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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Koufax pitched over 300 innings 3 times in his career. Pitchers are wimps today-they lack sound pitching mechanics and off season workouts that would strengthen their arms and lengthen their careers. But what do they care with the money they make today they don't need a long career anymore.

There is no way anyone should argue with what you just said. Every time someone pitches a complete game these days people are almost in shock.

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Holy crap, my dad told me that story about the woman in the restaurant. Just to show how amazingly stupid that woman is, I can just say that even Portuguese newspapers ran that story.

Please tell your father that this was done by some Mormon woman in Utah and people do not do this anywhere else. The Mormons are a funny bunch. You still are not allowed to order a beer if you are a Mormon but they give the go ahead to let your kid take a crap in a restaurant.

I wonder how that Boston College task force conducted that study...

Me too. I'd like to go to another college and conduct the same survey. :lol:

I never understood the logic behind pitch counts. To me, it would make more sense if managers put a restriction on how many sliders, or curveballs or whatever.

Since different pitches put different pressures on different muscles and ligaments and so on, throwing 100 fastballs definitely shouldn't be the same thing as throwing 100 curveballs. And a combination of both would be different as well.

Then again, I know very little about the practical part of this game, so be free to teach me more about this.

I think years ago Tony Larussa started this pitch count nonsense and because he was so successful in developing those great Oakland teams from 1988 to 1990, people copied it.

Years ago you would hear about pitch counts every so often. Believe it or not you could get through watching an entire game without hearing the words pitch count. These days when a game starts and the lead off hitter sees seven pitches and the next batter sees the same amount the announcers get all worried about the pitch count.

I blame all this on Larussa and the writers who constantly called this guy a genius. The guy only won in 1988 and 2006 so how much of a genius was he?

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Through basketball, me and my dad got to know plenty of mormons. Also, even here in my small portuguese city we have mormons, spreading their word around.They have their quirks just like every other religion, but in general they're a peaceful and interesting bunch, who make babies by the dozen.

Me too. I'd like to go to another college and conduct the same survey. :lol:

Sign me up for that!

Take baseball games for example. Even in MVP 05, pitch counts weren't all that visible or important to the game itself. In 2k12 it's basically the only thing that affects a pitcher's stamina.

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Last night's ending to the Yankees/Orioles game is the perfect example of why not only does diving NEVER get you to the base faster, IT ALWAYS makes it appear as though you are out when you could be actually safe! This is not hard, Mark Teixeira!

Edited by GoRedsox34
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Last night's ending to the Yankees/Orioles game is the perfect example of why not only does diving NEVER get you to the base faster, IT ALWAYS makes it appear as though you are out when you could be actually safe! This is not hard, Mark Teixeira!

Did you actually see the instant replay of this or did you just read about it and just assume that Teixeira was upset for no reason at all?

Now take a look here:

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Last night's radio post-game show mentioned that Teixeira slid because he thought his sore calf might give out if he kept running. I appreciate his effort, especially since I think some players on that team wouldn't have run that ball out (even in the same situation). To me, the fact that he re-aggravated the injury and could now be out for the rest of the year makes that blown call even worse.

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Could have, should have... Tex was the only one in a position to make an assessment on what to do.

I read the same story about his sore calf.

The problem to me is that there is technology available in order to sort these kind of situations out and it isn't being used.

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Could have, should have... Tex was the only one in a position to make an assessment on what to do.

I read the same story about his sore calf.

Well maybe sabugo. But what MarlinsMY said is something no one can argue with. We don't know how long Teixeira is going to be out now.

The problem to me is that there is technology available in order to sort these kind of situations out and it isn't being used.

Yeah we have the technology but no one wants baseball to become like football or any other sport that is dependent on replay. Sure the Yankees got screwed, but another time they will be on the other side. It will even out.

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well i painfully sat and watched another dissapointing Pirates loss.It is hard to stay positive when weve seen this before.They cant keep giving away chances to make the playoffs.with the way the season is going if they get on a win streak ,the braves,cards and dodgers will go on one as well.Cant believe how bad august and september has been for them the last couple years.

