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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 5-21

...Nothing is as monotonous as having to work week after week. Usually I can deal with it, but there are times when I wish I could just walk away for awhile.

...Hey, it's a brand new day! Who's the next Yankee to get injured?

...My little dog goes to get spayed this Thursday. She has to stay overnight at the vet and we pick her up on Friday. Hell yeah I am nervous. It will be the first day she'll be away from me and I am not looking forward to it at all.

...Was running errands yesterday after I got out of work and I saw a huge soccer tournament going on. Depressed the heck out of me seeing these young kids playing soccer instead of being on the ball field playing baseball. When I was a kid there were no organized soccer leagues. Hell, we never even played it.

...I really dislike interleague play. The Yankees always seem to get the harder schedule in this as compared to Boston. Why? The Yankees have to play the Mets six times. Boston only plays them three times and of course, all games at Fenway Park.

...We had one of those DVR recorders put in yesterday by DirecTV. That's where you can record shows when you are not there. Now I got to figure out how to use the darn thing.

...One thing I don't like is sour cream. I don't like having that poured on anything I plan on eating.

...You want a pretty good drink to grab for the upcoming summer? Try Propel. It's a great tasting, low sugar drink by the makers of Gatorade and it comes in various flavors.

This commercial was brought to you by Propel. :lol:

...Wednesday is D-Day for me. Car inspection day. Oh, I hope it doesn't cost too much.

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i think the interleague schedule needs to be really reworked. make it so that everyone in the divison has an identical schedule. none of this rival stuff every year. home and home series with every team in a divison for a divison, etc. that will make things more fair.

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Here we go...

...I hate interleague play. I think the American and National League teams should not meet until the World Series. The Jays are stinking against the Rockies...and that sucks. If they are going to lose, I would prefer it against an American League team, then atleast it would seem justified!

...Played an MVP Mods Online League game last night against Shiggins(Padres Owner)...I won 1-0 in the 23rd inning. Mosed intense game I have ever played.

...Wow! The last week it has been raining alot here...frigging sucks. Hope the summer isn't like this.

...My son turned down playing little league baseball to play soccer this year. So I know how you feel Y4L.

...Put a 200 GB Hard Drivein my pc, bringing it up to 240GB. I feel so free now. I am so behind in the times.

...Playing in a big 50 man Texas Hold 'Em Tournament on June.5. $100 buy in. I am nervous and excited.

...Anyway, not much else is going on. Have a good week, so you next sunday...

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Good morning everybody. I am actually having a real good week so a little run down of whats happened.

Aced my 11A calculus midterm which means a ton because im on disqualification pending, one more F and im bounced out of college. So this is great.

A's gave up Bonds number 714, I have mixed emotions about the subject but I really did not want my favorite team to give up such a historical home run. Bonds is an amazing player I just really wish he could have done it with out the steroid contreversay but it is another day and age then when Babe Ruth was playing. Hopefully the A's will be able to take the rubber game today.

I wanted to go to the A's game today but it was sold out. I STILL have not made it to a game this year. My buddies and I will probalby be going on the last 2 dollar wednesday of the school year too bad it will be the A's against the Royals. But hey a baseball game is a baseball game, it should be a blast.

I think I have figured out my living situation for the summer, I am going back home to look at apartments next week. The place I am looking at are pretty nice, they have their own basketball court and pool so it would be a nice place to live for the summer.

My baby (car) needs its first oil change and maintanence. Its a nice deal that the dealership will do my first one for free.

Y4L you are going to love the direct tv recorder. My room mate has tivo for the main TV and that thing is wonderful. I take it the two are basically the same, you will never have to miss your favorite television show again. And fast forwarding commericials is the best part.

And about all this soccer stuff, hey I love baseball but soccer is a great sport. I am very surprised that it has not caught on like it has across the world. I think it is mainly to the fact that when watching the game on television it is extremely different than the sports Americans are used to watching. It is slower than football and basketball and the game does not allow for close up shots on the action. I grew up on soccer and I am stokefd for the world cup. The Barcelona-Arsenal premier league championship was a great game, too bad the refs screwed it up by tossing Arsenal's goalie shortly in to the game.

