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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Away we go...

...Y4L...you must go and redownload Smallville, it was a really great episode...the last ten minutes were fantastic...

...Been working 12 hour days the past four days...getting tired, but atleast the money is good. Thank god they extended week three in the MVP Online League, still have two games to play against Snepp...

...Darn that Barry Bonds. Anyone else think he will retire after he passes Ruth???

...Where oh where has the MVP 2006 Mod gone? Oh Where, oh where can it be...LOL...looking forward to the final version...

...The weather has been beautiful here in the maritimes, which means it will rain all summer...

...All hail Y4L, our new league president...good to see you around the league...

...The Jays looked good today...Burnett was great...errr, that was Janssen...perhaps he should be given Burnett's salary...

...Bye Bye Calgary Flames...maybe next year...

...How about Albert Pujols...I would love to see him break Bonds' single season homerun record...

...see you next week.

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Hope I'm not late, not sure when the cutoff date is...

I'm not nearly as good of a Christian as I think I am. I read my bible and pray, or try ot do that every day, but even then I'm getting in the word, but not so much the word getting in me. Few people will get this, but I think that is what hit me the most...

...The best player on the The Atlanta Braves is Jose Lima...(Mets fans will understand that one, and if no one gets it, go look up what team Lima plays for...

...I finally saw something I have never seen in baseball. A clown without the face paint, red nose, and oversized shoes was pitching for the Mets. He had yellow-orange hair under his cap...

...Bobby Cox got thrown out of the game. I've never been able to read his lips that well in all of my years of watching this team play. He really cussed the umpires out. He cussed them out so bad that when he finally left the field, Francouer and some coach were laughing in the dugout...

...Renteria is so dang awesome...I thought that he would only do really good, not awesome.

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...The best player on the The Atlanta Braves is Jose Lima...(Mets fans will understand that one, and if no one gets it, go look up what team Lima plays for...

I'd think the Umpiring crew would be the Braves' best player.

Renteria is so dang awesome...I thought that he would only do really good, not awesome.

I like Rents, I was happy that he sucked in Boston and was banished quickly. I hated rooting against him. But remember, he's good but he is not THIS good.

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Updated to 5-14

...Six hundred dollars for the 60 gig PS3!!! No kidding. 600 dollars. And the 20 gig one is only going to cost $499. What a bargain. Sony has just priced themselves out of the console game market.

...Went to see Poseidon last night and it was pretty good. If you guys want to enjoy a nice movie, I think you'd like it. This movie is a remake from the 1972 movie "The Poseidon Adventure" which was pretty good itself. All I kept on thinking is when that movie was going on is that I've never make it through if I were there. :lol:

...I have now gone to openly rooting against Bernie Williams each and every time he is at bat. His play in the field has become nothing but a liability. The sooner he is released the better.

...I still play on occasion All Star Baseball on the X-Box. Acclaim, which is no longer around, didn't make that bad of a baseball game. They even had rumors of a PC game years ago but they were having too much financial problems to do that.

...From my first looks at it, Baseball Mogul 2007 looks like the potential to be a very fun game.

...Hideki Matsui's injury was costly for the Yankees, but his fans in his home country of Japan are really upset about this. This has been front page news and headlining TV news there for the first few days after it happened. I just hope we don't go making a stupid trade. The players we havem like Melky Cabrera, can do just fine. We don't need to get people like Loafin' Soriano ( are you kidding me) or anyone else to fill in.

...I just hate mowing my lawn. But at the same time I would rather mow it then shovel it.

...I bought me a nice left handed pitching wedge last year at a flea market and after I did the lawn, I chipped around in the backyard with some golf balls. I didn't see that one of the dogs came outside and on my second swing, I came within two inches of the poor dog's head. Scared the hell out of me. I then put the club away. I'm not destined to play golf unless it is on Links 2003.

...Saluting the college kids in our forum for a second. Enjoy your summer off, you guys deserve it.

...And happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.

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Six hundred dollars for the 60 gig PS3!!! No kidding. 600 dollars. And the 20 gig one is only going to cost $499. What a bargain. Sony has just priced themselves out of the console game market.

some say they may go back to ninentdo, since they say it isn't going to cost as much when it comes out. i think it's supposed to be 200 or 300 at launch, not too bad. but i agree, many of their fans will probaly turn on sony and go nintendo. i can see the n being back at #1 in the next couple of years becuase of the outreagous price for the ps3 and the high priced 360.

btw, sony was trying to make a computer, instead of just a gaming system. for 600 bucks, i can probaly churn out a decent gamer. at least it isn't 900 like some said it would be.

okay, to my thoughts.

great walk off for frenchy...you are now offically the new braves star player, especally when chipper and smoltz both retire.

got my wireless keyboard, and it's awesome...don't have to be at the desk with the sucky chair all the time now, i'm mobile, can work at the bed.

i felt drained this semester, so it feels good to have a break...

the local news stations are hyping up hurricane season again...i decided to ingore it this year...

not going to any fish games this year...too much and too depressing, although i'm trying to go to a devil rays game.

hmm...i can't think of anything else right now.

