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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Once again, glad to see you Y4L. There is a tiny town in Michigan? called Hell. The townsfolk truly embrace the name and try to capitalize on it as a tourist spot. Wheres all the bible thumpers protesting this blasphemy, huh? Must we wait for them to sacrifice billy goats so PETA gets in an uproar about it? lol

My "woman's " intuition tells me that the new Marlins dont sign anybody that they are claiming to show "serious" interest in. Obviously its just a ploy by Mr. Loria to drive up season ticket sales. I mean cmon, those horrible new uniforms are selling like hotcakes! Regarding primadonnas like Jeter and Hanley Ramirez, of course they must complain about their "spot" on their team- it takes attention away from their mediocrity to the press and casual fans.

Forcing Houston to jump ship to the AL in 2013 is a pathetic move by Bud Selig. I think the great Nolan Ryan of the Rangers has been calling Selig nonstop to make this happen. Just imagine the money going into everybodys pockets with a huge baseball rivalry in Texas.

Poor Oakland A's. Looks like Selig is meeting with the S.F. Giants brass to discuss these disputed territorial rights. Read between the lines folks- Selig is taking a greasy bribe here as well. Its gonna be 2002 all over again. MLB will purchase the Oakland A's and force the city or county to build a stadium or watch them leave the bay area.

For some of the younger folk reading this, they are asking "Who the hell is Natalie Wood?" Darn shame. She was the little girl in the original Miracle on 34th Street, and in the classic musical West Side Story.

I fully understand the passion of college football fans in general and wanting to support the longtime coach Joe Paterno. But what the hell is the point of protesting and rioting his firing? The old geezer looked the other way and downplayed everything too when he told the brass instead of the police about what happened in the lockerroom! And poor Franco Harris who offers a simple opinion on the matter. For all you conspiracy theorists out there, the original draft of the Decleration of Independence has been missing virtually since it was signed. Maybe the same can be said for our Constitution. I havent seen it in person, but its easy to imagine all the erase marks covering it because its been written in pencil, not ink.

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I think Natalie Wood may have committed suicide. Her last diary entries are reported to being that she was extremely lonely and that the undertow was strong. She was drunk. The whole fight may have triggered in her mind that it was time to leave the world. The captain said he thought Wagner was responsible but he didn't say he killed her. I think the captain is saying Wood would not have died if Wagner wasn't so drunk himself and didn't have such a heated argument with Walken. I think the captain is saying Wagner is indirectly responsible for her death. That's just my opinion on the reopening of the Wood case.

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Once again, glad to see you Y4L. There is a tiny town in Michigan? called Hell. The townsfolk truly embrace the name and try to capitalize on it as a tourist spot. Wheres all the bible thumpers protesting this blasphemy, huh? Must we wait for them to sacrifice billy goats so PETA gets in an uproar about it?

The bible thumpers are probably too scared to get within 100 miles of the place. :lol:

My "woman's " intuition tells me that the new Marlins dont sign anybody that they are claiming to show "serious" interest in. Obviously its just a ploy by Mr. Loria to drive up season ticket sales. I mean cmon, those horrible new uniforms are selling like hotcakes! Regarding primadonnas like Jeter and Hanley Ramirez, of course they must complain about their "spot" on their team- it takes attention away from their mediocrity to the press and casual fans.

I agree. Oh, do I agree.

Forcing Houston to jump ship to the AL in 2013 is a pathetic move by Bud Selig. I think the great Nolan Ryan of the Rangers has been calling Selig nonstop to make this happen. Just imagine the money going into everybodys pockets with a huge baseball rivalry in Texas.

Well I'm not surprised. This guy's done nothing to improve the game. I wouldn't be shocked at all to find out that Nolan Ryan has been whispering in Selig's ear to make this move. This guy is a terrible example of a commissioner. Just think of all the good that Bart Giamatti could have done had he lived.

For some of the younger folk reading this, they are asking "Who the hell is Natalie Wood?" Darn shame. She was the little girl in the original Miracle on 34th Street, and in the classic musical West Side Story.