100 dollar buy in NL hold em tournament, sounds great. There are not enough poker games around UCSC to satisfy my needs, and after about half a year of online poker I have sworn off of it. Never before have I seen boards with so many outs on it. I think I have figured it out; the more outs on the board the more likely people are to play the pot after the flop and this leads to a larger rake for the poker companies.

And Uncle Mo get better.

Hope everyone out their enjoys the new week.

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I'm starting this one early because I'm angry as hell and I can't seem to find a place to take it out. And so I begin.

For all you over-protective parents, this one is for you.

I can't seem to understand how a teen is ever going to venture out into the real world when the parent just doesn't understand that they cannot control their teen anymore. When I say "control" I mean by quitting the babysitting. I simply do not understand. I come home late, my grandmother starts the crap. I watch TV for more than a few hours, my grandma starts the crap again. I play some PlayStation 2, in comes my grandma starting the crap. I refuse to argue with her because I know she is wrong. You see, when you begin to smother your teen with all that TLC and all that mumbo jumbo, it's fine, but when you having to know everything that your teen is doing 24/7, it begins to instill this baseless fear on them. My grandmother is essentially the one who raised me but that's not the point. What annoys me to no end is the fact that, first off, I am 18. I have my own things, I pay my own cell phone bill, I have a job in a sense fixing computers, I have my own TV, I have my own cable box, I have my own set of house keys. I should be able in a sense to have my own LIFE without people having to meddle in my business. My mother never does stuff like this to me, mainly because she understands. She understands where I come from when I say that I'm an adult now and I should be treated as such, and this kind of treatment is the reason why I react with defiance when my grandparents always want to baby me with a bunch of nonsensical crap.

And so I let my friend hold onto my laptop because there was going to be a party tonight and he was the DJ, and the music that will be played at the party is stored on my laptop's hard drive. I will be coming to his house in the morning to pick up my laptop and the other items which I took to his house. Now, this "friend" is somebody that has trusted me with things they hold dear to them, and essentially I've grown up with him since I stopped wearing diapers (technically I still do, according to my overprotective parents). We go waaay back, so to speak, and my mom has met him and he's been to my house ever since we were children. Now, because I let him use the laptop for the night, my grandmother wants to be overprotective all of a sudden and accuse me of trusting too many people. Now, if I would have trusted too many people, I would not have damn near any of the things I have now. By this point I begin to think that she is trying to instill this fear into me, as if I should feel uncomfortable letting my friend hold onto my laptop the next day, given the conditions I stated earlier. I believe that eventually this will lead me to getting anxious over the smallest, stupidest things, which is why I paid her no mind.

Personally I am not a man that will try to prove anything to anybody but if I have to prove that I am an adult then so be it. It has been observed that children have fewer falls, tumbles and injuries when left to play by themselves than with parents constantly cautioning them, and ready to leap forward at the slightest sign of danger. I'm not a child, but the observation with children can be compared accordingly. I'm believing that my grandparents just do not trust me to be sensible and responsible. (remember this, I have my own things and I've taken care of them) I'm sick of this overprotective crap, because OP parents unintentionally send out a message to their teens/children that they are incapable of handling things by themselves.

Parents want to shield their children from all conceivable harm, but for how long and to what extent? Parents need to remember that children do grow up. They cannot expect their children to hold mommy or daddy’s hand forever as they make their way through life. Children and adults do not tiptoe through life, they romp, they run, they jump, and they explore. Given this scenario, parents should accept that scratches, cuts, bruises, and broken limbs are all a part of childhood. Parents who constantly run interference between their children/teen and the real world are actually doing more harm than good.

Children and teens, as they grow in maturity and experience, they are capable of making more choices for themselves. They can begin to deal with the consequences of their mistakes.

The parent who tries to protect the child totally from this process does the young person no favor. "Smother love" produces emotional cripples, persons incapable of making decisions and exercising responsibility. A parent who gives the child an appropriate range of freedom and encourages the process of independence is saying, "I trust you, I believe in you, I want you to be your best self. And I am always here to help if you need me."

Get where I'm going with this? It's all about Control, isn't it?....

*plays Janet Jackson - Control*

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KC you have to realize your grandparents are not intentially trying to screw you over. Proctetiveness seems to be human nature.