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well i painfully sat and watched another dissapointing Pirates loss.It is hard to stay positive when weve seen this before.They cant keep giving away chances to make the playoffs.with the way the season is going if they get on a win streak ,the braves,cards and dodgers will go on one as well.Cant believe how bad august and september has been for them the last couple years.

What's even worse is that they got swept by the Cubs at home and the Cubs have been mailing it in since Memorial Day. You could tell it was a tough series because the Pirates made Alfonso Soriano look good and that's not easy to do.

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whats bad is last year and this year they were fighting for first place at trade deadline,made trades and both years went downhill.Wandy was the only trade that I thought made sense.The lincoln for snider trade Im not too sure,thats one of those trades could go either way in the next couple years

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Did you actually see the instant replay of this or did you just read about it and just assume that Teixeira was upset for no reason at all?

Now take a look here:


My point Y4L is that Teixeira is safe by a MILE but his elementary decision to dive into first base made him appear out, which it ALWAYS DOES!

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My point Y4L is that Teixeira is safe by a MILE but his elementary decision to dive into first base made him appear out, which it ALWAYS DOES!

Ok man, now I understand what you mean. And when you look back on any runner who slides into first base more times than not they do not get the call in their favor. Teixeira slid like that because he didn't want to re-injure his leg but he ended up doing that anyway.

The guys over at YES Network were saying the day after this happend that most of the umpires are in favor of expanding the use of replays.

I hope this never happens.

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Ok man, now I understand what you mean. And when you look back on any runner who slides into first base more times than not they do not get the call in their favor. Teixeira slid like that because he didn't want to re-injure his leg but he ended up doing that anyway.

I hope this never happens.

Not a fan of replay Y4L? I'm not sure it's necessary either.

Edited by GoRedsox34
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Not a replay fan Y4L? I'm not sure it's necessary either.

No, I don't like replay at all in baseball. It is bad enough how they use it now but replay is not a good fit for baseball. Sure I was upset about the Teixeira call but I am over it now. And I can look back on many calls that have went in the Yankees favor when the other team raised a fuss. Things will even out on their own and this replay technology should stay far away.

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Why don't you like replay?

For me, as long as it's done in an efficient and quick way, I'm all for it. In the end, the truth holds up and we wouldn't have all the next-day controversy we have now with blown calls. And that's something I could definitely live without.

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Why don't you like replay?

For me, as long as it's done in an efficient and quick way, I'm all for it. In the end, the truth holds up and we wouldn't have all the next-day controversy we have now with blown calls. And that's something I could definitely live without.

Because I am a baseball traditionalist. Bad calls happen to every team. No team can escape them. And at the same time every team is the benefit of bad calls. They even out.

I am just afraid that these people will end up abusing this replay. Now it's used for home runs only. Now they want to expand it to use it for calls like this. What's next? Using replay to go over controversial ball and strike calls? Do you know how long a major league game will end up being if that happens? Every Yankee - Red Sox game right now is long enough. If this happens every fan should carry their favorite pillow with them when coming to the game.

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100% in agreement. Do the players make errors? Of course, they are human-mistakes or errors by umps have been a part of the game since the beginning. Maybe Robots should play and ump the games so no mistakes will be made. I played baseball for the better part of 25 years. I was on both sides of bad calls, it is part of the game. Y4L is correct games are long enough. I've recently purchased old Sporting News to look at minor league padre games from 1967-most of the games average 2 hours and 20 minutes. Wow wouldn't that be nice. Maybe the reason umps are making bad calls are because of all the crotch scratching, glove fidgeting, and other stuff that slows the game down and puts them to sleep. Just get in the box-pitcher throw the dad gum ball like it used to be.

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100% in agreement. Do the players make errors? Of course, they are human-mistakes or errors by umps have been a part of the game since the beginning. Maybe Robots should play and ump the games so no mistakes will be made. I played baseball for the better part of 25 years. I was on both sides of bad calls, it is part of the game. Y4L is correct games are long enough. I've recently purchased old Sporting News to look at minor league padre games from 1967-most of the games average 2 hours and 20 minutes. Wow wouldn't that be nice. Maybe the reason umps are making bad calls are because of all the crotch scratching, glove fidgeting, and other stuff that slows the game down and puts them to sleep. Just get in the box-pitcher throw the dad gum ball like it used to be.