Are you kidding? They don't care who Natalie Wood was. They are too busy text messaging. But she was a real beauty in West Side Story, wasn't she?

I think Natalie Wood may have committed suicide. Her last diary entries are reported to being that she was extremely lonely and that the undertow was strong. She was drunk. The whole fight may have triggered in her mind that it was time to leave the world. The captain said he thought Wagner was responsible but he didn't say he killed her. I think the captain is saying Wood would not have died if Wagner wasn't so drunk himself and didn't have such a heated argument with Walken. I think the captain is saying Wagner is indirectly responsible for her death. That's just my opinion on the reopening of the Wood case.

Hey you never know man, you could be right. Unless we find out otherwise all we have is speculation. This Captain, Dennis Davern, is someone who is not that trustworthy. Again, why wait thirty years?

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Hey,it could have been Christopher Walken that murdered her. Maybe he told her he thought she was pretty, but she needed more cowbell! She probably started laughing at him, so he tossed her off the boat. Then he tap danced to the theme from West Side Story that was playing in his head...... :diablo:

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I think the new investigation is a waste of time and money. This credible new evidence sounds pretty fishy, and I really hope this is not funded by tax payers. But if they do uncover something, then great. I however am really pessimistic in this investigation. Are they gonna find Walken's DNA on Wood that they couldn't test before because the sample was too small? Now that would be a Hollywood style twist. Unfortunately from working in show business for a short while, I find that most stuff is really fake in Hollywood...maybe like this "credible evidence"

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Updated to 11-20

...Don't feel too bad for former Red Sox manager Terry Francona. He continues to prove that he is no fool because he quickly withdrew his name from consideration for the Cubs managerial job. Stating that he wanted to "re-energize" himself before he took on another job as manager, which was the nice way of saying to everyone there is no chance I am going to manage that team. Are you nuts? It should be pointed out that Francona did not say he needed to re-energize himself when he was in consideration to manage the Champion Cardinals.

Been so long since I visited the site (or cared much about what was happening in baseball) that I almost forgot my login info. lol

I actually heard a couple of different times (on TV, so I really have no link) that Francona was quoted as saying the Cubs were his dream job, but that Epstein (or whoever) had not contacted him. I think him "bowing out" was the Cubs way of telling him they didn't want him, and letting him make a statement like that to save face.

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Updated to 11-27

...The long arm of the NFL has reached out to EA Sports and has basically ruined a key feature in the video game NFL Blitz. The NFL does not want the latest edition of this game to include late hits. The problem is this is what this video game franchise has been built on and EA Sports predictably showing no backbone, quickly adhered to the NFL's wishes. Why did the NFL do this? Because they've become more safety conscious and they don't want to give people the wrong impression. Apparently the higher ups in the NFL have a hard time with reality and the video game world.

...Well I tried to watch Two and a Half Men. I really did. But it's just not funny. I'd rather watch Red Sox highlights and that's saying something.

...One woman went to great extremes to make sure she had every chance imaginable to get an X-Box on Black Friday. After waiting in line in a Los Angeles Walmart, she went to the electronics department and right before the store brought out the consoles, she pepper sprayed the hell out of everyone. It isn't known if she came away with what she wanted but if she did I wouldn't want to be in line with her when the games go on sale.

...Every year you hear about kooks like this pulling these kind of stunts. Just three years ago a Walmart employee was killed in a stampede of crazy shoppers. And all people do is when they hear what happens on Black Friday is shake their heads and say that's terrible. It's the stores fault for hyping this up so much. God knows what is going to happen in the coming years because people sure as hell aren't getting any smarter.

...By the way, I had a great Black Friday. My head was on the pillow all morning while I was under the covers. And I didn't even have to wait in line.

...Kim Kardashian served meals to the homeless at the Los Angeles Mission on Thanksgiving day and just by coincidence there was a camera crew who just happened to be in the neighborhood at that time to take pictures of her. I was as surprised as the next guy that they were there.