Somehow you need to convey to your grandmother that you are an adult now in a world that was much different than the one that she grew up in. Tell her that you are capable of making your own decisions and accepting the results of them whether good or bad. The best way to learn lessons about life is through experience even if it is through failure.

In my opinion it would be good to have a one on one talk with her. Tell her your feelings about the subject. You expressed them very well and clearly in the post above I am sure you could do it in person.

It might be good to jot your ideas down on paper so your emotions do not change what you are trying to say. If approached properly it will all work out for you.

Best of luck.

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Parents want to shield their children from all conceivable harm, but for how long and to what extent? Parents need to remember that children do grow up. They cannot expect their children to hold mommy or daddy’s hand forever as they make their way through life. Children and adults do not tiptoe through life, they romp, they run, they jump, and they explore. Given this scenario, parents should accept that scratches, cuts, bruises, and broken limbs are all a part of childhood. Parents who constantly run interference between their children/teen and the real world are actually doing more harm than good.

As a parent, I agree fully with you on this. As my kids are getting older, and are now in junior high, I try to give them a little more freedom.

However, what I don't understand is how you, an 18 year old man who is paying his own bills, and who has his own job is getting all this crap from his grandma. If I were you, I'd try to talk to her. Not when she's giving you crap, though. Just wait for a time when she's in a good mood, and you can talk to her.

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Updated to 5-28

...My little dog got fixed the other day and she's doing fine now. When the operation was going on I was nervous. It's amazing that a little seven pound dog that I've only had since February already has me wrapped around her little paw.

...Sometimes the way people drive when they cut in front of you, tailgate you or do whatever the hell they want can literally drive me up a wall. No pun intended. I don't want to go into examples because I bet I can fill the next two or three pages with them. The worst thing they do is what I call the "phantom stop." I'm sure you've seen it. Some idiot gets to a stop sign, drives past it, stops for a millisecond and drives out in front of you.

...I want to go on record right now to say I don't want Dontrelle Willis in a Yankee uniform. I don't want the Yankees to trade their top prospect in Phillip Hughes for him, or really anybody. If Hughes is supposed to be that good, I want to see him win games for the Yankees and no one else.

...Al Leiter is the best new announcer I have heard in a long time. He just joined the YES Network team this year and he really has a lot to add. He's informative, he's funny, he knows the game and he understands the game and the players and explains things well. He's the opposite of Michael Kay.

...Tribetime made a thread here

the other day and after I read it and watched the video it scared the hell out of me. Now my question is what can be done?

...I was informed the other day that there is still a big fight going on about US citizens being required to get a passport to go to Canada starting next year. From what I heard it is not official yet but I've been looking around for some information on this and I can't find any. I don't want to get a passport because it is going to cost me over 100 dollars. I'm no terrorist, I just want to see the Yankees and I promise not to beat up any Canadian if the Yankees lose when I am there. Promise!

...Back in March I cancelled my X-Box live account. I was given a confirmation number that I saved to prove that I cancelled the account before it got automatically removed. I was told everything was all set. Well, I got my bank statement the other day and exactly 37 days after I called and cancelled my account, Microsoft decided to bill me for another year of X-box live. After spending twenty minutes on the phone last night, I think it is all straightened out. I think. The moral of this story is don't trust Microsoft, but most people know that already.

...Forty dollars to fill my gas tank on Friday. :( Prices like that might limit summer holiday travel this year. I know one guy who drove to Florida last month from where I live (upstate New York) and he kept track of all the money he spent on gas. It came to a total of $521. 8O

...I think the kids in school today have it a lot tougher then I did when I was in school.

...Speaking about school, it's almost time to close those doors for another summer. I always loved this time of year.

...Happy Memorial Day for all the fallen vets.

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-Finally, after a week of tempers, kicked basketballs (long story), and endless hours in front of the computer, I'm caught up on all my work. Here's a little recap...


After a total of 15.5 logged hours, I've successfully completed the transformation of the Ferndale Baseball site into HTML/CSS, with a little PHP and JavaScript thrown in as well. The problem was, the 5% of the people in the league viewing the site in Firefox weren't seeing it correctly. The text was rendered as an image, so none of the links worked and images were saved as .GIFs instead of my JPEGs. Finally.