Also, what people sometimes overlook is when a bad call is made against a team that is struggling and going through a rough patch it is magnified. If the Yankees had played better they would not have been in that position. Sabathia struggled once again as he gave up three home runs in 6 1/3 innings and the way that team has been pitching lately that is still ace material. And what really did them in this game was going 1 for 9 with runners in scoring position. They have been doing that all year long and no umpire can be blamed for that. That's why they lost.

Sure it was a lousy call and yes they got screwed. But when you are playing better you don't dwell on these calls. You win despite of them.

I'm a baseball fan that dislikes every single one of the changes that this simpleton of a commissioner has put into place. More teams in the post season this year? Why not! Pretty soon they'll be as bad as the NHL where it seems you only have to win 25 games to get a playoff spot. Instant replay? So far just for home runs, but when there is talk about expanding it you know it is just another way of saying here it comes.

Before instant replay the Yankees and Red Sox would habitually play games that lasted three hours and thirty minutes. If instant replay is expanded to more than home runs they might have to play their games in parts. Ok, we are going to play innings 1 - 5 tonight. That'll take about four hours and tomorrow afternoon we will play innings 6 - 9 and God help us if it goes into extra innings.

Umpires have been blowing calls since the game began. And players and teams have gone hot and cold all that time too. Let them play the game and keep the replay strictly for the highlight shows.

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I get your point Y4L. I agree that too much replay is a bad thing. And of course, nobody in any sport ever loses because of ONE blown call. Like any good coach will tell you: 'Play well enough and the referees won't matter'.

I haven't followed baseball for that long, but yes, games between the Yankees and Red Sox for example take way too long.

My question is: Is there anything that can be done to shorten the time a game can last?

Using replays to argue balls and strikes is just unnecessary. That part of the game is one where I think the human element makes the game what it is.

But in other parts of the game, to me that would be a valuable thing, since in the end, the right call would be held.

Questionable calls of 'Out' or 'Safe' at a base don't happen that often that it would slow the game that much. Also, putting a limit on how many calls can be questioned would be absolutely necessary.

And yes, I also dislike the expanded playoffs. And too much interleague play also annoys me. For example, I understand when it's Yankees and the Mets, for its rivalry value, but some of the matchups are totally devoid of interest.

Here in Europe, where football is king(soccer to you guys) it's been long discussed using technology to help the referees. Wheter it is at the goal line or judging an offside, horrible calls have been made throughout history and even made teams miss World Cups or lose Champions League semi-finals.

But then again, different sports. Just to show you guys why I'm more in favor of using replays.

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I'm personally for instant replay in certain situations, but like most, believe bad calls eventually even out in the end.

That said, if there were ever a case for instant replay needed on balls and strikes, this should be it. I'm sure whoever saw this game called by Eric Gregg will never forget it:

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if they have instant replay,why have an umpire just let the cameras be the umpire.To me its all judgment calls whether its a good call or bad call I can kinda understand for homerun balls because the distance between an umpire and the wall it can be hard to judge especially when a ball can be so close to the line.Be different if they had OF umps like they do for the series etc

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I'm personally for instant replay in certain situations, but like most, believe bad calls eventually even out in the end.

That said, if there were ever a case for instant replay needed on balls and strikes, this should be it. I'm sure whoever saw this game called by Eric Gregg will never forget it:

It's been fifteen years since that game took place and I still don't understand what Gregg was doing that day. Although this is something were replay is not needed because you can just tell by looking at it that the call was completely wrong.

if they have instant replay,why have an umpire just let the cameras be the umpire.To me its all judgment calls whether its a good call or bad call I can kinda understand for homerun balls because the distance between an umpire and the wall it can be hard to judge especially when a ball can be so close to the line.Be different if they had OF umps like they do for the series etc

I always thought it was a good idea to have those six umpires all the time.

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