on ESPN. I didn't see it because I had no plans of watching it. I just heard someone talking about it so if anyone can fill me on why he did this stunt, let me know.

Bonds on Bonds is an entertaining but slanted sympathy show for Bonds. Sure I dislike the fact that he gets hate mail that drops the N-Bomb on him but most people hate him because he's a cheating sack of crap, not because he's Black. Aaron faced true racism, Bonds is a different story. He is facing a prejudice of sorts, but a prejudice against people who cheat their way against baseball's sacred records. Too bad Bonds can't be happy with his millions.

Random thoughs:

- Gotta find out what new faces Schmooz threw in

- Today I'll get to listen to all 3 1/2 hours of the Yankees losing in embarrassing fashion. At least I won't see a typical insane Francisco Rodriguez celebration. I wonder how his 10+ kids are doing...

- The Tigers and Brewers are playing real well, they have true talent on their rosters. The Tigers though will probably tank due to their propensity for injury and their propensity for mediocrity from their pitching staff. That and when Todd Jones comes off the DL that won't help at all.

- The White Sox choked up another one yesterday, Vazquez had an unnoticed good start.

- Everytime it's warm out it's "Global Warming", every time it's cold everyone bitches and moans. At least when it's warm out people comment how nice it is. If you think Global Warming is real, odds are you'll like it. I am personally an oddity that loves cold weather, snow, not ice, ice sucks.

- My brother is actually coming up to visit me for a week, that and finalize his upcoming graduation.

- Life is different when you find out that Michael Jackson helped make the Sonic 3 Soundtrack, wait, it is not. He only made the crappy songs.

- Is Jacko dead yet anyway?

- The new season of Southpark really sucks so far. We need more assinine political events so Trey Parker has better ideas than making episodes as crappy as the Family Guy. (Actually, the current episode is about canceling the Family Guy...)

- The last time the Family Guy was good David Justice was a productive ballplayer.

- Did I mention I hate gluten?


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ABACABB...you took it way back, this was the code to draw blood in Mortal Kombat!

"Now Entering Kombat"

That or the death metal band from Virginia.

If they named themselves after the blood-code that'd be bad ***.

- I want MLB to contract a couple teams, at most. Expansion (Marlins, Rockies, Devil Rays, and Diamondbacks)

Major League baseball in Florida is like a lost cause, the only reason the Devil Rays profit is from revenue sharing (welfare for millionaires) and pretty much no one really gives a damn about the teams. (Other than hardcore fans of course) Losing them wouldn't be a tragedy. Now, Arizona and Colorado are a different story. They have built new ballparks and have shown that they could sustain a fanbase when the team is semi-competitive. (Especially the Rockies, who have drawn like mad until 2002 or 2003.) Sadly, both teams look like they'll be in one of those 10-20 year rebuilding modes right now. Potentially killing any possible interest in those teams possible.

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Updated to 4-16

...I really hate the way this season is starting for the Yankees. After losing two games in Minnesota that they should have won, they are under .500 again.

...Well, the wife comes back today. It was a quiet week. Just me and the dogs and the YES network and the computer. Now I'll find out when she gets home how much money she spent. :dead:

...One final thing about this Texas trip. The only way I'll go next year, and I am sure I mentioned this, is that if the Yankees are scheduled to be there when they go next year. The thing is, I don't like air travel. And I don't mean flying. I am talking about the crap you got to put up with at the airports. Take your shoes off, take your belt off, etc. Pretty soon you'll be required to just wear your shorts and then get dressed before you board.

...I love daytime baseball.

...Please Yankees, in 2007, don't have Bernie Williams on the roster. :huh:

...Anyone know what hot new movies are supposed to be coming out? Usually around Memorial Day some blockbuster gets released.

...You know what I think one of the biggest wastes of time is? The NFL MOCK draft. It's not an official one, it doesn't count or mean anything. It's a "let's pretend" draft. And people watch it.

...And have any of you ever watched the real NFL draft? Lot of non stop action there :bs:

...Do you know that Oprah Winfrey has her own magazine each month? Guess who's on the cover of it each time?

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Haven't been to the site in awhile. I've just been sooooooo busy with lots of different things. Anyway, here we go.

--What the hell is going on with the Yankees? They can't hit on the road. The only games that they have hit well in on the road are the ones against Oakland and Anaheim.

--**** those MLB umps. They are all dirty, cheating, yankee-hating scumbags. I really wish that they would give the umps the instant replay too, and that more umps would get fired.

--Guns N' Roses said that they would release their album "Chinese Democracy" in March. When will it come out? I'm getting sick of waiting. But it probably won't sound the same as the classic GNR. Not without Slash. The only remaining member is Axl.

--Happy Easter everyone!

--What ever happened to Ringo Starr? I haven't heard much about him lately.