I don't even want to talk about it. I go into Internet Explorer, and the site looks horrible. I have to go back to my original site. 15.5 hours and a whole weekend down the drain.


No emailed scores yet so I can't republish the Ferndale Site. I do completely finish my own site

so it was posted. Good way to end the day...


Finally, some scores - Ferndale Baseball site is up and everybody's happy. Did I mention this was a volunteer job?


Treated myself to a date =)


Add a new blog entry, fix some stuff on the Ferndale Baseball site, add a mailing list for game delays, and a basketball game at night. Fun day!

-My major accomplishment of the week was that I got my own site, Simplicity-Designs.com, up. It's great - check it out. I spent a while on this.

-Won't be open for anything until about halfway through June, in case you are wondering. =)

-I got the new Internet Explorer Beta. It's not that bad, but I'm still hooked on Firefox.

-Did IE effect my computer's text, or did a recent Windows update? It's all anti-aliased now. It's awesome!

-Looking at the Apple PowerMac G5. Not sure if I really want a desktop - maybe a laptop is better?

-Anybody seen United 93 yet? I'm going today.

-Things are starting to get buisier for me. I'll be floating around this site, but I won't be very active. I'll make a post here and there, but mainly, you won't see me around much. I won't forget you guys - this was the first forum I ever belonged to. Good luck with the mods!

-Have a great and safe weekend everybody!


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for some reason, i feel that this summer will be the end all for me...some hurricane is going to destroy our house, and all my friends will dissapear...

after months of thinking, i think going into the biotech industry as a lab anything will be immoral for me, becuase of all the eugenic propadagda that seems like most research is leading twoards now. i heard the cancer foundations real goal is prenatal testing for people with certian deopstions to cancers, so that they will never be born...that's horrible, and i can't be a part of that. i'll be a science writer though, and make sure people know what's really going on when you donate to these disease curing orgiaztations. you really thought dna decetcting was just to use for gene thearpy?

i've been cleaning my room the past few days, haven't found etheir of the two things im looking for (a jump drive i bought about two mouths ago, i can replace it though, and a old floppy drive with some documents i would like to have, but not critlcal). but i've sorted out alot of things, and just need a couple of more shelving units to make the room complete.

i hate florida. i'm moving out next summer, especally if the worse happens.

i'm worried about the future...will i be a part of it....sorry for the doom and gloom, but i was just thinking about the human race in general. i think we are about to see another genocide, and this one is going to be much bigger and digused as a cleansing or a public health victory, when in reality everyone loses.

mabye i need to get out more. so i don't think doom and gloom all the time. i'm going on vacation hopefully next month to tampa bay for a braves game.

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...Away we go...

...Y4L, there is a stink up here, because Americans are requiring Canadians to have a passport to enter the UNnted States in 2008!...Another one of George Bush's great ideas...it's not Canadian!

...I worry constantly about the Middle East! One wrong move by Iran , and the nukes will fly...

...The Jays are hanging in there, God Bless 'Em...Their offense has been entertaining to say the least...

...No new Sopranos this week...season finale is next week...Been an up and down season...

...Let's go Oilers!

...Ricky Williams to the CFL. Should be interesting if you are Canadian

...See you next week!

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yeah well, it's saturday somewhere in the world which means it's almost sunday somewhere. and sunday i won't be around and i've got a lot of gut spilling i need to do- so...

you can blame my bro bigbully for my newfound addiction to skoal. when i started commuting between san antonio and los angeles via airplane i was so nervous (hadn't flown in like 15 years), i had to find a way around the cigarette nazis and skoal was the ticket to cure my cigarette fix. i remembered our chats with him spitting into a cup constantly and was inspired. if you haven't taken it up, i don't recomend it but, if you insist- the peach skoal is wonderful, it's like shoving a jolly rancher in your lip. apple can be mighty nice too...

after 22 years in texas i made the move to california. it's a nice place. everything grows a lot better than back home. i've planted bluegrass in the yard in hopes of mimicing the infield of at&t park. my girlfriend loved it until i started insisting she start fielding grounders at 6 am...