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- High School exam review is killing me. Hey dumbass that sits to the left of me...if you don't know what the periodic table is maybe you shouldn't be in AP Chemistry.

-I wanted to go watch a Birmingham Barons game last night, but I didn't feel like using gas.

-I might start digging for oil underneath my house so I don't have to pay for gas, or even worse...

-I might get a job.

-****...I just noticed its mother's day. Does Wal-Mart sell flowers?

-I hate the RIAA

-I hate that punk who stole my baseball bat. Hey buddy, you're not allowed to come up on my front porch whenever you feel like it. Period. Actually, you're not allowed 20 feet near my front porch you little punk. Steal something from me again, I dare you.

-Where did I leave those tickets?

-Not everyone can write a book. This includes you Jennifer Wilbanks and you Natalee Holloway's dad. Just because something happened in your life doesn't mean that people want to read about it for 24.95. Get over yourselves.

-I started playing America's Army with a bunch of my friends so we could anonymously challenge one of our teachers whose obsessed with it. Now, I fear, I might be getting obsessed with it, I know, I'll go outside and hit a baseball...oh wait...that stupid punk took my baseball bat and I don't have the money for gas, nor do I want to dig, *gasp*, I might have to study today.

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...Away we go...

...Darn that MVP Online League my Jays are 1-7! Gotta start timing my pitches, and think more carefully about the types I am going to throw...

...I realize why Yankees fans are dumping on Williams...he flat out cannot play anymore, but I feel bad for the guy. He always has seemed to be a class act, and it's not his fault his manager is loyal to him. Torre needs to wake up, and approach Williams about a coaching job...

...Been working 12 hour days at work lately, trying to get a new bar and grill off the ground. Business is picking up, and I have been having fun, so it's all good...

...Mothers Day today...my son got up with me this morning, and we made my wife breakfast in bed...Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there...

...Last episode of the Sopranos tonight, I believe until January...ugghhh...it came and went so fast, atleast "Rescue Me" starts May 30...

...Have a 200 GB harddrive coming from Dell this week...can't wait, been using a 40 GB now for three years, need more room...

...The Smallville season finale was excellent this week, can't wait to see what happens in september...

...See you next week...

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another what the hell did i do last nite thought this morning

looking for houses and its not cheap here in Santa Cruz

had an overall good weekend, lets see if i can devote my weekdays to studying for my midterms.

all you kids over with school all ready congrats, i got a month to go.

wish i could be with my mom today but a card and a call will have to do.

have a great day everyone.

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I hate the RIAA

Yes , damn them and their stupid rules...I assume they are the ones responsible for removing hundreds of classic 80's songs off Altavista mp3 search . :(

I started playing America's Army with a bunch of my friends so we could anonymously challenge one of our teachers whose obsessed with it. Now, I fear, I might be getting obsessed with it, I know, I'll go outside and hit a baseball...oh wait...that stupid punk took my baseball bat and I don't have the money for gas, nor do I want to dig, *gasp*, I might have to study today.

Get xfire and I can right click and click join to join the game you're in and get owned...xfire is really a nice tool for gamers , it's an instant messenger which also lets you join games your friends are in , really nice tool.

And I am glad that college classes are over for now ... fortunately these psychology and history classes I finished were not as challenging and grueling as my days as an engineering major. Those were horrible days.

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-Never tell your boss you will work a double shift at a retail store when you are budgeted to do $7000

-I wish my friend would buy those damn concert tickets, it's on Thursday

-Thank you for the homerun last night LoDuca

-I'm thinking about starting a dynasty with the top prospects considered by Baseball America

-Mother's Day, where is the Son's day? =)

-I have a store meeting today

-Maybe I'll get fired

-Like Y4L, I hate mowing my yard.

-Today's the worst day since yesterday

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...Cable company is coming out tomorrow to uninstall the extra channels they accidentily gave me. I'm happy I told them about their mistake. I stayed up until 4:am in the morning Sat. just watching Jack--- and Court TV. I could not stop watching that crap. It was like crack to a new user. I had to watch this junk. Thank goodness I'm getting my basic package back like I originally asked or else I'd turn into a TV junkie.

...Never thought the crap I saw punk gangsta kids do in school would ever be a money making show. I caught Yo Momma on TV and just laughed my head off all afternoon long. "Yo momma so ugly it look like her face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with an ax!" Black dude says to the hispanic dude: "Yo momm's my MAID!" Hispanic dude to black dude: "You were NEVER on the football team. The football team just rubbed your belly for GOOD LUCK!" [hispanic dude then rubs his own belly like he's rubbing a buddha statue making fun of the black kid's weight. Sigh. Bad, but I could not stop laughing.

...My neighbors are as funny or funnier than me. I told him about MVP and so he should be grabbing that soon. Looking forward to showing him this site and mods.

...I'm too old to be playing games. Pretty soon I'll be hanging out with Mr. Mariner with rocking chairs or what not.

...Mother's Day. Just another day how I'm reminded that my mom is not "a great mom" but rather just a good mother that tried her best with what little to no guidance she had. I wish I could buy those cards that say "You are a great mother", "You are the World's Best Mom." but I feel like I'd be such a liar...At least the day is over.