...I've become quite the fan of a website called Bits du Jour. It is a site that has daily deals on many various kinds of software. Each deal lasts only twenty-four hours and if you are interested in a particular program, there's a good chance it will be advertised there for quite a bit of savings. If interested, you can sign up for the daily newsletter that lets you know what the deals of the day are. I've already purchased two programs from them in the past few months and I've saved a lot of money.

...For all of you with Imagecave accounts: Keep waiting. Whatever their problem is they are keeping it to themselves.

...I've been reading a lot of sports books ever since the Yankees did their annual exit from the playoffs and just about everything that I have read about Billy Martin makes me wonder why I thought he was the greatest guy in the world when I was a kid. He couldn't do no wrong back then in my eyes. But if he were alive today I wouldn't walk across the room to get his autograph.

...My wife got all upset when she read this article the other day. She said that lady stole her idea.

...The latest word with the NBA is that they are supposed to begin their season on Christmas Day. And all this time I thought Christmas was a time for celebrating.

...The Yankees re-signed pitcher Freddie Garcia. And I found out about this the old fashioned way. I went to their website.

...Note to DJEagles: Don't get to used to the new logo and uniforms for the Blue Jays. By 2015 they'll change them again. Check out their uniforms on that baseball uniform database. They're always changing them. It's like they can't make up their mind what they want.

...Finally, if you have not seen this video from Macy's that advertised Black Friday, you really missed something. Someone's got a good sense of humor here.


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Mitchell and Ness hit a jackpot with their every jersey for 100.00. I went on the website and spent an hour looking at every team. Very few "average" sizes that most men wear are still available. There are many xxxlarge available-for the extra large men out there. There is a Philly jersey from 1938 that is yellow.

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Mitchell and Ness hit a jackpot with their every jersey for 100.00. I went on the website and spent an hour looking at every team. Very few "average" sizes that most men wear are still available. There are many xxxlarge available-for the extra large men out there. There is a Philly jersey from 1938 that is yellow.

I definitely agree...what a great deal for us historical baseball fans. I could not pass this up and had to order this one. You can't go wrong with the 1938/39 World's Fair patch and then some...


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That's a sharp looking uniform. If I were to get a Yankee uniform I would get Mantle's # 7. The Cardinals with Maris's name was tempting.

I know what you mean...I literally had to do a coin flip to get the DiMaggio or the Mantle. If they keep this $100 special I may end up with both <crossing fingers>. At first I wanted a Babe Ruth but he wasn't available. Yeah, that Cardinals Maris jersey was sweet...I was on this website for about an hour before I made the purchase...cool stuff!

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Mitchell and Ness has the 1939 World's Fair patch wrong. But you don't have to take my word for it. Look at these pictures and be the judge. I've got nothing against their jerseys, but if you are gonna pay $100 up to $300, they can be as accurate as possible. But their version of the patch looks similar but not exactly accurate.




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Updated to 12-4

...The stock from Netflix continues to fall and they have no one to blame but themselves. The only thing these people succeeded in doing was to upset their customers so much that they turned on them as one. Every once in awhile the voice of the consumer is loud and clear. This time it could cost Netflix their company.

...If you needed yet another reason not to live in Alaska, here it is. A recent storm has prevented the residents of the little town of Nome to receive the fuel they require and they are facing the possibility of $9 a gallon gas. If it isn't bad enough they have to live in that hellhole now they have to fork over this much for fuel.

... Casey Anthony (remember her?) was the most searched for person on the internet in 2011. For almost anyone else that wouldn't be so bad but she's too busy to notice because she's still hiding away somewhere from her <ahem> adoring public.

...The hiring of Bobby Valentine as manager of the Boston Red Sox this week overshadowed all other baseball news from the past seven days. Naturally I don't wish him any luck at all, but I just wonder what Dustin Pedroia really thinks of this hiring because he's been acting like he is in charge for years now.

...How long now until the Red Sox are favored to win the division now that Valentine is on board? And if you don't think the Red Sox were covered a lot by ESPN in the past, I can just imagine how bad it is going to be next year when one of the ex-employees is running the show over there. Forget about baseball news because now it's going to be the nightly Red Sox report - only this time it will be a sixty minute show.