oh and while i'm on the grass subject- my girlfriend is the typical californian- environmental fantatic- not that there's anything wrong with that. BUT, THERE'S NOTHING WORSE THAN MOWING THE LAWN WITH AN ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER. talk about feeling like a wuss...

there's more freaks here than in texas- i like that. in particular the crazy old man around the corner. he can be seen daily in the valley plaza parking lot tattooed head to toe- literally- arguing with his big gulp. he wears michael jackson style high water pants. in michael's honor i have dubbed him "thriller"...

this town is wild. everything is entertainment industry oriented, directly or indirectly. right now is the annual dry spell, so the video production company i work for is dead. which means i need to fill in the slow times with pc and network jobs, which there is a neverending supply. i'm trying to slowly phase out the computer work. 18 hours a day working on computers takes it's toll on you man. i'm starting to feel like a high tech carlton fisk...plus the jewish rabbi who hired me to set up his home network- i went out to grab a smoke and came back in to find him watching *** masters videos on his pc- yeah i think it's time to get out...

speaking of video production- if you're in the new england area and see an iced coffee McDonalds commercial, you know the ramster worked that one...

FYI- nothing compares to the mexican food in texas- NOTHING...

i left my game disks and saitek p880 back in texas. or rather, probably tossed it...

dodger stadium is nice but, the BIG A is GREAT except for the massive sunburn you always seem to get during day games...

until next time...

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Updated to 6-4

...Ahh, there's nothing like a sunny summer morning as I sit here typing this out with my window open listening for the neighborhood to wake up for the day. Trouble is, today is not the day for it because it's pouring over here and it has been since early yesterday morning. We were only supposed to get "passing showers" but I guess they decided to pull over and stay awhile.

...One more thing about the rain and I'll end it with that. I was supposed to go and see the AAA Yankee team, the Columbus Clippers yesterday but it got rained out. Today there is a scheduled doubleheader and it looks like that is in doubt too. And this is the only time Columbus comes to town in 2006. :(

...Melky Cabrera really has my interest on the Yankees now. This kid has a great arm! He can hit and run and he is getting more confident each day. I am hoping that Sheffield is not signed next year so Cabrera has a place.

...I know it might be a bit early to wish some of you a happy summer off, but I don't want to forget to do it. Enjoy it and don't waste it. There's only a handful of summers that you have for yourselves before you start working or do whatever you will do in life. I had all my summers and I didn't waste a single one. They were the happiest times in my life.

...Last night the wife was looking at a catalog and I asked her what she was looking for. She replied "Christmas ideas for other people." True story. How the hell do you respond to that? I don't want to think about that crap until November.

...The puppy's operation went well and now she is running around the house like she was before and I'm tripping over her like I was before. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that dog.

...I guess I will pull for the Mavericks to win the NBA title instead of Miami because I like the state of Texas much better then I like Florida because Florida sucks. And in the NHL, Carolina and Edmonton are very close to pick. That's a toss up, although the guys in here that follow hockey more closely than I do might disagree.

...The Red Sox come to Yankee Stadium this week and I hope Scott Proctor gets a chance to get even with Money Ramirez in one of the games.

...And a big thank you goes to Roger Clemens for remaining in Houston to pitch for those guys and not coming to New York to steal more of the Yankees' money.

...Are any of you sick of getting sales calls? Well here's a tip for you the next time you get someone on the line that "is calling about this great new offer". When you find out it is a sales call, set the phone down on the table and get back to watching tv or whatever you are doing. Pretty soon they will get the hint and hang up.

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And a big thank you goes to Roger Clemens for remaining in Houston to pitch for those guys and not coming to New York to steal more of the Yankees' money.

12.83 Million fo three months, while I'm working through the summer making minimum wage :roll:

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My tip of the day - never underestimate trashing. I went downstairs to throw some trash out earlier and saw one of my neighbours had thrown away a PC. An actual PC! Brought it upstairs, flipped it on using some old power cables and a monitor from 1996, and it seems the only reason for them throwing it out is that it was missing 2 files, for whatever reason - Command.com and Win.com. Installed them using a Windows 98 bootdisk and a Windows 98 SE CD, and what do I have now? A perfectly good Windows 98 box.