In closing: "What is the most confusing day in the ghetto?"

Father's Day.

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- I worked so much this weekend. Part time job and I got in 18.5 hours.

- I'm probably gonna start playing World of Warcraft again, got to buy another month.

- If ps3 is going to cost that much then I'm gonna buy the 360 since my brother is going to get the nintendo wii. <--- changed name, eh.

- Haren shuts down Yanks, good and bad. He's on my fantasy team and got me a nice CG win. But he beat my Yanks. :(

- I got tickets for the may 30 jays/red sox game. I think I'm 17 rows back from sox dugout, I'll be sure to wear my Yanks apparel. :p

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-...family came over and my bro (BigJay, formerly known as GameGuy) and sis (who doesn't follow video games) are staying for the week, while mom and dad head on out to Puerto Rico to handle a death in my pops' family.

-I've been dying to rearrange my computer equipment but my desk will not let me do so.

-I've been wanting to rebuild my computer and be able to put mods out quicker, but I have not been able to get the money, and I've modded Total MLB and done countless other things, participated in tons of other events out here and haven't gotten jack squat, except a "thank you" or a "you're the man" type of props. I do over a gazillion jerseys (rough estimate, don't kill me because i'm not accurate), and I don't get paid for nothin.

-I fixed a computer over the weekend, gave it a fresh reformat and reinstalled all of the guy's programs, installed some anti virus and microsoft defender, and as it turns out this guy is super picky with everything, and he wants me to charge him some cheap 40 bucks. I do all of that and I get paid that little? Gives me a reason not to do any computer related junk with this dude ever again. I want to smack him with a loaf of bread and say Mr. Wonder called, but he's my friend's pops, so I don't bother.

-I recently bought a Michael Jackson DVD. I'm a big MJ fan, and I can safely say Michael Jackson: Live in Bucharest is LA CURA("the cure" in spanish). Call him a pedo or a rapist or whatever you want, but nobody and I mean nobody throws a better show than he can, especially when he executes his dance moves and his dance sequences with military-like precision.

-I recently managed to see some amateur video of Daft Punk, performing live at Coachella a couple weeks back. Those guys blew everybody the fsck DOWNTOWN. The way they can gather up all 3 of their albums and just literally fragment every song to it's main bassline or vocals is just extraordinary. I'm amazed, and now I know why the demand for DP to perform live in the USA is high.

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Yeah, I'm posting on Monday. Shoot me.

Public Service Announcement: Uncle Ben's vegetable pilau rice absolutely sucks. Coming straight out of the microwave, the aura it created reminded me of boiled water. No real smell, just a hot, misty kind of reek. Taste-wise, it's even worse. I had to add almost a quarter bottle of barbeque sauce just to get it to have a taste that didn't remind me of vomit on a hot summer's day. The..."tang", I guess you would say, is more like an overpowering stink of rotting onions, the texture is something along the lines of small maggots disintegrating atom by atom in your mouth and the feeling of the mixture running down your throat makes you have to actually tell your oesophagus not to regurgitate it because it is actually food, no matter how much it may taste, feel and smell like your mouth has been overcome by greenfly.

And I've not even mentioned the processed crap that is so glued together that 2 minutes in a microwave will not seperate it. For that matter, neither will being attacked by a knife and fork and attempting to seperate the grains individually.

It scares me to think what was used to make this crap.

Behold the vomit-inducing glory of Uncle Ben's finest.


You have been warned.

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Well, since it's you, you can post on Monday. :p

As far as Uncle Ben's rice goes, I usually have better results cooking it on the stove instead of the microwave. Stir it up every once in awhile, add a little water and it's fine.

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I imagine you'd need, at the very least, a small axe of some sort to seperate that chunk of glued junk. It's just absorbent enough to bend ever to slightly when pressed on, but will not seperate. I don't even think I'd want to eat it.

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I imagine you'd need, at the very least, a small axe of some sort to seperate that chunk of glued junk. It's just absorbent enough to bend ever to slightly when pressed on, but will not seperate. I don't even think I'd want to eat it.

Come to think of it, you are right.

May I suggest Rice-a-Roni, the San Fransisco treat? Those people make some very nice rice.

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Never heard of it, probably can't get it over here.

Damn Chinese doesn't open for another hour either. People who make food as good as Chinese restaurant owners shouldn't be allowed to close. It's just wrong.

Chinese food > (is greater than) Uncle Ben's rice.

Hell, not eating for a week then being force fed your own genitals might be greater than Uncle Ben's rice.


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Rice-A-Roni is very good for a quick bite. I always suggest making homemade rice...a little chicken, Shrimp, Mushrooms, Onions....very good stuff...

I do love the pics you displayed with your initial post...always good to visualize what you are talking about...LOL!

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Yeah, I was looking for some chicken when I made it, but the fridge, as is normal these days, is pretty bare. I was lucky that the sauce masked some of the taste.

I wonder if I could enter those pictures into a "most disgusting food" competition or something. Surprised they turned out so well, considering my camera is more than a little messed up.

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