...The one thing that gets me about Valentine is that every single time you see him he has that same grin on his face like he saying I just got away with something and you don't know what it is.

...Bernie Williams' name is on the Hall of Fame ballots for the first time. Don't hold your breath, ok Bernie?

...If you were Albert Pujols, would you seriously consider going to the Chicago Cubs?

...Mindy McCready and her son were found hiding in a closet by police because she didn't want to give him back to her mother, who is the kid's legal guardian. Maybe the only reason why the boy went along with her initially was that McCready promised him Roger Clemens' autograph.

...I don't believe any of that nonsense about David Ortiz coming to the New York Yankees. And if this does happen I will be numb for days.

...It happened again and this time it was this unlucky 86 year old woman who was pushed around by the TSA people at the airports. Why does it seem that the TSA treats these old folks like quarterbacks and they are the defensive line?

...Remember Pearl Harbor Day on Wednesday the 7th. And on that same day it is HFLR's birthday, so have a great one Hector. You guys at Mvp Caribe always do a great job.

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Jays are supposed to be the frontrunners right now to land Prince Fielder. If that happens, I will dance out front of my house in the nude, and post the pics (censored) of course! No way in Hell this is happening.

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Updated to 12-11

...Jose Reyes is the problem of the Miami Marlins now because he said the Mets showed "no interest in signing him." Say what you want about the Mets but losing this guy to a division rival most likely isn't going to keep them up at nights. They probably figure by the middle of August with that heat down in Florida, Reyes will shut it down and quit for the rest of the season.

...And with the signing of Mark Buehrle the Marlins should have third place clinched next year.

...Albert Pujols takes himself and his bad attitude to Los Angeles for 250 million dollars for the next ten years. For the Angels sake he had better be 31 years old as he says.

...Hey, I wonder if they can move Pujols' statue that is in St. Louis to Anaheim ? St. Louis doesn't need it anymore.

...I bet that no one in St. Louis will have a hard time getting a table in Pujols' restaurant now. And according to this guy it is a good thing Pujols is gone.

...Maybe Lebron James should give Pujols a call to let him know how things are going to be from now on.

...The happiest guy in this Pujols deal isn't even Pujols himself. It's Prince Fielder. Can you all imagine what that guy is going to want just to have him sign his name on a contract?

...Enough of Pujols already. He got more attention in here than he deserved.

...Now that Manny wants to be re-instated I am curious to know how soon he gives Bobby Valentine a call?

...You got to feel bad for Virginia Tech. This week another nut decided to use that university to shoot people for no apparent reason. Virginia Tech is a fine school and always has been but unfortunately now when you first hear the name of the school you associate it with people like this.

...Surfing has to be one of the hardest things in the world to do. I can't even do it on the Playstation.

...You can tell it is a changing world when kids who are waiting in line to see Santa bring their tablets along with him to show him what they want online, pictures and all.

...Grease was on TV the other night. That remains the only musical I can watch all the way through without having a need to grab the remote.

...Lindsay Lohan posed for Playboy? She must have squeezed that in between court dates.

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...Grease was on TV the other night. That remains the only musical I can watch all the way through without having a need to grab the remote.

Is that because you have to wait until the last scene of the movie to see Olivia Newton-John in that skin-tight outfit? :)

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Updated to 12-18

...This week the Red Sox signed infielder Nick Punto to a two year contract. Punto has played in the big leagues for eleven years and during all that time has done nothing worthwhile to talk about. That being said, he'll probably hit .400 against the Yankees.

...It is just baseball's luck to have something like the Ryan Braun steroid incident ruin their image once again especially after the way the season ended and what happened in the post season. All that is erased right now. The September run of the Rays, the Rangers winning the American League and the Cardinals winning an exciting seven game series all takes a back seat to this news. Spring training is only a few months away. This is what is going to be talked about until then. Not baseball. The winter just got longer.

...Can you imagine how worse this would be for the sport had Milwaukee won the National League pennant and gone on to beat the Rangers in the Series with Braun winning the World Series MVP? The proverbial &@*% would have hit the proverbial fan.