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nfl mock draft is a total snooze fest. it's just impaitent people trying to predict where players will go...ugh. and it gets more attention than baseball...sports that are actually playing.

nba playoffs start this week...how boring. the next two months of that will be nothing but boring. i'll be watching baseball.

i hate april...too much work to do, and then it means that the dreaded summer is almost here (in palm beach county, everything goes dead after easter, partly becuase everyone goes back to noo yawk and those dreaded hurricanes, we don't need another year like the last two). i need to get out of town for a while.

i'm not going to any marlin games this year. prices too high for bad talent and i'm not driving an hour and a half again to watch a cheesy team. i'll save my money and go to tampa bay for a weekend, the braves will be up there in june for interleague.

another thing i hate about where i live...i'm a half hour from anywhere, in the boonies...ugh. also, you have to be over 50 to like it, since it's geared twoards senior citzens, and worse of all, it's a sesonal area, meaing in the summer, it's a ghost town. i'm so leaving the state in a year.

let's see, i'm sick of wasting my summer...i'm doing something about it...i'll update you on my plans in two weeks.

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...Here we go,

...been traveling back and forth to work, and stayed on site a few nights...didn't realize how addicted I was to the internet...

...The Jays aren't off to a great start...not horrible, but not good neither...please get rid of Towers...

...Playoffs in the NHL start next week...woohoo...now the real season begins...

...I sure am glad Sidney Crosby probably won't win the rookie of the year award, a great young player, but a whiner and a showboat...

...Just listened to U2's "Stuck In A Moment", an olde song, but I didn't realize how much I loved it until today...beautiful...

Happy Easter to everyone on MVPMods...a great bunch of guys...

...and with that 8 months until the Christmas Holidays...

...been addicted to Tiger Woods Golf 2006 lately...a great game...

...anyone see Scary Movie 4, was wondering if it was any good...

...Little over a month until MI:III and X-Men III: Last Stand...should be great!

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...anyone see Scary Movie 4, was wondering if it was any good...

I saw it on Friday, in my opinion, it was the best one out of the Scary Movie series 1-4. See for yourself.

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Y4L, United 93 is coming out April 28. It seems half decent. Rated R for terror. Thank you captain obvious.

Oh yes...

-I got a book by Clay Aiken yesterday - Learning to Sing. It's not about singing, but about his life and how he dealt with it. It's a really great book. His mother is also pretty damn smart.

-Simplicity Designs. All is going well...I hate the site I have so I've been working on a completely new layout. It should be done by next weekend. My Developer's Blog is good too except you can't comment. I'm still working on that part.

-I had a good Easter yesterday, got lots of candy, pigged out, and only had to go to one grandparents house. I watched National Geographic all day. Oh well it was better than doing nothing.

-I'm going to Altoona (PA) today...I play organ and piano (and cello but who cares) and there's a concert up there in two weeks. I'm going for pictures and to practice my stuff. One is the Tocatta in something by Bach. It's the one you usually associate with Dracula. I really can't wait - it's going to sound great in that big cathedral.

-I have one pair of jeans. Good thing I'm going out later today.

-I got chosen for some spelling bee the same day as our class field trip which is the same day as the Math-a-thing that I was going to. On May 3rd. I haven't started practicing the words yet...at least I know how to spell "aunt".

-And the Middle School Computer Fair is 10 days away. My site is going well, and all I pretty much have to do is finish my display board.


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Updated to April 23rd

..."April showers bring May flowers." Now who hasn't heard that? I'll also have you know that April showers bring April head colds. A-choo! :lol:

...You know who I am sick of seeing on TV? Tom Cruise. It's like no one's ever had a kid before and these Hollywood reporters are non-stop about this.

...The NBA playoffs have started? Already? Damn. And I missed another NBA season. Oh well, next year. :lol:

...Quantum Leap was one of my all time favorite TV shows.

...I kind of had a break from here last week because I had to work a lot of overtime. Sometimes I think I need it because some of these people in here, well, let me not get into it.

...XBox live sent me an e-mail saying that "they miss me." Isn't that nice of them? I haven't had my X-Box turned on in almost a month and those people just can't get along without me. Excuse me for a second while I delete this e-mail......ok, all done. :p

...I found out this week I need arthroscopic knee surgery on both knees.

...Who else thinks that Bernie Williams should be released?

...With all this steroid investigating going on I think it is going to make a lot of noise, some speeches will be made, a lot of interviews will be given and then in the end, nothing will be done.

...The umpires have been lousy so far this year, but still are in no way as bad the those NFL blind SOB's that they have ref the football games.

...When it rains the dogs don't like to go out and do what they got to do. So I got to go out and stand out there too and get soaked. Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose? :lol:

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Quantum Leap was one of my all time favorite TV shows.

I actually know someone who watches that show and bought the DVDs.

- My 96 mb videocard (Radeon 8500) can't run Shattered Union. The customer support (located all the way in Britain) actually told me that I needed a 128 mb videocard despite the fact that the one I currently have already can support the game somewhat. Awesome to get a birthday present I can barely use. I can play the game, but it'll freeze randomly. Oh well, I'll have to install it on someone else's computer, or wait a couple years when I get a computer that comes with a 128 graphics card.