And all their data was still on the disk, too. Ignorance is bliss. :roll:

Hope everyone had a good weekend. :)

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-My girlfriend. She is bugging me so much I can't even talk.

-My cousin was here for the weekend and he totally tore up my room. Now I have to clean it, grrr.

-Finals are coming up as tyhe school year comes to an end and I have to do good on the scioence one. It accounts for 6o% of my grade!

Well, see ya all next week.

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-Got a new MP3. A Creative Zen Sleek Photo 20 GB

-Just like JoeyMC, I have finals week this week, o well, after this im out till September...WOOOO!!

-Almost broke my laptop, it fell.

-Went camping on friday night.

-Im thinkin about geting The Da Vinci Code for xbox, it was a great book. Still haven't seen the movie.

Thats all for this week, till next weekend, take it easy.

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Ahh finals. I know most people hate them, but I look at them as the end of school. I'm pretty set and I don't have to go to summer school for anything. At least I dont think so. I havent failed a subject all year (even though I know I failed Italian this quarter).

I got a question. Here are my grades for Italian:

1st quarter- 77

2nd quarter- 70

Midterm- 73

3rd quarter- 70

4th quarter- anywhere between a 55-66 :-(

Now for some reason, in my school they wont give you below a fifty on your final average for the quarter. So I was figuring, worst case scenario I get a 50 on my 4th quarter average, and a 50 on the final (which I'll prb get in 70's on final, this is just worst case scenario). It came out to a 65 average. So all I have to do is get above a 50 or above on my final. YES! I know it sounds like I'm a minamalist, but I'm not. I just flat out suck at italian.

-Total Organization rocks.

- Just got home from a double header. Went 3-7.

- I hate celebrties who complain about thier life being so difficult.

- I hate most hollywood celebrities with a passion.

- Last day of full classes on June 8th.

- Mark B, my friend found a brand new stealth bat in the garbage. It was pretty new and had some nice pop in it. They threw it out because it didnt have any griping on it. He taped it up and there you have it, a perfectly good stealth.

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Well my week was alright...I handed in what was left of my school work and all of a sudden the counselor told me I was like a celebrity in the school yet nobody knows who I am. Basically the conversation went like this:

"You're (kccitystar)? Bro you have the highest average in the entire school"

"You're kidding me"

"Yeah man, 97.5 hasn't been touched yet"

"Wow...I only have two classes"

"Well, nobody has gotten that high of an average..."

Give it about 5 minutes and his student assistants come in to check my work...:

"You're (kccitystar)? You got that high *** average?"

"I think so, yeah"

"I hate you. But I can't cuz you look like an average joe"

LOL, I am so great in spanish class. I'm starting to realize that classes are so easy but people just never really apply themselves to the work at hand. Procrastination is a biznitch.

Interesting fact...in urban neighborhoods people tend to celebrate an idiot who's getting out of prison than someone who will be making something of themselves in college. Society has gone backwards.

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...Away we go...

...I am watching the D'Backs vs. The Braves on TBS, and I find myself jealous of the beautiful day they are having. Like Y4L, it is raining here, and has been for the last three days...uggh!

...My 31st birthday tomorrow, and my wife, my family, and in-laws took me out for dinner last night, then we have a big Texas Hold'Em Tournament. That was totally unexpected, and a great time. Stuff like that makes my day...

...Well as you know, I am the Toronto Blue Jays in the Online League. I have now managed to take sole possession of third place...after starting 1-7, my record now stand at 7-8...

...The season finale os The Sopranos is this beginning. It has been a really up and down season for me, but I will miss it. New season doesn't start until January 2007. Something about the theme song, that everytime I hear it, it gets me hyped up...

...Got an outdoor fireplace/BBQ pit from my parents for my birthday. With it raining the way it is, I hope to use it sometime before my 32nd birthday...Looks like a great rig. Can't wait to cook some steaks on it...

...I am pretty excited over the Oilers making the Stanley Cup Finals, not because they are a Canadian team, but because I was a huge fan of theirs in the 1980's, before they traded Gretzky and Messier. Should be exciting to watch. Something about the Stanley Cup being hoisted in Carolina doesn't sound right...

...What's worse then Barry Bonds...Spammers...'Nuff said...

...See you next week...

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