...One thing that I noticed right away after the Angels signed Albert Pujols and C.J. Wilson on the same day was that no one complained about it. Sure, the subject of how much Pujols was going to be paid was talked about but there was no grumbling about what the Angels did. Now, had the Yankees gone out and done this and signed the same two players for the same amount of money....

...You wouldn't have heard a peep out of me had the Yankees traded Phil Hughes (5-5, 5.79) over the winter meetings.

...Barry Bonds will not be going to jail. Did anyone really expect he would?

...What's Kobe Bryant doing messing around on his wife for? She's stunning and she's got a brain in her head. What the hell does he want, a Kardashian?

...While that name is brought up in here, I really can not feel too bad for Kris Humphries, Kim's ex. After all he did marry her and on the wedding night he did <ahem> her. Not exactly hazardous duty if you know what I mean. :p

...Overheard while standing in line at the post office the other day: the lady ahead of me bought a book of the "forever" stamps. She asked the clerk how long they last for.

...Plaxico Burress became an avid reader during his stay in prison and since his release he has continued to do so, stating that reading books is something that gives him peace. I feel the same way Plaxico but I didn't need to shoot myself in the leg to find that out.

...It has been years since I read a Christmas story like this that really gives you an idea of what this holiday used to mean before the retailers started shoving it down our throats beginning in September. People from all over the country have been anonymously paying other people's KMart layaway accounts just so those people are able to have a good Christmas. It is remarkable. And this was done without a clever ad campaign or TV commercial behind it. When it comes from within you don't need any fancy words.

...I've owned my Amazon Kindle for quite some time now and I am absolutely satisfied with it. But it still does not explain why I still prefer to have a book in my hand when I'm reading.

...It sure was nice to see that Barefoot Bandit SOB get sentenced to more than seven years in prison this week. And if he knows what is best for him he'd better erase that grin on his face before he gets there before someone named Bubba steps up and does the job for him.

...One week to go. Thank God.

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Updated to 12-25

...Finally the big day is here and now we all can relax. No more Christmas commercials telling you what to buy. No more Christmas movies. No more Rudolph and Frosty and the Miser Brothers. All done! That is, until next year when it begins all over again.

...The best part about Christmas is the songs sung at Christmas mass. Walmart and Target and everyone else still haven't found a way to ruin that yet.

...I'm lucky that my wife didn't get me anything from Best Buy because chances are I would have never got it. Seems as if a lot of people got their orders canceled at the last minute with no explanation at all. Game on Santa? I don't think so. He showed them who's boss.

...Thanks to the Oakland Raiders for giving me an early Christmas present yesterday.

...The Texas Rangers found out they had 51.7 million dollars lying around and since they had all their Christmas shopping done they decided to throw it at the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters just for the right to talk to pitcher Yu Darvish. Now if they happen to sign him they'll have to come up with close to 100 million more.

...I'd have loved for the Yankees to get Gio Gonzalez from Oakland but the Athletics would have demanded the entire Yankee farm system. Instead, they allowed Washington to fleece them as the Nationals unloaded four pieces of driftwood to Oakland.

...You got to like the holiday spirit of the Minnesota Twins. They made American League hitters happy by signing pitcher Jason Marquis to a one year contract. National League hitters pounded him for twelve years. Now the AL is going to get their chance.

...There was nobody more surprised to learn about the death of Jon Bon Jovi than Jon Bon Jovi himself. Then again, if you read this on Twitter it just has to true.

...All I could think of after reading the article about some guy winning a Lamborghini and then wrecking it after owning it a few hours is that I was glad he didn't win a house or else it would have burned to the ground.

...I miss baseball as much as anyone but it sure is nice not having to listen to Michael Kay talk or the disciples of Derek Jeter going on and on about how great their hero is.

...The Atlanta Braves must have nothing better to do this off season then fight with the Walt Disney company about the name of their newest movie. Clearly this is more important to them instead of trying to beat the Phillies and not choking at the end of the season, again.

...The movie trailer of The Hobbit makes me wish 2012 would fly by.