- When you listen to the games on the radio, you can't see how many times the Yankees get screwed by the umps.

- I'll be doing pretty much nothing until the end of the semester, I finished my unit plan, lessons, research papers, I guess I'll be spending quality time with my roster. My friends have way different schedules than I. (Most people in College wake up at noon, I wake up at 6:30. That means I go to sleep way earlier and it's hard to 'do things'.)

- I'll be doing way more work during the summer.

- That Bonds on Bonds commercial is pissing me off. The one that says, "They have drugtests, I passed all of them". Yippee Barry, they sure had drug tests before 2004. And as if there isn't a way to cheat them. (Especially an urine tests.) If you are already cheating in baseball, what incentive is there to NOT to cheat a drug test? (Especially when the drugs are the source of the cheating.)

- When will the Yankees have Paul O'Neill's number retired?

- Basketball and Hockey playoffs happen at the same time, and I don't care.

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My thoughts:

--Bonds is a *****. I have absolutely no respect for that dirty, lying, cheating, semen-guzzlin', scumbag. He deserves 3/4 of the hate mail that he gets.

--Finally, the Yankees win. Nice game pitched by Chacon, nice job done by the offense. Stinnett's defense looks really good.

--It's been raining like crazy in New York. It rained all day yesterday, and so far, all day today.

--If the Yanks play today, go Randy! Come on, pitch a good game. Posada's going to be catching today. It'll be interesting to see how they work together. I always thought that Joe Girardi and Randy Johnson would make a good combo.

--Anyone ever watched A Haunting on the Discovery Channel? Even though I don't believe in spirits, or any of that stuff, the show scares me like crazy. The Discovery Channel has lots of cool shows.

--Guns N' Roses will be playing at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City next month. I'm trying to get tickets because my wife really wants to see them. Even though I like GNR, they won't sound anything like they did back in the '80s, because they don't have Slash or Stradlin.

--Half.com is a great website.

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I like A-rod, but man, I wished he weren't on the the Evil Empire. It's a shame to see those guys bought out like that.

Jeter, let the yanks keep him...he's WAY overrated.

I hate the Red Sox, too, in case anyone was wondering.

Moneyball blows.

The Royals are dead until Baird gets ran out of town. David Glass running the ship like a Wal-Mart ain't helping either.

Wouldn't a salary cap in baseball be fun? It would be nice to see some competitive balance. I think if there were a sal. cap, the Royals would only lose 90, instead of over 100.

Here's how you get rid of roids in baseball: get caught once, you are gone for the season. Get caught twice, you're out forever.

There's a lot of cheating in all sports. It should only matter when they catch someone doing it. When they do, bring down the hammer. Period.

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Wouldn't a salary cap in baseball be fun? It would be nice to see some competitive balance. I think if there were a sal. cap, the Royals would only lose 90, instead of over 100.

I wouldn't be totally against a salary cap as long as revenue sharing and luxury tax were eliminated. It's one thing to make rules that you can't buy the major leagues, it's another to reward teams for constantly sucking and being unable to draw fans. Anyway, if I'd implement a salary cap, it'd be upwards towards 150 million (and not effective immediately of course). You could still buy tons of good players, you just can't be borderline insane like the Yankees. But hey, just letting crap happen is working out great. The Yankees have had a World Series drought since their shopping spree. So, it isn't even like high payrolls are just a problem in baseball. I just personally don't like 200 million dollar payrolls.

Here's how you get rid of roids in baseball: get caught once, you are gone for the season. Get caught twice, you're out forever.

The problem with steroid testing to begin with is that no one gets caught, purposely. Look at the NFL, look at last season, bunch of crap got caught other than Raffy. Of course, I have plenty of unsubstantiated theories that explain that, I'm sure you all don't want to hear them. :p I'd love for bloodtests to be used, and the blood to be kept on file like the Olympics. But hey, all the players (besides one from the South Korean team) passed the Olympic style drug testing for the WBC, so hey people are cheating and getting away with it anyway.

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I like A-rod, but man, I wished he weren't on the the Evil Empire. It's a shame to see those guys bought out like that.

Jeter, let the yanks keep him...he's WAY overrated.

I got to ask, how did A-Rod get "bought out"? The Yankees bought A-Rod and I nor anyone else knew this except for you? And all this time I thought they got him via the trade route. Thank you for clearing this up.

As a Royals fan you have no room to put down any player on any other team. And it shows how smart you are by dismissing Jeter like that. But you'd rather have Freddie Patek anyway, right?

There's a lot of cheating in all sports. It should only matter when they catch someone doing it. When they do, bring down the hammer. Period.

Baseball has spitballs and corked bats throughout the history of the game. You can't treat those things like you would steroids.

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