...I still enjoy playing All Star Baseball on the original X Box. Even though it is a few years old I loved the games that Acclaim Sports made. Too bad they went bankrupt because they really put together some good games. Those guys were head and shoulders above 2K Sports and yet 2K is still around despite the lack of quality in their games.

...Rangers catcher Yorvit Torrealba hit an umpire right in the kisser with his palm in a recent Venezuelan League game. I don't know what made this guy so mad. He struck out on a low pitch. It happens. And it certainly wasn't the umpire's fault. Who knows, maybe Torrealba is still upset about losing the World Series. This guy's a classless hothead and I'm anxious to hear his explanation as to why he did this. No matter what he says, he should be thrown out of the winter league.

Here's the video


...Enjoy your Christmas everyone!

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Y4L, Merry Christmas to you and your family and to everyone else here. Glad that the commercialization of Christmas will be over, however I do enjoy the Christmas services at my church. I have not yet seen the trailer for the Hobbit, but I have heard that it is a true blow you away trailer.

After hearing your words about the All Star Baseball series, it made me want to fire up my old PS2 with All Star Baseball 2k3. I'll have to do it after church this morning. It was a series that was underappreciated by many fans, but I always looked forward to it. The only sport that I think 2k ever nailed was football with NFL 2k5. I still have updated rosters for it, as Madden has gone downhill in my opinion.

Well, it is the end of December, and so that means only a few months till spring training. Now that I live in Florida, I plan on going to a few spring training games. I live near Tampa, so I have quite a few different locales to go to to catch a game. I can hardly wait. I hope that my Pirates do good this year. Even if not, I will still root for them. Love the Pirates, always have, and can't ever see myself not rooting for them.

Anyhow, I have rambled long enough. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Updated to 1-1

...Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year is safe and healthy for all of you here on this website and for your families too.

...As per tradition, I watched the ball drop at Times Square and again I was glad not to be there. I can not imagine standing outside for that long of a time in one place freezing and waiting for midnight to get here.

...No matter how nice it looks when that ball drops, it can't compare to what Sydney, Australia does every year to welcome the New Year. Those Aussies really know how to put on a show.

...Besides, I know my luck. I never would have got to kiss Jenny McCarthy.

...Hey, guess what? Yorvit Torrealba expressed his "sincere apologies" for what he did and he now regrets his actions and blah blah blah. What is this? Do these players have a form letter that they read from after they have done something stupid? How many times have we heard the same apology -maybe in different words- but all in all the same? What the hell does Torealba care that he is suspended from the Venezuelan league for the rest of this year and next year? It's not going to affect him in the American League where he still is going to make his millions.

...Ok, I know that January is not even an hour old yet as I post this and that I'm getting way too ahead of myself but the fact remains that next month is February and that means spring training and all the wonderful things we associate with that.

...Yes, I am impatient.

...If you have heard enough about Tim Tebow during this NFL season you are not alone. Now this guy is having a beer named after him. The catchy name? Tebrew. Makes you really want to go out and get one, doesn't it?

...Sinead O'Connor didn't waste any time. After only 18 days of marriage, she decided to call it quits. And we all laughed when Kim Kardashian only lasted 72 days. I don't get it. 18 days?? You can keep a bag of salad in your refrigerator longer than this marriage lasted.

...The purge out in Oakland continues and this time it's the Red Sox who benefit, of course. The Sox were able to steal reliever Andrew Bailey away from the Athletics for three players that the Red Sox probably didn't want in the first place. Is there anyone else left on Oakland's roster that is worth trading for?

...I don't know about any other Yankee fan out there but you have to be concerned with how much they are standing pat this off season in the trade and free agent market. There's no way you can be confident with the starting pitching that they have going into the upcoming season.

...And signing washed up 37 year old Hideki Okajima doesn't count.

...Verizon tried to pull a fast one on their customers by trying to stiff them with a two dollar charge for every payment they made over their phone or online with their credit or debit cards. Imagine having their customers conduct business over their phones instead of sending text messages to each other! This two dollar fee got their consumers in such a clamor that they quickly dropped the idea. Makes me wonder what they have up their sleeve next to bilk their customers.

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